Revision 4c785ceeca40b81539cfabb959886c6882685146 authored by Nicholas Kern on 12 June 2018, 05:32:55 UTC, committed by Nicholas Kern on 12 June 2018, 05:32:55 UTC
1 parent 445e76a
Raw File
Tip revision: 4c785ceeca40b81539cfabb959886c6882685146 authored by Nicholas Kern on 12 June 2018, 05:32:55 UTC
ensured uvdata.antnums_to_baseline returns array when fed len-1 array
Tip revision: 4c785ce
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018 The HERA Collaboration
# Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License

"""Class for reading and writing HDF5 files."""
import numpy as np
import os
from uvdata import UVData
import utils as uvutils

class UVH5(UVData):
    Defines an HDF5-specific subclass of UVData for reading and writing uvh5 files.
    This class should not be interacted with directly, instead use the read_uvh5
    and write_uvh5 methods on the UVData class.

    def read_uvh5(self, filename, run_check=True,
                  check_extra=True, run_check_acceptability=True):
        Read in data from a UVH5 file.

            filename: The file name to read.
            run_check: Option to check for the existence and proper shapes of
                parameters after reading in the file. Default is True.
            check_extra: Option to check optional parameters as well as required
                ones. Default is True.
            run_check_acceptability: Option to check acceptable range of the values of
                parameters after reading in the file. Default is True.

        import h5py
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            raise(IOError, filename + ' not found')

        # open hdf5 file for reading
        f = h5py.File(filename, 'r')

        # extract header information
        header = f['/Header']

        # get telescope information
        latitude = header['latitude'].value
        longitude = header['longitude'].value
        altitude = header['altitude'].value
        self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt = (latitude, longitude, altitude)
        self.instrument = header['instrument'].value

        # get source information
        self.object_name = header['object_name'].value

        # set history appropriately
        self.history = header['history'].value
        if not uvutils.check_history_version(self.history, self.pyuvdata_version_str):
            self.history += self.pyuvdata_version_str

        # check for vis_units
        if 'vis_units' in header:
            self.vis_units = header['vis_units'].value
            # default to uncalibrated data
            self.vis_units = 'UNCALIB'

        # check for optional values
        if 'dut1' in header:
            self.dut1 = float(header['dut1'].value)
        if 'earth_omega' in header:
            self.earth_omega = float(header['earth_omega'].value)
        if 'gst0' in header:
            self.gst0 = float(header['gst0'].value)
        if 'rdate' in header:
            self.rdate = header['rdate'].value
        if 'timesys' in header:
            self.timesys = header['timesys'].value
        if 'x_orientation' in header:
            self.x_orientation = header['x_orientation'].value
        if 'telescope_name' in header:
            self.telescope_name = header['telescope_name'].value
        if 'antenna_positions' in header:
            self.antenna_positions = header['antenna_positions'].value
        if 'antenna_diameters' in header:
            self.antenna_diameters = header['antenna_diameters'].value
        if 'uvplane_reference_time' in header:
            self.uvplane_reference_time = int(header['uvplane_reference_time'].value)

        # check for phasing information
        self.phase_type = header['phase_type'].value
        if self.phase_type == 'phased':
            self.phase_center_ra = float(header['phase_center_ra'].value)
            self.phase_center_dec = float(header['phase_center_dec'].value)
            self.phase_center_epoch = float(header['phase_center_epoch'].value)
        elif self.phase_type == 'drift':
            self.zenith_dec = header['zenith_dec'].value
            self.zenith_ra = header['zenith_ra'].value

        # get antenna arrays
        # cast to native python int type
        self.Nants_data = int(header['Nants_data'].value)
        self.Nants_telescope = int(header['Nants_telescope'].value)
        self.ant_1_array = header['ant_1_array'].value
        self.ant_2_array = header['ant_2_array'].value
        self.antenna_names = list(header['antenna_names'].value)
        self.antenna_numbers = header['antenna_numbers'].value

        # get baseline array
        self.baseline_array = self.antnums_to_baseline(self.ant_1_array,
        self.Nbls = len(np.unique(self.baseline_array))

        # get uvw array
        self.uvw_array = header['uvw_array'].value

        # get time information
        self.time_array = header['time_array'].value
        self.integration_time = float(header['integration_time'].value)
        self.lst_array = header['lst_array'].value

        # get frequency information
        self.freq_array = header['freq_array'].value
        self.channel_width = float(header['channel_width'].value)
        self.spw_array = header['spw_array'].value

        # get polarization information
        self.polarization_array = header['polarization_array'].value

        # get data shapes
        self.Nfreqs = int(header['Nfreqs'].value)
        self.Npols = int(header['Npols'].value)
        self.Ntimes = int(header['Ntimes'].value)
        self.Nblts = int(header['Nblts'].value)
        self.Nspws = int(header['Nspws'].value)

