Revision 2900dc24d2c5a7d8fdb3f1abb1540fb704e51742 authored by Christian Thiele on 15 February 2021, 13:40:03 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 15 February 2021, 13:40:03 UTC
1 parent d461e55
Raw File
Tip revision: 2900dc24d2c5a7d8fdb3f1abb1540fb704e51742 authored by Christian Thiele on 15 February 2021, 13:40:03 UTC
version 1.1.0
Tip revision: 2900dc2
#' Determine and evaluate optimal cutpoints
#' Using predictions (or e.g. biological marker values) and binary class labels, this function
#' will determine "optimal" cutpoints using various selectable methods. The
#' methods for cutpoint determination can be evaluated using bootstrapping. An
#' estimate of the cutpoint variability and the out-of-sample performance can then
#' be returned with \code{summary} or \code{plot}. For an introduction to the
#' package please see \code{vignette("cutpointr", package = "cutpointr")}
#' If \code{direction} and/or \code{pos_class} and \code{neg_class} are not given, the function will
#' assume that higher values indicate the positive class and use the class
#' with a higher median as the positive class.
#' This function uses tidyeval to support unquoted arguments. For programming
#' with \code{cutpointr} the operator \code{!!} can be used to unquote an argument, see the
#' examples.
#' Different methods can be selected for determining the optimal cutpoint via
#' the method argument. The package includes the following method functions:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{maximize_metric}: Maximize the metric function
#'  \item \code{minimize_metric}: Minimize the metric function
#'  \item \code{maximize_loess_metric}: Maximize the metric function after LOESS
#'  smoothing
#'  \item \code{minimize_loess_metric}: Minimize the metric function after LOESS
#'  smoothing
#'  \item \code{maximize_spline_metric}: Maximize the metric function after spline
#'  smoothing
#'  \item \code{minimize_spline_metric}: Minimize the metric function after spline
#'  smoothing
#'  \item \code{maximize_boot_metric}: Maximize the metric function as a summary of
#'  the optimal cutpoints in bootstrapped samples
#'  \item \code{minimize_boot_metric}: Minimize the metric function as a summary of
#'  the optimal cutpoints in bootstrapped samples
#'  \item \code{oc_youden_kernel}: Maximize the Youden-Index after kernel smoothing
#'  the distributions of the two classes
#'  \item \code{oc_youden_normal}: Maximize the Youden-Index parametrically
#'  assuming normally distributed data in both classes
#'  \item \code{oc_manual}: Specify the cutpoint manually
#' }
#' User-defined functions can be supplied to method, too. As a reference,
#' the code of all included method functions can be accessed by simply typing
#' their name. To define a new method function, create a function that may take
#' as input(s):
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{data}: A \code{data.frame} or \code{tbl_df}
#'  \item \code{x}: (character) The name of the predictor or independent variable
#'  \item \code{class}: (character) The name of the class or dependent variable
#'  \item \code{metric_func}: A function for calculating a metric, e.g. accuracy
#'  \item \code{pos_class}: The positive class
#'  \item \code{neg_class}: The negative class
#'  \item \code{direction}: ">=" if the positive class has higher x values, "<=" otherwise
#'  \item \code{tol_metric}: (numeric) In the built-in methods a tolerance around
#'  the optimal metric value
#'  \item \code{use_midpoints}: (logical) In the built-in methods whether to
#'  use midpoints instead of exact optimal cutpoints
#'  \item \code{...} Further arguments
#' }
#' The \code{...} argument can be used to avoid an error if not all of the above
#' arguments are needed or in order to pass additional arguments to method.
#' The function should return a \code{data.frame} or \code{tbl_df} with
#' one row, the column "optimal_cutpoint", and an optional column with an arbitrary name
#' with the metric value at the optimal cutpoint.
#' Built-in metric functions include:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{accuracy}: Fraction correctly classified
#'  \item \code{youden}: Youden- or J-Index = sensitivity + specificity - 1
#'  \item \code{sum_sens_spec}: sensitivity + specificity
#'  \item \code{sum_ppv_npv}: The sum of positive predictive value (PPV) and negative
#'  predictive value (NPV)
#'  \item \code{prod_sens_spec}: sensitivity * specificity
#'  \item \code{prod_ppv_npv}: The product of positive predictive value (PPV) and
#'  negative predictive value (NPV)
#'  \item \code{cohens_kappa}: Cohen's Kappa
#'  \item \code{abs_d_sens_spec}: The absolute difference between
#'  sensitivity and specificity
#'  \item \code{roc01}: Distance to the point (0,1) on ROC space
#'  \item \code{abs_d_ppv_npv}: The absolute difference between positive predictive
#'  value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV)
#'  \item \code{p_chisquared}: The p-value of a chi-squared test on the confusion
#'  matrix of predictions and observations
#'  \item \code{odds_ratio}: The odds ratio calculated as (TP / FP) / (FN / TN)
#'  \item \code{risk_ratio}: The risk ratio (relative risk) calculated as
#'  (TP / (TP + FN)) / (FP / (FP + TN))
#'  \item positive and negative likelihood ratio calculated as
#'  \code{plr} = true positive rate / false positive rate and
#'  \code{nlr} = false negative rate / true negative rate
#'  \item \code{misclassification_cost}: The sum of the misclassification cost of
#'  false positives and false negatives fp * cost_fp + fn * cost_fn.
#'  Additional arguments to cutpointr: \code{cost_fp}, \code{cost_fn}
#'  \item \code{total_utility}: The total utility of true / false positives / negatives
#'  calculated as utility_tp * TP + utility_tn * TN - cost_fp * FP - cost_fn * FN.
#'  Additional arguments to cutpointr: \code{utility_tp}, \code{utility_tn},
#'  \code{cost_fp}, \code{cost_fn}
#'  \item \code{F1_score}: The F1-score (2 * TP) / (2 * TP + FP + FN)
#'  \item \code{sens_constrain}: Maximize sensitivity given a minimal value of
#'  specificity
#'  \item \code{spec_constrain}: Maximize specificity given a minimal value of
#'  sensitivity
#'  \item \code{metric_constrain}: Maximize a selected metric given a minimal
#'  value of another selected metric
#' }
#' Furthermore, the following functions are included which can be used as metric
#' functions but are more useful for plotting purposes, for example in
#' plot_cutpointr, or for defining new metric functions:
#' \code{tp}, \code{fp}, \code{tn}, \code{fn}, \code{tpr}, \code{fpr},
#' \code{tnr}, \code{fnr}, \code{false_omission_rate},
#' \code{false_discovery_rate}, \code{ppv}, \code{npv}, \code{precision},
#' \code{recall}, \code{sensitivity}, and \code{specificity}.
#' User defined metric functions can be created as well which can accept the following
#' inputs as vectors:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{tp}: Vector of true positives
#'  \item \code{fp}: Vector of false positives
