Revision 39b13612ebd645a65eda854771b517371f2f858a authored by ennetws on 13 March 2015, 18:17:18 UTC, committed by ennetws on 13 March 2015, 18:17:18 UTC
1 parent c702819
Raw File
Tip revision: 39b13612ebd645a65eda854771b517371f2f858a authored by ennetws on 13 March 2015, 18:17:18 UTC
Tip revision: 39b1361
#include <set>
#include <QStack>
#include <QFileSystemModel>
#include <QDockWidget>
#include <QMainWindow>

#include "TopoBlender.h"
using namespace Structure;

#include "ExportDynamicGraph.h"
using namespace DynamicGraphs;

#include "TaskCurve.h"
#include "TaskSheet.h"

#include "Scheduler.h"
#include "SchedulerWidget.h"

// Temporary solution for output
#include "surface_mesh/IO.h"

typedef std::pair<QString, QString> PairQString;

Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( Structure::Sheet* )
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( QSet<Structure::Node*> )

TopoBlender::TopoBlender(GraphCorresponder * useCorresponder, Scheduler * useScheduler, QObject *parent ) : QObject(parent), parentWidget(NULL), super_sg(NULL), super_tg(NULL)
	scheduler = useScheduler;

	/// STEP 1) Use a corresponder, automatic or user assisted
	this->gcoor = useCorresponder;
	this->sg = useCorresponder->sg;
	this->tg = useCorresponder->tg;

	/// STEP 2) Generate super graphs

	/// STEP 3) Generate tasks 
	scheduler->setInputGraphs(super_sg, super_tg);
	scheduler->superNodeCorr = this->superNodeCorr;

	/// STEP 4) Order and schedule the tasks

	if(super_sg) delete super_sg;
	if(super_tg) delete super_tg;

void TopoBlender::setupUI()
	scheduler->widget = new SchedulerWidget( scheduler );
	scheduler->dock = new QDockWidget( "Scheduler" );
	scheduler->dock->setWidget( scheduler->widget );
	QMainWindow * win = (QMainWindow *) parentWidget;
	win->addDockWidget(Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, scheduler->dock);

	scheduler->isApplyChangesUI = true;

bool TopoBlender::isExtraNode( Structure::Node *node )
	return node->property["correspond"].toString().contains("_null");

QVector<QString> TopoBlender::cloneGraphNode( Structure::Graph *g, QString nodeID, int N )
	Structure::Node * node = g->getNode(nodeID);

	// Clone the nodes
	QVector<QString> cloned_node_IDs;
	QVector<Structure::Node *> cloned_nodes;
	for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
		Structure::Node * n = node->clone();
		n->id = nodeID + "_" + QString::number(i);



	// Link the cloned nodes
	bool isModifyEdges = true;

	if( isModifyEdges )
		int currCloned = 0;
		foreach(Structure::Link *link, g->getEdges(nodeID))
			Structure::Node * other = link->otherNode(nodeID);
			QString otherID = other->id;

			if (isExtraNode(other))
				if (currCloned >= N)
					qDebug() << "Warning: clone nodes error.";

				// Link other to one of the cloned node
				QString clonedID = cloned_nodes[currCloned++]->id;
				Structure::Node * cnode = g->getNode(clonedID);

				LinkCoords c1 = link->getCoord(other->id);
				LinkCoords c2 = link->getCoordOther(other->id);
				g->addEdge(other, cnode, c1, c2, g->linkName(other,cnode));
				// Link other to all cloned nodes
				foreach (Structure::Node* cnode, cloned_nodes)
					LinkCoords c1 = link->getCoord(other->id);
					LinkCoords c2 = link->getCoordOther(other->id);
					g->addEdge(other, cnode, c1, c2, g->linkName(other,cnode));

			// Remove this link
			g->removeEdge(node, other);

	// remove the original node

	// remove its groups
	foreach(QVector<QString> group, g->groupsOf(nodeID))

	return cloned_node_IDs;

void TopoBlender::correspondSuperNodes()
	// Add virtual corresponding nodes for missing nodes

	// To shrink:
	foreach(QString snodeID, gcoor->nonCorresSource())
		Structure::Node *snode = super_sg->getNode(snodeID);
		Structure::Node *ctnode = snode->clone();
		ctnode->id = snodeID + "_null";


		superNodeCorr[snodeID] = ctnode->id;

