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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
9de6ebe bump version 02 August 2020, 17:44:15 UTC
dd7b5b6 Plot settings in store (#143) * add store, consts and plug into VegaStackedBars * change component name * add plotsettings to locationdate plot * change defaults for locationdate plot * add table color modes to plotsettings store * add table sort settings to plotsettingsstore 02 August 2020, 17:03:19 UTC
1a45f03 Other grouping + Perf Improvements (#121) * other grouping wip * legend works too * remove some prints * other selection working for table * try not to overrun memory in bowtie2 * add task for calculating global counts per group * change inputs from sliders to just normal number inputs * store the low freq filter type in configstore * fix grouping logic with new filter type in store * filter by global counts * add tooltips * gray out unselected options * add vega-like transform aggregate function, and use it to make the 'other' groupings work in the location tab * adjust copy, hide low freq grouping by default * fix prop error * performance improvements * legend: use one listener on the parent, instead of listeners for every child * table: replace listeners for each row with one listener on the table wrapper * use hooks in rowrenderer to try to re-render less often * increase spacing on legend items Co-authored-by: Albert Chen <> 01 August 2020, 23:26:22 UTC
461e837 Separate stores (#140) * rename covid -> datastore * refactor uiStore * move tab state into UIStore * separate settings * change capitalization * remove print 31 July 2020, 00:08:50 UTC
fdebb4d UI fixes (#139) * Rename, clean up TabBar * add short logo, favicon, adjust title (Closes #118) * Sorting on position columns (Closes #115) * fix location counts in select tree (Closes #125) * Fix select all locations (Closes #126) * change copy from 'SNP' to 'SNV' (Closes #124) * Update metadata selector from store, unset selected metadata fields on location change (Closes #127) * Updates to custom coordinate select (Closes #130) * add stylized keyboard button component * Add question button component, change copy for metadata filtering (Closes #128) * move help text out of tooltips and above plots. Closes #133 * add color utilities from kevin * nevermind use a package * prettier legend items * group colors in table. Closes #116 * fix typo * try to make the groupby/mutation format pop out more (Closes #131) * enable scrolling on the whole geo tree select component -- not just the infinite scroll component. Closes #135 * rename vega -> vega_specs * better copy when nothing is selected. Closes #134 * Add link to lineage descriptions. Closes #129 30 July 2020, 20:22:54 UTC
65e44ac Snakemake (#136) * wip * remove pycache * working pipeline * fix typo * updates for new genes format and new filenames 29 July 2020, 01:34:30 UTC
6d8d848 bump version 27 July 2020, 17:02:44 UTC
4cf3830 fix linter errors 27 July 2020, 17:02:14 UTC
3f44181 fix date selection error 27 July 2020, 17:00:26 UTC
bc4e8d9 bump version to v0.5.0 27 July 2020, 16:52:01 UTC
a6a6621 disable default group selections 27 July 2020, 16:51:11 UTC
b6e9be3 move warning to separate component, add to main view as well 27 July 2020, 16:45:24 UTC
c4ff347 change copy on splash screen (closes #104) 27 July 2020, 16:39:09 UTC
