Revision 078c79d8734a9ed2860303a7c1662004284fe853 authored by Ron Burkey on 07 August 2022, 15:04:04 UTC, committed by Ron Burkey on 07 August 2022, 15:04:04 UTC
assembly listings from yaASM and yaLEMAP. Added some debugging messages
to 'make install'.  Tweaked debugging messages that VirtualAGC embeds in
'simulate'.  Verified buildability in Mint 21, 20, 19, 17, and verified
buildability using clang in Mint 17.
1 parent 6bb1acc
Raw File
Tip revision: 078c79d8734a9ed2860303a7c1662004284fe853 authored by Ron Burkey on 07 August 2022, 15:04:04 UTC
Fixed a potential string-overflow bug in yaASM. Removed timestamps from
Tip revision: 078c79d
  Copyright 2003-2004,2016 Ronald S. Burkey <>

  This file is part of yaAGC. 

  yaAGC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  yaAGC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  along with yaAGC; if not, write to the Free Software
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

  Filename:	ParseGeneral.c
  Purpose:	Assembles most opcodes opcode.
  Mode:		04/18/03 RSB	Began.
  		04/26/03 RSB	Distilled from the essences of 
				ParseTC.c et al.
		07/05/04 RSB	Added KeepExtend.
		07/21/04 RSB	The parse-behavior modification-flag definitions
				were poor, in that the overlap between QC and PC
				flags causes some address-range tests to fail.
				Added CAE, CAF.  
		07/22/04 RSB	Oops!  Broke every instruction with QC1, QC2, or 
		07/27/04 RSB	Moved STCALL, STODL, STORE, and STOVL over to
		2012-09-25 JL   Handle arguments like "DUMMYJOB + 2", i.e.
		                Mod1=+, Mod2=2.
                2016-08-18 RSB  Tweaks related to Block1.
                2016-12-18 MAS  Weakened erroneous EXTEND checks when dealing
                                with explicit TC 6's, which can show up as
                                targets for an INDEX and so don't actually extend.
                2017-01-29 MAS  Added some special logic for handling Raython-
                                style literal operands.
                2017-06-28 MAS  Added BLK2's special  handling of EDRUPT.

#include "yaYUL.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int KeepExtend = 0;

// A sort of generalized parser that works for most instruction types.
// "Normally", Flags==0. However, various fancier alternatives can be
// set by ORing together various of the constants defined above.
// The Opcode is always something of the form 0n0000 (in octal), where
// n=0,1,...,7.
int ParseGeneral(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord, int Opcode, int Flags)
    ParseOutput_t dummy;
    int Value, i;
    Address_t K;
    char args[32];

    args[0] = '\0';

    if (InRecord->Mod1)
        strcpy(args, InRecord->Mod1);

    // Handle arguments like "DUMMYJOB + 2", i.e. Mod1=+, Mod2=2.
    if (InRecord->Mod2)
        strcat(args, InRecord->Mod2);

    IncPc(&InRecord->ProgramCounter, 1, &OutRecord->ProgramCounter);

    if (!OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Invalid && OutRecord->ProgramCounter.Overflow) {
        strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Next code may overflow storage.");
        OutRecord->Warning = 1;

    OutRecord->EBank = InRecord->EBank;
    OutRecord->SBank = InRecord->SBank;

    // Set the default binary word.
    OutRecord->NumWords = 1;

    if (Block1)
      Flags = Flags & ~(PC1|PC2|PC3|PC4|PC5|PC6|PC7|QC1|QC2|QC3|QCNOT0);

    if (Flags & PC1)
        Opcode |= 01000;
    else if (Flags & PC2)
        Opcode |= 02000;
    else if (Flags & PC3)
        Opcode |= 03000;
    else if (Flags & PC4)
        Opcode |= 04000;
    else if (Flags & PC5)
        Opcode |= 05000;
    else if (Flags & PC6)
        Opcode |= 06000;
    else if (Flags & PC7)
        Opcode |= 07000;
    else if (Flags & QC1)
        Opcode |= 02000;
    else if (Flags & QC2)
        Opcode |= 04000;
    else if (Flags & QC3)
        Opcode |= 06000;

    OutRecord->Words[0] = Opcode;

    if (Flags & QCNOT0)
        OutRecord->Words[0] |= 06000;

