Revision 0ffdcf7f1d7e2ff58b4c41e74a6193accd6f78ae authored by Bowen Bao on 04 October 2018, 01:33:40 UTC, committed by Bowen Bao on 18 October 2018, 01:36:48 UTC
* Overhaul node name export. Create static class UniqueNodeNameStorage
to manage ONNX node name generation with maintained one-to-one mapping
between CNTK Uid, while preserving the original CNTK node name by best
efforts (#3358).
* Update onnx_op_test to test the preservation of original CNTK node
names in exported/imported models.
* Update onnx_test_helper to support proper linking of test data and
onnx model input/output with unique names.
* Update onnx_test_helper to generate .bat file to run exported models
in further onnxruntime verification.
* Fix Sum import to support arbitrary number of inputs. Sum
implementation in CNTK backend is loop of Plus, which takes care of
potential broadcast issues.
1 parent da2e610
Raw File
Tip revision: 0ffdcf7f1d7e2ff58b4c41e74a6193accd6f78ae authored by Bowen Bao on 04 October 2018, 01:33:40 UTC
Overhaul node name export & other fixes
Tip revision: 0ffdcf7
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