Revision 212f33b13bfb2b166095f7961908026a74748d64 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 21 August 2015, 15:23:06 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 21 August 2015, 15:23:06 UTC
Work for types, operators, predicates, modules and module types.

The syntax is:

 - `clone ... rename [class1, ...] "regexp" to "subst" ...`
 - `clone ... rename "regexp" to "subst" ...`

where `class_i` is in `type`, `op`, `pred`, `module` and `module type`.

The `rename` clause applies the regexp to all the object names of the
cloned theories, whose class matches one of the given classes (or
regardless of the object class if no classes are given).
If the regexp matches, the new object name is given by the substitution
pattern. Once a rename clause matches, no more renaming is performed
for the object (i.e. the mechanism as a first match semantics).

See the PCRE documentation for help about the regexp and substitution
syntax. Note that the $0 substitution pattern is forbidden.

[close #17182]. Reopen the ticket is more renaming mechanisms are
1 parent f14beaa
Raw File
Tip revision: 212f33b13bfb2b166095f7961908026a74748d64 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 21 August 2015, 15:23:06 UTC
cloning: regexp based renamings
Tip revision: 212f33b
Installing requirements

EasyCrypt uses the following third-party tools/libraries:

 * OCaml (>= 4.02)

     Available at

 * Why3 (= 0.85)

     Available at

     Why3 must be installed with a set a provers.
     See []

     Why3 libraries must be installed (make byte && make install-lib)

 * Menhir []

 * Yojson []

 * OCaml Batteries Included []
 * OCaml PCRE (>= 7) []

Installing requirements using OPAM (POSIX systems - preferred)

Starting with opam 1.2.0, you can install all the needed depdendencies
via the opam OCaml packages manager.

  0. Optionally, switch to a dedicated compiler for EasyCrypt:

        $> opam switch -A $OVERSION easycrypt

     where $OVERSION is a valid OCaml version (e.g. 4.02.1)

  1. Add the EasyCrypt repository:

        $> opam repository add easycrypt git://
        $> opam update
  2. Add the EasyCrypt meta-packages:

        $> opam install ec-toolchain
        $> opam install ec-provers

Opam can be easily installed from source or via your packages manager:

  * On Ubuntu and derivatives:
        $> add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ppa
        $> apt-get update
        $> apt-get install ocaml ocaml-native-compilers camlp4-extra opam
  * On MacOSX using brew:

        $> brew install ocaml opam

    Note that you MacOSX does not include `/usr/local/{lib,include}` in the
    system library/include path. Be sure to have the following environment
    variables set while compiling the Easycrypt dependencies

See [] for how to install opam.

See [] for how to initialize opam

Installing requirements using a local toolchain

### On POSIX systems

You can install a local copy of OCaml and all the needed libraries by
running [make toolchain]. You only need [curl] and the [gcc] compiler.

By default, the destination directory is ${PWD}/_tools. You can change
this by setting the $EC_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT variable, e.g.:

        $> make EC_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT=/opt/ec-toolchain toolchain

Note that $EC_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT cannot contain spaces.

The toolchain is not activated by default. You have to:

        $> source ./scripts/

This command has to be repeated each time you start a fresh terminal.

We also provide an automated way to install a set of core
provers. After having installing the toolchain, type:

        $> make provers

This also create a configuration file for Why3 in _tools/why3.local.conf.
This file is automatically loaded by EasyCrypt when started locally.

### On Cygwin (POSIX over Win32)

WARNING: the ocaml compiler currently shipped with cygwin64 is
broken. You have to use the 32bits version of cygwin.

First, install the following cygwin32 packages:


By default, the destination directory is ${PWD}/_tools. You can change
this by setting the $EC_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT variable, e.g.:

        $> make EC_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT=/opt/ec-toolchain toolchain

Note that $EC_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT cannot contain spaces.

The toolchain is not activated by default. You have to:

        $> source ./scripts/

This command has to be repeated each time you start a fresh terminal.

We do NOT provide an automated way to install provers.

### On Win32

WARNING: wodi is no more maintained. We are thinking on a new
way of installing EasyCrypt requirements on Windows.

WARNING: the instructions are given for the 32bit version of
cygwin. Replace 32- by 64- if you are using the 64bit version.

NOTE: The build process relies on cygwin. Still, the resulting
EasyCrypt binary will by a native win32 program independent from the
cygwin DLL.

