Revision 4d7bfa034cfaea4e8346396c6198cdd3e271d272 authored by Andrew Litteken on 23 April 2020, 16:55:47 UTC, committed by GitHub on 23 April 2020, 16:55:47 UTC
* llvm 8 update and fixes, conditional measurements, multidimensional arrays, nisq bencmarks

* fixes for ubuntu install

* adding arguments and documentation

* fixing debug environments, and reverse pass

* editing scaffold script and readme for arguments

* LLVM 10 update

* remove llvm tests to reduce size

* Adding to build system

* removing warnings

* updating readme

* Delete .travis.yml

Not correct for build, will rework later
1 parent 0c99b10
Raw File
Tip revision: 4d7bfa034cfaea4e8346396c6198cdd3e271d272 authored by Andrew Litteken on 23 April 2020, 16:55:47 UTC
Version 5 Upgrade! (#40)
Tip revision: 4d7bfa0
from qiskit import *
import os
import glob
import sys
import json
from qiskit import IBMQ
from qiskit.transpiler import PassManager
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ResourceEstimation

# Add config directory to filepath
test_path = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
base_path = "/".join(test_path.split("/")[:-2])
test_path = "/".join(test_path.split("/")[:-1])
base_path = os.path.abspath(base_path)
config_path = "{}/config".format(base_path)
import Config_IBMQ_experience

# Get filepaths
current_path = os.getcwd()
benchmarks_filepath = "{}/benchmarks".format(base_path)
root = "/".join(base_path.split("/")[:-1])
scaf_filepath = root + "/"

print("\nRunning NISQ Test Benchmarks")

# Connect to IBMQ and retrieve backend simulator
#IBMQ_URL = Config_IBMQ_experience.API_URL
using_config_account = False
	provider = IBMQ.load_account()
	print("No account found, using token in config")
	IBMQ_token = Config_IBMQ_experience.API_token #token needs to be added to file in config directory
	provider = IMBQ.enable_account(token=IBMQ_token)
	#IBMQ_URL = Config_IBMQ_experience.API_URL
	using_config_account = True

backend_sim = provider.get_backend('ibmq_qasm_simulator')
correct_tests = 0
total_tests = 0

# Compile all the .scaffold files to open QASM and run them on the simulator to generate output
for path, subdir, files in os.walk(benchmarks_filepath):
	for file_name in files:
		if (file_name.endswith(".scaffold")):
			file_base = ".".join(file_name.split(".")[:-1])
			# Get file path of scaffold file and compile it using
			file_path = benchmarks_filepath + "/" + file_base + "/" + file_name
			os.system(scaf_filepath + " -b " + file_path)
			qasm_file = benchmarks_filepath + "/" + file_base + "/" + file_base + ".qasm"
			generated_qasm = current_path + "/" + file_base + ".qasm"
			# If open QASM can't be found then there was an error compiling the scaffold file
			if not glob.glob(generated_qasm):
				print("Error Compiling Scaffold File - Could not Find QASM File")

			qc = QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_file(generated_qasm)

			#Generate Resource Estimation from IBMQ simulator
			print('\033[1m' + "Generating " + file_base + " Resource Estimation" + '\033[0m')
			passmanager = PassManager()
			resources = qiskit.compiler.transpile(qc, backend_sim, pass_manager=passmanager)
			print("Size: " + str(passmanager.property_set['size']) + "; Depth: " + str(passmanager.property_set['depth']) + "; Width: " + str(passmanager.property_set['width']) + "; Count Ops: " + str(passmanager.property_set['count_ops']))

			# Getting output counts
			print('\033[1m'+ "Testing " + file_base + " measurement output ---" + '\033[0m', end =" ")
			job_sim = execute(qc, backend_sim) # default is 1024 shots
			result_sim = job_sim.result()
			counts_sim = result_sim.get_counts(qc)
			counts = "".join(json.dumps(counts_sim).split("\"")[1].split(" "))

			# Compare output counts
			benchmark_file = benchmarks_filepath + "/" + file_base + "/" + file_base + ".counts"
			counts_file = open(benchmark_file, "r")
			benchmark_measurement = counts_file.readline()
			if counts == benchmark_measurement:
				print('\033[92m' + "  passed" + '\033[0m' + '\n')
				correct_tests = correct_tests + 1
				print('\033[91m' + " failed - " + str(counts) +" measurement is not " + benchmark_measurement + '\033[0m' + '\n')
			total_tests = total_tests + 1

if (correct_tests == total_tests):
	print('\033[92m' + str(correct_tests) + "/" + str(total_tests) + " tests passed" + '\033[0m')
	print('\033[91m' + str(correct_tests) + "/" + str(total_tests) + " tests passed"  + '\033[0m')

if using_config_account:

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