Revision 078c79d8734a9ed2860303a7c1662004284fe853 authored by Ron Burkey on 07 August 2022, 15:04:04 UTC, committed by Ron Burkey on 07 August 2022, 15:04:04 UTC
assembly listings from yaASM and yaLEMAP. Added some debugging messages
to 'make install'.  Tweaked debugging messages that VirtualAGC embeds in
'simulate'.  Verified buildability in Mint 21, 20, 19, 17, and verified
buildability using clang in Mint 17.
1 parent 6bb1acc
Raw File
Tip revision: 078c79d8734a9ed2860303a7c1662004284fe853 authored by Ron Burkey on 07 August 2022, 15:04:04 UTC
Fixed a potential string-overflow bug in yaASM. Removed timestamps from
Tip revision: 078c79d
 * Copyright 2016 Ronald S. Burkey <>
 * This file is part of yaAGC.
 * yaAGC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * yaAGC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with yaAGC; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * In addition, as a special exception, Ronald S. Burkey gives permission to
 * link the code of this program with the Orbiter SDK library (or with
 * modified versions of the Orbiter SDK library that use the same license as
 * the Orbiter SDK library), and distribute linked combinations including
 * the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for
 * all of the code used other than the Orbiter SDK library. If you modify
 * this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file,
 * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete
 * this exception statement from your version.
 * Filename:    executeOneInstruction.c
 * Purpose:     Executes a single instruction on the virtual AGC.
 * Compiler:    GNU gcc.
 * Contact:     Ron Burkey <>
 * Reference:
 * Mods:        2016-09-03 RSB  Wrote.
 *              2016-09-04 RSB  Fixed a bug in CCS decrementing.
 *              2016-09-09 RSB  Lots of fixes, particularly backing out
 *                              stuff that I was trying (pointlessly) to
 *                              fix discrepancies with yaAGC-Block1 that
 *                              were actually due to yaAGC-Block1 sticking
 *                              parity bits on everything. All the
 *                              instructions implemented now, though I've
 *                              had no way to test DV so far.
 *              2016-09-27 RSB  Hooked up DSRUPT.
 *              2021-08-07 RSB  Fixed a bunch of errors identified by
 *                              running SELF-CHECK in Solarium:
 *                              * AD and INDEX now edit their arguments
 *                              * SL no longer shifts into bit 14
 *                              * DV now sets LP to either 140001 or 140000
 *                                depending on inputs.
 *                              * DV with negative numerators now works.
 *                              * DV of equal-magnitude numbers now sets
 *                                A and Q correctly.
 *                              * CCS and SU now respect overflow.
 *                              * TS A now preserves the value of A on
 *                                overflow.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "yaAGCb1.h"

// Only for my primitive debugging facility that I'm using
// during initial development.
int breaksOrWatches[MAX_BREAKS_OR_WATCHES];
int numBreaksOrWatches = 0;

// Write a value to an erasable address.
writeToErasableOrRegister(uint16_t flatAddress, uint16_t value)
  if (flatAddress >= 04 /*&& !(flatAddress >= 035 && flatAddress <= 040)*/)
    value &= 077777;
  if (&regBank== &agc.memory[flatAddress]) agc.memory[flatAddress] = value & 076000;
  else if (flatAddress < 02000) agc.memory[flatAddress] = value;
  if (flatAddress >= 010 && flatAddress <= 014) // OUT0-4
    ChannelOutput(&agc, flatAddress, value);

static int numMCT;
static uint16_t lastINDEX = 0;
static uint16_t lastZ = 0;
implementationError(char *message)
  agc.instructionCountDown = 1;
  printf("*** Implementation error: %s ***\n", message);
  numMCT = 0;
  regZ= lastZ;
  agc.INDEX = lastINDEX;

incrementZ(uint16_t increment)
  regZ= (regZ & 06000) + ((regZ + increment) & 01777);

fixUcForWriting(uint16_t valueFromAthroughLP)
  return (valueFromAthroughLP & 037777) | ((valueFromAthroughLP & 0100000) >> 1);

incTimerCheckOverflow(uint16_t *timer)
  agc.countMCT += 1;
  if (*timer == 040000)
      *timer = 0;
      return (1);
  return (0);

edit(uint16_t flatAddress)
  if (flatAddress == 03)
      uint16_t b1 = regLP & 1;
      regLP = ((regLP >> 1) & 017777) | (b1 << 15) | (b1 << 14);
  else if (flatAddress == 020)
      regCYR= ((regCYR & 1) << 14) | ((regCYR & 077777) >> 1);
  else if (flatAddress == 021)
      regSR = (regSR & 040000) | (regSR >> 1);
  else if (flatAddress == 022)
      regCYL= ((regCYL & 040000) >> 14) | ((regCYL << 1) & 077777);
  else if (flatAddress == 023)
      regSL = ((regSL << 1) & 0037776) | ((regSL & 0100000) >> 15);