#'  \item \code{tn}: Vector of true negatives
#'  \item \code{fn}: Vector of false negatives
#'  \item \code{...} If the metric function is used in conjunction with any of the
#'  maximize / minimize methods, further arguments can be passed
#' }
#' The function should return a numeric vector or a matrix or a \code{data.frame}
#' with one column. If the column is named,
#' the name will be included in the output and plots. Avoid using names that
#' are identical to the column names that are by default returned by \pkg{cutpointr}.
#' If \code{boot_runs} is positive, that number of bootstrap samples will be drawn
#' and the optimal cutpoint using \code{method} will be determined. Additionally,
#' as a way of internal validation, the function in \code{metric} will be used to
#' score the out-of-bag predictions using the cutpoints determined by
#' \code{method}. Various default metrics are always included in the bootstrap results.
#' If multiple optimal cutpoints are found, the column optimal_cutpoint becomes a
#' list that contains the vector(s) of the optimal cutpoints.
#' If \code{use_midpoints = TRUE} the mean of the optimal cutpoint and the next
#' highest or lowest possible cutpoint is returned, depending on \code{direction}.
#' The \code{tol_metric} argument can be used to avoid floating-point problems
#' that may lead to exclusion of cutpoints that achieve the optimally achievable
#' metric value. Additionally, by selecting a large tolerance multiple cutpoints
#' can be returned that lead to decent metric values in the vicinity of the
#' optimal metric value. \code{tol_metric} is passed to metric and is only
#' supported by the maximization and minimization functions, i.e.
#' \code{maximize_metric}, \code{minimize_metric}, \code{maximize_loess_metric},
#' \code{minimize_loess_metric}, \code{maximize_spline_metric}, and
#' \code{minimize_spline_metric}. In \code{maximize_boot_metric} and
#' \code{minimize_boot_metric} multiple optimal cutpoints will be passed to the
#' \code{summary_func} of these two functions.
#' @examples
#' library(cutpointr)
#' ## Optimal cutpoint for dsi
#' data(suicide)
#' opt_cut <- cutpointr(suicide, dsi, suicide)
#' opt_cut
#' s_opt_cut <- summary(opt_cut)
#' plot(opt_cut)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Predict class for new observations
#' predict(opt_cut, newdata = data.frame(dsi = 0:5))
#' ## Supplying raw data, same result
#' cutpointr(x = suicide$dsi, class = suicide$suicide)
#' ## direction, class labels, method and metric can be defined manually
#' ## Again, same result
#' cutpointr(suicide, dsi, suicide, direction = ">=", pos_class = "yes",
#'           method = maximize_metric, metric = youden)
#' ## Optimal cutpoint for dsi, as before, but for the separate subgroups
#' opt_cut <- cutpointr(suicide, dsi, suicide, gender)
#' opt_cut
#' (s_opt_cut <- summary(opt_cut))
#' tibble:::print.tbl(s_opt_cut)
#' ## Bootstrapping also works on individual subgroups
#' set.seed(30)
#' opt_cut <- cutpointr(suicide, dsi, suicide, gender, boot_runs = 1000,
#'   boot_stratify = TRUE)
#' opt_cut
#' summary(opt_cut)
#' plot(opt_cut)
#' ## Parallelized bootstrapping
#'   library(doParallel)
#'   library(doRNG)
#'   cl <- makeCluster(2) # 2 cores
#'   registerDoParallel(cl)
#'   registerDoRNG(12) # Reproducible parallel loops using doRNG
#'   opt_cut <- cutpointr(suicide, dsi, suicide, gender,
#'                        boot_runs = 1000, allowParallel = TRUE)
#'   stopCluster(cl)
#'   opt_cut
#'   plot(opt_cut)
#' ## Robust cutpoint method using kernel smoothing for optimizing Youden-Index
#' opt_cut <- cutpointr(suicide, dsi, suicide, gender,
#'                      method = oc_youden_kernel)
#' opt_cut
#' }
#' @param data A data.frame with the data needed for x, class and optionally
#'  subgroup.
#' @param x The variable name to be used for classification,
#'  e.g. predictions. The raw vector of values if the data argument
#'  is unused.
#' @param class The variable name indicating class membership.
#' If the data argument is unused, the vector of raw numeric values.
#' @param subgroup An additional covariate that identifies subgroups or the raw data if
#' data = NULL. Separate optimal cutpoints will be determined per group.
#' Numeric, character and factor are allowed.
#' @param method (function) A function for determining cutpoints. Can
#' be user supplied or use some of the built in methods. See details.
#' @param metric (function) The function for computing a metric when using
#' maximize_metric or minimize_metric as method and and for the
#' out-of-bag values during bootstrapping. A way of internally validating the performance.
#' User defined functions can be supplied, see details.
#' @param pos_class (optional) The value of class that indicates the positive class.
#' @param neg_class (optional) The value of class that indicates the negative class.
#' @param direction (character, optional) Use ">=" or "<=" to indicate whether x
#' is supposed to be larger or smaller for the positive class.
#' @param boot_runs (numerical) If positive, this number of bootstrap samples
#' will be used to assess the variability and the out-of-sample performance.
#' @param boot_stratify (logical) If the bootstrap is stratified, bootstrap
#' samples are drawn in both classes and then combined, keeping the number
#' of positives and negatives constant in every resample.
#' @param use_midpoints (logical) If TRUE (default FALSE) the returned optimal
#' cutpoint will be the mean of the optimal cutpoint and the next highest
#' observation (for direction = ">=") or the next lowest observation
#' (for direction = "<=") which avoids biasing the optimal cutpoint.
#' @param break_ties If multiple cutpoints are found, they can be summarized using
#' this function, e.g. mean or median. To return all cutpoints use c as the function.
#' @param na.rm (logical) Set to TRUE (default FALSE) to keep only complete
#' cases of x, class and subgroup (if specified). Missing values with
#' na.rm = FALSE will raise an error.
#' @param allowParallel (logical) If TRUE, the bootstrapping will be parallelized
#' using foreach. A local cluster, for example, should be started manually
#' beforehand.
#' @param silent (logical) If TRUE suppresses all messages.
#' @param tol_metric All cutpoints will be returned that lead to a metric
#' value in the interval [m_max - tol_metric, m_max + tol_metric] where
#' m_max is the maximum achievable metric value. This can be used to return
#' multiple decent cutpoints and to avoid floating-point problems. Not supported
#' by all \code{method} functions, see details.
#' @param ... Further optional arguments that will be passed to method.
#' minimize_metric and maximize_metric pass ... to metric.
#' @importFrom purrr %>%
#' @importFrom foreach %do%
#' @return A cutpointr object which is also a data.frame and tbl_df.
#' @useDynLib cutpointr
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @family main cutpointr functions
#' @export cutpointr
cutpointr <- function(...) {

