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Tip revision: affe96a42f3ac5f36af70671453babdd58578c9e authored by Milan Bouchet-Valat on 17 January 2021, 17:30:37 UTC
Simplify computation of return type in broadcast
Tip revision: affe96a
Julia v1.7 Release Notes

New language features

Language changes

Compiler/Runtime improvements

Command-line option changes

Multi-threading changes

Build system changes

New library functions

* Two argument methods `findmax(f, domain)`, `argmax(f, domain)` and the corresponding `min` versions ([#27613]).
* `isunordered(x)` returns true if `x` is value that is normally unordered, such as `NaN` or `missing`.
* New macro `Base.@invokelatest f(args...; kwargs...)` provides a convenient way to call `Base.invokelatest(f, args...; kwargs...)` ([#37971])
* New macro `Base.@invoke f(arg1::T1, arg2::T2; kwargs...)` provides an easier syntax to call `invoke(f, Tuple{T1,T2}; kwargs...)` ([#38438])

New library features

Standard library changes

* `count` and `findall` now accept an `AbstractChar` argument to search for a character in a string ([#38675]).
* `islowercase` and `isuppercase` are now compliant with the Unicode lower/uppercase categories ([#38574]).
* `iseven` and `isodd` functions now support non-`Integer` numeric types ([#38976]).
* `escape_string` can now receive a collection of characters in the keyword
  `keep` that are to be kept as they are. ([#38597]).

#### Package Manager

#### LinearAlgebra

#### Markdown

#### Printf

#### Random

#### REPL

#### SparseArrays

#### Dates

#### Statistics

#### Sockets

#### Distributed

#### UUIDs

#### Mmap

Deprecated or removed

External dependencies

Tooling Improvements

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