55074d7 Location tab (#117) * move header component to sidebar folder * tabbed navigation * add github link to header * package location_id into the geo select tree * wip - process aggregate location data * More fixes to the vega wrapper, dimensions issues worked out * define width once in bar stack spec * move data/signal listeners into state * working location group barplot * working location date lineplot * re-run vega view on new signals * pass vega configuration through signals instead of rewriting the spec * add list of signals to trigger data reload * set prop signals on view creation * remove redundant vega import * flags for recreating view on certain dataset changes * update plots, cross-interactions between plots * fix location node selection * try to draw text over everything * move some components around * make accordion title component * add annotations, warnings * xlabel for location group plot * increase max height for location date plot * clear selected groups on change in groupings * fix filtering out of reference group in snp mode * show all groups if none selected * rename tab * adaptive status bar status widths 27 July 2020, 16:17:56 UTC
3e20a2b bump version to v0.4.4 25 July 2020, 15:29:01 UTC
d44e95f merge color definitions 25 July 2020, 15:28:31 UTC
85c9d63 incorporate logo 25 July 2020, 15:20:46 UTC
08165b9 compress filter sidebar layouts, fix copy 25 July 2020, 15:01:28 UTC
007b317 Add plot download options back (Closes #110) 24 July 2020, 15:12:45 UTC
ba4424c don't squish the header 24 July 2020, 14:21:51 UTC
2dd5e54 fix the initial date range for file names of downloads 24 July 2020, 13:55:36 UTC
1000400 Accession ID decryption (#111) * google cloud function * fix typo * add documentation for the google cloud function * add CORS handling * add decryption request and plug into download acknowledgements * use static hidden download link, instead of creating a new one each time * rename downloadAcknowledgements -> downloadAcknowledgementsData in download worker to avoid confusion between it and the action * Add basic download accession IDs option, and simplify the selection string generation... need a better way to serialize the genomic coordinate selection in a compact way 24 July 2020, 13:50:50 UTC
14e2dc8 add comments to the vega spec 24 July 2020, 10:50:04 UTC
f108bc8 Vega fixes (#108) * stop highlighting bars with zero cases * snap date selection to the nearest day * add date selection to status bar 23 July 2020, 21:50:48 UTC
e660d12 fix DOM issue in splash screen 23 July 2020, 21:21:00 UTC
de5b1c6 Splash screen (#107) * add react-modal package * move pages into own folder * move filter sidebar components into own folder * move litemol components into own folder * add splash screen content 23 July 2020, 21:19:50 UTC
5897e8a Reset table coloring settings when dnaOrAa changes (Closes #66) 23 July 2020, 16:55:14 UTC
da4d756 Process sequences from 07-20 -- 07-22 23 July 2020, 16:15:49 UTC
18cbc2f bump version to v0.4.3 23 July 2020, 15:54:12 UTC
7211d51 Grouping by GISAID Clade (#105) * get consensus snps for clades too * add clade grouping * add link to releases page 23 July 2020, 15:53:22 UTC
17878e8 extend ssl to alpha subdomain 23 July 2020, 14:27:43 UTC
1847dcd add alpha subdomain to server configuration 23 July 2020, 01:28:19 UTC
3e4d82c bump version 23 July 2020, 01:08:51 UTC
5cca4e8 filter out sequences before 2019-12-15 23 July 2020, 01:07:52 UTC
0fbbcce remove sequences with very unspecific collection dates 23 July 2020, 01:07:42 UTC
56acc59 clean packagejson 22 July 2020, 22:51:53 UTC
ea8fb3d Cumulative Counts (#99) * cumulative counts and date binning * hide actions for now -- will reconstruct in UI later * fix width for overview -- should stop the date selection from not working on the right end * allow drag events on overview to start on the bars as well * compute group counts in store * rewrite a lot of the react_vega code. it still needs some work, but it's functional for now * merge both spec modifiers into one effect hook * impute missing group-date values, for cumulative viz * add tooltip package and tooltip help for legend, plot, and table 22 July 2020, 19:01:07 UTC
c73ace4 bump version to v0.4.1 21 July 2020, 19:17:01 UTC
8b0d126 Metadata filtering (#98) * add react-multi-select-component package * metadata filtering working, mostly * geneselect -> coordinateselect * sidebar accordions * remove extra maxheight prop * wrap location selector in accordion, fix clipping of selected locations * adjust copy * move location selector out of accordion due to scrolling issues, add back maxheight for primer selection * basic statusbar 21 July 2020, 19:15:06 UTC