#' @rdname cutpointr
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
cutpointr.default <- function(data, x, class, subgroup = NULL,
                      method = maximize_metric, metric = sum_sens_spec,
                      pos_class = NULL, neg_class = NULL, direction = NULL,
                      boot_runs = 0, boot_stratify = FALSE,
                      use_midpoints = FALSE, break_ties = median, na.rm = FALSE,
                      allowParallel = FALSE, silent = FALSE,
                      tol_metric = 1e-6, ...) {

    # NSE
    predictor <- rlang::as_name(rlang::enquo(x))
    x_sym <- rlang::ensym(x)
    x_expr <- rlang::enexpr(x_sym)
    x <- rlang::eval_tidy(expr = x_expr, data = data)
    outcome <- rlang::as_name(rlang::enquo(class))
    class_sym <- rlang::ensym(class)
    class_expr <- rlang::enexpr(class_sym)
    class <- rlang::eval_tidy(expr = class_expr, data = data)
    subgroup_var <- deparse(substitute(subgroup))
    if (!(deparse(substitute(subgroup)) == "NULL")) {
        subgroup_var <- rlang::as_name(rlang::enquo(subgroup))
        subgroup_sym <- rlang::ensym(subgroup)
        subgroup_expr <- rlang::enexpr(subgroup_sym)
        subgroup <- rlang::eval_tidy(expr = subgroup_expr, data = data)

    # Get method function
    if (length(method) > 1 | !(class(method) == "function")) {
        stop("method should be a function")
    } else {
        cl <-
        mod_name <- cl$method
        # if default was not changed:
        mod_name <- as.character(substitute(method))
    if (is.null(mod_name)) stop("Could not get the method function")
    mod_name <- check_method_name(mod_name)

    # Get metric function
    if (length(metric) > 1 | !(class(metric) == "function")) {
        stop("metric should be a function")
    if (silent) {
            cutpointr_internal(x, class, subgroup, method, metric, pos_class, neg_class,
                               direction, boot_runs, boot_stratify, use_midpoints,
                               break_ties, na.rm, allowParallel, predictor, outcome,
                               mod_name, subgroup_var, tol_metric, ...)
    } else {
        cutpointr_internal(x, class, subgroup, method, metric, pos_class, neg_class,
                           direction, boot_runs, boot_stratify, use_midpoints,
                           break_ties, na.rm, allowParallel, predictor, outcome,
                           mod_name, subgroup_var, tol_metric, ...)

