Revision 66d8e606a8d996ded60bc81d5edf319142a5fad9 authored by Ron Burkey on 04 October 2021, 11:49:55 UTC, committed by Ron Burkey on 04 October 2021, 11:49:55 UTC
2 parent s dfc2190 + 42c2282
Raw File
Tip revision: 66d8e606a8d996ded60bc81d5edf319142a5fad9 authored by Ron Burkey on 04 October 2021, 11:49:55 UTC
Merge branch 'master' of
Tip revision: 66d8e60
 * Copyright 2008,2016 Onno Hommes:1
 * This file is part of yaAGC.
 * yaAGC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * yaAGC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with yaAGC; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * In addition, as a special exception, permission is granted to
 * link the code of this program with the Orbiter SDK library (or with
 * modified versions of the Orbiter SDK library that use the same license as
 * the Orbiter SDK library), and distribute linked combinations including
 * the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for
 * all of the code used other than the Orbiter SDK library. If you modify
 * this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file,
 * but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete
 * this exception statement from your version.
 * Filename:	agc_gdbmi.c
 * Purpose:	This is module covers the gdb/mi subsystem of yaAGC and enables
 * 		yaAGC to be debugged in a Graphical Debugger front-end to gdb.
 * Compiler:	GNU gcc.
 * Contact:	Onno Hommes
 * Reference:
 * Mods:	01/01/08 OH	Began work.
 * 		06/08/09 OH	Added info variables,functions and fixed
 * 				Showing source line when not using -fullname.
 * 		06/14/09 OH	Add the gdb style disassemble command
 * 		07/01/09 OH	Convert to command tables to prepare for machine
 * 				independence and change to GNU formating
 * 		08/01/09 RSB	Adjusted to use NormalizeSourceName().
 * 		07/17/16 RSB	gdbmi_format was commented out everywhere
 * 				it appeared, since it wasn't being used
 * 				and was generating compiler warnings.
 * 		09/12/16 OH	Add /fmt capabilities to print and output
 * 		09/20/16 OH	Support floating point with scalar types.
 * 		11/24/16 RSB	Changed a printf with a %#u format to %u ...
 * 				it causes compiler warnings that have become
 * 				increasingly troublesome to deal with on different
 * 				platforms, and has no meaning whatever that I've
 * 				been able to determine from googling.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "yaAGC.h"
#include "agc_engine.h"
#include "agc_symtab.h"
#include "agc_debug.h"
#include "agc_debugger.h"
#include "agc_disassembler.h"
#include "agc_gdbmi.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include "regex.h"
#define LB "\r\n"
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <regex.h>
#define LB ""

//#define VERSION(x) #x

extern char agcPrompt[16];
extern int HaveSymbols;
extern int FullNameMode;
extern int Break;
extern int DebuggerInterruptMasks[11];
extern char* CurrentSourceFile;
extern int SymbolTableSize;
extern Symbol_t *SymbolTable;

extern char SourceFiles[MAX_NUM_FILES][MAX_FILE_LENGTH];
extern int NumberFiles;
extern SymbolLine_t*
FindLastLineMain (void);

extern void
CheckDec (char *s);
extern char*
DbgGetFrameNameByAddr (unsigned LinearAddress);

static int gdbmi_break_id = 0;
static int gdbmi_status;
//static int cli_argc;
static char* cli_arg;

static char FileName[MAX_FILE_LENGTH + 1];

static agc_t* State;
static char* s;
static char* sraw;

static CustomCommand_t gdbmiCustomCmds[32];

const char disp_keep[5] = "keep";
const char disp_delete[4] = "del";

#define SP (unsigned)1
#define DP (unsigned)2
#define PI 3.14159265358979

typedef int GdbmiComplement_t;

typedef struct {
  char     type[3];
  unsigned precision;
  double   scalar;
} GdmiScalar_t;

const GdmiScalar_t GdbmiScalarMap[] = {
  {"FF",SP, 85.41},            // TRIM DEGREES: seconds of arc
  {"GG",SP,  1.0/16384},       // INERTIA: Frac. of 1,048,576 kg m²
  {"II",SP,  1.0/16384},       // THRUST MOMENT: Frac. of 1,048,576 Nm
  {"JJ",DP,  2.0},             // POSITION5: m
  {"KK",SP,  1.0/16384},       // WEIGHT2: kg
  {"LL",DP,  0.00008055},      // POSITION6: Nautical Miles.
  {"MM",DP, 25.0/268435456},   // DRAG ACCELERATION: G
  {"PP",DP,  1.0},             // 2 INTEGERS
  {"UU",DP,  1.0/268435456},   // VELOCITY/2VS: Frac. of 51,532.3946 feet/sec
  {"VV",DP,  0.00005128},      // POSITION8: Nautical miles
  {"XX",DP,  1.0/512},         // POSITION9: Meters
  {"YY",DP,  1.0/268435456},   // VELOCITY4: Meters/Centisec
  {"SP",SP,  1.0/16384},       // GENERIC: Single Precision Fraction.
  {"DP",DP,  1.0/268435456},   // GENERIC: Double Precision Fraction.
/*  {"TP",DP,  1.0/4398046511104}// GENERIC: Triple Precision Fraction.  */
  { "A",SP,  1.0},             // OCTAL: Octal
  { "B",SP,  1.0/16384},       // FRACTIONAL: Fraction (Default)
  { "C",SP,  1.0},             // WHOLE: 1 Unit
  { "D",SP,360.0/32768},       // CDU DEGREES: Degrees (15 Bit 2s Complement)
  { "E",SP, 90.0/16384},       // ELEVATION DEGREES: Degrees
  { "F",SP,180.0/16384},       // DEGREES      : Degrees
  { "G",DP,360.0/268435456},   // DEGREES  (90): Degrees
  { "H",DP,360.0/268435456},   // DEGREES (360): Degrees
  { "J",SP, 90.0/32768},       // DEGREES: Degrees (15 bit 2s Complement)
  { "K",DP,  1.0/100},         // TIME (HR, MIN, SEC): seconds
  { "L",DP,  1.0/100},         // TIME (MIN SEC): minutes | seconds
  { "M",SP,  1.0/100},         // TIME (SEC): seconds
  { "N",DP,  1.0/100},         // TIME (SEC): seconds
  { "P",DP,  1.0/2097152},     // VELOCITY 2: meters/centi-sec
  { "Q",DP,  2.0},             // POSITION 4: meters
  { "S",DP,  1.0/2097152},     // VELOCITY 3: meters/centi-sec
  { "T",SP,  1.0/100},         // G

#define SCALARS sizeof(GdbmiScalarMap)/sizeof(GdmiScalar_t)

GdbmiStringToUpper (char* str)
  char* ss;

  /* Ensure command s is in uppercase */
  for (ss = str; *ss; *ss = toupper (*ss), ss++)

  return (str);

 Adjust the command string pointer with the value given.
static inline void
GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (int i)
  s += i;
  sraw += i;

 Adjust the command string pointer with the value given.
static inline void
GdbmiSkipSpace ()
  while (*sraw == ' ') GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr(1);

 Skip to the next token.
static inline void
  while (*sraw != ' ' && *sraw != '\0' ) {

static inline void
GdbmiGet(char* token)

static int GdbmiScalar = 12;