    // Do some sanity checking.
    if (!Block1) {
      if (InRecord->Extend &&  !(Flags & EXTENDED) && !InRecord->IndexValid) {
          if (InRecord->Extend != 2) {
             // Bomb out if the extend came from an EXTEND, but not from an explicit TC 6
             strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Illegally preceded by EXTEND.");
             OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
          OutRecord->Extend = 0;
      } else if (!InRecord->Extend && (Flags & EXTENDED)) {
          strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Required EXTEND is missing.");
          OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
          OutRecord->Extend = 0;

    if (InRecord->IndexValid) {
        OutRecord->IndexValid = 0;

    i = GetOctOrDec(InRecord->Operand, &Value);
    if (!i && (Flags & ENUMBER) && *InRecord->Operand != '+' && *InRecord->Operand != '-') {
        int Offset;

        if (Raytheon && Value >= 02000 && Value < 04000) {
            // For Raytheon builds, shift common-fixed literals into the expected range
            Value += 010000 + InRecord->ProgramCounter.FB * 02000;
        PseudoToStruct(Value, &K);

        if (!GetOctOrDec(args, &Offset))
            OpcodeOffset = Offset;

        goto DoIt;

    if (!i) {
        if (*InRecord->Operand == '+' || *InRecord->Operand == '-')
            IncPc(&InRecord->ProgramCounter, Value, &K);
            PseudoToStruct(Value, &K);

        if (*args) {
            i = GetOctOrDec(args, &Value);
            if (!i)
                OpcodeOffset = Value;
        if (K.Invalid) {
            strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Destination address not resolved.");
            OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
        } else if (K.Overflow) {
            strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Destination address out of range.");
            OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
        } else if (!K.Address) {
            // There are a lot of cases in which an actual numerical constant
            // is used where an address would be expected.  As a first cut at
            // addressing this, we suppose that numbers in the range 0-03777
            // may be converted straightforwardly to unswitched erasable.
            if (K.Constant)
                goto AddressFound;
            strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Destination not an address.");
            OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
        } else {
            // Here I had originally intended to add a check that the bank
            // numbers were compatible.  This turns out not to be generally
            // possible at assembly time, unless a bunch of analysis is
            // added to understand program flow.  However, certain checks,
            // particularly having to do with quarter-codes, can be done.
            // ... Later:  Not true for erasable banks, since the EBANK=
            // pseudo-op tells the assembler what bank is expected.  Also,
            // some constants need to be translated to erasable.
            if (K.Constant) {
                PseudoToSegmented(K.Value, &dummy);
                K = dummy.ProgramCounter;

            if (Flags & KPLUS1)
                IncPc(&K, 1, &K);

            i = K.SReg;
            if (!InRecord->IndexValid) {
                // If we've been preceded by an INDEX instruction, none of the following
                // checks are valid, since the instruction may be changed to essentially
                // anything else prior to execution.
                if ((Flags & FIXED) && !K.Fixed) {
                    i &= ~07000;
                    strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "The address is not in fixed memory.");
                    OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
                } else if ((Flags & ERASABLE) && !K.Erasable) {
                    i &= ~07600;
                    strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "The address is not in erasable memory.");
                    OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
                if (Flags & (PC0 | PC1 | PC2 | PC3 | PC4 | PC5 | PC6 | PC7)) {
                    if ((i & 07000) != 0 && (i & 07000) != (Opcode & 07000)) {
                        i &= ~07000;
                        strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Operand out of range.");
                        OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
                } else if (Flags & (QC0 | QC1 | QC2 | QC3)) {
                    if ((i & 06000) != 0 && (i & 06000) != (Opcode & 06000)) {
                        i &= ~06000;
                        sprintf(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Operand (0%o) out of range.", i);
                        OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
                } else if (Flags & QCNOT0) {
                    if (0 == (K.SReg & 06000)) {
                        i |= 06000;
                        strcpy(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Operand out of range.");
                        OutRecord->Fatal = 1;
            OutRecord->Words[0] = Opcode | i;
    } else {
        // The operand is NOT a number.  Presumably, it's a symbol.
        i = FetchSymbolPlusOffset(&InRecord->ProgramCounter, InRecord->Operand, args, &K);
        if (!i)
            goto DoIt;

        sprintf(OutRecord->ErrorMessage, "Symbol \"%s\" undefined or offset bad", InRecord->Operand);
        OutRecord->Fatal = 1;

