Revision 776af38a313297536a1dda5351513b9de0655320 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 02 April 2016, 08:09:32 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 06 July 2016, 20:52:42 UTC
1 parent f3ba127
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Tip revision: 776af38a313297536a1dda5351513b9de0655320 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 02 April 2016, 08:09:32 UTC
Why3: => 0.87
Tip revision: 776af38
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - Inria
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)
require import Int Real StdRing StdOrder.
(*---*) import RField RealOrder.
require export Distr.

pragma +withbd.

(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)
pred positive (f:'a -> real) = forall x, 0%r <= f x.

lemma add_positive (f1 f2:'a -> real) :
   positive f1 => positive f2 => positive (fun x => f1 x + f2 x)
by [].

lemma mul_positive (f1 f2:'a -> real) :
   positive f1 => positive f2 => positive (fun x => f1 x * f2 x)
by [].

lemma if_positive (f1 f2:'a -> real) (b:'a -> bool):
  positive f1 => positive f2 => positive (fun a => if b a then f1 a else f2 a).
proof. move=> H1 H2 x; case (b x)=> _;[apply H1 | apply H2]. qed.

(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)

lemma b2r_positive (f:'a -> bool): positive (fun x => b2r (f x))
by [].

lemma b2r_true : b2r true = 1%r
by [].

lemma b2r_1 (b:bool): b2r b = 1%r <=> b
by [].

lemma b2r_false : b2r false = 0%r
by [].

lemma b2r_0 (b:bool): b2r b = 0%r <=> !b
by [].

lemma b2r_not (b:bool): b2r (!b) = 1%r - b2r b
by [].

lemma b2r_and (b1 b2: bool): b2r(b1 /\ b2) = b2r b1 * b2r b2
by [].

lemma b2r_or (b1 b2:bool):
    b2r (b1 \/ b2) = b2r b1 + b2r b2 - b2r b1 * b2r b2
by [].

lemma if_b2r (b:bool) (r1 r2:real):
    (if b then r1 else r2) = b2r b * r1 + b2r (!b) * r2
by [].

lemma if_nb2r (b : bool) (r1 r2 : real):
    (if !b then r1 else r2) = b2r (!b) * r1 + b2r b * r2.
proof. by rewrite if_b2r. qed.

lemma b2r_if b1 b2 b3 : b2r (if b1 then b2 else b3) = b2r b1 * b2r b2 + b2r (!b1) * b2r b3
by [].

lemma b2r_imp b1 b2 : b2r (b1 => b2) = 1%r - b2r b1 + b2r b1 * b2r b2
by [].

lemma add_b2r_pn b : b2r b + b2r (!b) = 1%r
by [].

lemma add_b2r_np (b:bool) : b2r (!b) + b2r b = 1%r
by [].

(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* FIXME this should be the definition                                          *)

axiom nosmt muf_le_compat (f1 f2:'a -> real) (d:'a distr) :
  (forall x, in_supp x d => f1 x <= f2 x) =>
  $[f1 | d] <= $[f2 | d].

(* TODO mu should be defined in term of muf *)
axiom muf_b2r (P: 'a -> bool) (d:'a distr) :
  mu d P = $[fun a => b2r (P a) | d].

(* FIXME: need to add restriction on f1 f2 *)
axiom muf_add (f1 f2:'a -> real) (d:'a distr):
  $[fun x => f1 x + f2 x | d] =
  $[f1 | d] + $[f2 | d].

axiom muf_opp (f : 'a -> real) (d:'a distr):
  $[ fun x => -(f x) | d] = - $[f | d].

axiom muf_mulc_l (c:real) (f:'a -> real) (d:'a distr):
  $[fun x => c * f x | d] = c * $[f | d].

(* TODO this seem provable *)
axiom nosmt muf_pos_0 (d :'a distr) (f:'a -> real) :
  positive f =>
  $[ f | d] = 0%r <=> (forall x, in_supp x d => f x = 0%r).

axiom nosmt eq_distr_ext (d1 d2: 'a distr):
  (forall (f:'a -> real), muf f d1 = muf f d2) =>
  d1 = d2.