// Returns 0 normally, but 1 if a breakpoint or watchpoint was
// encountered, so that nothing was actually done.
executeOneInstruction(FILE *logFile)
  int instruction, i;
  int16_t term1, term2, sum;
  uint16_t flatAddress, opcode, operand, extracode, dummy, fetchedFromOperand,
      fetchedFromOperandSignExtended, fetchedOperandOverflow;
  static uint16_t lastInstruction = 0;

  numMCT = 2;

  retry: ;
  // Various preliminary stuff that it's just useful to do for any
  // instruction.
  flatAddress = (regZ< 06000) ? regZ : flatten(regBank, regZ);
#if 0
  term1 = agc.memory[flatAddress];
  if (flatAddress < 4)
  term1 = fixUcForWriting(term1);
  term2 = SignExtend(agc.INDEX);
  // Special case:  note that x + -x = -0.
  if (077777 & term1 == 077777 & ~term2)
  sum = 0177777;
      if ((term1 & 040000) != 0)
      term1 = -(~(term1 | ~077777));
      if ((term2 & 040000) != 0)
      term2 = -(~term2);
      sum = term1 + term2;
      if (sum < 0)
      sum = ~(-sum);
  sum = AddSP16(SignExtend(agc.INDEX),
      (flatAddress < 4) ?
          agc.memory[flatAddress] : SignExtend(agc.memory[flatAddress]));
  instruction = sum;
  instruction &= 0177777;
  if (agc.instructionCountDown != 1) // Breakpoints in my primitive debugging facility in initial development.
      uint16_t flatOperandAddress;
      flatOperandAddress = instruction & 007777;
      if (flatOperandAddress >= 06000)
        flatOperandAddress = flatten(regBank, operand);
      for (i = 0; i < numBreaksOrWatches; i++)
          if (breaksOrWatches[i] == BREAK_UININITIALIZED
              && flatOperandAddress < 02000
              && agc.memory[flatOperandAddress] == defaultErasable
              && (instruction & 070000) != 050000)
              agc.instructionCountDown = 0;
              return (1);
          else if (breaksOrWatches[i] >= 0)
              if (breaksOrWatches[i] == flatAddress
                  || breaksOrWatches[i] == flatOperandAddress)
                  agc.instructionCountDown = 0;
                  return (1);
          else if (agc.countMCT >= -breaksOrWatches[i])
              agc.instructionCountDown = 0;
              return (1);
  // Increment Z to next location.
  lastZ = regZ;
  lastINDEX = agc.INDEX;

  resumeFromInterrupt: ;
  agc.B = instruction;
  if (0 == (agc.B & 0100000))
    agc.B |= (agc.B & 040000) << 1;
  if (logFile != NULL && loggingOn)
    logAGC(logFile, lastZ);
  lastInstruction = instruction;
  agc.INDEX = 0;
  extracode = instruction & 0100000;
  opcode = instruction & 0070000;
  operand = instruction & 007777;

  // Prioritized interrupt vectors.
  if (!regInhint&& !agc.INTERRUPTED && 0100000 != (0140000 & regA) && 0040000 != (0140000 & regA)
  && !extracode)
      uint16_t interruptVector = 0;

      // Test for interrupt triggers.
      if (agc.overflowedTIME3)// T3RUPT
          interruptVector = 02000;
          agc.overflowedTIME3 = 0;

      if (!interruptVector && 0 != (regIN2 & 077600)) // ERRUPT -- 8 fail bits in IN2.
          interruptVector = 02004;

      if (!interruptVector && agc.overflowedTIME4)  // DSRUPT
          interruptVector = 02010;
          agc.overflowedTIME4 = 0;

      if (!interruptVector && 0 != (regIN0 & 040))  // KEYRUPT
          interruptVector = 02014;
          regIN0 &= ~040;

      if (!interruptVector && agc.uplinkReady)  // UPRUPT
          agc.uplinkReady = 0;
          interruptVector = 02020;

      if (!interruptVector && agc.downlinkReady)  // DOWNRUPT
          agc.downlinkReady = 0;
          interruptVector = 02024;

