Revision 078c79d8734a9ed2860303a7c1662004284fe853 authored by Ron Burkey on 07 August 2022, 15:04:04 UTC, committed by Ron Burkey on 07 August 2022, 15:04:04 UTC
assembly listings from yaASM and yaLEMAP. Added some debugging messages
to 'make install'.  Tweaked debugging messages that VirtualAGC embeds in
'simulate'.  Verified buildability in Mint 21, 20, 19, 17, and verified
buildability using clang in Mint 17.
1 parent 6bb1acc
Raw File
Tip revision: 078c79d8734a9ed2860303a7c1662004284fe853 authored by Ron Burkey on 07 August 2022, 15:04:04 UTC
Fixed a potential string-overflow bug in yaASM. Removed timestamps from
Tip revision: 078c79d
 * Copyright 2003,2009-2010,2016,2020-2021 Ronald S. Burkey <>
 * This file is part of yaAGC.
 * yaAGC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * yaAGC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with yaAGC; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * Filename:    SymbolTable.c
 * Purpose:     Stuff for managing the assembler's symbol table.
 * Mod History: 04/11/03 RSB    Began.
 *              04/17/03 RSB    Removed Namespaces.
 *              07/27/05 JMS    Added support for writing the symbol
 *                              table to a file for symbol debugging
 *                              purposes.
 *              07/28/05 JMS    Added support for writing SymbolLines
 *                              to symbol table file.
 *              08/03/05 JMS    Support for yaLEMAP
 *              03/20/09 RSB    Corrected symbol tables (as written
 *                              to files) to always use little-endian
 *                              representations of integers.  This
 *                              isn't important for someone compiling
 *                              their own AGC code, but is needed for
 *                              moving symbol tables from one CPU type
 *                              to another, such as for distributing
 *                              Virtual AGC binaries to PowerPC vs.
 *                              Intel CPUs. Also, in the on-disk symbol
 *                              table we now pad filenames with 0
 *                              to make automated regression testing of
 *                              the symtabs easier.
 *              06/28/09 RSB    Added HTML output.
 *              06/29/09 RSB    Added a little css to prevent wrapping
 *                              in the HTML output.
 *              06/27/09 RSB    (Later.)  Used more css to get rid of
 *                              the underlining for links, and to change
 *                              the color of a visited link from purple
 *                              to a dimmer bluish color.
 *              06/30/09 RSB    Added HtmlCheck for processing
 *                              "<HTML>...</HTML>" stuff in source files.
 *                              Includes <HTMLn> and <HTML=f>.
 *              07/01/09 RSB    Altered the way the highlighting styles
 *                              (COLOR_XXX) work in order to make them
 *                               more flexible and to shorten up the HTML
 *                              files more.  Added "##" HTML-insert
 *                              syntax, default style, etc.
 *              2010-02-17 JL   Don't try to process Page meta-comments.
 *              2010-02-20 RSB  Somehow, processing of "##\t" got lost.
 *                              Hopefully, I've restored it.  Allow
 *                              Jim's Page stuff from the last change
 *                              only if UnpoundPage is non-zero --- i.e.,
 *                              only if --unpound-page command-line
 *                              switch was used.
 *              2016-08-01 RSB  Various checks for return errors of library
 *                              functions.
 *              2016-08-20 RSB  Added some error messages to the symbol-table
 *                              writer.  It turns out that writing the
 *                              line-data to the symbol table was always
 *                              failing at the first write, due to bad
 *                              interpretation of a return code.  How
 *                              could they have ever worked in the debugger?
 *              2016-08-23 RSB  For Block 1 only, added an indicator to the
 *                              symbol table, as to whether a given symbol
 *                              is invalid (I), constant (C), erasable (E),
 *                              or fixed (F) ... or unknown (?).  This is
 *                              mainly for debugging, since I seem to have
 *                              some invalid symbols, but there's no reason
 *                              to remove it now that it's there.
 *              2016-10-05 RSB  Hyperlinked the entire HTML symbol table ... in other words, all of the
 *                              labels appearing in the symbol table at the end of MAIN.agc.html now
 *                              consists of hyperlinks.  Also, fixed a symbol-table formatting error for
 *                              labels containing '&' (which is an HTML entity and thus has extra escape
 *                              characters in it and thus has a different length than a normal symbol),
 *                              though I'm sure there are other such special characters used that I
 *                              haven't caught yet.  Fixed the formatting of this
 *                              file header, which had gotten all gummed up and
 *                              painful to read.
 *            	2016-10-08 RSB	Added exception to ## (--html) for inHeader.
 *            	2016-10-20 RSB  Added stuff which may or may not be helpful in building
 *            	                with Visual Studio.
 *              2016-11-02 RSB  The symbol table, which formerly displayed the C, I, etc.
 *                              notations only in block 1, now does it for all targets.
 *                              EditSymbolNew() now tracks how many symbol values have
 *                              *changed*" during a pass, for post-analysis by pass().
 *              2020-12-14 RSB  In colorized html of assembly listings, changed the
 *                              formerly-custom color used for visited hyperlinks back to
 *                              the default.  I think the reason I originally customized it
 *                              must have been that I thought the default was too close to
 *                              the color being used for colorized comments. But the custom
 *                              color is far too close to the (black) color of the text in
 *                              ##-style annotations, so it's made it really, really hard
 *                              to visually distinguish visited lines in annotations from
 *                              the plain text. And in retrospect, I don't see any way for
 *                              it to really be confused with a comment.
 *              2021-04-20 RSB  Added --ebcdic.
 * Concerning the concept of a symbol's namespace.  I had originally
 * intended to implement this, and so many functions had a namespace
 * parameter.  I've decided to remove the parameters, but there is
 * still the underlying code for it, in case it might be handy in the
 * future.