 * Set the FMT specifier if provided in the command string
static inline void GdbmiParseFmt(GdbmiFmt_t* fmt)
   *fmt = 'o';
   int i;
   /* Get basic Format specified if provided */
   if (*sraw == '/') {
	*fmt = *(sraw + 1);
   /* Get extended type scalar if speficied */
   if (*sraw == ':') {
      /* Find Scalar Type */
      for (i=0; i< SCALARS; i++)
	const char* type = GdbmiScalarMap[i].type;
	if (strncmp(s,type, strlen(type)) == 0 ){
	  GdbmiScalar = i;
      /* Adjust string pointers */

GdbmiParseConsoleCommands (GdbmiCommands_t* CmdTable)
  int i = -1;
  int CmdLength;
  GdbmiResult GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdUnhandled;

  while (CmdTable[++i].Command)
      CmdLength = strlen (CmdTable[i].Command);
      if (!strncmp (s, CmdTable[i].Command, CmdLength))
	  GdbmiStat = CmdTable[i].Handler (CmdLength);
  return (GdbmiStat);

static char *
GdbmiBasename (const char *name)
  const char *base;

  /* Skip over the disk name in MSDOS pathnames. */
  if (ISALPHA (name[0]) && name[1] == ':')
  name += 2;

  for (base = name; *name; name++)
      if (*name == '/' || *name == '\\')
	  base = name + 1;
  return (char *) base;

GdbmiDisassemble (agc_t *State, unsigned start_linear, unsigned end_linear)


GdbmiDisplayBreakpointForLine (SymbolLine_t* Line, int BreakpointId)
  unsigned LinearAddress = DbgLinearAddr (&Line->CodeAddress);

  printf ("Breakpoint %d, %s () at %s:%d\n", BreakpointId,
	  DbgGetFrameNameByAddr (LinearAddress), Line->FileName,

/* Handle the break GDB/CLI command */
static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleAllBreak (int j, char disp)
  int i, vRegBB, LineNumber;
  Symbol_t *Symbol = NULL;
  SymbolLine_t *Line = NULL;
  char SymbolName[MAX_LABEL_LENGTH + 1], *cli_char;
  unsigned gdbmiAddress = 0;
  Address_t agc_addr;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (j);

  if (strlen (s) > 0) /* Do we have an argument */
      sraw++; /* Skip space */

      /* Remove Enclosing Double Quotes */
      if (sraw[0] == '\"')
	  if (sraw[strlen (sraw) - 1] == '\"')
	      sraw[strlen (sraw) - 1] = 0;
	      s[strlen (s) - 1] = 0;

      sraw = GdbmiBasename (sraw);
      s = GdbmiBasename (s);

      /* First replace ":" with space !!FIX to prevent DOS disk separator!! */
      cli_char = strstr (sraw, ":");
      if (cli_char)
	*cli_char = ' '; /* replace colon with space */

      if (HaveSymbols && (2 == sscanf (sraw, "%s %d", FileName, &LineNumber))
	  && (Line = (SymbolLine_t*) ResolveFileLineNumber (FileName,
	  gdbmiAddress = DbgLinearAddr (&Line->CodeAddress);

      else if (HaveSymbols && (1 == sscanf (s, "%d", &LineNumber)) && (Line =
	  ResolveLineNumber (LineNumber)))
	  gdbmiAddress = DbgLinearAddr (&Line->CodeAddress);

      else if (HaveSymbols && (1 == sscanf (s, "%s", SymbolName)) && (Symbol =
	  ResolveSymbol (SymbolName, SYMBOL_LABEL)))
	  gdbmiAddress = DbgLinearAddr (&Symbol->Value);
      else if (1 == sscanf (s, "*0X%x", &gdbmiAddress))
	  /* Insert error message not help */
	  printf ("Illegal syntax for break.\n");
	  return (GdbmiCmdDone);
  else /* Default Break point is current address */
      gdbmiAddress = DbgLinearFixedAddr (
	  State->Erasable[0][RegZ] & 07777,
	  037 & (State->Erasable[0][RegBB] >> 10),
	  (State->OutputChannel7 & 0100) ? 1 : 0);

  if (gdbmiAddress < 04000)
      printf ("Line number points to erasable memory.\n");
      return (GdbmiCmdDone);

  agc_addr = DbgNativeAddr (gdbmiAddress);
  vRegBB = ((agc_addr.FB << 10) | (agc_addr.Super << 7));

  if (Line == NULL)
    Line = ResolveLineAGC (agc_addr.SReg, agc_addr.FB, agc_addr.Super);

  for (i = 0; i < NumBreakpoints; i++)
    if (Breakpoints[i].Address12 == agc_addr.SReg
	&& Breakpoints[i].vRegBB == vRegBB && Breakpoints[i].WatchBreak == 0)
	printf ("This breakpoint already exists.\n");
	return (GdbmiCmdDone);
  if (NumBreakpoints < MAX_BREAKPOINTS)
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].Id = ++gdbmi_break_id;
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].Hits = 0;
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].Enable = 'y';
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].Disposition = disp;
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].Address12 = agc_addr.SReg;
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].vRegBB = vRegBB;
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].WatchBreak = 0;
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].Symbol = Symbol;
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].Line = Line;
      if (Line)
	printf ("Breakpoint %d at 0x%04x: file %s, line %d.\n", NumBreakpoints,
		gdbmiAddress, Line->FileName, Line->LineNumber);
    printf ("The maximum number of breakpoints is already defined.\n");

  // FIX ME
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

/* Handle the temporary break GDB/CLI command */
static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleTmpBrk (int i)
  return (GdbmiHandleAllBreak (i, BP_DELETE));

/* Handle the normal break GDB/CLI command */
static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleNormBrk (int i)
  return (GdbmiHandleAllBreak (i, BP_KEEP));

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleWatch (int j)
  int k, i, vRegBB, WatchType, WatchValue = 0777777;
  Symbol_t *Symbol = NULL;
  unsigned gdbmi_address;
  Address_t agc_addr;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (j);

  if (strlen (sraw))
    Symbol = ResolveSymbol (

  if (Symbol != NULL && !Symbol->Value.Erasable)
    Symbol = NULL;
  if (Symbol != NULL)
      /* Get linear address for display */
      gdbmi_address = DbgLinearAddr (&Symbol->Value);

      /* Watch Type 3 = for value, Watch type 1 for any change */
      agc_addr = DbgNativeAddr (gdbmi_address);

      WatchType = 1;
      vRegBB = agc_addr.EB;
      k = agc_addr.SReg;
      WatchValue = State->Erasable[vRegBB][k];

  for (i = 0; i < NumBreakpoints; i++)
    if (Breakpoints[i].Address12 == k && Breakpoints[i].vRegBB == vRegBB
	&& Breakpoints[i].WatchBreak == WatchType)
	printf ("This watchpoint already exists.\n");
	return (GdbmiCmdDone);

  if (NumBreakpoints < MAX_BREAKPOINTS)
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].Id = ++gdbmi_break_id;
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].Hits = 0;
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].Enable = 'y';
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].Disposition = BP_KEEP;
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].Address12 = k;
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].vRegBB = vRegBB;
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].WatchBreak = WatchType;
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].Symbol = Symbol;
      Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].Line = NULL;
      if (WatchType == 1)
	Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].WatchValue = DbgGetWatch (
	    State, &Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints]);
	Breakpoints[NumBreakpoints].WatchValue = WatchValue;
      if (Symbol)
	printf ("Hardware watchpoint %d: %s\n", gdbmi_break_id, Symbol->Name);
    printf ("The maximum number of watchpoints is already defined.\n");

