Revision 3ede5983b9f39e5f110c5540d136945bc66d2fc0 authored by Ryan Dwyer on 11 March 2019, 08:11:01 UTC, committed by Drew DeVault on 11 March 2019, 14:57:16 UTC
By the time seatop_allows_events was called, seatop_impl was already
NULL, causing the function to always return false. This means a press
event was sent to clients without a corresponding release event.

This patch moves the call to seatop_finish to after the
seatop_allows_events check.
1 parent 9bfb385
Raw File
Tip revision: 3ede5983b9f39e5f110c5540d136945bc66d2fc0 authored by Ryan Dwyer on 11 March 2019, 08:11:01 UTC
Fix click behaviour
Tip revision: 3ede598
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