#include "yaYUL.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifndef MSC_VS
#include <unistd.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <share.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#define write(a,b,c) _write((a),(b),(c))
#define getcwd(a,b) _getcwd((a),(b))
#define close(a) _close(a)

// Some global data.

// On the first pass, the symbols are collected into an unsorted array.  
// At the end of the pass the array is sorted, and duplicates will cause 
// error messages.  The symbol table is initially empty.  Whenever more 
// symbols are defined than the table has room for, its space is enlarged.  
// On the second pass, true values are assigned to the symbols.
Symbol_t *SymbolTable = NULL;
int SymbolTableSize = 0, SymbolTableMax = 0;

// Set these variables to set symbol-table collation.  No more than one
// of them non-zero.  If both zero, then native collation is used.
int forceAscii = 1;  // Kept this way until just about to print symbol table.
int ebcdic = 1;
int honeywell = 0;

// Set this variable non-zero to treat "## Page" as "# Page".
int UnpoundPage = 0;

// Here are functions for converting integers in-place between the CPU native
// representation and little-endian format.  These functions are symmetric,
// in the sense that they convert in either direction.  The functions do
// not check in any way that the data being pointed to is 32-bit.  The 
// case of an Address_t datatype as input is particularly interesting.
// This datatype has 32-bit fields, and they must each be converted by a
// separate call to LittleEndian32.  However, the datatype *begins* with a 
// bunch of packed bitfields, so calling LittleEndian32 on an Address_t will
// attempt to rearrange the packing of those bitfields.  Whether that's 
// correct and perfectly portable thing to do, I'm not sure.


void SwapBytes(void *Pointer, int Loc1, int Loc2)
    char c, *s1, *s2;

    s1 = ((char *) Pointer) + Loc1;
    s2 = ((char *) Pointer) + Loc2;
    c = *s1;
    *s1 = *s2;
    *s2 = c;



LittleEndian32(void *Value)


LittleEndian32 (void *Value)
    SwapBytes(Value, 0, 3);
    SwapBytes(Value, 1, 2);


LittleEndian32(void *Value)
    SwapBytes(Value, 0, 2);
    SwapBytes(Value, 1, 3);


#error Sorry, not a supported endian type.


// Normalize an assembly-language filename by turning ".s" into ".html" if
// possible, but otherwise simply appending ".html".
char *
NormalizeFilename(char *SourceName)
  static char HtmlFilename[1025];
  int n;

  strcpy(HtmlFilename, SourceName);
  n = strlen(HtmlFilename);

  if (!strcmp(&HtmlFilename[n - 2], ".s"))
    n -= 2;

  strcpy(&HtmlFilename[n], ".html");

  return (HtmlFilename);

// Create an HTML output file.  Return 0 on success, 1 on failure.  
HtmlCreate(char *Filename)
  char *HtmlFilename;

  HtmlFilename = NormalizeFilename(Filename);
  HtmlOut = fopen(HtmlFilename, "w");
  if (HtmlOut == NULL)
      printf("Cannot create HTML file \"%s\"\n", HtmlFilename);
      return (1);

  // Write the HTML header.
  fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s",
      "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">\n"
          "<meta content=\"text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\" http-equiv=\"Content-Type\">\n"
          "<title>Assembly listing generated by yaYUL</title>\n"

          "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
          "p.nobreak { white-space:nowrap; }\n"
          "a { text-decoration:none; }\n"
          // "a:visited { COLOR: #000850; }\n"

          "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
          "font-weight: bold;\n"
          "color: #993300;\n"

          "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
          "color: #009900;\n"

          "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
          "color: #FF0000;\n"

          "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
          "color: #FF6600;\n"

          "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
          "color: #336600;\n"

          "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
          "color: #0000FF;\n"

          "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
          "color: #FF9900;\n"

          "<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
          "font-style: italic;\n"
          "color: #993399;\n"

      "<h1>Source Code</h1>\n");

  return (0);

// Close out the HTML file that is open for output.
  if (HtmlOut == NULL)

  fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_STYLE_END "</body>\n</html>\n");

// For processing HTML insertion --- i.e., putting HTML-related stuff into
// the source files so that it can be eventually stuck into the HTML-
// formatted assembly listing.  There are two basic variations: the "<HTML>"
// style and the "##" style.  There is also a default style file which can
// be used (at assembly-time).