  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

GdbmiHandleShowVersion (void)
  DbgDisplayVersion ();

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleInfoRegisters (int i)

  int cli_argc = 0;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  if (strlen (s) > 1)
      cli_arg = s + 1;

  /* Print the requested register contents */
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "A"))
    printf ("A\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegA],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegA]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "L"))
    printf ("L\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegL],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegL]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "Q"))
    printf ("Q\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegQ],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegQ]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "EB"))
    printf ("EB\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegEB],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegEB]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "FB"))
    printf ("FB\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegFB],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegFB]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "Z"))
    printf ("Z\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegZ],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegZ]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "BB"))
    printf ("BB\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegBB],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegBB]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "ARUPT"))
    printf ("ARUPT\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegARUPT],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegARUPT]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "LRUPT"))
    printf ("LRUPT\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegLRUPT],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegLRUPT]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "QRUPT"))
    printf ("QRUPT\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegQRUPT],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegQRUPT]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "ZRUPT"))
    printf ("ZRUPT\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegZRUPT],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegZRUPT]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "BBRUPT"))
    printf ("BBRUPT\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegBBRUPT],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegBBRUPT]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "BRUPT"))
    printf ("BRUPT\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegBRUPT],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegBRUPT]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "CHAN07"))
    printf ("CHAN07\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->InputChannel[7],
	    0177777 & State->InputChannel[7]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "CYR"))
    printf ("CYR\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegCYR],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegCYR]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "SR"))
    printf ("SR\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegSR],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegSR]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "CYL"))
    printf ("CYL\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegCYL],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegCYL]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "EDOP"))
    printf ("EDOP\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegEDOP],
	    0177777 & State->Erasable[0][RegEDOP]);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "INDEX"))
    printf ("INDEX\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->IndexValue,
	    0177777 & State->IndexValue);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "EXTEND"))
    printf ("EXTEND\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->ExtraCode,
	    0177777 & State->ExtraCode);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "IRQMSK"))
    printf ("IRQMSK\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->AllowInterrupt,
	    0177777 & State->AllowInterrupt);
  if (!cli_argc || !strcmp (cli_arg, "ISR"))
    printf ("ISR\t\t0x%04x\t%d\n", 0177777 & State->InIsr,
	    0177777 & State->InIsr);

  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

GdbmiHandleInfoBreakpoints (int j)
  int i;
  char* disposition;

  /* No CmdPtr adjust ment necessary so ignore input */

  if (NumBreakpoints == 0)
    printf ("No breakpoints or watchpoints.\n");
    printf ("Num\tType\t\tDisp\tEnb\tAddress\tWhat\n");

  for (i = 0; i < NumBreakpoints; i++)
      int Address12, vRegBB;

      if (Breakpoints[i].Disposition == BP_KEEP)
	disposition = (char*) disp_keep;
	disposition = (char*) disp_delete;

      if (Breakpoints[i].WatchBreak > 0)
	  if (Breakpoints[i].Symbol != NULL)
	      printf ("%d\thw watchpoint\t%s\t%c\t        %s",
		      Breakpoints[i].Id, disposition, Breakpoints[i].Enable,
	  printf ("%d\tbreakpoint\t%s\t%c\t", Breakpoints[i].Id, disposition,

      Address12 = Breakpoints[i].Address12;
      vRegBB = Breakpoints[i].vRegBB;
      if (Address12 < 01400 || Address12 >= 04000)
	printf ("0x%04x", DbgLinearFixedAddr (Address12, 0, 0));
      else if (Address12 >= 02000 && Address12 < 04000)
	  int Bank;
	  Bank = (vRegBB >> 10) & 037;
	  if (0 != (vRegBB & 0100) && Bank >= 030)
	    Bank += 010;
	  printf ("0x%04x", DbgLinearFixedAddr (Address12, Bank, 0));

      // Print out the file,line if set for the breakpoint
      if (HaveSymbols)
	  if (Breakpoints[i].Symbol != NULL && !Breakpoints[i].WatchBreak)
	    printf ("  in file %s:%d", Breakpoints[i].Symbol->FileName,
	  else if (Breakpoints[i].Line != NULL && !Breakpoints[i].WatchBreak)
	    printf ("  in file %s:%d", Breakpoints[i].Line->FileName,
      printf ("\n");
      if (Breakpoints[i].Hits == 1)
	printf ("\tbreakpoint already hit %d time\n", Breakpoints[i].Hits);
      else if (Breakpoints[i].Hits > 1)
	printf ("\tbreakpoint already hit %d times\n", Breakpoints[i].Hits);
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

GdbmiPrintFullNameFrame (SymbolLine_t *Line)
  printf (
      NormalizeSourceName (SourcePathName, Line->FileName),
      DbgLinearFixedAddr (Line->CodeAddress.SReg, Line->CodeAddress.FB,

static char* CurrentFileName = 0;

GdbmiPrintSourceFrame (SymbolLine_t *Line)
  if (CurrentFileName == 0 || strcmp (CurrentFileName, Line->FileName))
      /* Looks like a source file switch print the file info */
      unsigned Address = DbgLinearAddr (&Line->CodeAddress);
      printf ("%s () at %s:%d\n", DbgGetFrameNameByAddr (Address),
	      Line->FileName, Line->LineNumber);
      CurrentFileName = Line->FileName;
  ListSourceLine (Line->FileName, Line->LineNumber, 0);

GdbmiHandleInfoLine (int i)
  int LineNumber;
  SymbolLine_t *Line = NULL;
  char *cli_char = NULL;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  if (*s == ' ')
      cli_char = strstr (sraw, ":");
      *cli_char = ' ';

      if (2 == sscanf (sraw + 1, "%s %d", FileName, &LineNumber))
	  Line = (SymbolLine_t*) ResolveFileLineNumber (FileName, LineNumber);
      int CurrentZ = State->Erasable[0][RegZ] & 07777;
      int FB = 037 & (State->Erasable[0][RegBB] >> 10);
      int SBB = (State->OutputChannel7 & 0100) ? 1 : 0;
      Line = ResolveLineAGC (CurrentZ, FB, SBB);

  if (Line)
      unsigned Addr = DbgLinearAddr (&Line->CodeAddress);
      char* FrameName = DbgGetFrameNameByAddr (Addr);
      printf ("Line %d of \"%s\" starts at address 0x%04x <%s>\n",
	      Line->LineNumber, Line->FileName, Addr, FrameName);
      printf ("   and ends at 0x%04x <%s>.\n", Addr, FrameName);
      if (FullNameMode)
	GdbmiPrintFullNameFrame (Line);
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

GdbmiHandleInfoTarget (int i)
  printf ("Symbols from \"%s\".\n", SymbolFile);
  printf ("Local exec file:\n");
  printf ("\tfile type ropes-agc.\n");
  printf ("\tEntry point: 0x0800\n");
  printf ("\t0x0000 - 0x02ff is .unswitched_eraseable\n");
  printf ("\t0x0300 - 0x07ff is .switched_eraseable\n");
  printf ("\t0x0800 - 0x0fff is .fixed_fixed\n");
  printf ("\t0x1000 - 0x17ff is .common_fixed\n");
  printf ("\t0x1800 - 0x1fff is .fixed_fixed\n");
  printf ("\t0x2000 - 0x6fff is .common_fixed\n");
  printf ("\t0x7000 - 0x9fff is .super_bank\n");

