Revision 078c79d8734a9ed2860303a7c1662004284fe853 authored by Ron Burkey on 07 August 2022, 15:04:04 UTC, committed by Ron Burkey on 07 August 2022, 15:04:04 UTC
assembly listings from yaASM and yaLEMAP. Added some debugging messages
to 'make install'.  Tweaked debugging messages that VirtualAGC embeds in
'simulate'.  Verified buildability in Mint 21, 20, 19, 17, and verified
buildability using clang in Mint 17.
1 parent 6bb1acc
Raw File
Tip revision: 078c79d8734a9ed2860303a7c1662004284fe853 authored by Ron Burkey on 07 August 2022, 15:04:04 UTC
Fixed a potential string-overflow bug in yaASM. Removed timestamps from
Tip revision: 078c79d
### FILE="Main.annotation"
## Copyright:   Public domain.
## Filename:    INTERRUPT_LEAD_INS.agc
## Purpose:     A section of LUM69 revision 2.
##              It is part of the reconstructed source code for the flown
##              version of the flight software for the Lunar Module's (LM)
##              Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC) for Apollo 10. The code has
##              been recreated from a copy of Luminary revsion 069, using
##              changes present in Luminary 099 which were described in
##              Luminary memos 75 and 78. The code has been adapted such
##              that the resulting bugger words exactly match those specified
##              for LUM69 revision 2 in NASA drawing 2021152B, which gives
##              relatively high confidence that the reconstruction is correct.
## Reference:   pp. 168-169
## Assembler:   yaYUL
## Contact:     Ron Burkey <>.
## Website:
## Mod history: 2019-07-27 MAS  Created from Luminary 69.

## Page 168
                SETLOC          4000 
                COUNT*          $$/RUPTS                # FIX-FIX LEAD INS
                INHINT                                  # GO
                CAF             GOBB    
                XCH             BBANK   
                TCF             GOPROG  
                DXCH            ARUPT                   # T6RUPT
                DCA             T6ADR   
                DXCH            ARUPT                   # T5RUPT - AUTOPILOT
                DCA             T5ADR   
                DXCH            ARUPT                   # T3RUPT
                CAF             T3RPTBB 
                XCH             BBANK   
                TCF             T3RUPT  
                DXCH            ARUPT                   # T4RUPT
                CAF             T4RPTBB 
                XCH             BBANK   
                TCF             T4RUPT  
                DXCH            ARUPT                   # KEYRUPT1
                CAF             KEYRPTBB        
                XCH             BBANK   
                TCF             KEYRUPT1        
                DXCH            ARUPT                   # KEYRUPT2
                CAF             MKRUPTBB        
                XCH             BBANK   
                TCF             MARKRUPT        
                DXCH            ARUPT                   # UPRUPT
                CAF             UPRPTBB 
                XCH             BBANK   
                TCF             UPRUPT  
                DXCH            ARUPT                   # DOWNRUPT
                CAF             DWNRPTBB        
                XCH             BBANK   
                TCF             DODOWNTM        
                DXCH            ARUPT                   # RADAR RUPT
                CAF             RDRPTBB 
## Page 169
                XCH             BBANK   
                TCF             RADAREAD        
                DXCH            ARUPT                   # RUPT10 IS USED ONLY BY LANDING GUIDANCE
                CA              RUPT10BB        
                XCH             BBANK   
                TCF             PITFALL 
                EBANK=          LST1                    # RESTART USES E0, E3
GOBB            BBCON           GOPROG  
                EBANK=          PERROR  
T6ADR           2CADR           DOT6RUPT        
                EBANK=          LST1    
T3RPTBB         BBCON           T3RUPT  
                EBANK=          KEYTEMP1        
KEYRPTBB        BBCON           KEYRUPT1        
                EBANK=          AOTAZ   
MKRUPTBB        BBCON           MARKRUPT        
UPRPTBB         =               KEYRPTBB        
                EBANK=          DNTMBUFF        
DWNRPTBB        BBCON           DODOWNTM        
                EBANK=          RADMODES        
RDRPTBB         BBCON           RADAREAD        
                EBANK=          M11     
T4RPTBB         BBCON           T4RUPT  
                EBANK=          ELVIRA  
RUPT10BB        BBCON           PITFALL 
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