static int StyleInitialized = 0;
int StyleOnly = 0;
int inReconstructionComment = 0;
int reconstructionComments = 0;

HtmlCheck(int WriteOutput, FILE *InputFile, char *s, int sSize,
    char *CurrentFilename, int *CurrentLineAll, int *CurrentLineInFile)
  static int StyleBox = 0, StyleBoxWidth = 75, StyleUser = 0;
  static char StyleUserStart[2049] = "", StyleUserEnd[1025] = "";
  int Width, Pos = 0;
  int i, j;
  char c = 0, *ss;
  extern int inHeader;

  //if (WriteOutput)
  //  printf("HTML -> %s", s);

  // Process default style file at startup.
  if (!StyleInitialized)
      FILE *Defaults;

      StyleInitialized = 1;
      Defaults = fopen("", "r");
      if (Defaults != NULL)
          Line_t s =
            { 0 };
          StyleOnly = 1;

          while (NULL != fgets(s, sizeof(s) - 1, Defaults))
            HtmlCheck(0, Defaults, s, sizeof(s), "", &i, &j);

          StyleOnly = 0;

  if (StyleOnly)
    goto ProcessStyle;
  Retry: Pos = 0;
  c = 0;

  // First, take care of directives to include HTML from a 
  // file.  There are two forms:
  // <HTML "filename">
  // or
  // ### FILE="filename"
  if (!strncmp(s, "<HTML \"", 7))
    Pos = 7;
  else if (!strncmp(s, "### FILE=\"", 10))
    Pos = 10;

  if (Pos)
      FILE *Include;

      if (!WriteOutput || !Html || HtmlOut == NULL)
        return (1);

      for (ss = &s[Pos]; *ss && *ss != '\"'; ss++)

      if (*ss != '\"')
        return (1);

      *ss = 0;
      Include = fopen(&s[Pos], "r");
      *ss = '\"';
      if (Include == NULL)
        return (1);

      fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_STYLE_END);
      while (NULL != fgets(s, sSize - 1, Include))
        fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", s);

      fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_STYLE_START);
      return (1);

  // Take care of the addition of destinations for hyperlinks.
  if (!strncmp(s, "### ANCHOR=", 11))
      if (!WriteOutput || !Html || HtmlOut == NULL)
        return (1);

      for (ss = s; *ss && *ss != '\n'; ss++)

      *ss = 0;
      fprintf(HtmlOut, "<a name=\"%s\">\n", &s[11]);

      return (1);

  // Now take care of style pragmas.  The allowed forms are
  // ### STYLE=NONE
  // or
  // ### STYLE=BOX n%
  // or
  // ### STYLE=START stuff
  // ### STYLE=START+ stuff
  // ### STYLE=END stuff
  // or
  // ### STYLE=USER
  // The latter just re-enables STYLE=START/STYLE=END styles which
  // may have been defined earlier but then disabled temporarily
  // is a user-defined style, in which you can give
  // both the HTML to initiate the style and the HTML to end 
  // the style to allow returning to the default style.  In other
  // words, when a block of comments in "## htmlstuff" format
  // is encountered, the style-start stuff will be output,
  // followed by all of the htmlstuff in the ## comments, followed
  // by the style-end stuff.  STYLE=START gives the starting commands,
  // but since such commands are sometimes gargantuan, they may not
  // fit conveniently on a single line, so what STYLE=START+ does is
  // to *add* stuff to the end of a previous STYLE=START or 
  if (!strncmp(s, "### STYLE=", 10))
      if (!WriteOutput || !Html || HtmlOut == NULL)
        return (1);

      ProcessStyle: ss = &s[10];
      if (!strncmp(ss, "NONE", 4))
          StyleBox = 0;
          StyleUser = 0;
      else if (!strncmp(ss, "BOX ", 4) && sscanf(ss + 4, "%d%c", &i, &c) == 2
          && i >= 1 && i <= 100 && c == '%')
          StyleBox = 1;
          StyleBoxWidth = i;
          StyleUser = 0;
      else if (!strncmp(ss, "USER", 4))
          StyleBox = 0;
          StyleUser = 1;
      else if (!strncmp(ss, "START ", 6))
          StyleBox = 0;
          StyleUser = 1;
          strcpy(StyleUserStart, &ss[6]);
      else if (!strncmp(ss, "START+ ", 7))
          strcat(StyleUserStart, &ss[7]);
      else if (!strncmp(ss, "END ", 4))
          StyleBox = 0;
          StyleUser = 1;
          strcpy(StyleUserEnd, &ss[4]);

      return (1);