#' @rdname cutpointr
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
cutpointr.numeric <- function(x, class, subgroup = NULL,
                      method = maximize_metric, metric = sum_sens_spec,
                      pos_class = NULL, neg_class = NULL, direction = NULL,
                      boot_runs = 0, boot_stratify = FALSE, use_midpoints = FALSE,
                      break_ties = median, na.rm = FALSE,
                      allowParallel = FALSE, silent = FALSE,
                      tol_metric = 1e-6, ...) {
    predictor <- "x"
    outcome <- "class"
    subgroup_var <- "subgroup"

    # Get method function
    if (length(method) > 1 | !(class(method) == "function")) {
        stop("method should be a function")
    } else {
        cl <-
        mod_name <- cl$method
        # if default was not changed:
        mod_name <- as.character(substitute(method))
    if (is.null(mod_name)) stop("Could not get the method function")
    mod_name <- check_method_name(mod_name)

    # Get metric function
    if (length(metric) > 1 | !(class(metric) == "function")) {
        stop("metric should be a function")
    if (silent) {
            cutpointr_internal(x, class, subgroup, method, metric, pos_class, neg_class,
                               direction, boot_runs, boot_stratify, use_midpoints,
                               break_ties, na.rm, allowParallel, predictor, outcome,
                               mod_name, subgroup_var, tol_metric, ...)
    } else {
        cutpointr_internal(x, class, subgroup, method, metric, pos_class, neg_class,
                           direction, boot_runs, boot_stratify, use_midpoints,
                           break_ties, na.rm, allowParallel, predictor, outcome,
                           mod_name, subgroup_var, tol_metric, ...)

#' The standard evaluation version of cutpointr (deprecated)
#' This function is equivalent to \code{cutpointr} but takes only quoted arguments
#' for \code{x}, \code{class} and \code{subgroup}. This was useful before
#' \code{cutpointr} supported tidyeval.
#' @inheritParams cutpointr
#' @param x (character) The variable name to be used for
#'  classification, e.g. predictions or test values.
#' @param class (character) The variable name indicating class membership.
#' @param subgroup (character) The variable name
#' of an additional covariate that identifies subgroups. Separate
#' optimal cutpoints will be determined per group.
#' @examples
#' library(cutpointr)
#' ## Optimal cutpoint for dsi
#' data(suicide)
#' opt_cut <- cutpointr_(suicide, "dsi", "suicide")
#' opt_cut
#' summary(opt_cut)
#' plot(opt_cut)
#' predict(opt_cut, newdata = data.frame(dsi = 0:5))
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
cutpointr_ <- function(data, x, class, subgroup = NULL,
                      method = maximize_metric, metric = sum_sens_spec,
                      pos_class = NULL, neg_class = NULL, direction = NULL,
                      boot_runs = 0, boot_stratify = FALSE,
                      use_midpoints = FALSE, break_ties = median, na.rm = FALSE,
                      allowParallel = FALSE, silent = FALSE,
                      tol_metric = 1e-6, ...) {

        "cutpointr_() is deprecated.",
        "Please use cutpointr() instead.",
        "The help page gives an example on programming with cutpointr",
        "using quoted arguments. For general information see the tidyeval book",

    # SE
    x <-
    class <-
    if (!is.null(subgroup)) subgroup <-
    predictor <- deparse(substitute(x))
    outcome   <- deparse(substitute(class))
    x <- eval(substitute(x), data, parent.frame())
    class <- eval(substitute(class), data, parent.frame())
    subgroup_var <- deparse(substitute(subgroup))
    subgroup <- eval(substitute(subgroup), data, parent.frame())

    # Get method function
    if (length(method) > 1 | !(class(method) == "function")) {
        stop("method should be a function")
    } else {
        cl <-
        mod_name <- cl$method
        mod_name <- as.character(substitute(method))
    if (is.null(mod_name)) stop("Could not get the method function")
    mod_name <- check_method_name(mod_name)

    # Get metric function
    if (length(metric) > 1 | !(class(metric) == "function")) {
        stop("metric should be a function")
    if (silent) {
            cutpointr_internal(x, class, subgroup, method, metric, pos_class, neg_class,
                               direction, boot_runs, boot_stratify, use_midpoints,
                               break_ties, na.rm, allowParallel, predictor, outcome,
                               mod_name, subgroup_var, tol_metric = 1e-6, ...)
    } else {
        cutpointr_internal(x, class, subgroup, method, metric, pos_class, neg_class,
                           direction, boot_runs, boot_stratify, use_midpoints,
                           break_ties, na.rm, allowParallel, predictor, outcome,
                           mod_name, subgroup_var, tol_metric = 1e-6, ...)

cutpointr_internal <- function(x, class, subgroup, method, metric, pos_class,
                               neg_class, direction, boot_runs, boot_stratify,
                               use_midpoints, break_ties, na.rm, allowParallel, predictor,
                               outcome, mod_name, subgroup_var,
                               tol_metric, ...) {
    # Prep

    if (any(anyNA(c(x, class)) | (!is.null(subgroup) & anyNA(subgroup))) &
         (!na.rm)) {
        stop("NAs found but na.rm = FALSE")