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma nosmt muf_eq_compat (f1 f2:'a -> real) (d:'a distr) :
  (forall x, in_supp x d => f1 x = f2 x) =>
  $[f1 | d] = $[f2 | d].
  move=> Hf; cut := muf_le_compat <:'a>;smt.

lemma muf_congr (f1 f2: 'a -> real) (d1 d2:'a distr):
  d1 = d2 =>
  (forall a, f1 a = f2 a) =>
  $[f1 | d1] = $[f2 | d2].
proof. by move=> -> Hf; congr; rewrite -fun_ext. qed.

lemma muf_sub (f1 f2:'a -> real) (d:'a distr):
  $[fun x => f1 x - (f2 x) | d] = $[f1 | d] - $[f2 | d].
  cut -> : $[f1 | d] - $[f2 | d] = $[f1 | d] + - $[f2 | d] by ringeq.
  rewrite -muf_opp -muf_add;apply muf_congr => //= x;ringeq.

lemma muf_mulc_r (c:real) (f:'a -> real) (d:'a distr):
  $[fun x => f x * c | d] = $[f | d] * c.
  rewrite (Real.Comm.Comm (muf f d)) -muf_mulc_l;apply muf_congr => //= x;ringeq.

lemma muf_c (c:real) (d:'a distr) :
   $[fun x => c | d] = c * $[fun x => 1%r | d].
proof. by rewrite -muf_mulc_l. qed.

lemma muf_c_ll (c:real) (d:'a distr) :
  $[fun x => 1%r | d] = 1%r =>
  $[fun x => c | d] = c.
proof. by move=> Hll;rewrite muf_c Hll. qed.

lemma muf_0 (d:'a distr) :
  $[fun x => 0%r | d] = 0%r.
proof. by rewrite muf_c. qed.

lemma muf_positive (f:'a -> 'b -> real) (d:'a -> 'b distr):
   (forall (x:'a), positive (f x)) =>
   positive (fun (x:'a) => $[ f x | d x]).
  move=> Hf x.
  rewrite - (muf_0 (d x)); apply muf_le_compat => /= b _; apply Hf.

lemma muf_0_f0 (f:'a -> real) (d: 'a distr):
   (forall a, in_supp a d => f a = 0%r) => $[f | d] = 0%r.
  move=> Hf;rewrite -(muf_c 0%r d);apply muf_eq_compat;apply Hf.

lemma muf_1_le1 (d : 'a distr): $[fun x => 1%r | d] <= 1%r.
  have /= <- := muf_b2r predT d; rewrite b2r_true.
  by have [] := mu_bounded d predT.

lemma muf_c_le c (d : 'a distr): 0 <= c => $[fun x => c%r | d] <= c%r.
  move=> ge0_c; rewrite muf_c; apply/ler_pimulr.
   by apply/from_intMle. by apply/muf_1_le1.

(* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *)

lemma square_supp (p:'a -> bool) (d :'a distr):
  $@[p | d] <=> (forall x, in_supp x d => p x).
proof. by rewrite muf_pos_0 1:smt /= b2r_0. qed.

lemma nosmt square_supp_imp (p:'a -> bool) (d :'a distr):
  $@[p | d] => forall x, in_supp x d => p x.
proof. by rewrite square_supp. qed.

lemma nosmt square_muf_add (p:'a -> bool) (f:'a -> real) (d: 'a distr):
  $@[p | d] =>
  $[ f | d] = $[fun x => f x + b2r (!p x) | d].
  rewrite square_supp=> Hp.
  apply muf_eq_compat=> /= x Hx;rewrite (Hp _ Hx) //.

lemma nosmt square_muf_mul (p:'a -> bool) (f:'a -> real)  (d: 'a distr):
  $@[p | d] =>
  $[ f | d] = $[fun x => b2r (p x) * f x | d].
  rewrite square_supp=> Hp.
  apply muf_eq_compat=> /= x Hx;rewrite (Hp _ Hx) //.

lemma nosmt square_muf_mul_add (p:'a -> bool) (f:'a -> real)  (d: 'a distr):
  $@[p | d] =>
  $[ f | d] = $[fun x => b2r (p x) * f x + b2r (!p x)| d].
  move=> Hp; rewrite (square_muf_mul p) // (square_muf_add p) //.