  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

GdbmiHandleInfoChannels (int i)
  int chx;
  unsigned value;
  int select = -1;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  /* Check for a channel argument */
  if (strlen (s) > 0)
      select = strtol (s, 0, 0);
  for (chx = 0; chx < NUM_CHANNELS; chx++)
      value = ReadIO (State, chx);
      if (select < 0 || select == chx)
	  printf ("CHAN%o\t0x%04x %5d\n", chx, value, value);
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

typedef struct io_regs_tag
  char name[8];
  int offset;
} t_io_regs;

#define NUM_IO_REGS 23
const t_io_regs io_registers[NUM_IO_REGS] =
    { "CDUX", 032 },
    { "CDUY", 033 },
    { "CDUZ", 034 },
    { "OPTY", 035 },
    { "OPTX", 036 },
    { "PIPAX", 037 },
    { "PIPAY", 040 },
    { "PIPAZ", 041 },
    { "RHCP", 042 },
    { "RHCY", 043 },
    { "RHCR", 044 },
    { "INLINK", 045 },
    { "RNRAD", 046 },
    { "GYROCMD", 047 },
    { "CDUXCMD", 050 },
    { "CDUYCMD", 051 },
    { "CDUZCMD", 052 },
    { "OPTYCMD", 053 },
    { "OPTXCMD", 054 },
    { "THRUST", 055 },
    { "LEMONM", 056 },
    { "OUTLINK", 057 },
    { "ALTM", 060 } };

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleInfoIoRegisters (int j)
  int io_select = 0;
  int i;
  unsigned value;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (j);

  if (strlen (s++) > 1)
    io_select = 1;

  for (i = 0; i < NUM_IO_REGS; i++)
      if (io_select == 0 || !strcmp (s, io_registers[i].name))
	  value = 0177777 & State->Erasable[0][io_registers[i].offset];
	  printf ("%s\t\t0x%04x\t%u\n", io_registers[i].name, value, value);

  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleInfoAllRegisters (int i)
  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  GdbmiHandleInfoRegisters (0);
  GdbmiHandleInfoIoRegisters (0);

  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleInfoProgram (int i)
  printf ("\tUsing the running image of child process 0.\n");
  printf (
      "Program stopped at 0x%04x.\n",
      DbgLinearFixedAddr (State->Erasable[0][RegZ] & 07777,
			  037 & (State->Erasable[0][RegBB] >> 10),
			  (State->OutputChannel7 & 0100) ? 1 : 0));
  printf ("It stopped after being stepped.\n");

  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

 * Display the thread summaries of all currently known threads
 * If no ISR is active only one thread the default execution
 * thread will be shown. If an ISR is running (only one can run
 * at a time then both the ISR as well as the default execution
 * thread will be shown. With the ISR marked as the active thread
static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleInfoThreads (int i)
  SymbolLine_t* Line = NULL;
  char threadName[10] = "main";
  unsigned LinearAddress;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  /* Check if we are dealing with 2 threads (i.e. in an ISR) */
  if (State->InIsr)
      /* Determine the thread name to be verbose when showing info */
      switch (State->InterruptRequests[0])
	case 1:
	  strcpy (threadName, "TIMER6");
	case 2:
	  strcpy (threadName, "TIMER5");
	case 3:
	  strcpy (threadName, "TIMER3");
	case 4:
	  strcpy (threadName, "TIMER4");
	case 5:
	  strcpy (threadName, "KEYBD1");
	case 6:
	  strcpy (threadName, "KEYBD2");
	case 7:
	  strcpy (threadName, "UPLINK");
	case 8:
	  strcpy (threadName, "DNLINK");
	case 9:
	  strcpy (threadName, "RADAR");
	case 10:
	  strcpy (threadName, "JOYSTK");
	  strcpy (threadName, "MAIN");

      /* Get  head of the stack of ISR thread */
      Line = DbgResolveCurrentLine ();
      if (Line)
	  LinearAddress = DbgLinearAddr (&Line->CodeAddress);
	  printf ("* 2 thread %d (%s)\t0x%04x in %s ()\n",
		  State->InterruptRequests[0], threadName, LinearAddress,
		  DbgGetFrameNameByAddr (LinearAddress));
	  printf ("    at %s:%d\n", Line->FileName, Line->LineNumber);

      Line = FindLastLineMain ();
      if (Line)
	  LinearAddress = DbgLinearAddr (&Line->CodeAddress);
	  printf ("  1 thread 0 (MAIN)\t0x%04x in %s ()\n", LinearAddress,
		  DbgGetFrameNameByAddr (LinearAddress));
      Line = DbgResolveCurrentLine ();
      if (Line)
	  LinearAddress = DbgLinearAddr (&Line->CodeAddress);
	  printf ("* 1 thread 0 (MAIN)\t0x%04x in %s ()\n", LinearAddress,
		  DbgGetFrameNameByAddr (LinearAddress));
	  printf ("    at %s:%d\n", Line->FileName, Line->LineNumber);
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleBacktrace (int i)

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  sscanf (s, "%d", &LimitList);
  BacktraceDisplay (State, LimitList);
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

//Current source file is main.c
//Compilation directory is C:/Code/virtualagc/yaAGC/
//Located in C:/Code/virtualagc/yaAGC/main.c
//Contains 1733 lines.
//Source language is c.
//Compiled with stabs debugging format.
static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleInfoSource (int i)
  printf ("Current source file is \"%s\"\n", CurrentSourceFile);
  printf ("Current source directory is \"%s\"\n", SourcePathName);
  printf ("Located in %s\n",
	  NormalizeSourceName (SourcePathName, CurrentSourceFile));
  printf ("Source language is assembler.\n");
  printf ("Compiled with proprietary debugging format.\n");
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

 Display the list of source files for which symbols are loaded.
 Since the list can be quite long the command allows for a pattern
 to be passed to reduce the output list in console mode.
static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleInfoSources (int i)
  int j;
  regex_t preg;
  int UsePattern = 0;
  int Match = 0;
  GdbmiResult GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdUnhandled;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  /* Check if a pattern search is used */
  if (strlen (s) > 0)
      GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (1);

      j = regcomp (&preg, sraw, REG_ICASE | REG_NOSUB | REG_EXTENDED);
      if (j)
	  printf ("Illegal regular-expression.\n");
	  regfree (&preg);
	  GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdError;
	UsePattern = 1;

  if (GdbmiStat != GdbmiCmdError)
      printf ("Source files for which symbols have been read in:\n\n");

      /* Loop through and print out the file names */
      for (j = 0; j < NumberFiles; j++)
	  Match = 0;

	  if (UsePattern)
	      if (0 == regexec (&preg, SourceFiles[j], 0, NULL, 0))
		  Match = 1;
	    Match = 1;

	  if (Match)
	      printf ("%s\n",
		      NormalizeSourceName (SourcePathName, SourceFiles[j]));
      fflush (stdout);
      if (UsePattern)
	regfree (&preg);

      GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdUnhandled;

  return GdbmiStat;

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleInfoInterrupts (int j)
  int i;

  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (j);

  if (!DebuggerInterruptMasks[0])
    printf ("All interrupts are blocked.\n");
    printf ("Interrupts are allowed.\n");

  printf ("Debugger interrupt mask:");
  for (i = 1; i <= NUM_INTERRUPT_TYPES; i++)
    printf (" %d", !DebuggerInterruptMasks[i]);

  printf ("\nInterrupt-request flags:");
  for (i = 1; i <= NUM_INTERRUPT_TYPES; i++)
    printf (" %d", State->InterruptRequests[i]);

  if (State->InIsr)
    printf ("\nIn ISR #%d.\n", State->InterruptRequests[0]);
    printf ("\nLast ISR: #%d.\n", State->InterruptRequests[0]);

  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleInfoSymbols (int i, int type)
  int j;
  regex_t preg;
  int UsePattern = 0;
  int Match = 0;
  char* LastFileName = (char*) 0;

  GdbmiResult GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdUnhandled;

  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  /* Check if a pattern search is used */
  if (strlen (s) > 0)
      GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (1);

      j = regcomp (&preg, sraw, REG_ICASE | REG_NOSUB | REG_EXTENDED);
      if (j)
	  printf ("Illegal regular-expression.\n");
	  regfree (&preg);
	  GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdError;
	UsePattern = 1;

  if (GdbmiStat != GdbmiCmdError)
      if (UsePattern)
	  if (type == SYMBOL_VARIABLE)
	    printf ("All variables matching regular expression \"%s\":\n",
	  else if (type == SYMBOL_CONSTANT)
	    printf ("All constants matching regular expression \"%s\":\n",
	  else if (type == SYMBOL_LABEL)
	    printf ("All functions matching regular expression \"%s\":\n",
	  if (type == SYMBOL_VARIABLE)
	    printf ("All defined variables:\n");
	  else if (type == SYMBOL_CONSTANT)
	    printf ("All defined constants:\n");
	  else if (type == SYMBOL_LABEL)
	    printf ("All defined functions:\n");

      LastFileName = SymbolTable[0].FileName;

      // Loop through and print out the entire symbol table
      for (j = 0; j < SymbolTableSize; j++)
	  Match = 0;

	  if (UsePattern)
	      if (0 == regexec (&preg, SymbolTable[j].Name, 0, NULL, 0))
		  Match = 1;
	    Match = 1;

	  if (Match)
	      if (SymbolTable[j].Type == type)

		  if (strcmp (LastFileName, SymbolTable[j].FileName))
		      LastFileName = SymbolTable[j].FileName;
		      printf ("\nFile %s:\n", LastFileName);

		  if (type == SYMBOL_VARIABLE)
		    printf ("var %s;\n", SymbolTable[j].Name);
		  else if (type == SYMBOL_CONSTANT)
		    printf ("const %s;\n", SymbolTable[j].Name);
		  else if (type == SYMBOL_LABEL)
		    printf ("func %s();\n", SymbolTable[j].Name);
	  fflush (stdout);
      if (UsePattern)
	regfree (&preg);
      printf ("\n");

  return GdbmiStat;

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleInfoVariables (int i)
  return GdbmiHandleInfoSymbols (i, SYMBOL_VARIABLE);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleInfoConstants (int i)
  return GdbmiHandleInfoSymbols (i, SYMBOL_CONSTANT);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleInfoFunctions (int i)
  return GdbmiHandleInfoSymbols (i, SYMBOL_LABEL);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleInfoFrame (int i)
  printf ("Stack level 0, frame at 0x0801:\n");
  printf (
      " pc = 0x0803 in MAIN (c:\\Code\\virtualagc\\Luminary131\\INTERRUPT_LEAD_INS.s:23); saved pc 0x0800\n");
  printf (" source language AGC assembler.\n");
  printf (" Testing CodeBlocks only not functional yet.\n");
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

GdbmiCommands_t GdbmiConsoleInfoCommands[19] =
    { "ALL-REGISTERS", GdbmiHandleInfoAllRegisters },
    { "REGISTERS", GdbmiHandleInfoRegisters },
    { "BREAKPOINTS", GdbmiHandleInfoBreakpoints },
    { "LINE", GdbmiHandleInfoLine },
    { "TARGET", GdbmiHandleInfoTarget },
    { "FILES", GdbmiHandleInfoTarget },
    { "CHANNELS", GdbmiHandleInfoChannels },
    { "IO_REGISTERS", GdbmiHandleInfoIoRegisters },
    { "PROGRAM", GdbmiHandleInfoProgram },
    { "STACK", GdbmiHandleBacktrace },
    { "THREADS", GdbmiHandleInfoThreads },
    { "INTERRUPTS", GdbmiHandleInfoInterrupts },
    { "SOURCES", GdbmiHandleInfoSources },
    { "VARIABLES", GdbmiHandleInfoVariables },
    { "FUNCTIONS", GdbmiHandleInfoFunctions },
    { "CONSTANTS", GdbmiHandleInfoConstants },
    { "SOURCE", GdbmiHandleInfoSource },
    { "FRAME", GdbmiHandleInfoFrame },
    { 0, 0 } };

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleInfo (int i)
  GdbmiResult GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdUnhandled;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  /* Parse and Execute Commands */
  GdbmiStat = GdbmiParseConsoleCommands (GdbmiConsoleInfoCommands);

  /* During the new construct transition allow both fbk's*/
  if (GdbmiStat == GdbmiCmdUnhandled)
    GdbmiStat = gdbmi_status;

  return (GdbmiStat);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleSetPrompt (int i)
  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  strncpy (agcPrompt, sraw, 15);
#ifdef USE_READLINE   
      extern char nbPrompt[16];

  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

GdbmiString2Num (char* s, unsigned* Num)
  int Result = -1;

  if (1 == sscanf (s, "0X%x", Num))
    Result = 0;
  else if (1 == sscanf (s, "0%o", Num))
    Result = 0;
  else if (1 == sscanf (s, "%d", Num))
    Result = 0;
  return Result;

/** This function parses the expression for setting a value in memory
static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleSetVariable (int i)
  unsigned gdbmi_addr, gdbmi_val;
  char *operand1, *operand2;
  Symbol_t *Symbol = NULL;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  operand1 = strtok(s,"=");
  operand2 = strtok(NULL, "=");
  if (operand1 && operand2)
    /* Set value using address */
    if (operand1[0] == '*')
	gdbmi_addr = DbgLinearAddrFromAddrStr (++operand1);
	if ((gdbmi_addr != ~0) && (GdbmiString2Num (operand2, &gdbmi_val) == 0))
	  DbgSetValueByAddress (gdbmi_addr, (unsigned short) gdbmi_val);
    else /* Must be a symbol */
	Symbol = ResolveSymbol (operand1, SYMBOL_VARIABLE);
	if (Symbol != NULL && !Symbol->Value.Erasable)
	  Symbol = NULL;