    # Check classes
    if (!is.null(dim(class))) stop("class variable should be a vector")
    if (na.rm) uc <- unique(stats::na.omit(class)) else uc <- unique(class)
    luc <- length(uc)
    if (luc != 2) stop(paste("Expecting two classes, got", luc))
    if (!(is.null(pos_class))) {
        if (!(pos_class %in% class)) stop("pos_class not found in data")
    if (!(is.null(neg_class))) {
        if (!(neg_class %in% class)) stop("neg_class not found in data")

    # Determine direction and/or pos_class if necessary:
    if (any(c(is.null(pos_class), is.null(neg_class), is.null(direction)))) {
        assumptions <- assume_direction_pos_class(x = x, class = class,
                                                  pos_class = pos_class,
                                                  neg_class = neg_class,
                                                  direction = direction,
                                                  na.rm = na.rm,
                                                  uc = uc)
    if (is.null(direction)) direction <- assumptions$direction
    stopifnot(direction %in% c("<", ">", ">=", "<="))
    if (is.null(pos_class)) pos_class <- assumptions$pos_class
    if (is.null(neg_class)) neg_class <- assumptions$neg_class

    # Calculate optimal cutpoint, map to cutpoint function
    if (!is.null(subgroup)) {
        dat <- data.frame(x = x, class = class, subgroup = subgroup,
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        colnames(dat) <- c(predictor, outcome, "subgroup")
        if (na.rm) dat <- stats::na.omit(dat)
        g <- unique(dat$subgroup)
        dat <- dat %>%
            dplyr::mutate(subgroup = as.character(subgroup)) %>%
            dplyr::group_by(subgroup) %>%
            tidyr::nest(data = c(!!predictor, !!outcome))
        dat$pos_class <- pos_class
        optcut <- purrr::pmap(list(dat$subgroup, dat$data), function(g, d) {
            if (nrow(d) <= 1) stop(paste("Subgroup", g, "has <= 1 observations"))
            optcut <- tibble::tibble(subgroup = g)
            method_result <- method(data = d, x = predictor, class = outcome,
                                    metric_func = metric,
                                    direction = direction, pos_class = pos_class,
                                    neg_class = neg_class, tol_metric = tol_metric,
                                    use_midpoints = use_midpoints,
                                    boot_stratify = boot_stratify,
            method_result <- check_method_cols(method_result)
            optcut <- dplyr::bind_cols(optcut, method_result)
            if (length(optcut[["optimal_cutpoint"]][[1]]) > 1) {
                message("Multiple optimal cutpoints found, applying break_ties.")
            optcut <- apply_break_ties(optcut, break_ties)
            # Depending on method the roc_curve may be missing
            if (!(has_column(optcut, "roc_curve"))) {
                roc_curve <- roc(data = d, x = !!predictor, class = !!outcome,
                                 pos_class = pos_class, neg_class = neg_class,
                                 direction = direction)
                # roc_curve <- tidyr::nest(.data = tibble::as_tibble(roc_curve),
                #                          roc_curve = dplyr::everything()) %>%
                #     tibble::as_tibble()
                roc_curve <- tibble::tibble(roc_curve = list(roc_curve))
                optcut <- dplyr::bind_cols(tibble::as_tibble(roc_curve),
            } else {
            # If no metric is returned
            if (ncol(optcut) <= 3) {
                opt_ind <- get_opt_ind(optcut$roc_curve[[1]],
                                       oc = unlist(optcut$optimal_cutpoint),
                                       direction = direction)
                m <- metric(tp = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$tp[opt_ind],
                            fp = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$fp[opt_ind],
                            tn = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$tn[opt_ind],
                            fn = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$fn[opt_ind], ...)
                m <- check_metric_name(m)
                colnames(m) <- make.names(colnames(m))
                optcut <- dplyr::bind_cols(optcut, tibble::as_tibble(m))
            optcut <- check_colnames(optcut)
            # Breaking ties may have altered the cutpoints. Recalculate main metric
            opt_ind <- get_opt_ind(optcut$roc_curve[[1]],
                                   oc = unlist(optcut$optimal_cutpoint),
                                   direction = direction)
            m <- metric(tp = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$tp[opt_ind],
                        fp = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$fp[opt_ind],
                        tn = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$tn[opt_ind],
                        fn = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$fn[opt_ind], ...)
            optcut <- add_list(optcut, as.numeric(m), optcut$metric_name)
            sesp <- sesp_from_oc(optcut$roc_curve[[1]],
                                 oc = optcut$optimal_cutpoint,
                                 direction = direction)
            optcut <- add_list(optcut, sesp[, "sensitivity"], "sensitivity")