lemma square_imp (p1 p2:'a -> bool) (d:'a distr):
   $@[fun x => p1 x => p2 x | d] => $@[p1| d] => $@[p2 | d].
proof. by rewrite !square_supp /=;smt. qed.

lemma nosmt square_imp_supp (P2 P1:'a -> bool) (d:'a distr) :
   (forall m, in_supp m d => P1 m => P2 m) => $@[P1 | d] => $@[P2 | d].
  by move=> H1;apply square_imp;rewrite square_supp /= => m Hm;apply H1.

lemma pr_eq_1 (d:'a distr) (p:'a -> bool):
     $[fun x => 1%r | d] = 1%r => $@[p | d] => $[fun x => b2r (p x) | d] = 1%r.
proof. rewrite b2r_not muf_sub=> -> H;ringeq H. qed.

lemma square_true (d:'a distr) : $@[fun a => true | d].
proof. by rewrite /= b2r_false muf_0. qed.

lemma nosmt square_and (d :'a distr) (p1 p2:'a -> bool) :
  ($@[p1 | d] /\ $@[p2 | d]) <=> $@[fun x => p1 x /\ p2 x | d].
proof. rewrite !square_supp /=;smt. qed.

lemma nosmt square_or  (d :'a distr) (p1 p2:'a -> bool) :
  ($@[p1 | d] \/ $@[p2 | d]) => $@[fun x => p1 x \/ p2 x | d].
  move=> [ ];apply square_imp;rewrite square_supp /=;smt.

lemma nosmt square_forall (d :'a distr) (p : 'b -> 'a -> bool) :
  (forall b, $@[p b | d]) <=> $@[fun x => forall b, p b x | d].
proof. rewrite !square_supp /=;smt. qed.

lemma nosmt square_exists (d :'a distr) (p : 'b -> 'a -> bool) :
  (exists b, $@[p b | d]) => $@[fun x => exists b, p b x | d].
proof. by rewrite !square_supp /= => -[b Hb] x Hx;exists b;apply Hb. qed.

lemma nosmt square_rweq (d:'a distr) (X Y:'a ->'b) (f :'a -> 'b -> real) :
  $@[ fun m => X m = Y m | d] =>
  $[fun m => f m (X m) | d] = $[fun m => f m (Y m) | d].
  move=> Hs;rewrite (square_muf_mul _ _ _ Hs) eq_sym (square_muf_mul _ _ _ Hs).
  apply muf_eq_compat=> x Hx /=.
  by case (X x = Y x) => Heq;1:rewrite Heq;2:rewrite b2r_false.

lemma nosmt square_eq_and (P1 P2:'a -> bool) (d: 'a distr):
  $@[P1 | d] =>
  $@[P2 | d] <=> $@[fun x => P1 x /\ P2 x | d].
  by move=> HP1;rewrite !b2r_not !muf_sub b2r_and -(square_muf_mul _ _ _ HP1).

lemma nosmt square_le (P1:'a -> bool) (f1 f2:'a -> real) (d:'a distr):
  (forall a, in_supp a d => P1 a => f1 a <= f2 a) =>
  $@[P1 | d] =>
  $[f1 | d] <= $[f2 | d].
  move=> H1 Hs.
  apply muf_le_compat => x Hx;apply H1 => //.
  by move: Hs;rewrite square_supp=> Hs;apply Hs.

lemma nosmt square_eq (P1:'a -> bool) (f1 f2:'a -> real) (d:'a distr):
  (forall a, in_supp a d => P1 a => f1 a = f2 a) =>
  $@[P1 | d] =>
  $[f1 | d] = $[f2 | d].
  move=> H1 Hs.
  apply muf_eq_compat => x Hx;apply H1 => //.
  by move: Hs;rewrite square_supp=> Hs;apply Hs.

(* Lemmas about known distribution *)
require import Bool.

axiom muf_dbool (f:bool -> real):
  $[f | {0,1} ] = 1%r/2%r * f true + 1%r/2%r * f false.

lemma dbool_ll: $[fun x=> 1%r | {0,1} ] = 1%r.
proof. by rewrite muf_dbool. qed.

lemma muf_c_dbool : forall c, $[fun x => c | {0,1}] = c.
proof. by rewrite muf_c dbool_ll. qed.

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