      // Vector to the interrupt if necessary.
      if (interruptVector != 0)
          agc.ruptFlatAddress = flatAddress;
          agc.ruptLastINDEX = lastINDEX;
          agc.ruptLastZ = lastZ;
          agc.countMCT += 3;
          agc.INTERRUPTED = 1;
          regZRUPT = regZ;
          regBRUPT = instruction;
          regZ = interruptVector;
          goto retry;

  if (operand < 06000)
    fetchedFromOperand = agc.memory[operand];
    fetchedFromOperand = agc.memory[flatten(regBank, operand)];
  if (operand < 04) // Already has a UC bit.
    fetchedFromOperandSignExtended = fetchedFromOperand;
    fetchedFromOperandSignExtended = ((fetchedFromOperand & 040000) << 1)
        | (fetchedFromOperand & 077777);
  fetchedOperandOverflow = fetchedFromOperandSignExtended & 0140000;

  // Now execute the stuff specific to the opcode.
  if (opcode == 0000000) /* TC */
      uint16_t oldZ;
      // Recall that Q, Z, and the instruction we generated above are
      // correctly set up vis-a-vis the 16th bit.  The conditional is to
      // prevent Q from being overwritten in case the instruction is "TC Q"
      // ("RETURN"). This is a special case described on p. 3-9 of R-393.
      // R-393 says that "TC Q" takes 2 MCT; Pultorak says 1 MCT; I believe
      // Pultorak.
      numMCT = 1;
      if (instruction != 1)
          regQ= regZ;
          numMCT = 1;
      regZ= operand;
  else if (opcode == 010000 && !extracode) /* CCS */
      if (operand >= 02000) implementationError("CCS accessing fixed memory.");
          uint16_t K;
          // Arrange to jump.  Recall that Z already points to the next
          // instruction.
          K = fetchedFromOperandSignExtended;
          if (K == 000000) incrementZ(1);// +0
          else if (0 == (K & 0100000)) incrementZ(0);// >0
          else if (K == 0177777) incrementZ(3);// -0
          else incrementZ(2);// < 0
          // Compute the "diminished absolute value" of c(K).
          if (0 != (K & 0100000)) K = (~K) & 0177777;// Absolute value.
          if (K >= 1) K--;
          regA = K;
  else if (opcode == 020000 && !extracode) /* INDEX */
      if (operand == 016) regInhint = 0;
      else if (operand == 017) regInhint = 1;
      else if (operand == 025)
          if (!agc.INTERRUPTED)
          implementationError("RESUME without RUPT.\n");
          flatAddress = agc.ruptFlatAddress;
          lastINDEX = agc.ruptLastINDEX;
          lastZ = agc.ruptLastZ;
          agc.INTERRUPTED = 0;
          regZ = regZRUPT;
          instruction = regBRUPT;
          agc.countMCT += 2;
          goto resumeFromInterrupt;
      else agc.INDEX = fetchedFromOperand;
  else if (opcode == 030000 && !extracode) /* XCH (erasable) or CAF (fixed). */
      if (operand >= 020 && operand <= 023)
          agc.memory[operand] = fixUcForWriting(regA);
          regA = fetchedFromOperandSignExtended;
      else if (operand < 04)
          // Full 16-bit.
          agc.memory[operand] = regA;
          regA = fetchedFromOperand;
          // Cannot actually write to regIN
          if (operand < 04 || operand > 07) writeToErasableOrRegister(operand, fixUcForWriting(regA));
          regA = fetchedFromOperandSignExtended;
  else if (opcode == 0040000) /* CS. */
      regA = (~fetchedFromOperandSignExtended) & 0177777;
  else if (opcode == 0050000) /* TS. */
      if (operand >= 02000) implementationError("TS accessing fixed memory.");
          uint16_t aOverflowBits;
          int value;
          aOverflowBits = regA & 0140000;
          if (operand < 04 || (operand >= 020 && operand <= 023))
              agc.memory[operand] = regA;
              value = fixUcForWriting(regA);
              writeToErasableOrRegister(operand, value);
          if (aOverflowBits == 0100000 || aOverflowBits == 0040000)
              // Overflow.
              if (operand != 00)
                    if (aOverflowBits == 0040000) regA = 0000001;// Positive overflow.
                    else regA = 0177776;// Negative overflow;
  else if (opcode == 060000) /* AD. */
      // FIXME Not sure what's supposed to happen if A already has
      // overflowed.
      int16_t term1, term2, sum;
      sum = AddSP16 (regA, (flatAddress < 4) ? fetchedFromOperand : fetchedFromOperandSignExtended);
      regA = sum;
      if ((sum & 0140000) == 0040000) // Positive overflow
          ctrOVCTR = (ctrOVCTR + 1) & 077777;
          if (ctrOVCTR == 077777) ctrOVCTR = 0; // Convert -0 to +0.
      else if ((sum & 0140000) == 0100000) // Negative overflow
          if (ctrOVCTR == 0) ctrOVCTR = 077777; // Convert +0 to -0.
          ctrOVCTR = (ctrOVCTR - 1) & 077777;
  else if (opcode == 070000) /* MASK. */
      regA &= fetchedFromOperandSignExtended;
  else if (opcode == 010000 && extracode) /* MP */
      numMCT = 8;

      // Unlike almost everything else in this program, this is adapted
      // (copied) from the original Block 2 yaAGC.