  // Now take care of HTML embedded with
  // ## stuff
  // JL 2010-02-17 Don't try to process Page meta-comments.
  // RSB 2010-02-20 ... if --unpound-page is used.  Otherwise,
  // process them normally. 
  //if (WriteOutput)
  //  printf("inHeader=%d match=%d UnpoundPage=%d\n", inHeader, strncmp(s + 3, "Page", 4), UnpoundPage);
  if ((!strncmp(s, "## ", 3) || !strncmp(s, "##\t", 3)) && !inHeader
      && (strncmp(s + 3, "Page", 4) != 0 || !UnpoundPage))
      //if (WriteOutput)
      //  printf("HERE\n");
      if (WriteOutput && inReconstructionComment && reconstructionComments)
        printf ("%s", s);
      // Set proper style and output the line.
      if (WriteOutput && Html && HtmlOut != NULL)
          fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_STYLE_END);
          if (StyleBox)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, HTML_TABLE_START, StyleBoxWidth);
          else if (StyleUser)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", StyleUserStart);
          fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", &s[3]);

      // Loop on the lines of the insert.
      while (1)
          ss = fgets(s, sSize - 1, InputFile);
          if (ss == NULL)
          if (strncmp(s, "## ", 3) && strncmp(s, "##\t", 3))
          if (WriteOutput && inReconstructionComment && reconstructionComments)
            printf ("%s", s);
          if (WriteOutput && Html && HtmlOut != NULL)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", &s[3]);

      // Restore default style.
      if (WriteOutput && Html && HtmlOut != NULL)
          if (StyleBox)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_TABLE_END);
          else if (StyleUser)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", StyleUserEnd);
          fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_STYLE_START);

      if (ss == NULL)
        return (1);

      goto Retry;

  // Now take care of the <HTML> or <HTMLnn> tags.  However,
  // the ## style described above is preferred.
  if (!strncmp(s, "<HTML>", 6)
      || (2 == sscanf(s, "<HTML%d%c", &Width, &c) && Width > 0 && Width <= 99
          && c == '>'))
      // Turn off default HTML styling.
      if (WriteOutput && Html && HtmlOut != NULL)
          fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_STYLE_END);
          if (c == '>')
            fprintf(HtmlOut, HTML_TABLE_START, Width);
      // Loop on the lines of the insert.
      while (1)
          ss = fgets(s, sSize - 1, InputFile);
          if (ss == NULL)
              printf("Premature end-of-file.\n");
              fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: Premature end-of-file.\n",
                  CurrentFilename, *CurrentLineInFile);
              goto Done;


          if (!strncmp(s, "</HTML>", 7))
              // Turn default HTML styling back on and return
              // to normal source processing.
              if (WriteOutput && Html && HtmlOut != NULL)
                  if (c == '>')
                    fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_TABLE_END);
                  fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", HTML_STYLE_START);

          if (WriteOutput && Html && HtmlOut != NULL)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", s);
      return (1);
  return (0);

// Normalize a variable, constant name, or line label to a form that can be
// used as an html anchor point.  Since we know that all such names are 
// 8 characters or less, we can simply convert the ASCII characters to 
// 2-digit hexadecimal and end up with 16-character labels or less.  For
// example, "ABCD" -> "41424344".
char *
NormalizeAnchor(char *Name)
  static char Normalized[17], *EndPoint = &Normalized[sizeof(Normalized) - 1];
  char *s;

  for (s = Normalized, *s = 0; *Name != 0 && s < EndPoint; s += 2, Name++)
    sprintf(s, "%02X", *Name);

  return (Normalized);

// Normalize a string by fixing up the '<' and '&' characters, so that they
// can't have bogus html tags in them.  It handles tabs also, but they can
// only be interpreted relative to the beginning of the input string rather
// than to page position.  If the number of print positions is less than
// PadTo, pad with spaces until it is the right length.
char *
NormalizeStringN(char *Input, int PadTo)
  static char Output[2000], *EndPoint = &Output[sizeof(Output) - 1 - 6];
  char *s;
  int Pos = 0;

  for (s = Output, *s = 0; *Input != 0 && s < EndPoint; Input++)
      if (*Input == '<')
          strcpy(s, "&lt;");
          s += 4;
      else if (*Input == '&')
          strcpy(s, "&amp;");
          s += 5;
      else if (*Input == '\t')
          int i;

          i = ((Pos + 8) & ~7) - Pos;
          Pos += i;
          for (; i > 0; i--)
              strcpy(s, " ");
              s += 1;

          *s++ = *Input;

  for (; Pos < PadTo; Pos++)
      strcpy(s, " ");
      s += 1;

  *s = 0;

  return (Output);

char *
NormalizeString(char *Input)
  return (NormalizeStringN(Input, 0));

// Delete the symbol table.
  if (SymbolTable != NULL)

  SymbolTable = NULL;
  SymbolTableSize = SymbolTableMax = 0;

// Add a symbol to the table.  The newly-added symbol always has the value
// ILLEGAL_SYMBOL_VALUE.  Returns 0 on success, or non-zero on fatal
// error.
AddSymbol(const char *Name)
  char Namespace = 0;

  // A sanity clause.
  if (strlen(Name) > MAX_LABEL_LENGTH)
      printf("Symbol name \"%s\" is too long.\n", Name);
      return (1);