            optcut <- add_list(optcut, sesp[, "specificity"], "specificity")
            acc <- accuracy_from_oc(optcut$roc_curve[[1]],
                                    oc = optcut$optimal_cutpoint[[1]],
                                    direction = direction)[, "accuracy"]
            optcut <- add_list(optcut, acc, "acc")
        # if multiple cutpoints only in some groups, all cols have to be lists
        coltypes <- purrr::map_chr(optcut, function(x) class(x[2][[1]]))
        if (any(coltypes == "list") & any(coltypes == "numeric")) {
            optcut <- purrr::map(optcut, function(x) {
                if (is.numeric(x$optimal_cutpoint)) {
                    x$optimal_cutpoint <- list(x$optimal_cutpoint)
                    x[[x$metric_name]] <- list(x[[x$metric_name]])
                    x$sensitivity <- list(x$sensitivity)
                    x$specificity <- list(x$specificity)
                    x$acc <- list(x$acc)
        # Suppress "Vectorizing 'vctrs_list_of' elements may not preserve their attributes"
        optcut <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(optcut))
        optcut <- optcut %>%
                AUC = purrr::map_dbl(roc_curve, function(r) {
                prevalence = purrr::map_dbl(roc_curve, function(r) {
                    utils::tail(r$tp, 1) / (utils::tail(r$tp, 1) + utils::tail(r$fp, 1))
        optcut <- tibble::as_tibble(optcut)
        optcut <- dplyr::full_join(optcut, dat, by = "subgroup")
    } else if (is.null(subgroup)) {
        dat <- tibble::tibble(x = x, class = class)
        colnames(dat) <- c(predictor, outcome)
        if (na.rm) dat <- stats::na.omit(dat)
        dat <- dat %>%
            tidyr::nest(data = c(!!predictor, !!outcome))
        dat$pos_class <- pos_class
        optcut <- method(data = dat$data[[1]],  x = predictor, class = outcome,
                         metric_func = metric,
                         direction = direction, pos_class = pos_class,
                         neg_class = neg_class, tol_metric = tol_metric,
                         boot_stratify = boot_stratify,
                         use_midpoints = use_midpoints, ...)
        optcut <- check_method_cols(optcut)
        if (length(optcut[["optimal_cutpoint"]][[1]]) > 1) {
            message("Multiple optimal cutpoints found, applying break_ties.")
        optcut <- apply_break_ties(optcut, break_ties)
        if (!(has_column(optcut, "roc_curve"))) {
            roc_curve <- roc(data = dat$data[[1]],
                             x = !!predictor, class = !!outcome,
                             pos_class = pos_class, neg_class = neg_class,
                             direction = direction)
            roc_curve <- tibble::tibble(roc_curve = list(roc_curve))
            optcut <- dplyr::bind_cols(roc_curve, tibble::as_tibble(optcut))
        } else {
        # If no metric is returned
        if (ncol(optcut) <= 2) {
            opt_ind <- get_opt_ind(optcut$roc_curve[[1]],
                                   oc = unlist(optcut$optimal_cutpoint),
                                   direction = direction)
            m <- metric(tp = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$tp[opt_ind],
                        fp = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$fp[opt_ind],
                        tn = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$tn[opt_ind],
                        fn = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$fn[opt_ind])
            m <- check_metric_name(m)
            colnames(m) <- make.names(colnames(m))
            optcut <- dplyr::bind_cols(optcut, tibble::as_tibble(m))
        optcut <- check_colnames(optcut)
        # Breaking ties may have altered the cutpoints. Recalculate main metric
        opt_ind <- get_opt_ind(optcut$roc_curve[[1]],
                               oc = unlist(optcut$optimal_cutpoint),
                               direction = direction)
        m <- metric(tp = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$tp[opt_ind],
                    fp = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$fp[opt_ind],
                    tn = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$tn[opt_ind],
                    fn = optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$fn[opt_ind], ...)
        optcut <- add_list(optcut, as.numeric(m), optcut$metric_name)
        sesp <- sesp_from_oc(optcut$roc_curve[[1]],
                             oc = optcut$optimal_cutpoint,
                             direction = direction)
        optcut <- add_list(optcut, sesp[, "sensitivity"], "sensitivity")
        optcut <- add_list(optcut, sesp[, "specificity"], "specificity")
        acc <- accuracy_from_oc(optcut$roc_curve[[1]],
                                oc = unlist(optcut$optimal_cutpoint),
                                direction = direction)[, "accuracy"]
        optcut <- add_list(optcut, acc, "acc")
        optcut$AUC <- auc(optcut$roc_curve[[1]])
        optcut$prevalence <- utils::tail(optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$tp, 1) /
            (utils::tail(optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$tp, 1) +
                 utils::tail(optcut$roc_curve[[1]]$fp, 1))
        optcut <- tibble::as_tibble(optcut)
        optcut <- dplyr::bind_cols(optcut, dat)