77a26f2 About page (#95) * add SSL instructions * add configuration with certbot additions * flesh out about page, add attributions 21 July 2020, 09:44:25 UTC
a20cb65 processing code for sequences 2020-07-07 -- 2020-07-19 20 July 2020, 16:30:19 UTC
4878859 fix processing bug - stop returning list of genes since its defined separately 20 July 2020, 16:30:04 UTC
0691bd6 add flag for north macedonia 20 July 2020, 16:28:03 UTC
e2c7823 downgrade pysam 20 July 2020, 15:54:32 UTC
aa65cbe Stacked barplots (#94) * initial stacked barplot * integrate plot options, move plot options into plot wrapper * move vega components into own folder * sort legend items by group name * plot -> legend cross-highlighting * rewrite react-vega with hooks * update license * simplify signalListeners logic * move width/height changes to separate hook, simplify signalListener logic * move signalListener code to separate hook * simplify function calls * honestly not sure how this works but im running with it * handling selected groups -- the data update code is now super jenky and this will probably result in some frustrating bugs in the future. but that's for future me * shift-select on legend * more compact dates on x-axis * simplify datatable prop passing * hover/select for table, using custom rowrenderer * allow deselecting groups from legend * row selection in table * move rowrenderer to own file, add hover listener * add bgcolor for hovered items in legend * render header row over selected rows * remove vega webgl import * bump version * don't track old app versions 20 July 2020, 11:11:02 UTC
6042637 unset the public path in the webpack config so it uses the webpack-public-path.js file on runtime instead 18 July 2020, 05:17:38 UTC
9750409 define publicPath once 18 July 2020, 05:17:03 UTC
b9f2be0 fix skeleton elements 18 July 2020, 05:16:48 UTC
05665e1 fix prop-types 18 July 2020, 02:40:56 UTC
a7ab45d simplify initialization process, remove debug code 18 July 2020, 02:36:30 UTC
01ec382 disable VegaTree for now 18 July 2020, 02:28:37 UTC
61d0cbb New ranges (#88) * formatting, move reference data files to static_data, clean up imports * fix json paths * move genes object out of store as an observable * simplify gene options further * update metadata maps * Change strategy or AA SNP discovery, generate for both gene and protein ORFs * add protein selection add protein selection in UI * fix linter errors * fix download logic -- we'll need to filter by selected gene/protein later * add custom coordinate mode, change GroupBySelect to be its own controlled component * add processing code and data for primers * start tracking changes in csv/tsv files * primer selection in UI * disable AA mode for All Genes/All Proteins * fix DNA SNPs for All Proteins selection 18 July 2020, 02:17:45 UTC
8ee35bf bump version 08 July 2020, 22:40:33 UTC
a783ca3 hide structural viewer for now 08 July 2020, 22:28:14 UTC
8da093a Fix off-by-one for AA SNPs 08 July 2020, 22:22:34 UTC
6277108 pass in raw int arrays instead of semicolon-delimited strings, for SNP IDs 08 July 2020, 22:15:52 UTC
56f2ca4 fix prop type 08 July 2020, 21:56:46 UTC
242af82 fix typo 08 July 2020, 21:50:28 UTC
4f0c592 remove debug prints, fix linter errors 08 July 2020, 21:49:02 UTC
ff4075c Fixes for empty acknowledgements 08 July 2020, 21:43:36 UTC
c771a20 add location processing for sequences up to 2020-07-06, bump sequences date 08 July 2020, 21:28:20 UTC
fedca76 updates for new metadata formatting 08 July 2020, 21:27:40 UTC
3920e60 update package lock 08 July 2020, 21:27:28 UTC
2e55b5b remove pangolin, again 08 July 2020, 21:27:22 UTC
840f84d treeview (#84) * fix conflicts * conflict * delete sample data * updates 08 July 2020, 15:47:31 UTC