  // If the symbol table is too small, enlarge it.
  if (SymbolTableSize == SymbolTableMax)
      if (SymbolTable == NULL)
          // This default size comes from the fact that I know there are about
          // 7100 symbols in the Luminary131 symbol table. There are far fewer
          // symbols in yaLEMAP, but that is ok since this isn't much memory
          // anyhow.
          SymbolTableMax = 10000;
          SymbolTable = (Symbol_t *) calloc(SymbolTableMax, sizeof(Symbol_t));
          SymbolTableMax += 1000;
          SymbolTable = (Symbol_t *) realloc(SymbolTable,
              SymbolTableMax * sizeof(Symbol_t));
      if (SymbolTable == NULL)
          printf("Out of memory (3).\n");
          return (1);

  // Now add the symbol.
  SymbolTable[SymbolTableSize].Namespace = Namespace;
  SymbolTable[SymbolTableSize].Value.Invalid = 1;
  strcpy(SymbolTable[SymbolTableSize].Name, Name);

  return (0);

// JMS: Assign a symbol a new value. Returns 0 on success. This is used for
// backward compatability to avoid changing lots of existing code. Sets the
// new debugging parameters to their default values.
EditSymbol(const char *Name, Address_t *Value)
  return EditSymbolNew(Name, Value, SYMBOL_REGISTER, "", 0);

// Compare two symbol-table entries, for comparison purposes.  Both the
// Namespace and Name fields are used.
static int
CompareSymbolName(const void *Raw1, const void *Raw2)
#define Element1 ((Symbol_t *) Raw1)
#define Element2 ((Symbol_t *) Raw2)
  if (Element1->Namespace < Element2->Namespace)
    return (-1);

  if (Element1->Namespace > Element2->Namespace)
    return (1);

  if (ebcdic && !forceAscii)
    return (strcmpEBCDIC(Element1->Name, Element2->Name));
  else if (honeywell && !forceAscii)
    return (strcmpHoneywell(Element1->Name, Element2->Name));
    return (strcmp(Element1->Name, Element2->Name));
#undef Element1
#undef Element2

// Sort the symbol table.  Returns the number of duplicated symbols.
  int i, j, ErrorCount = 0;

  qsort(SymbolTable, SymbolTableSize, sizeof(Symbol_t), CompareSymbolName);

  // If a symbol is duplicated (in the same namespace), be remove the
  // duplicates.
  for (i = 1; i < SymbolTableSize;)
      if (SymbolTable[i - 1].Namespace == SymbolTable[i].Namespace
          && !strcmp(SymbolTable[i - 1].Name, SymbolTable[i].Name))
          printf("Symbol \"%s\" (%d) is duplicated.\n", SymbolTable[i].Name,

          for (j = i; j < SymbolTableSize; j++)
            SymbolTable[j - 1] = SymbolTable[j];


  return (ErrorCount);

// Locate a string in the symbol table.  
// Returns a pointer to the symbol-table entry, or NULL if not found.. 
Symbol_t *
GetSymbol(const char *Name)
  char Namespace = 0;
  Symbol_t Symbol;

  if (strlen(Name) > MAX_LABEL_LENGTH)
    return (NULL);

  Symbol.Namespace = Namespace;
  strcpy(Symbol.Name, Name);

  return ((Symbol_t *) bsearch(&Symbol, SymbolTable, SymbolTableSize,
      sizeof(Symbol_t), CompareSymbolName));

// Print the symbol table.
int pageSize = 45;  // GAP page is 3 columns of 45 rows each.
PrintSymbolsToFile(FILE *fp)
  int i;
  char *status = "";
  Symbol_t **columnizedSymbolTable = NULL, *currentSymbol, *dummySymbol;
  int columnizedSymbolTableSize = 0;
  int currentRow = 0, currentColumn = 0, currentPageOffset = 0;
  char initial, lastInitial = 0, thisPageSize;
  Symbol_t separator;
  int symbolNumber = 0, *symbolNumbers = NULL;

  if (honeywell)
    pageSize = 43;
  thisPageSize = pageSize;
  separator.Type = SYMBOL_SEPARATOR;