	// To grow:
	foreach(QString tnodeID, gcoor->nonCorresTarget())
		Structure::Node *tnode = super_tg->getNode(tnodeID);
		Structure::Node *csnode = tnode->clone();
		csnode->id = tnodeID + "_null";


		superNodeCorr[csnode->id] = tnodeID;

	// Copy growing groups from target
	QStringList nonCorresTarget;
	foreach(QString tnodeID, gcoor->nonCorresTarget()) nonCorresTarget << tnodeID;
	foreach(QVector<QString> tgroup, super_tg->groups)
		// Add this groups
		QVector<QString> sgroup;

		foreach(QString tnodeID, tgroup) {
				sgroup << (tnodeID + "_null");

		if(!sgroup.size()) continue;

	// Build node correspondence for corresponded nodes
	QVector< PairQString > core_pairs;
	foreach (PART_LANDMARK vec2vec, gcoor->correspondences)
		QVector<QString> sNodes = vec2vec.first;
		QVector<QString> tNodes = vec2vec.second;

		int sN = sNodes.size();
		int tN = tNodes.size();
		Structure::Node * snode = super_sg->getNode(sNodes.front());
		Structure::Node * tnode = super_tg->getNode(tNodes.front());

		// 1-to-1
		if (sN == 1 && tN == 1){
			superNodeCorr[snode->id] = tnode->id;

		// N-to-1
		if (sN > 1)	{
			QVector<QString> ctnodeIDs = cloneGraphNode(super_tg, tnode->id, sN);
			for (int i = 0; i < sN; i++) superNodeCorr[sNodes[i]] = ctnodeIDs[i];

		// 1-to-N
		if (tN > 1)	{
			QVector<QString> csnodeIDs = cloneGraphNode(super_sg, snode->id, tN);
			for (int i = 0; i < tN; i++) superNodeCorr[csnodeIDs[i]] = tNodes[i];

	// Store correspondences in the graphs
	foreach(QString snode, superNodeCorr.keys())
		QString tnode = superNodeCorr[snode];

		Structure::Node * sn = super_sg->getNode(snode);
		Structure::Node * tn = super_tg->getNode(tnode);

		if(!sn || !tn){
			qDebug() << "ERROR: many to many cases are not handled";

		sn->property["correspond"] = tnode;
		tn->property["correspond"] = snode;

void TopoBlender::correspondTwoEdges( Structure::Link *slink, Structure::Link *tlink, bool isFlip, Structure::Graph* source )
	if(slink->property.contains("correspond") || tlink->property.contains("correspond")) return;

	// Force flip order of nodes of link on super_sg
	if (isFlip)
		QString n1 = slink->n1->id;
		QString n2 = slink->n2->id;
		Array1D_Vector4d c1 = slink->coord.front();
		Array1D_Vector4d c2 = slink->coord.back();

		slink = source->addEdge(source->getNode(n2), source->getNode(n1), c2, c1, source->linkName(n2,n1) );

	slink->property["correspond"] = tlink->property["uid"].toInt();
	tlink->property["correspond"] = slink->property["uid"].toInt();

// This function could be written with [graphA] and [graphB] but we should 
// keep it this way to ensure correspondence happen together, once and at same time
void TopoBlender::correspondSuperEdges()
	bool CASE_1 = true;
	bool CASE_2 = true;
	bool CASE_3 = true;
	bool CASE_4 = true;
	bool CASE_5 = true;
	bool CASE_6 = true;
	bool CASE_7 = true;

	bool dbg = false;

	if(dbg) debugSuperGraphs("00");

	/// Correspond trivial edges, i.e. both nodes exist on both graphs
	if( CASE_1 )
		correspondTrivialEdges ( super_sg, super_tg );
		correspondTrivialEdges ( super_tg, super_sg );

	if(dbg) debugSuperGraphs("01");

	/// Correspond edges between two [extra] or two [missing] nodes
	if( CASE_2 )
		correspondSimilarType( super_sg, super_tg );
		correspondSimilarType( super_tg, super_sg );

	if(dbg) debugSuperGraphs("02");

	/// Creating one edge for floating null nodes [has heuristic]
	if (CASE_3)
		connectNullNodes( super_sg, super_tg );
		connectNullNodes( super_tg, super_sg );

	if(dbg) debugSuperGraphs("03");