      // For MP A (i.e., SQUARE) the accumulator is NOT supposed to
      // be overflow-corrected.  I do it anyway, since I don't know
      // what it would mean to carry out the operation otherwise.
      // Fix later if it causes a problem.
      // FIX ME: Accumulator is overflow-corrected before SQUARE.
      int16_t MsWord, LsWord, Operand16, OtherOperand16;
      int Product;
      Operand16 = fixUcForWriting(regA);
      OtherOperand16 = fetchedFromOperandSignExtended;
      if (OtherOperand16 == AGC_P0 || OtherOperand16 == AGC_M0)
      MsWord = LsWord = AGC_P0;
      else if (Operand16 == AGC_P0 || Operand16 == AGC_M0)
          if ((Operand16 == AGC_P0 && 0 != (040000 & OtherOperand16)) ||
              (Operand16 == AGC_M0 && 0 == (040000 & OtherOperand16)))
          MsWord = LsWord = AGC_M0;
          MsWord = LsWord = AGC_P0;
          int16_t WordPair[2];
          Product =
          agc2cpu (SignExtend (Operand16)) *
          agc2cpu (SignExtend (OtherOperand16));
          Product = cpu2agc2 (Product);
          // Sign-extend, because it's needed for DecentToSp.
          if (02000000000 & Product)
          Product |= 004000000000;
          // Convert back to DP.
          DecentToSp (Product, &WordPair[1]);
          MsWord = WordPair[0];
          LsWord = WordPair[1];
      regA = SignExtend (MsWord);
      regLP = SignExtend (LsWord);
  else if (opcode == 020000 && extracode) /* DV */
      numMCT = 18;

          int32_t numerator, denominator, quotient, remainder, sign = 1, numeratorSign = 1;
          numerator = fixUcForWriting(regA) << 14;
          if (0 != (0100000 & regA)) numerator |= 034000037777;
          denominator = (int16_t) ((operand < 4) ? fetchedFromOperand : fetchedFromOperandSignExtended);
          if (numerator < 0)
              numeratorSign = -1;
              sign = -sign;
              numerator = ~numerator;
          if (denominator < 0)
              sign = -sign;
              denominator = ~denominator;
          if ((numerator >> 14) == denominator)
              regQ = ~denominator;
              regA = (sign > 0) ? 037777 : 0140000;
              quotient = numerator / denominator;
              remainder = numerator % denominator;
              if (quotient > 037777)
                quotient = 037777;
              if (sign < 0)
                quotient = ~quotient;
              regA = quotient;
              regQ = ~remainder;
          if (sign > 0)
            regLP = 1;
              if (numeratorSign > 0)
                regLP = 0140000;
                regLP = 0140001;
  else if (opcode == 030000 && extracode) /* SU */

      // R-393 says that SU takes 2 more MCT than AD, but the control-pulse
      // sequences it lists for SU don't support that notion.
      //numMCT += 2;
      fetchedFromOperandSignExtended = ~fetchedFromOperandSignExtended;
      fetchedFromOperand = fetchedFromOperandSignExtended & 0177777;
      goto entrySubtraction;
      char message[64];
      sprintf (message, "Unimplemented opcode %05o (%06o)", opcode, extracode);

  agc.countMCT += numMCT;

   * Update regTIME1-4.  When TIME1 overflows it increments
   * TIME2.  TIME1,3,4 counts up every 10 ms.,
   * i.e., every 1024000/12/100 MCT = 2560/3 MCT.  The starting count is
   * set to half of this, for no particular reason.  John's original code
   * counted 10X too fast for some reason.
      static uint64_t nextTimerIncrement = 1280;
      //int overflow = 0;
      if (agc.countMCT * 3 > nextTimerIncrement)
          nextTimerIncrement += 2560;
          if (incTimerCheckOverflow(&ctrTIME1))
              incTimerCheckOverflow (&ctrTIME2);
          agc.overflowedTIME3 |= incTimerCheckOverflow(&ctrTIME3);
          agc.overflowedTIME4 |= incTimerCheckOverflow(&ctrTIME4);
          if ((ctrTIME1 % 4) == 0  && 0 == (regOUT1 & 01000))
            agc.downlinkReady = 1;


  return (0);

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