  // The SymbolTable[] array, if printed out simplistically, would be row
  // by row, with no page breaks.  However, we want it to print column by
  // column, with page breaks, to allow easier comparison to the original
  // printouts.  Also, we want to eliminate the internal symbols added by
  // yaYUL ($3, $4, etc.) that aren't present in the source code itself.
  // Moreover, we want to add separators wherever the initial character of
  // the symbol name changes.
  // Therefore, we start out by making new array of symbols,
  // columnizedSymbolTable[], in which the elements are rearranged
  // appropriately.  However, the elements of columnizedSymbolTable[] point
  // to the entries in SymbolTable[].  I.e, it's an array of Symbol_t *
  // rather than an array of Symbol_t.
  columnizedSymbolTable = calloc(SymbolTableSize + 256, sizeof(Symbol_t *));
  symbolNumbers = calloc(SymbolTableSize + 256, sizeof(int));
  for (i = 0, currentSymbol = SymbolTable; i < SymbolTableSize;
      i++, currentSymbol++)
      int initialCheck = 1, position;
      // Eliminate internal symbols.
      //fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", currentSymbol->Name);
      initial = currentSymbol->Name[0];
      if (initial == '$')
          if (!strcmp(currentSymbol->Name, "$3")
              || !strcmp(currentSymbol->Name, "$4")
              || !strcmp(currentSymbol->Name, "$5")
              || !strcmp(currentSymbol->Name, "$6")
              || !strcmp(currentSymbol->Name, "$7")
              || !strcmp(currentSymbol->Name, "$16")
              || !strcmp(currentSymbol->Name, "$17")
              || !strcmp(currentSymbol->Name, "$25")
              || !strcmp(currentSymbol->Name, "$5777"))
      // The code at saveSymbol is executed either once (normally, to store
      // a symbol) or twice (if the initial character of the symbol name
      // changes, to store a separator record before storing the symbol record.
      // At least for YUL, such separators aren't added if they're the very
      // first entry on a page.
      if (initial != lastInitial && lastInitial != 0)
          lastInitial = initial;
          if (honeywell == 0 || currentRow != 0 || currentColumn != 0)
              dummySymbol = &separator;
              saveSymbol: position = currentPageOffset + currentRow * 3
                  + currentColumn;
              columnizedSymbolTable[position] = dummySymbol;
              symbolNumbers[position] = symbolNumber;
              if (position > columnizedSymbolTableSize)
                columnizedSymbolTableSize = position;
              if (currentRow >= thisPageSize)
                  currentRow = 0;
                  if (currentColumn >= 3)
                      currentColumn = 0;
                      currentPageOffset += pageSize * 3;
                      // The following is intended to adjust the
                      // number of rows on the *last* page of the symbol table,
                      // similarly to how GAP does it.  Unfortunately, it
                      // requires counting the number of changes of the
                      // the leading character of the symbol name remaining,
                      // so that we know how many separators remain.
                      if (SymbolTableSize - i < pageSize * 3)
                          char l = lastInitial;
                          int numChanges = 0, j;
                          for (j = i + 1; j < SymbolTableSize; j++)
                              if (SymbolTable[j].Name[0] != l)
                                  l = SymbolTable[j].Name[0];
                          thisPageSize = (SymbolTableSize + numChanges - i + 1)
                              / 3;
                          if (thisPageSize > pageSize)
                            thisPageSize = pageSize;
      if (initialCheck)
          initialCheck = 0;
          lastInitial = currentSymbol->Name[0];
          dummySymbol = currentSymbol;
          goto saveSymbol;
  //fprintf(stderr, "Here A!\n");

  fprintf(fp, "Symbol Table\n------------\n");
  if (Block1)
          "(Legend:  I=Invalid, C=Constant, E=Erasable, F=Fixed, ?=Error)\n\n");

  if (HtmlOut != NULL)
      fprintf(HtmlOut, "</pre>\n\n<h1>SymbolTable</h1>\n<pre>\n");
      if (Block1)
              "<i>(Legend:  I=Invalid, C=Constant, E=Erasable, F=Fixed, ?=Error)</i><br><br>\n");

  //fprintf(stderr, "columnizedSymbolTableSize = %d\n",columnizedSymbolTableSize);
  for (i = 0; i < columnizedSymbolTableSize; i++)
       if (columnizedSymbolTable[i] == NULL)
       fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s %d\n", i, "", 0);
       fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s %d\n", i, columnizedSymbolTable[i]->Name,

      if (0 != i && 0 == (i % (pageSize * 3)))
          fprintf(fp, "\n");
          if (HtmlOut != NULL)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", "<br>\n");

      //if (!(i & 3) && i != 0)
      if (i != 0 && (i % 3) == 0)
          fprintf(fp, "\n");
          if (HtmlOut != NULL)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "\n");

      if (columnizedSymbolTable[i] == NULL
          || columnizedSymbolTable[i]->Type == SYMBOL_EMPTY)
          fprintf(fp, "                                  ");
          if (HtmlOut != NULL)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "                                  ");
      else if (columnizedSymbolTable[i]->Type == SYMBOL_SEPARATOR)
          fprintf(fp, "  ==============================  ");
          if (HtmlOut != NULL)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "================================  ");
          if (columnizedSymbolTable[i]->Value.Invalid)
            status = ",I";
          else if (columnizedSymbolTable[i]->Value.Constant)
            status = ",C";
          else if (columnizedSymbolTable[i]->Value.Erasable)
            status = ",E";
          else if (columnizedSymbolTable[i]->Value.Fixed)
            status = ",F";
            status = ",?";
          fprintf(fp, "%6d%s:   %-*s   ", symbolNumbers[i], status,
          MAX_LABEL_LENGTH, columnizedSymbolTable[i]->Name);
          if (HtmlOut)
              char *normalized;
              int width;

              width = MAX_LABEL_LENGTH;
              normalized = NormalizeString(columnizedSymbolTable[i]->Name);
              if (NULL != strstr(normalized, "&amp;"))
                width += 4;

              if (columnizedSymbolTable[i]->FileName[0])
                      "%06d%s:   <a href=\"%s.html#%s\">%-*s</a>   ",
                      symbolNumbers[i], status,
                      NormalizeAnchor(columnizedSymbolTable[i]->Name), width,
                  fprintf(HtmlOut, "%06d%s:   %-*s   ", symbolNumbers[i],
                      status, width, normalized);