	if (Symbol != NULL)
	    /* Get linear address for display */
	    gdbmi_addr = DbgLinearAddr (&Symbol->Value);
	    if (GdbmiString2Num (operand2, &gdbmi_val) == 0)
	      DbgSetValueByAddress (gdbmi_addr, (unsigned short) gdbmi_val);
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleSet (int i)
  GdbmiResult GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdUnhandled;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  if (!strncmp (s, "PROMPT ", 7))
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiHandleSetPrompt (7);
  else if (!strncmp (s, "CONFIRM ", 8))
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdDone; /* Ignore for now */
  else if (!strncmp (s, "WIDTH ", 6))
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdDone; /* Ignore for now */
  else if (!strncmp (s, "HEIGHT ", 7))
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdDone; /* Ignore for now */
  else if (!strncmp (s, "BREAKPOINT ", 11))
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdDone; /* Ignore for now */
  else if (!strncmp (s, "PRINT ", 6))
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdDone; /* Ignore for now */
  else if (!strncmp (s, "UNWINDONSIGNAL ", 15))
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdDone; /* Ignore for now */
  else if (!strncmp (s, "DISASSEMBLY-FLAVOR ", 19))
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdDone; /* Ignore for now */
  else if (!strncmp (s, "DEBUGEVENTS ", 12))
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdDone; /* Ignore for now */
  else if (!strncmp (s, "VARIABLE ", 9))
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiHandleSetVariable (9);
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiHandleSetVariable (0);

  return (GdbmiStat);

 * This function implements the console command disassemble (a.k.a. disas)
 * Without USER arguments it displays a block of disassembled code around the
 * current program counter. If the USER provided the start and end addresses
 * then the debugger will dump a disassemble from the start address (inclusive)
 * to the end address (exclusive).
static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleDisassemble (int i)
//   unsigned gdbmiFromAddr,gdbmiToAddr;
//   Address_t agc_addr;
//   SymbolLine_t* Line = NULL;
  GdbmiResult GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdUnhandled;
  unsigned LinearAddress;
  unsigned DumpAddress, EndAddress;
  int argc = 0;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  /* Use address values if provided */
  if (*sraw == ' ')
      argc = sscanf (sraw + 1, "0x%x 0x%x", &DumpAddress, &EndAddress);
      if (argc == 2)
	  LinearAddress = DumpAddress;
      if (argc == 1)
	  LinearAddress = DumpAddress;
	  EndAddress = DumpAddress + 9;
      LinearAddress = DbgGetCurrentProgramCounter ();
      DumpAddress = LinearAddress - 4;
      EndAddress = DumpAddress + 9;

  if (DumpAddress < 2048)
    DumpAddress = 2048;

  printf ("Dump of assembler code from 0x%04x to 0x%04x:\n", DumpAddress,

  while (DumpAddress < EndAddress)
      /* This next line is only to check if the new method works */
      //if (CurrentAddress == LinearAddress ) Disassemble(State);
      printf ("0x%04x", DumpAddress);
      printf (" <%s+%d>:\t", DbgGetFrameNameByAddr (DumpAddress),
	      DbgGetFrameNameOffsetByAddr (DumpAddress));
      DasPrintInstructionAtAddr (DumpAddress);


  GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdDone;

  printf ("End of assembler dump.\n");
  return (GdbmiStat);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleDefine (int i)
  char* gdbmi_custom;
  char gdbmi_element[256];
  unsigned cmd_idx;
  unsigned arg_idx;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  gdbmi_custom = s;
  gdbmi_element[0] = (char) 0;

  if (strlen (gdbmi_custom) > 0)
      for (cmd_idx = 0; cmd_idx < GDBMI_MAX_CUSTOM_CMDS; cmd_idx++)
	  if (gdbmiCustomCmds[cmd_idx].Command == NULL)

      if (cmd_idx < GDBMI_MAX_CUSTOM_CMDS)
	  gdbmiCustomCmds[cmd_idx].Command = strdup (gdbmi_custom);

	  printf ("Type commands for definition of \"%s\".\n", sraw);
	  printf ("End with a line saying just \"end\".\n");

	  arg_idx = 0;

	  while (1)
	      nbfgets_ready (">");
	      fflush (stdout);
	      while (nbfgets (gdbmi_element, 256) == 0)

	      if (strcmp (gdbmi_element, "end"))
		gdbmiCustomCmds[cmd_idx].Arguments[arg_idx++] = strdup (
		  gdbmiCustomCmds[cmd_idx].Arguments[arg_idx] = NULL;
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleList (int i)
  int LineNumber, LineNumberTo;
  char Dummy[MAX_FILE_LENGTH + 1];
  char* FileName;
  char* LineStr;
  Symbol_t *Symbol;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  /* Is this just the list command */
  if (!strcmp (s, ""))
    ListSource (NULL, -1);
  /* Do we want to just backup and list */
  else if (!strcmp (s, " -"))
    ListBackupSource ();
  else if (2 == sscanf (s, " %d,%d", &LineNumber, &LineNumberTo))
      /* This case where we want to list between two line numbers.
       * sscanf seems to handle this case ok, unlike its inability
       * to parse name:line. We leave the range checking for the
       * ListSourceRange() routine.*/
      ListSourceRange (LineNumber, LineNumberTo);
  else if (1 == sscanf (s, " %d", &LineNumber))
      /* The case where we want to list a file number in the
       * currently opened file */
      ListSource (NULL, LineNumber);
  else if (1 == sscanf (sraw, " %s", Dummy))
      /* The case where we want to list a file number from a
       * given file. We actually need to take the file name
       * from the raw string to keep the case. I can't seem
       * to figure out how to get sscanf() to recognize the
       * colon so I need to do this painfully. */
      FileName = strtok (Dummy, ":");
      LineStr = strtok (NULL, ":");
      if (LineStr)
	LineNumber = atoi (LineStr);

      /* If there is no ":" then we will assume we want to
       * list a symbol (function), otherwise, we assume the
       * debug command is of the form FILE:LINENUM. */
      if (LineStr != NULL && (FileName != NULL))
	  ListSource (FileName, LineNumber);
	  /* Try to resolve the symbol and then list the
	   * source for that symbol*/
	  if (FileName
	      && (Symbol = ResolveSymbol (FileName, SYMBOL_LABEL)) != NULL)
	      printf ("%s:\n", Symbol->FileName);
	      ListSource (Symbol->FileName, Symbol->LineNumber);
	    printf ("Function or Symbol not defined.\n");

  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

GdbmiHandleDelete (int i)
  int gdbmi_breakpoint = 0;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  if (strlen (s) == 0)
    NumBreakpoints = 0;
      if (1 == sscanf (s, "%d", &gdbmi_breakpoint))
	  DbgDeleteBreakpoint (gdbmi_breakpoint);
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleDisable (int j)
  int gdbmi_breakpoint = 0;
  int i;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (j);

  if (strlen (s) > 0) /* There must be an argument */
      if (1 == sscanf (s, "%d", &gdbmi_breakpoint))
	  for (i = 0; i < NumBreakpoints; i++)
	    if (Breakpoints[i].Id == gdbmi_breakpoint)
		Breakpoints[i].Enable = 'n';
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleEnable (int j)
  int gdbmi_breakpoint = 0;
  int i;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (j);

  if (strlen (s) > 0) /* There must be an argument */
      if (1 == sscanf (s, "%d", &gdbmi_breakpoint))
	  for (i = 0; i < NumBreakpoints; i++)
	    if (Breakpoints[i].Id == gdbmi_breakpoint)
		Breakpoints[i].Enable = 'y';
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleRun (int i)
  printf ("[New Thread 11]\n");
  printf ("[Switching to Thread 11]\n");