	/// Correspond edges with changed ends
	if( CASE_4 )
		correspondChangedEnds( super_sg, super_tg );

	if(dbg) debugSuperGraphs("04");

	/// Do remaining edges of null nodes
	if( CASE_5 )
		correspondRemainingOfNull( super_sg, super_tg );
		correspondRemainingOfNull( super_tg, super_sg );

	if(dbg) debugSuperGraphs("05");

	/// Link flying real nodes [same as case 4 but for cores]
	if (CASE_6)
		connectFloatingRealNodes(super_sg, super_tg);
		connectFloatingRealNodes(super_tg, super_sg);

	if(dbg) debugSuperGraphs("06");

	/// Remove excess edges (edges of core nodes still uncorresponded)
	if( CASE_7 )
		removeRedundantEdges( super_sg );
		removeRedundantEdges( super_tg );

	if(dbg) debugSuperGraphs("07");

	// Visualization: assign global unique ids
	int viz_uid = 0;
	foreach(Structure::Link * slink, super_sg->edges){
		if(!slink->property.contains("correspond")) continue;
		Link* tlink = super_tg->getEdge(slink->property["correspond"].toInt());
		if(!tlink) continue;
		slink->property["viz_uid"] = tlink->property["viz_uid"] = viz_uid++;

void TopoBlender::correspondTrivialEdges( Structure::Graph * source, Structure::Graph * target )
	foreach(Structure::Link * slink, source->edges)
		Structure::Node *sn1 = slink->n1, *sn2 = slink->n2;
		Structure::Node *tn1 = target->getNode( sn1->property["correspond"].toString() ),
			*tn2 = target->getNode( sn2->property["correspond"].toString() );

		Structure::Link * tlink = target->getEdge(tn1->id, tn2->id);

		if(!tlink) continue;

		bool isFlip = ( tlink->n1->id != tn1->id );
		correspondTwoEdges(slink, tlink, isFlip, source);

void TopoBlender::correspondSimilarType( Structure::Graph * source, Structure::Graph * target )
	foreach(Structure::Link * slink, source->edges)
		if (slink->property.contains("correspond")) continue;

		Structure::Node *sn1 = slink->n1, *sn2 = slink->n2;
		Structure::Node *tn1 = target->getNode(sn1->property["correspond"].toString()),
			*tn2 = target->getNode(sn2->property["correspond"].toString());

		// We are only looking for missing edges
		if(!(tn1->id.contains("_null") && tn2->id.contains("_null"))) continue;

		Structure::Link * tlink = addMissingLink(target, slink);
		correspondTwoEdges(slink, tlink, false, source);

void TopoBlender::connectNullNodes( Structure::Graph * source, Structure::Graph * target )
	// Sorted by valence descending
	QVector<Structure::Node*> nullNodes;
	typedef QPair<int,Node*> ValenceNode;
	QMap<Node*,int> nodeV;
	foreach(Structure::Node * n, source->nodes){
		if (!n->id.contains("_null")) continue;
		nodeV[n] = source->valence(n);

	// high to low
	foreach(ValenceNode pair, sortQMapByValue(nodeV)) 

	foreach(Structure::Node * snode, nullNodes)
		Structure::Node * tnode = target->getNode( snode->property["correspond"].toString() );

		// Get edges of target node
		QVector<Structure::Link*> tedges = edgesNotContain( target->getEdges(tnode->id), "correspond" );
		if(tedges.isEmpty()) continue;

		// Make sure our connected sub-graph is in fact disconnected
		bool isConnectedViaOthers = false;
		foreach(QString nid, source->nodesCanVisit(snode))	if(!nid.contains("_null")) { isConnectedViaOthers = true; break; }
		if( isConnectedViaOthers ) continue;

		if (tedges.size() == 1)
			Link* tlink = tedges.front();
			Link* slink = addMissingLink(source, tlink);
			correspondTwoEdges(slink, tlink, false, source);
		else if (tedges.size() == 2)
			foreach( Link* tlink, tedges)
				Link* slink = addMissingLink(source, tlink);
				correspondTwoEdges(slink, tlink, false, source);
			// Collect names, in source, of target's neighboring nodes
			QStringList nodesKeep;
			foreach(Link * tlink, tedges){
				Node* tOther = tlink->otherNode(tnode->id);
				Node* sOther = source->getNode(tOther->property["correspond"].toString());
				nodesKeep << sOther->id;