      //if (3 != (i & 3))
      if (2 != (i % 3))
          fprintf(fp, "\t\t");
          if (HtmlOut != NULL)
            fprintf(HtmlOut, "%s", NormalizeString("\t"));

  //fprintf(stderr, "Here B!\n");

  fprintf(fp, "\n");
  if (HtmlOut != NULL)
    fprintf(HtmlOut, "\n");


// Counts the number of unresolved symbols.
  int i, Ret = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < SymbolTableSize; i++)
    if (SymbolTable[i].Value.Invalid)

  return (Ret);

// JMS: Begin additions for output of symbol table to a file for symbolic
// debugging purposes.

// JMS: 07.28

// These holds entries for every single compiled line in the source and
// its file and line number. This table is needed to print out the source
// line as we step through code. It is also needed for "break <line #>".
SymbolLine_t *LineTable = NULL;
int LineTableSize = 0, LineTableMax = 0, numSymbolsReassigned = 0;

// Assign a symbol a new value including is type, and the file name/line
// number from which it came which is used for debugging purposes. Returns
// 0 upon success, 1 upon failure.
EditSymbolNew(const char *Name, Address_t *Value, int Type, char *FileName,
    unsigned int LineNumber)
  char Namespace = 0;
  Symbol_t *Symbol;

  //if (!strcmp(Name, "VPRED"))
  //  {
  //    fprintf(stderr, "Here!\n");
  //  }

  // Find out where the symbol is located in the symbol table.
  Symbol = GetSymbol(Name);
  if (Symbol == NULL)
      printf("Implementation error: symbol %d,\"%s\" lost between passes.\n",
          Namespace, Name);
      return (1);

  // This can't happen, but still ...
  if (strcmp(Name, Symbol->Name))
    printf("***** Name mismatch:  %s/%s\n", Name, Symbol->Name);

#if 0
  // Check to see if the symbol is in a namespace that allows it to be
  // reassigned.
  printf("Symbol \"%s\" in namespace %d cannot be reassigned.\n",
      Symbol->Name, Symbol->Namespace);

  // Reassign the value.
  if (memcmp(&Symbol->Value, Value, sizeof(*Value)))
  Symbol->Value = *Value;

  // Assign the symbol type, file name, and line number
  Symbol->Type = Type;
  Symbol->LineNumber = LineNumber;
  strcpy(Symbol->FileName, FileName);

  return (0);

// Writes the symbol table to a file in binary format. See yaYUL.h for
// more information about the format. Takes the name of the symbol file.

#ifndef O_BINARY
// The O_BINARY flag is needed only in Windows.  If it's not defined,
// it's okay to just make it zero, because it means it's not needed.
#define O_BINARY 0

WriteSymbolsToFile(char *fname)
  int i, fd, step;
  SymbolFile_t symfile =
      { 0 } };
  Symbol_t symbol;
  SymbolLine_t Line;

  // Open the symbol table file
  step = 1;
#ifdef MSC_VS
  if ((fd = _sopen_s(&fd, fname, _O_BINARY | _O_WRONLY | _O_CREAT |
              _O_TRUNC, _SH_DENYWR, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE)) < 0)
  goto error;
  if ((fd = open(fname, O_BINARY | O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666)) < 0)
    goto error;

  // Write the SymbolFile_t header to the symbol file, filling its
  // members first.
  step = 2;
  if (NULL == getcwd(symfile.SourcePath, MAX_PATH_LENGTH))
    goto error;
  symfile.NumberSymbols = SymbolTableSize;
  symfile.NumberLines = LineTableSize; // JMS: 07.28
  step = 3;
  if (write(fd, (void *) &symfile, sizeof(SymbolFile_t)) < 0)
    goto error;

  // Loop and write the symbols to a file
  step = 4;
  for (i = 0; i < SymbolTableSize; i++)
      memcpy(&symbol, (void *) &SymbolTable[i], sizeof(Symbol_t));
      if (write(fd, (void *) &symbol, sizeof(Symbol_t)) < 0)
        goto error;

  // JMS: 07.28
  // Loop and write the symbol lines to a file
  step = 5;
  for (i = 0; i < LineTableSize; i++)
      memcpy(&Line, (void *) &LineTable[i], sizeof(SymbolLine_t));
      if (write(fd, (void *) &Line, sizeof(SymbolLine_t)) < 0)
        goto error;
  if (0)
      char *s;
      error: ;
      s = strerror(errno);
      printf("\nFile error (symbol-table write, step %d): %s.\n", step, s);
    printf("\nSymbol-table file written.\n");

// Delete the line table.
  if (LineTable != NULL)

  LineTable = NULL;
  LineTableSize = LineTableMax = 0;