0164b48 Default to original authors entry if abbreviation failed 07 July 2020, 23:33:06 UTC
e270f0c clean up, rename main function 07 July 2020, 22:11:08 UTC
b8721e3 Merge branch 'master' of 07 July 2020, 22:07:52 UTC
3b0162e GISAID Requests (#85) * Location fixes for 2020-06-19 * Increase size of GISAID logo (slightly bigger than on Nextstrain) * Add link to DAA * remove sequences + metadata download option * stop tracking notebooks * Reorganize case data processing * Add more metadata fields, for future filtering * Try to put as much data as possible into one dataframe * Hash Accession IDs to semi-anonymize data. Will have to write a backend to convert these into GISAID Accession IDs * Simplify lineage consensus SNP code - SNP IDs will have to be mapped in the frontend * remove pangolin ref * fix off-by-one error for lineage AA SNPs * Adapt front-end to new data source * Logging, add Accession ID to JSON case data * Fix acknowledgement download * Fix linter errors * Basic acknowledgements table * Try to shorten author names, by pulling last name and adding 'et al' * prettier acknowledgements table 07 July 2020, 22:06:17 UTC
2eeb4c3 Legend (#82) * legendv1; * legendv2 07 July 2020, 02:43:01 UTC
7333252 Merge branch 'master' of 07 July 2020, 00:31:26 UTC
825c484 Explicit colors (#81) * add infra for colors * colors * other category 07 July 2020, 00:25:08 UTC
dde4c39 Colorsv1 (#80) * add infra for colors * colors 29 June 2020, 23:28:36 UTC
45a8d64 add all selector (#76) * add all selector * style fixes * fixes * Sidebar loading (#78) * clicking box now works during load * remove prints Co-authored-by: Albert Tian Chen <> 23 June 2020, 03:14:30 UTC
bb8a098 fix sorting and default to seq (#77) 23 June 2020, 03:04:11 UTC
25d569b fix scroll bar 20 June 2020, 21:00:21 UTC
3233422 Merge branch 'master' of 20 June 2020, 20:07:13 UTC
fff5372 Locked scroll (#74) * not select all but formatting dif * lock main page scroll and let sections scroll seperately * fix conflicts 20 June 2020, 20:06:32 UTC
3caa5d3 Location fixes for 2020-06-19 20 June 2020, 19:55:08 UTC
0fae6f5 Add country flag emojis to location tree (#75) Thanks to for the data 20 June 2020, 19:26:19 UTC
e422e75 update notebooks 20 June 2020, 18:49:49 UTC
dd5fa06 Fallback to pangolin lineage assignments from GISAID 20 June 2020, 18:49:40 UTC
8a5f0b8 add location processing code for 2020-06-16, bump data date 17 June 2020, 17:13:07 UTC
9b4355e link figures folder 17 June 2020, 14:34:11 UTC
a0c78ec Update pymol scripts for Fig 2 16 June 2020, 18:37:14 UTC
b756e16 add collection date --> submission date analysis 16 June 2020, 18:37:02 UTC
546e6f9 Update README 16 June 2020, 18:36:43 UTC
e4f8fb3 location processing up to 2020-06-15, update data date 16 June 2020, 18:36:26 UTC
8305530 update server to NGINX 16 June 2020, 09:37:14 UTC
8c5a995 bump version 13 June 2020, 11:30:03 UTC
3d0f8e4 update data and location processing for 2020-06-12 13 June 2020, 06:32:21 UTC
e2c45e7 remove old redux file 13 June 2020, 05:28:02 UTC
4916f5d Location processing, 2020-06-11 13 June 2020, 05:27:21 UTC
761a3cd consistent border radiuses (#38) 12 June 2020, 14:38:08 UTC
5728e0c remove old redux constants 12 June 2020, 14:30:40 UTC
3d6babe add plot title, fix main css grid 12 June 2020, 14:26:39 UTC
7a56f87 not select all but formatting dif (#60) * not select all but formatting dif * style adjustments Co-authored-by: Albert Chen <> 12 June 2020, 14:13:17 UTC
6062e4b In DataTable dots mode, don't mask the reference letters with dots (fixes #61) 12 June 2020, 13:33:14 UTC
ceb4319 Update README 12 June 2020, 13:30:31 UTC
87fd3b6 Download Sequences, Aggregated Sequences (#62) * Download aggregate data * refactor, selectedAccessionIds -> selectedRows * refactor snpData functions to camelCase * download sequences and metadata 12 June 2020, 12:34:09 UTC
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