    optcut$direction                        <- direction
    optcut$predictor                        <- predictor
    optcut$outcome                          <- outcome
    optcut$neg_class                        <- neg_class
    optcut$method                           <- mod_name
    if (!is.null(subgroup)) optcut$grouping <- subgroup_var

    # Reorder for nicer output
    mn <- optcut$metric_name[1]
    select_cols <- c("subgroup", "direction", "optimal_cutpoint",
                     "method", mn,
                     "acc", "sensitivity", "specificity", "AUC",
                     "pos_class", "neg_class", "prevalence",
                     "outcome", "predictor", "grouping", "data", "roc_curve")
    # subgroup and grouping may not be given
    select_cols <- select_cols[select_cols %in% colnames(optcut)]
    optcut <- optcut[, select_cols]

    # Bootstrap cutpoint variability and get LOO-Bootstrap performance estimate
    # Data are already nested and grouped if necessary
    if (allowParallel) {
        `%seq_or_par%` <- doRNG::`%dorng%`
    } else {
        `%seq_or_par%` <- foreach::`%do%`
    if (boot_runs <= 0) {
        boot_res <- rep(NA, times = nrow(optcut))
    } else {
        message("Running bootstrap...")
        boot_runs <- ceiling(boot_runs)
        boot_res <- purrr::map2(dat$data, dat$pos_class, function(g, pc) {
            if (boot_stratify) {
                ind_pos <- which(unlist(g[, outcome]) == pc)
                ind_neg <- which(unlist(g[, outcome]) == neg_class)
            } else {
                ind_pos <- NA
                ind_neg <- NA
            boot_g <- foreach::foreach(rep = 1:boot_runs,
                                       .export = c("method", "direction",
                                                   "metric", "break_ties",
                                                   "neg_class", "mn",
                                                   "predictor", "outcome",
                                       .errorhandling = "remove") %seq_or_par%
                    b_ind <- simple_boot(data = g, dep_var = outcome,
                                         ind_pos = ind_pos, ind_neg = ind_neg,
                                         stratify = boot_stratify)
                    optcut_b <- method(data = g[b_ind, ], x = predictor,
                                       metric_func = metric,
                                       class = outcome,
                                       direction = direction,
                                       pos_class = pc,
                                       neg_class = neg_class,
                                       tol_metric = tol_metric,
                                       boot_stratify = boot_stratify,
                                       use_midpoints = use_midpoints,
                    optcut_b <- check_method_cols(optcut_b)
                    optcut_b <- tibble::as_tibble(optcut_b)
                    optcut_b <- apply_break_ties(optcut_b, break_ties)
                    # LOO-Bootstrap
                    if (!(has_column(optcut_b, "roc_curve"))) {
                        roc_curve_b <- roc(data = g[b_ind, ], x = !!predictor,
                                         class = !!outcome,
                                         pos_class = pc, neg_class = neg_class,
                                         direction = direction, silent = TRUE)
                        roc_curve_b <- tibble::tibble(roc_curve = list(roc_curve_b))
                        optcut_b <- dplyr::bind_cols(tibble::as_tibble(optcut_b),
                    opt_ind_b <- get_opt_ind(roc_curve = optcut_b$roc_curve[[1]],
                                             oc = unlist(optcut_b$optimal_cutpoint),
                                             direction = direction)
                    auc_b <- auc(optcut_b$roc_curve[[1]])
                    Sens_Spec_b <- sesp_from_oc(optcut_b$roc_curve[[1]],
                                                oc = unlist(optcut_b$optimal_cutpoint),
                                                direction = direction,
                                                opt_ind = opt_ind_b)
                    Acc_b <- accuracy_from_oc(optcut_b$roc_curve[[1]],
                                              oc = unlist(optcut_b$optimal_cutpoint),
                                              direction = direction,
                                              opt_ind = opt_ind_b)[, "accuracy"]
                    kap_b <- kappa_from_oc(optcut_b$roc_curve[[1]],
                                           oc = unlist(optcut_b$optimal_cutpoint),
                                           direction = direction,
                                           opt_ind = opt_ind_b)
                    metric_b <- metric(tp = optcut_b$roc_curve[[1]]$tp[opt_ind_b],
                                       fp = optcut_b$roc_curve[[1]]$fp[opt_ind_b],
                                       tn = optcut_b$roc_curve[[1]]$tn[opt_ind_b],
                                       fn = optcut_b$roc_curve[[1]]$fn[opt_ind_b])
                    metric_b <- check_metric_name(metric_b)
                    roc_curve_oob <- roc(data = g[-b_ind, ], x = !!predictor,
                                         class = !!outcome,
                                         pos_class = pc, neg_class = neg_class,
                                         direction = direction, silent = TRUE)
                    opt_ind_oob <- get_opt_ind(roc_curve = roc_curve_oob,
                                               oc = unlist(optcut_b$optimal_cutpoint),
                                               direction = direction)
                    auc_oob <- auc(roc_curve_oob)
                    Sens_Spec_oob <- sesp_from_oc(roc_curve_oob,
                                                  oc = unlist(optcut_b$optimal_cutpoint),
                                                  direction = direction,
                                                  opt_ind = opt_ind_oob)
                    Acc_oob <- accuracy_from_oc(roc_curve_oob,
                                                oc = unlist(optcut_b$optimal_cutpoint),
                                                direction = direction,
                                                opt_ind = opt_ind_oob)[, "accuracy"]
                    kap_oob <- kappa_from_oc(roc_curve_oob,
                                             oc = unlist(optcut_b$optimal_cutpoint),
                                             direction = direction,
                                             opt_ind = opt_ind_oob)
                    metric_oob <- metric(tp = roc_curve_oob$tp[opt_ind_oob],
                                         fp = roc_curve_oob$fp[opt_ind_oob],
                                         tn = roc_curve_oob$tn[opt_ind_oob],
                                         fn = roc_curve_oob$fn[opt_ind_oob])
                    metric_oob <- check_metric_name(metric_oob)
                    mn <- make.names(colnames(metric_oob))

