Revision 1c14691a86ab8c6939dd04707dc2a92125fa8629 authored by Raul Tambre on 07 February 2021, 09:27:21 UTC, committed by Brad King on 09 July 2021, 15:27:47 UTC
Clang does not define `__STDC__` if in MSVC compatibility mode, but does
define `__STDC_VERSION__`.  Avoid the fallback for this combination.

This backports commit 7596d8b951 (CMakeCCompilerId: Fix C standard
detection in Clang MSVC mode, 2021-02-07, v3.21.0-rc1~587^2~14) to the
3.20 release series.  This is needed since commit 5115dd1e2c (IntelLLVM:
Fix C/C++ standard level flags on Windows, 2021-07-07, v3.21.0-rc3~7^2^2)
now that we activate C/C++ standard level logic for IntelLLVM when
targeting the MSVC ABI.
1 parent 5115dd1
Raw File
Tip revision: 1c14691a86ab8c6939dd04707dc2a92125fa8629 authored by Raul Tambre on 07 February 2021, 09:27:21 UTC
CMakeCCompilerId: Fix C standard detection in Clang and IntelLLVM MSVC mode
Tip revision: 1c14691
# This configuration requires clang-format version 6.0 exactly.
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  - Regex:           '^<[^.]+\.h'
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