Revision 2642f432ef05d083da66c0b24cd10d655f951186 authored by Eli Schwartz on 31 March 2020, 03:07:37 UTC, committed by Eli Schwartz on 31 March 2020, 16:01:40 UTC
The vim, emacs, and bash support files are not internal CMake resources
and so do not belong under `CMAKE_DATA_DIR`.  Move them over to proper
places under the `CMAKE_XDGDATA_DIR` as we do already for cmake-gui
desktop files and `cmake.m4`.

Fixes: #20522
1 parent 529d729
Raw File
Tip revision: 2642f432ef05d083da66c0b24cd10d655f951186 authored by Eli Schwartz on 31 March 2020, 03:07:37 UTC
Aux: Install editor and bash files to more natural locations
Tip revision: 2642f43
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