        # get extra_keywords
        if "extra_keywords" in header:
            self.extra_keywords = {}
            for key in header["extra_keywords"].keys():
                self.extra_keywords[key] = header["extra_keywords"][key].value

        # read data array
        dgrp = f['/Data']
        self.data_array = dgrp['visdata'].value

        # read the flag array
        self.flag_array = dgrp['flags'].value

        # get sample information
        self.nsample_array = dgrp['nsample_array'].value

        # check if the object has all required UVParameters
        if run_check:


    def write_uvh5(self, filename, run_check=True, check_extra=True,
                   run_check_acceptability=True, clobber=False):
        Write a UVData object to a UVH5 file.

            filename: The UVH5 file to write to.
            run_check: Option to check for the existence and proper shapes of
                parameters before writing the file. Default is True.
            check_extra: Option to check optional parameters as well as required
                ones. Default is True.
            run_check_acceptability: Option to check acceptable range of the values of
                parameters before writing the file. Default is True.
            clobber: Option to overwrite the file if it already exists. Default is False.

        import h5py
        if run_check:

        if os.path.exists(filename):
            if clobber:
                print "File exists; clobbering"
                raise ValueError("File exists; skipping")

        f = h5py.File(filename, 'w')
        header = f.create_group("Header")

        # write out telescope and source information
        header['latitude'] = self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt[0]
        header['longitude'] = self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt[1]
        header['altitude'] = self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt[2]
        header['telescope_name'] = self.telescope_name
        header['instrument'] = self.instrument
        header['object_name'] = self.object_name

        # write out required UVParameters
        header['Nants_data'] = self.Nants_data
        header['Nants_telescope'] = self.Nants_telescope
        header['Nbls'] = self.Nbls
        header['Nblts'] = self.Nblts
        header['Nfreqs'] = self.Nfreqs
        header['Npols'] = self.Npols
        header['Nspws'] = self.Nspws
        header['Ntimes'] = self.Ntimes
        header['antenna_names'] = self.antenna_names
        header['antenna_numbers'] = self.antenna_numbers
        header['uvw_array'] = self.uvw_array
        header['vis_units'] = self.vis_units
        header['channel_width'] = self.channel_width
        header['time_array'] = self.time_array
        header['freq_array'] = self.freq_array
        header['integration_time'] = self.integration_time
        header['lst_array'] = self.lst_array
        header['polarization_array'] = self.polarization_array
        header['spw_array'] = self.spw_array
        header['ant_1_array'] = self.ant_1_array
        header['ant_2_array'] = self.ant_2_array

        # write out phasing information
        header['phase_type'] = self.phase_type
        if self.zenith_dec is not None:
            header['zenith_dec'] = self.zenith_dec
        if self.zenith_ra is not None:
            header['zenith_ra'] = self.zenith_ra
        if self.phase_center_ra is not None:
            header['phase_center_ra'] = self.phase_center_ra
        if self.phase_center_dec is not None:
            header['phase_center_dec'] = self.phase_center_dec
        if self.phase_center_epoch is not None:
            header['phase_center_epoch'] = self.phase_center_epoch

        # write out optional parameters
        if self.antenna_positions is not None:
            header['antenna_positions'] = self.antenna_positions
        if self.dut1 is not None:
            header['dut1'] = self.dut1
        if self.earth_omega is not None:
            header['earth_omega'] = self.earth_omega
        if self.gst0 is not None:
            header['gst0'] = self.gst0
        if self.rdate is not None:
            header['rdate'] = self.rdate
        if self.timesys is not None:
            header['timesys'] = self.timesys
        if self.x_orientation is not None:
            header['x_orientation'] = self.x_orientation
        if self.antenna_diameters is not None:
            header['antenna_diameters'] = self.antenna_diameters
        if self.uvplane_reference_time is not None:
            header['uvplane_reference_time'] = self.uvplane_reference_time

        # write out extra keywords if it exists and has elements
        if self.extra_keywords:
            extra_keywords = header.create_group("extra_keywords")
            for k in self.extra_keywords.keys():
                extra_keywords[k] = self.extra_keywords[k]

        # write out history
        header['history'] = self.history

        # write out data and flags
        # TODO: add filter options for visdata (bitshuffle), flags, and
        #     nsample_array (lzf compression)
        dgrp = f.create_group("Data")
        visdata = dgrp.create_dataset("visdata", chunks=True,
        flags = dgrp.create_dataset("flags", chunks=True,
        nsample_array = dgrp.create_dataset("nsample_array", chunks=True,

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