			// Keep only subgraph with names from above
			Structure::Graph copy(*source);
			foreach(Node*n, source->nodes) if(!nodesKeep.contains(n->id)) copy.removeNode(n->id);

			// Find node with most valence, otherwise pick first
			int bestValence = 0;
			QString bestID = copy.nodes.front()->id;
			foreach(Node * n, copy.nodes){
				int valence = copy.valence(n);
				if (valence > bestValence){
					bestID = n->id;
					bestValence = valence;

			// Find corresponding link on target
			Node* bestTNode = target->getNode( source->getNode(bestID)->property["correspond"].toString() );
			Link* bestTLink = target->getEdge( tnode->id, bestTNode->id ); 

			// Add the link to source
			Link* slink = addMissingLink(source, bestTLink);
			correspondTwoEdges(slink, bestTLink, false, source);

			/// Respect the groups:
			foreach(QVector<QString> group, target->groupsOf(bestTNode->id)){
				foreach(QString element, group){
					Node * tn = target->getNode(element);
					//Node * sn = source->getNode(tn->property["correspond"].toString());

					if(element == bestTNode->id) continue;

					// If there is an edge on the target between me and the element of the group
					Link * tlink = target->getEdge(tnode->id, tn->id);
					if( tlink )
						Link* slink = addMissingLink(source, tlink);
						correspondTwoEdges(slink, tlink, false, source);

			foreach(QVector<QString> group, source->groupsOf(bestID)){
				foreach(QString element, group){
					Node * sn = source->getNode(element);
					Node * tn = target->getNode(sn->property["correspond"].toString());
					if(element == bestID) continue;
					Link * tlink = target->getEdge(tnode->id, tn->id);
					if( tlink )
						Link* slink = addMissingLink(source, tlink);
						correspondTwoEdges(slink, tlink, false, source);

void TopoBlender::correspondChangedEnds( Structure::Graph * source, Structure::Graph * target )
	bool isRunning = true;
		isRunning = false;

		foreach(Structure::Node * snode, source->nodes)
			Structure::Node * tnode = target->getNode( snode->property["correspond"].toString() );

			QVector<Structure::Link*> sedges = edgesNotContain( source->getEdges(snode->id), "correspond" );
			QVector<Structure::Link*> tedges = edgesNotContain( target->getEdges(tnode->id), "correspond" );

			if(!sedges.size() || !tedges.size()) continue;

			// Only deal with cases that are for sure (equal number of edges)
			// This will leave some nodes flying that will be deal with by later case
			if( sedges.size() == tedges.size() && !sedges.isEmpty())
				if( false )
					bool isPartOfGroup = !source->groupsOf(snode->id).front().isEmpty();
					if( snode->id.contains("_null") && isPartOfGroup ) continue;

				for( int i = 0; i < (int)sedges.size(); i++)
					Link* slink = sedges[i], *tlink = tedges[i];

					bool sFromMe = ( slink->n1->id == snode->id );
					bool tFromMe = ( tlink->n1->id == tnode->id );

					bool isFlip = (sFromMe != tFromMe);

					correspondTwoEdges(slink, tlink, isFlip, source);

				isRunning = true;
			// Source has been duplicated ?
			else if(tedges.size() == 1 && sedges.size() > 1)
				Link * tlink = tedges.front();

				// A single edge from the target graph is ground truth
				if(target == super_tg)
					Structure::Node * n1 = source->getNode( tlink->getNode(tnode->id)->property["correspond"].toString() );
					Structure::Node * n2 = source->getNode( tlink->otherNode(tnode->id)->property["correspond"].toString() );
					Structure::Link * newEdge = source->addEdge(n1, n2, tlink->getCoord(tnode->id), tlink->getCoordOther(tnode->id), source->linkName(n1,n2));
					sedges.push_front( newEdge );

				Link* slink = sedges.front();
				bool sFromMe = ( slink->n1->id == snode->id );
				bool tFromMe = ( tlink->n1->id == tnode->id );
				bool isFlip = (sFromMe != tFromMe);

				correspondTwoEdges(slink, tlink, isFlip, source);
	} while (isRunning);

void TopoBlender::correspondRemainingOfNull( Structure::Graph * source, Structure::Graph * target )
	foreach(Structure::Node * snode, source->nodes)
		if (!snode->id.contains("_null")) continue;
		Structure::Node * tnode = target->getNode( snode->property["correspond"].toString() );