  return (GdbmiCmdRun);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleDumpMemory (int i)
  unsigned start_addr, end_addr, gdbmi_addr;
  unsigned short value;
  char filename[256];
  FILE* target;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  if (3 == sscanf (sraw, "%s 0x%x 0x%x", filename, &start_addr, &end_addr))
      if (end_addr >= start_addr && /*start_addr >= 0 &&*/ end_addr < 0114000)
	  target = fopen (filename, "w");
	  if (target != NULL)
	      for (gdbmi_addr = start_addr; gdbmi_addr <= end_addr;
		  value = DbgGetValueByAddress (gdbmi_addr);
		  fwrite (&value, 2, 1, target);
	      fclose (target);
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleRestoreMemory (int i)
  unsigned start_addr, end_addr, gdbmi_addr;
  unsigned short value;
  char filename[256];
  FILE* source;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  end_addr = 0114000;
  if (3 >= sscanf (sraw, "%s 0x%x 0x%x", filename, &start_addr, &end_addr))
      if (/*start_addr >= 0 &&*/ start_addr < 0114000)
	  gdbmi_addr = start_addr;
	  source = fopen (filename, "r");
	  if (source != NULL)
	      while (fread (&value, 2, 1, source) && gdbmi_addr < end_addr)
		  DbgSetValueByAddress (gdbmi_addr++, value);
	      fclose (source);
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleDump (int i)
  GdbmiResult GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdUnhandled;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  if (!strncmp (s, "MEMORY ", 7))
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiHandleDumpMemory (7);

  return (GdbmiStat);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleShow (int i)
  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  if (!strncmp (s, " VERSION", 8))
    GdbmiHandleShowVersion ();

  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleStart (int i)
  DbgSetRunState ();
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleWhatIs (int i)
  /* All types will be considered unsigned */
  printf ("type = <unknown type>\n");
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

GdbmiIntFromAgc(unsigned short value, GdbmiComplement_t format)
  int result = value; /* Assume 15 bit 2s Comp positive*/
  if (format == 1 )
  {  /* 14 bit 1s Comp */
     if (value & 0x4000) result = ((value ^ 0x3fff) & 0x3fff) * -1;
     else result = value & 0x3fff;
  return result;

GdbmiDoubleFromAgc(unsigned value)
  int precision = GdbmiScalarMap[GdbmiScalar].precision;
  GdbmiComplement_t c = 1;
  double scalar = GdbmiScalarMap[GdbmiScalar].scalar;
  unsigned lower = value & 0x0000ffff;
  unsigned upper = (value & 0xffff0000) >> 16;
  double result = 0;
  if (GdbmiScalarMap[GdbmiScalar].type[0] == 'D' || 
      GdbmiScalarMap[GdbmiScalar].type[0] == 'J') c = 2; /* Use Twos Complement */
  if (precision == SP){
    result = GdbmiIntFromAgc(upper,c) * scalar;
  else { /* Double Precision */
    result = (GdbmiIntFromAgc(upper,c) * 16384 + GdbmiIntFromAgc(lower,c)) * scalar;
  return result;

void GdbmiPrintFmt(GdbmiFmt_t fmt, unsigned value)
  int i;

    case 'o':
    case 'u':
      printf("%u",value); // RSB -- changed %#u to %u.
    case 'd':
      if (value & 0x00004000) printf("-%d",((value ^ 0x3fff) & 0x3fff));
      else  printf("+%d",(value & 0x3fff));
    case 'f':
    case 'c':
    case 't':
      for (i = 14 ;i >= 0; i--)
	   if (value & (1 << i)) printf("1");
	   else printf("0");
	   /* Format binary in groups of three for easy octal view */
	   if ((i % 3) == 0) printf(" ");
    case 'x':  

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandlePrint (int i)
  int AddrFlag = 0;
  char* AddrStr;
  Symbol_t *Symbol = NULL;
  Address_t *agc_addr;
  unsigned agc_value; 
  unsigned gdbmi_addr;
  GdbmiFmt_t fmt;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  if (strlen (s) > 1)
      /* we have an expression */
      AddrStr = sraw;

      if (*AddrStr == '&')

      /* I like to also see values of constants eventhough the default
       agc implementation did not do  this */
      Symbol = ResolveSymbol (
      if (Symbol)
	  agc_addr = &Symbol->Value;
	  gdbmi_addr = DbgLinearAddr (agc_addr);

	  if (AddrFlag){
	    printf ("$1 = ");
	    printf ("\n");
	    printf ("$1 = ");
	    agc_value = DbgGetValueByAddress (gdbmi_addr);
	    if (fmt == 'f') agc_value = (agc_value << 16) | DbgGetValueByAddress (gdbmi_addr + 1);
	    printf ("\n");
	  if (*AddrStr == '*')
	      gdbmi_addr = DbgLinearAddrFromAddrStr (++AddrStr);
	      printf ("$1 = ");
	      agc_value = DbgGetValueByAddress (gdbmi_addr);
	      if (fmt == 'f') agc_value = (agc_value << 16) | DbgGetValueByAddress (gdbmi_addr + 1);
	      printf ("\n");
	    printf ("$1 = %s\n", sraw);
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleOutput (int i)
  int AddrFlag = 0;
  char* AddrStr;
  Symbol_t *Symbol = NULL;
  Address_t *agc_addr;
  unsigned gdbmi_addr;
  GdbmiFmt_t fmt;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  if (strlen (s) > 1)
      /* we have an expression */
      AddrStr = sraw;
      if (*AddrStr == '&')

      /* I like to also see values of constants eventhough the default
       agc implementation did not do  this */
      Symbol = ResolveSymbol (
      if (Symbol)
	  agc_addr = &Symbol->Value;
	  gdbmi_addr = DbgLinearAddr (agc_addr);

	  if (AddrFlag)
	    GdbmiPrintFmt(fmt,DbgGetValueByAddress (gdbmi_addr));
	  if (*AddrStr == '*')
	      gdbmi_addr = DbgLinearAddrFromAddrStr (++AddrStr);
	      GdbmiPrintFmt(fmt,DbgGetValueByAddress (gdbmi_addr));
	    printf ("%s", sraw);
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiExamCfg_t GdbmiExamCfg = {1,'u','h',0,4};

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleExamine (int j)
  int i =  0;
  unsigned gdbmi_addr  = 0;
  int      gdbmi_value = 0;
  char*    gdbmi_ptr   = NULL;
  GdbmiResult GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdUnhandled;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (j);

  /* Do we see arguments */
  if (s)
      /* Is there a format Specifier */
      if (*s++ == '/')
	  /* Looks like some specifies a format string... lets parse it */
	  GdbmiExamCfg.count = (int) strtol (s, &gdbmi_ptr, 0);
	  if (GdbmiExamCfg.count == 0 ) GdbmiExamCfg.count = 1;
	  s = gdbmi_ptr;
	  /* Look for size and format specifiers */
	  while (*s != 0 && *s != ' ')
		case 'B':  
		  GdbmiExamCfg.unit = 'b';
		  GdbmiExamCfg.apl = 4;
		case 'H':
		  GdbmiExamCfg.unit = 'h';
		  GdbmiExamCfg.apl = 8;
		case 'W':
		  GdbmiExamCfg.unit = 'w';
		  GdbmiExamCfg.apl  = 4;
		case 'X':
		  GdbmiExamCfg.fmt = 'x';
		case 'O':
		  GdbmiExamCfg.fmt = 'o';
		case 'D':
		  GdbmiExamCfg.fmt = 'd';
		  /* Unsupported Character */
		  GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdError;
		} /* End Switch */
	    } /* End While */
	    if (*s == ' ') ++s;
	} /* End Format Parsing */