First, install cygwin32 && wodi32 (a package manager for OCaml
targetting win32). Wodi is coming with an automated installer that
install both. However, you may already have a installation and
cygwin. In that case, you can install wodi32 in your cygwin32
installation as follows. Otherwise, jump directly to step 5.

  1. Download

     The EasyCrypt webpage is hosting a copy of the archive:

  2. Extract the archive. You will obtain a wodi32/ directory.

     Go to wodi32/ and run ./

     Wodi will be installed in /opt/wodi32.

     The installer may require you to install some cygwin packages:

        bash bzip2 coreutils cpio cygwin dash diffutils dos2unix file
        findutils gawk getent grep gzip make mingw64-i686-gcc-core
        mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core mintty patch sed tar xz

     For easing their installation, you may want to use apt-cyg:

        $> lynx -source > /tmp/apt-cyg
        $> install apt-cyg /bin && rm /tmp/apt-cyg
        $> apt-cyg install <packages list>

     See [] for more informations.

  3. Some wodi packages expect to be installed in C:/wodi32.

     Create a win32 symlink from C:/cygwin (or wherever your cygwin
     base directory is) to C:/wodi32. For that, you may start a win32
     shell command as an administrator and type

       $> mklink /D C:\wodi32 C:\cygwin

  4. Restart a fresh cygwin shell to get a working wodi
     environment. Type:

       $> /opt/wodi32/lib/godi/ --add-startmenu-folder

  5. Install the following wodi packages:

       godi-menhir godi-yojson godi-batteries godi-ocamlgraph godi-zarith
       godi-zip godi-pcre

     Use either the wodi32 package manager (from the start menu), or the
     CLI interface:

       $> godi_add <packages list>

  6. Install why3 0.85. Download why3 from []

     Untar, go to the why3-0.85/ directory and type

       $> CC=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe ./configure --prefix=C:/wodi32/opt/wodi32/ \
            --disable-coq-tactic --disable-coq-libs --disable-pvs-libs \
            --disable-ide --disable-bench
       $> make opt byte
       $> make install install-lib

     You may have to apply some patches before configuring/building
     Why3. Check the following directories for patches:


     After installation, you can check that why3 is correctly installed:

       $> ocamlfind list | fgrep -w why3

We do NOT provide an automated way to install provers. However, for a
first test, you may want to install alt-ergo form the wodi package

Configuring Why3

Before running EasyCrypt and after the installation/removal/update
of an SMT prover, you need to (re)configure Why3.

By EasyCrypt is using the default Why3 location, i.e. ~/.why3.conf,
or _tools/why3.local.conf when it exists. If you have several versions
of Why3 installed, it may be impossible to share the same configuration
file among them. EasyCrypt via the option -why3, allows you to load a
Why3 configuration file from a custom location. For instance:

  why3 config --detect -C $WHY3CONF.conf
  ./ec.native -why3 $WHY3CONF.conf


The shell commands

        $> make
        $> make install

should build and install easycrypt.

It is possible to change the installation prefix by setting the
environment variable PREFIX:

        $> make PREFIX=/my/prefix install

Proof General Front-End


 * GNU Emacs (>= 23.3)

     Available at

 * ProofGeneral 4.2

     Available at

Installing locally

You can install a local copy of ProofGeneral by running:

        $> make -C proofgeneral local

This process is trying to find emacs in different places and then
searches it in the $PATH. You can change this by setting the $EMACS
environment variable.

To run this local copy, run [make pg].

Installing system-wide (manual installation)

Add the following entry to <proof-general-home>/generic/proof-site.el
in the definition of `proof-assistant-table-default':

        (easycrypt "EasyCrypt" "ec")

Copy the directory easycrypt/ to <proof-general-home>/

If you have not done so, add the following line to your Emacs
configuration file (typically ~/.emacs):

        (load-file "<proof-general-home>/generic/proof-site.el")

If the EasyCrypt executable is not in your $PATH, set the path to the
EasyCrypt executable by modifying the variable easycrypt-prog-name
inside Emacs:

          -> Advanced 
            -> Customize 
              -> EasyCrypt
                -> EasyCrypt prog name
setting its value to:

        "<path-to-easycrypt>/easycrypt -emacs"

Installing system-wide (automatic installation)

The manual process can be automatized by running:

        $> make PGROOT=/path/to/proof-general-home install

along with

        $> make PGROOT=/path/to/proof-general-home uninstall

for uninstalling the EasyCrypt mode. If the EasyCrypt executable is not
in your path, refer to the previous section to configure ProofGeneral
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