		// Get un-corresponded of target
		QVector<Structure::Link*> tedges = edgesNotContain( target->getEdges(tnode->id), "correspond" );
		if(tedges.isEmpty()) continue;

		foreach(Link * tlink, tedges)
			Link * slink = addMissingLink( source, tlink );

			correspondTwoEdges(slink, tlink, false, source);

void TopoBlender::connectFloatingRealNodes( Structure::Graph * source, Structure::Graph * target )
	foreach(Structure::Node * snode, source->nodes)
		if (snode->id.contains("_null")) continue;

		QVector<Link*> alledges = source->getEdges(snode->id);
		QVector<Link*> sedges = edgesNotContain(alledges, "correspond");

		// No edges are corresponded yet
		if (sedges.size() == alledges.size())
			Structure::Node * tnode = target->getNode( snode->property["correspond"].toString() );
			QVector<Structure::Link*> tedges = edgesNotContain( target->getEdges(tnode->id), "correspond" );

			int N = qMin(sedges.size(), tedges.size());
			for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
				Link* slink = sedges[i], *tlink = tedges[i];

				bool sFromMe = ( slink->n1->id == snode->id );
				bool tFromMe = ( tlink->n1->id == tnode->id );

				bool isFlip = (sFromMe != tFromMe);

				correspondTwoEdges(slink, tlink, isFlip, source);

void TopoBlender::removeRedundantEdges( Structure::Graph * source )
	foreach(Structure::Node * snode, source->nodes)
		if (snode->id.contains("_null")) continue;

		foreach(Link* link, edgesNotContain( source->getEdges(snode->id), "correspond" ))
			source->removeEdge(link->n1, link->n2);

void TopoBlender::generateSuperGraphs()
	// Two super graphs have one-to-one correspondence between nodes and edges
	// Two corresponded edge don't have to link two corresponded nodes
	super_sg = new Structure::Graph(*sg);
	super_tg = new Structure::Graph(*tg);

	super_sg->property["sourceName"] = gcoor->sgName();
	super_sg->property["targetName"] = gcoor->tgName();

	super_sg->property["sourceGraphCenter"].setValue( Vector3(sg->bbox().center()) );
	super_sg->property["targetGraphCenter"].setValue( Vector3(tg->bbox().center()) );

	/// NODES:
	// Correspond nodes in super graphs

	// Equalize resolution for corresponded nodes

	// Equalize type for corresponded nodes

	// Visualization - color similar items
	foreach(Structure::Node * n, super_sg->nodes)
		QString corrId = n->property["correspond"].toString();
		Structure::Node * other = super_tg->getNode(corrId);
		if(other) n->vis_property["color"].setValue( other->vis_property["color"] );

	/// EDGES:
	// Correspond edges in super graphs

	// Assign edge attributes

	active = super_sg;

void TopoBlender::postprocessSuperEdges()
	// Initial edge radius for all nodes = using actual delta
	foreach(Link * l, super_sg->edges) l->property["delta"].setValue( l->delta() );
	foreach(Link * l, super_tg->edges) l->property["delta"].setValue( l->delta() );

	// Set delta for edges of null nodes, because now we can not determine the 
	// Null-to-Null: use the corresponded real delta
	// Null-to-Real: 
	// >> One real: use the corresponded real delta
	// >> More real: put null at the centoid of relative joint to all real neighbours
	//               and the delta is computed thus from there
	foreach (Node* n, super_sg->nodes){
		if (n->id.contains("_null")){
			foreach(Link* sl, super_sg->getEdges( n->id )) {
				//Link* tl = super_tg->getEdge(sl->property["correspond"].toInt());
				sl->property["delta"].setValue( Vector3d(0,0,0) );
	foreach (Node* n, super_tg->nodes){
		if (n->id.contains("_null")){
			foreach(Link* tl, super_tg->getEdges(n->id)) {
				Link* sl = super_sg->getEdge(tl->property["correspond"].toInt());
				tl->property["delta"].setValue( sl->delta() );

	// Set blended delta for first time relinking
	foreach(Link * l, super_sg->edges) l->property["blendedDelta"].setValue( l->property["delta"].value<Vector3d>() );

	// Encode mesh position relative to skeleton
	foreach(Structure::Graph * g, (QVector<Structure::Graph*>() << super_sg << super_tg) )
		foreach(Node * n, g->nodes)
			QSharedPointer<SurfaceMeshModel> nodeMesh = n->property["mesh"].value< QSharedPointer<SurfaceMeshModel> >();

			if(!nodeMesh) continue;