                    bootstrap <- tibble::tibble(
                        optimal_cutpoint =  optcut_b$optimal_cutpoint,
                        AUC_b             =  auc_b,
                        AUC_oob           =  auc_oob
                    bootstrap <- bootstrap %>%
                        add_list(metric_b[, mn], paste0(mn, "_b")) %>%
                        add_list(metric_oob[, mn], paste0(mn, "_oob")) %>%
                        add_list(Acc_b, "acc_b") %>%
                        add_list(Acc_oob, "acc_oob") %>%
                        add_list(Sens_Spec_b[, "sensitivity"], "sensitivity_b") %>%
                        add_list(Sens_Spec_oob[, "sensitivity"], "sensitivity_oob") %>%
                        add_list(Sens_Spec_b[, "specificity"], "specificity_b") %>%
                        add_list(Sens_Spec_oob[, "specificity"], "specificity_oob") %>%
                        add_list(kap_b[, "cohens_kappa"], "cohens_kappa_b") %>%
                        add_list(kap_oob[, "cohens_kappa"], "cohens_kappa_oob") %>%
                        add_list(optcut_b$roc_curve[[1]]$tp[opt_ind_b], "TP_b") %>%
                        add_list(optcut_b$roc_curve[[1]]$fp[opt_ind_b], "FP_b") %>%
                        add_list(optcut_b$roc_curve[[1]]$tn[opt_ind_b], "TN_b") %>%
                        add_list(optcut_b$roc_curve[[1]]$fn[opt_ind_b], "FN_b") %>%
                        add_list(roc_curve_oob$tp[opt_ind_oob], "TP_oob") %>%
                        add_list(roc_curve_oob$fp[opt_ind_oob], "FP_oob") %>%
                        add_list(roc_curve_oob$tn[opt_ind_oob], "TN_oob") %>%
                        add_list(roc_curve_oob$fn[opt_ind_oob], "FN_oob")
                    bootstrap$roc_curve_b =  optcut_b$roc_curve
                    roc_curve_oob <- tibble::tibble(roc_curve_oob = list(roc_curve_oob))
                    bootstrap <- dplyr::bind_cols(bootstrap,
            boot_g <- prepare_bind_rows(boot_g)
            boot_g <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(boot_g))
        missing_reps <- purrr::map_lgl(.x = boot_res,
                                       .f = function(x) nrow(x) != boot_runs)
        if (any(missing_reps)) {
            # Some repetitions may be missing even when boot_stratify = TRUE
            # when there's only one class in the out-of-bag data
            message(paste("Some bootstrap repetitions were removed because",
            "of missing values or errors."))
    optcut$boot = boot_res
    res <- optcut
    class(res) <- c("cutpointr", class(res))

#' Calculate optimal cutpoints and further statistics for multiple predictors
#' Runs \code{cutpointr} over multiple predictor variables. Tidyeval via
#' \code{!!} is supported for \code{class} and \code{subgroup}. If
#' \code{x = NULL}, \code{cutpointr} will be run using all numeric columns
#' in the data set as predictors except for the
#' variable in \code{class} and, if given, \code{subgroup}.
#' The automatic determination of positive / negative classes and \code{direction}
#' will be carried out separately for every predictor variable. That way, if
#' \code{direction} and the classes are not specified, the reported AUC for every
#' variable will be >= 0.5. AUC may be < 0.5 if subgroups are specified as
#' \code{direction} is equal within every subgroup.
#' @param data A data frame.
#' @param x Character vector of predictor variables. If NULL all numeric columns.
#' @param class The name of the outcome / independent variable.
#' @param subgroup An additional covariate that identifies subgroups. Separate
#' optimal cutpoints will be determined per group.
#' @param silent Whether to suppress messages.
#' @param ... Further arguments to be passed to cutpointr_ (Use a quoted variable
#' name for subgroup).
#' @examples
#' library(cutpointr)
#' multi_cutpointr(suicide, x = c("age", "dsi"), class = suicide,
#'                 pos_class = "yes")
#' mcp <- multi_cutpointr(suicide, x = c("age", "dsi"), class = suicide,
#'                        subgroup = gender, pos_class = "yes")
#' mcp
#' (scp <- summary(mcp))
#' \dontrun{
#' ## The result is a data frame
#' tibble:::print.tbl(scp)
#' }
#' @return A data frame.
#' @importFrom purrr %>%
#' @family main cutpointr functions
#' @export
multi_cutpointr <- function(data, x = NULL, class, subgroup = NULL,
                            silent = FALSE, ...) {
    if (rlang::as_label(rlang::enquo(subgroup)) == "NULL") {
        subgroup_lab <- "NULL"
    } else {
        subgroup_sym <- rlang::ensym(subgroup)
        subgroup_lab <- rlang::as_label(subgroup_sym)
    if (subgroup_lab != "NULL") {
        if (subgroup_lab %in% c("TRUE", "FALSE", "T", "F")) {
            stop(paste("The arguments to multi_cutpointr",
                       "have changed. Please see ?multi_cutpointr"))
    class_sym <- rlang::ensym(class)
    class_lab <- rlang::as_label(class_sym)
    if (is.null(x)) x = get_numeric_cols(data, class_lab)
    if (subgroup_lab != "NULL") {
        x <- x[x != subgroup_lab]
    if (subgroup_lab == "NULL") {
        res <- purrr::map(x, function(coln) {
            if (!silent) message(paste0(coln, ":"))
            cutpointr(data, !!coln, !!class_lab, silent = silent, ...)
    } else {
        res <- purrr::map(x, function(coln) {
            if (!silent) message(paste0(coln, ":"))
            cutpointr(data, !!coln, !!class_lab, subgroup = !!subgroup_lab,
                      silent = silent, ...)
    res <- suppressWarnings(dplyr::bind_rows(res))
    base::class(res) <- c("multi_cutpointr",
                          base::class(res)[-which(base::class(res) == "cutpointr")])
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