    // Handle the special case `TC 6' setting the Extend bit.
    if (KeepExtend) {
        KeepExtend = 0;
        OutRecord->Extend = InRecord->Extend;
    } else {
        OutRecord->Extend = 0;
        if (Opcode == 000000 && !(Flags & EXTENDED) && !K.Invalid && (K.Constant || (K.Erasable && K.Unbanked)) && K.SReg == 06) {
            if (strlen(InRecord->Alias) == 0) {
                // This was an explicit TC 6 rather than an EXTEND. This can show up (as in Retread, for example),
                // as something that gets indexed into something other than an EXTEND, and so should be allowed through.
                // Setting Extend = 2 makes the erroneous Extend check non-fatal.
                OutRecord->Extend = 2;
            } else {
                OutRecord->Extend = 1;
        } else {
            OutRecord->Extend = 0;
    OutRecord->IndexValid = 0;
    return (0);

// Various little parsers based on ParseGeneral.

int ParseAD(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 060000, ENUMBER));

int ParseADS(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 020000, QC3));

int ParseAUG(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 020000, EXTENDED | QC2));

int ParseBZMF(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 060000, EXTENDED | QCNOT0));

int ParseBZF(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 010000, EXTENDED | QCNOT0));

int ParseCA(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 030000, ENUMBER));

int ParseCAE(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 030000, ERASABLE | ENUMBER));

int ParseCAF(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 030000, FIXED | ENUMBER));

int ParseCCS(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 010000, QC0 | ENUMBER));

int ParseCS(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 040000, ENUMBER));

int ParseDAS(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 020000, QC0 | KPLUS1));

int ParseDCA(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 030000, EXTENDED | KPLUS1 | ENUMBER));

int ParseDCS(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 040000, EXTENDED | KPLUS1 | ENUMBER));

int ParseDIM(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 020000, EXTENDED | QC3));

int ParseDNCHAN(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 034000, PC0 | ENUMBER));

int ParseDV(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, (Block1 ? 050000 : 010000), EXTENDED | QC0));

int ParseDXCH(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 050000, QC1 | KPLUS1 | ENUMBER));

int ParseEDRUPT(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    int result;

    if (blk2)
        // For BLK2, EDRUPT was implied-address and always assembled
        // to 07000.
        if (*InRecord->Operand != 0)
                "Extra fields are present.");
            OutRecord->Warning = 1;
        InRecord->Operand = "0";

    result = (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 000000, EXTENDED | PC7));

    if (blk2)
        InRecord->Operand = "";

    return result;

int ParseLXCH(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 020000, QC1 | ENUMBER));

int ParseINCR(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 020000, QC2));

int ParseMASK(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 070000, 0));

int ParseMP(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, (Block1 ? 040000 : 070000), EXTENDED));

int ParseMSU(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 020000, EXTENDED | QC0 | ENUMBER));

int ParseQXCH(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 020000, EXTENDED | QC1 | ENUMBER));

int ParseRAND(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 000000, EXTENDED | PC2 | ENUMBER));

int ParseREAD(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 000000, EXTENDED | PC0 | ENUMBER));

int ParseROR(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 000000, EXTENDED | PC4 | ENUMBER));

int ParseRXOR(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 000000, EXTENDED | PC6 | ENUMBER));

int ParseSU(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 060000, EXTENDED | QC0 | ENUMBER));

int ParseTC(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 000000, ENUMBER));

int ParseTCF(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    if (*InRecord->Operand == 0) {
        /* Handle a TCF with no operand, which translates to TCF +0, i.e. NOOP. */
        InRecord->Operand = "+0";
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 010000, QCNOT0 | ENUMBER));

int ParseTS(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 050000, QC2 | ENUMBER));

int ParseWAND(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 000000, EXTENDED | PC3 | ENUMBER));

int ParseWOR(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 000000, EXTENDED | PC5 | ENUMBER));

int ParseWRITE(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, 000000, EXTENDED | PC1 | ENUMBER));

int ParseXCH(ParseInput_t *InRecord, ParseOutput_t *OutRecord)
    return (ParseGeneral(InRecord, OutRecord, (Block1 ? 030000 : 050000), QC3 | ENUMBER));

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