			Vector3 v0 = nodeMesh->get_vertex_property<Vector3>(VPOINT)[Vertex(0)];
			Vector3 c0 = n->controlPoints().front();
			Vector3 deltaMesh = v0 - c0;
			n->property["deltaMesh"].setValue( deltaMesh );

void TopoBlender::equalizeSuperNodeResolutions()
	foreach(QVector<QString> group, super_sg->groups){
		int maxNum = -1;
		foreach(QString nid, group) maxNum = qMax(maxNum, super_sg->getNode(nid)->numCtrlPnts());
		foreach(QString nid, group) super_sg->getNode(nid)->refineControlPoints(maxNum, maxNum);

	foreach(QVector<QString> group, super_tg->groups){
		int maxNum = -1;
		foreach(QString nid, group) maxNum = qMax(maxNum, super_tg->getNode(nid)->numCtrlPnts());
		foreach(QString nid, group) super_tg->getNode(nid)->refineControlPoints(maxNum, maxNum);

	foreach(QString snodeID, superNodeCorr.keys())
		QString tnodeID = superNodeCorr[snodeID];

		// skip non-corresponded nodes
		if (snodeID.contains("_null") || tnodeID.contains("_null"))

		Structure::Node* snode = super_sg->getNode(snodeID);
		Structure::Node* tnode = super_tg->getNode(tnodeID);

		if (snode->type() == tnode->type())
			if (snode->numCtrlPnts() < tnode->numCtrlPnts())
		// One sheet and one curve
		// Sheet has squared resolution of curve
			int sN, tN, betterN;

			if (snode->type() == Structure::SHEET)
				sN = qMax(((Structure::Sheet*) snode)->numUCtrlPnts(), ((Structure::Sheet*) snode)->numVCtrlPnts());
				tN = tnode->numCtrlPnts();
				betterN = qMax(sN, tN);

				snode->refineControlPoints(betterN, betterN);
				sN = snode->numCtrlPnts();
				tN = qMax(((Structure::Sheet*) tnode)->numUCtrlPnts(), ((Structure::Sheet*) tnode)->numVCtrlPnts());
				betterN = qMax(sN, tN);

				tnode->refineControlPoints(betterN, betterN);

	// Final phase
	foreach(Node * snode, super_sg->nodes){
		Node * tnode = super_tg->getNode(snode->property["correspond"].toString());

		if (snode->type() == tnode->type())
			if (snode->numCtrlPnts() < tnode->numCtrlPnts())

void TopoBlender::equalizeSuperNodeTypes()
	// initial tags and collect the node pairs that need to be converted
	QMap<QString, QString> diffPairs;
	foreach(QString snodeID, superNodeCorr.keys())
		QString tnodeID = superNodeCorr[snodeID];

		Structure::Node* snode = super_sg->getNode(snodeID);
		Structure::Node* tnode = super_tg->getNode(tnodeID);

		bool equalType = true;
		if (snode->type() != tnode->type())
			equalType = false;
			diffPairs[snodeID] = tnodeID;

		snode->property["type_equalized"] = equalType;
		tnode->property["type_equalized"] = equalType;

	// convert sheet to curve if corresponded to curve
	// iteratively determine the orientation and location of the new curves
		foreach(QString snodeID, diffPairs.keys())
			QString tnodeID = diffPairs[snodeID];

			Structure::Node* snode = super_sg->getNode(snodeID);

			// try to convert
			bool converted;
			if (snode->type() == Structure::SHEET)
				converted = convertSheetToCurve(snodeID, tnodeID, super_sg, super_tg);
				converted = convertSheetToCurve(tnodeID, snodeID, super_tg, super_sg);

			// check if success
			if (converted)  diffPairs.remove(snodeID);


	// remove tags
	foreach(Structure::Node* n, super_sg->nodes) n->property.remove("type_equalized");
	foreach(Structure::Node* n, super_tg->nodes) n->property.remove("type_equalized");

// The sheet and curve should serve the same functionality in each shape
// which implies the curve(s) lay within the BB of the sheet
// some of the curves maintain the same connections to others
// we can relink the new curves (converted sheet) in the same way as the curve
bool TopoBlender::convertSheetToCurve( QString nodeID1, QString nodeID2, Structure::Graph* superG1, Structure::Graph* superG2 )
	Structure::Node* node1 = superG1->getNode(nodeID1);
	Structure::Node* node2 = superG2->getNode(nodeID2);