      /* Get linear address */
      if (strlen(s) > 0)
	 GdbmiExamCfg.addr = DbgLinearAddrFromAddrStr (s);

      /* Use new or last Set Base Address */
      gdbmi_addr = GdbmiExamCfg.addr;
      if ((GdbmiExamCfg.count > 0) && (gdbmi_addr != ~0) && GdbmiStat != GdbmiCmdError)
	  /* Print first lead in address */
	  printf ("0x%07x:", gdbmi_addr);

	  for (i = 1; i <= GdbmiExamCfg.count; i++)
	      //agc_addr = gdbmiNativeAddr(gdbmi_addr);
	      gdbmi_value = DbgGetValueByAddress (gdbmi_addr++);
	      if (GdbmiExamCfg.unit == 'w')
		  /* Word Size so fetch next address too */
		  gdbmi_value = (gdbmi_value << 16) | DbgGetValueByAddress (gdbmi_addr++);

	      switch (GdbmiExamCfg.unit)
		case 'h':
		  printf ("\t0x%04x", (unsigned short) gdbmi_value);
		case 'b':
		  printf ("\t0x%02x\t0x%02x",
			  (unsigned char) ((gdbmi_value >> 8) & 0xff),
			  (unsigned char)  (gdbmi_value & 0xff));
		  printf ("\t0x%08x", (unsigned) gdbmi_value);

	      /* Do we need an address lead inprinted */
	      if ((i % GdbmiExamCfg.apl) == 0 && i < GdbmiExamCfg.count)
		printf ("\n0x%07x:", gdbmi_addr);
	  printf ("\n");
	  GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdDone;
      else {
	GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdError;
  if (GdbmiStat == GdbmiCmdError) 
     printf ("Invalid address or FMT\n");
  return (GdbmiStat);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleGetOct (int i)
  CheckDec (s);
  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleQuit (int i)
  return (GdbmiCmdQuit);

 * GDB/MI Root Table of Commands and associated handlers.
GdbmiCommands_t GdbmiConsoleRootCommands[33] =
    { "INFO ", GdbmiHandleInfo },
    { "SET ", GdbmiHandleSet },
    { "START", GdbmiHandleStart },
    { "SHOW", GdbmiHandleShow },
    { "BREAK", GdbmiHandleNormBrk },
    { "TBREAK", GdbmiHandleTmpBrk },
    { "PRINT", GdbmiHandlePrint },
    { "WHERE", GdbmiHandleBacktrace },
    { "BT", GdbmiHandleBacktrace },
    { "WATCH", GdbmiHandleWatch },
    { "DISASSEMBLE", GdbmiHandleDisassemble },
    { "DISAS", GdbmiHandleDisassemble },
    { "DEFINE", GdbmiHandleDefine },
    { "LIST", GdbmiHandleList },
    { "GETOCT", GdbmiHandleGetOct },
    { "WHATIS", GdbmiHandleWhatIs },
    { "OUTPUT", GdbmiHandleOutput },
    { "DUMP", GdbmiHandleDump },
    { "RESTORE", GdbmiHandleRestoreMemory },
    { "DELETE BREAKPOINTS", GdbmiHandleDelete },
    { "DELETE", GdbmiHandleDelete },
    { "DISABLE", GdbmiHandleDisable },
    { "ENABLE", GdbmiHandleEnable },
    { "QUIT", GdbmiHandleQuit },
    { "EXIT", GdbmiHandleQuit },
    { "CONT", GdbmiHandleRun },
    { "RUN", GdbmiHandleRun },
    { "P", GdbmiHandlePrint },
    { "B", GdbmiHandleNormBrk },
    { "D", GdbmiHandleDelete },
    { "X", GdbmiHandleExamine },
    { 0, 0 } };

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiConsoleInterpreter (int i)
  GdbmiResult GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdUnhandled;

  /* Adjust the CmdPtr to point to the next token */
  GdbmiAdjustCmdPtr (i);

  /* Ensure command s is in uppercase */
  GdbmiStringToUpper (s);

  /* Parse and Execute Commands */
  GdbmiStat = GdbmiParseConsoleCommands (GdbmiConsoleRootCommands);

  /* Special Case KDbg defined command hard coded for now */
  if (!strncmp (s, "KDBG_INFOLINEMAIN", 17))
      GdbmiHandleList (17);
      GdbmiStat = GdbmiHandleInfoLine (17);
    gdbmi_status = GdbmiCmdError;

  if (GdbmiStat == GdbmiCmdUnhandled)
    GdbmiStat = gdbmi_status;

  return (GdbmiStat);

static GdbmiResult
GdbmiHandleCustom (int i)
  char *arg_s, *arg_sraw;
  unsigned cmd_idx;
  unsigned arg_idx;

  for (cmd_idx = 0; cmd_idx < GDBMI_MAX_CUSTOM_CMDS; cmd_idx++)
      if (gdbmiCustomCmds[cmd_idx].Command)
	  if (strncmp (gdbmiCustomCmds[cmd_idx].Command, sraw,
		       strlen (gdbmiCustomCmds[cmd_idx].Command)))

	      for (arg_idx = 0; arg_idx < GDBMI_MAX_CUSTOM_ARGS; arg_idx++)
		  arg_sraw = gdbmiCustomCmds[cmd_idx].Arguments[arg_idx];
		  if (arg_sraw)
		    arg_s = strdup (arg_sraw);

		  if (arg_s)
		      GdbmiInterpreter (State, arg_s, arg_sraw);
		      free (arg_s);

  return (GdbmiCmdDone);

 * This function is the entry point for the high level GDBMI interaction
 * For now it is just a stub until the code will work with full GDB/MI
GdbmiHandleMachineInterface (int i)
  return (GdbmiCmdUnhandled);

 * This function is the main entry into the GDBMI command handler. It requires
 * the state of the AGC machine as well as the Command string and the raw
 * version of the command string.
 * \param a pointer to the AGC state machine
 * \param the command string
 * \param the raw command string
GdbmiInterpreter (agc_t *agc_state, char* dbg_s, char* dbg_sraw)
  GdbmiResult GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdUnhandled;

  /* Set the static GDBMI values and avoid passing around */
  State = agc_state;
  s = dbg_s;
  sraw = dbg_sraw;

  /* Handle Basic GDB Command Line Options */
  GdbmiStat = GdbmiConsoleInterpreter (0);
  gdbmi_status = 0;

  /* Use the new GDB/MI Capabilities */
  if (GdbmiStat == GdbmiCmdUnhandled)
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiHandleMachineInterface (0);

  /* Executed Custom defined Debug Commands */
  if (GdbmiStat == GdbmiCmdUnhandled)
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiHandleCustom (0);

  if (GdbmiStat == GdbmiCmdUnhandled && gdbmi_status > 0)
    GdbmiStat = GdbmiCmdDone;

  return (GdbmiStat);

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