// Adds a new program line to the table. Takes the Address_t at which this
// is stored in (fixed) memory, and the file name and line number where it
// is found. Takes the number of words the instruction takes up in memory.
// Returns 0 on success, or non-zero on fatal error.
AddLine(Address_t *Address, const char *FileName, int LineNumber)
  // A sanity clause.
  if (strlen(FileName) > MAX_FILE_LENGTH)
      printf("File name \"%s\" is too long.\n", FileName);
      return (1);

  // If the line table is too small, enlarge it.
  if (LineTableSize == LineTableMax)
      if (LineTable == NULL)
          // This default size comes from the fact that I know there is 32K
          // of fixed memory in the AGC.
          LineTableMax = 32768;
          LineTable = (SymbolLine_t *) calloc(LineTableMax,
          LineTableMax += 1000;
          LineTable = (SymbolLine_t *) realloc(LineTable,
              LineTableMax * sizeof(SymbolLine_t));
      if (LineTable == NULL)
          printf("Out of memory (3).\n");
          return (1);

  // Now add the line but adjust for the word inside the instruction.
  LineTable[LineTableSize].CodeAddress = *Address;
  strcpy(LineTable[LineTableSize].FileName, FileName);
  LineTable[LineTableSize].LineNumber = LineNumber;
  return (0);

// Compare function for the line table. We must sort the lines in increasing
// order of physical address. This routine is used for the AGC way of
// addressing memory.
static int
CompareLineAGC(const void *Raw1, const void *Raw2)
#define Address1 ((SymbolLine_t *) Raw1)->CodeAddress
#define Address2 ((SymbolLine_t *) Raw2)->CodeAddress

  // It is unclear whether we can ever get erasable addresses here, I
  // don't think so, so we'll just pretend there are fixed address
  // only. The ordering is by 'bank' then 'address', so fixed banks
  // 00 and 01 come before the unbanked 02 and 03 addresses.
  int Bank1, Bank2;

  if (Address1.Banked && Address1.FB >= 020 && Address1.Super)
    Bank1 = Address1.FB + 010;
  else if (Address1.Banked)
    Bank1 = Address1.FB;
    Bank1 = Address1.SReg / 02000;

  if (Address2.Banked && Address2.FB >= 020 && Address2.Super)
    Bank2 = Address2.FB + 010;
  else if (Address2.Banked)
    Bank2 = Address2.FB;
    Bank2 = Address2.SReg / 02000;

  if (Bank1 < Bank2)
    return -1;
  else if (Bank1 > Bank2)
    return 1;
  else if (Address1.SReg < Address2.SReg)
    return -1;
  else if (Address1.SReg > Address2.SReg)
    return 1;
    return 0;

#undef Address1
#undef Address2

// Compare function for the line table. We must sort the lines in increasing
// order of physical address. This uses the yaLEMAP way of addressing.
static int
CompareLineAGS(const void *Raw1, const void *Raw2)
#define Address1 ((SymbolLine_t *) Raw1)->CodeAddress
#define Address2 ((SymbolLine_t *) Raw2)->CodeAddress

  if (Address1.SReg < Address2.SReg)
    return -1;
  else if (Address1.SReg > Address2.SReg)
    return 1;
    return 0;

#undef Address1
#undef Address2

// Compare function for the line table. We must sort the lines in increasing
// order of physical address. This uses the yaASM way of addressing.
static int
CompareLineASM(const void *Raw1, const void *Raw2)
#define Address1 ((SymbolLine_t *) Raw1)->CodeAddress
#define Address2 ((SymbolLine_t *) Raw2)->CodeAddress

  if (Address1.SReg < Address2.SReg)
    return -1;
  else if (Address1.SReg > Address2.SReg)
    return 1;
  else if (Address1.Syllable < Address2.Syllable)
    return -1;
  else if (Address1.Syllable > Address2.Syllable)
    return 1;
    return 0;

#undef Address1
#undef Address2

// Sort the line table.
SortLines(int Type)
  int i, j;
  (*Compare)(const void *, const void *);

  // Sort the entries based upon the architecture
  if (Type == SORT_YUL)
    Compare = CompareLineAGC;
  else if (Type == SORT_LEMAP)
    Compare = CompareLineAGS;
  else if (Type == SORT_ASM)
    Compare = CompareLineASM;
      printf("Invalid architecture type given.\n");

  qsort(LineTable, LineTableSize, sizeof(SymbolLine_t), Compare);

  // Remove duplicates from the line table. I think this is a completely
  // normal situation because multiple passes are made throug the code
  // when compiling.
  printf("Removing the duplicated lines... ");
  for (i = 1; i < LineTableSize;)
      if (!Compare((const void *) &LineTable[i - 1].CodeAddress,
          (const void *) &LineTable[i].CodeAddress))
          AddressPrint(&LineTable[i - 1].CodeAddress);

          for (j = i; j < LineTableSize; j++)
            LineTable[j - 1] = LineTable[j];


// JMS: End additions for output of symbol table
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