	Structure::Sheet *oldSheet = (Structure::Sheet*)node1;
	Structure::Curve *curve2 = (Structure::Curve*)node2;

	// Find a for-sure link (links with corresponded ends) to determine the new curve skeleton
	QVector<Structure::Link*> edges = superG2->getEdges(nodeID2);

	bool converted = false;

	Structure::Curve * newCurve = NULL;

	// Convert the sheet into a curve
	foreach(Structure::Link* link2, edges){
		Structure::Node* other2 = link2->otherNode(nodeID2);

		// choose type-equalized neighbours
		if (other2->property["type_equalized"].toBool()){
			QString otherID1 = other2->property["correspond"].toString();

			Structure::Node* other1 = superG1->getNode(otherID1);
			Vector4d otherCoord = link2->getCoordOther(nodeID2).front();
			Vector3d linkOtherPos1 = other1->position(otherCoord);

			Vector3d direction2 = curve2->direction();
			NURBS::NURBSCurved new_curve = oldSheet->convertToNURBSCurve(linkOtherPos1, direction2);

			// create new curve node with the same id
			newCurve = new Structure::Curve(new_curve, nodeID1 + "TEMP");

			// copy properties
			newCurve->property = node1->property;
			newCurve->property["original_sheet"].setValue( oldSheet );

			// mark the tag
			newCurve->property["type_equalized"] = true;
			node2->property["type_equalized"] = true;

			converted = true;


	if(!newCurve) return false;

	// Add the new node
	superG1->addNode( newCurve );
	newCurve->property["correspond"] = curve2->id;

	// Copy the edges
	foreach(Structure::Link* l, superG1->getEdges(oldSheet->id))
		Node * n1 = newCurve;
		Node * n2 = l->otherNode( oldSheet->id );

		Array1D_Vector4d coordOnNew = Array1D_Vector4d(1, newCurve->approxCoordinates( l->position(oldSheet->id) ));

		superG1->addEdge(n1, n2, coordOnNew, l->getCoord(n2->id), superG1->linkName(n1,n2));

	// Remove old node
	superG1->removeNode( oldSheet->id );

	// Replace ID for new node
	QString tempID = newCurve->id;
	foreach(Structure::Link* l, superG1->getEdges(tempID)) l->id.replace(tempID, nodeID1);
	newCurve->id = nodeID1;

	return converted;

Structure::Link * TopoBlender::addMissingLink( Structure::Graph *g, Structure::Link * link )
	Structure::Node * bn1 = link->n1;
	Structure::Node * bn2 = link->n2;
	Structure::Node * an1 = g->getNode(bn1->property["correspond"].toString());
	Structure::Node * an2 = g->getNode(bn2->property["correspond"].toString());
	LinkCoords c1 = link->getCoord(bn1->id);
	LinkCoords c2 = link->getCoordOther(bn1->id);

	Structure::Link * existEdge = g->getEdge(an1->id,an2->id);

		return g->addEdge(an1, an2, c1, c2, g->linkName(an1, an2));
		return existEdge;

QVector<Structure::Link*> TopoBlender::edgesContain( QVector<Structure::Link*> edges, QString property_name )
	QVector<Structure::Link*> result;
	foreach(Structure::Link * edge, edges) 
	return result;

QVector<Structure::Link*> TopoBlender::edgesNotContain( QVector<Structure::Link*> edges, QString property_name )
	QVector<Structure::Link*> result;
	foreach(Structure::Link * edge, edges) 
	return result;

void TopoBlender::debugSuperGraphs( QString info )
	// Visualization: assign global unique ids
	int viz_uid = 0;
	foreach(Structure::Link * slink, super_sg->edges){
		if(!slink->property.contains("correspond")) continue;
		Link* tlink = super_tg->getEdge(slink->property["correspond"].toInt());
		if(!tlink) continue;
		slink->property["viz_uid"] = tlink->property["viz_uid"] = viz_uid++;

	toGraphviz(super_sg, info + "_SourceSuper", true, info + " Super Source");
	toGraphviz(super_tg, info + "_TargetSuper", true, info + " Super Target");

void TopoBlender::drawDebug()

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