Revision 781f93f0720f7fb19ac70db9c6073c69b6cb2e2b authored by R. Kyle Bocinsky on 28 November 2022, 07:00:02 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 28 November 2022, 07:00:02 UTC
1 parent 5138a36
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Tip revision: 781f93f0720f7fb19ac70db9c6073c69b6cb2e2b authored by R. Kyle Bocinsky on 28 November 2022, 07:00:02 UTC
version 3.0.1
Tip revision: 781f93f

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[![Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable
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**FedData version 3.0 has been released to CRAN! There are several
breaking changes in the FedData API from version 2.x. Please see
\[\] for a list of changes.**

`FedData` is an *R* package implementing functions to automate
downloading geospatial data available from several federated data

Currently, the package enables extraction from seven datasets:

- The [National Elevation Dataset (NED)]( digital
  elevation models (1 and 1/3 arc-second; USGS)
- The [National Hydrography Dataset
- The [Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO)
  database]( from the National
  Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS), which is led by the Natural Resources
  Conservation Service (NRCS) under the USDA
- The [Global Historical Climatology Network
  coordinated by National Climatic Data Center at NOAA
- The [Daymet]( gridded estimates of daily
  weather parameters for North America, version 4, available from the
  Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s Distributed Active Archive Center
- The [International Tree Ring Data Bank
  coordinated by National Climatic Data Center at NOAA
- The [National Land Cover Database (NLCD)](
- The [NASS Cropland Data
  from the National Agricultural Statistics Service

This package is designed with the large-scale geographic information
system (GIS) use-case in mind: cases where the use of dynamic
web-services is impractical due to the scale (spatial and/or temporal)
of analysis. It functions primarily as a means of downloading tiled or
otherwise spatially-defined datasets; additionally, it can preprocess
those datasets by extracting data within an area of interest (AoI),
defined spatially. It relies heavily on the
[**sf**]( and
[**terra**]( packages.

### Development

- [Kyle Bocinsky]( - Montana Climate Office,
  Missoula, MT

### Contributors

- Dylan Beaudette - USDA-NRCS Soil Survey Office, Sonora, CA
- Jeffrey Hollister - US EPA Atlantic Ecology Division, Narragansett, RI
- Scott Chamberlain - ROpenSci and Museum of Paleontology at UC Berkeley

### Install `FedData`

- From CRAN:

``` r

- Development version from GitHub:

``` r

- Linux: Follow instructions for installing `sf` available at

### Demonstration

This demonstration script is available as an R Markdown document in the
GitHub repository: <>.

#### Load `FedData` and define a study area

``` r
# FedData Tester

# FedData comes loaded with the boundary of Mesa Verde National Park, for testing

#### Get and plot the National Elevation Dataset for the study area

``` r
# Get the NED (USA ONLY)
# Returns a raster
NED <- get_ned(
  template = FedData::meve,
  label = "meve"
# Plot with raster::plot

<img src="man/figures/README-NED-1.png" width="100%" />

#### Get and plot the Daymet dataset for the study area

``` r
# Get the DAYMET (North America only)
# Returns a raster
DAYMET <- get_daymet(
  template = FedData::meve,
  label = "meve",
  elements = c("prcp", "tmax"),
  years = 1980:1985
# Plot with raster::plot

<img src="man/figures/README-DAYMET-1.png" width="100%" />

#### Get and plot the daily GHCN precipitation data for the study area

``` r
# Get the daily GHCN data (GLOBAL)
# Returns a list: the first element is the spatial locations of stations,
# and the second is a list of the stations and their daily data
GHCN.prcp <- get_ghcn_daily(
  template = FedData::meve,
  label = "meve",
  elements = c("prcp")
#> Warning: `select_()` was deprecated in dplyr 0.7.0.
#> ℹ Please use `select()` instead.
#> ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the dplyr package.
#>   Please report the issue at <]8;;]8;;>.
#> Warning in CPL_write_ogr(obj, dsn, layer, driver,
#> as.character(dataset_options), : GDAL Error 1: /private/var/folders/ys/
#> 7l0z3wlx7z14qxn9v0m9ckhw0000gq/T/RtmpcJyagw/FedData/extractions/ghcn/meve/
#> meve_GHCN_stations.shp does not appear to be a file or directory.
#> Warning: `filter_()` was deprecated in dplyr 0.7.0.
#> ℹ Please use `filter()` instead.
#> ℹ See vignette('programming') for more help
#> ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the dplyr package.
#>   Please report the issue at <]8;;]8;;>.
#> Warning: `funs_()` was deprecated in dplyr 0.7.0.
#> ℹ Please use `funs()` instead.
#> ℹ See vignette('programming') for more help
#> ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the dplyr package.
#>   Please report the issue at <]8;;]8;;>.
#> Warning: `funs()` was deprecated in dplyr 0.8.0.
#> ℹ Please use a list of either functions or lambdas:
#> # Simple named list: list(mean = mean, median = median)
#> # Auto named with `tibble::lst()`: tibble::lst(mean, median)
#> # Using lambdas list(~ mean(., trim = .2), ~ median(., na.rm = TRUE))
#> ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the dplyr package.
#>   Please report the issue at <]8;;]8;;>.
# Plot the NED again
# Plot the spatial locations
  pch = 1,
  add = TRUE
  pch = 1,
  legend = "GHCN Precipitation Records"

<img src="man/figures/README-GHCN-precipitation-1.png" width="100%" />

#### Get and plot the daily GHCN temperature data for the study area

``` r
# Elements for which you require the same data
# (i.e., minimum and maximum temperature for the same days)
# can be standardized using standardize==T
GHCN.temp <- get_ghcn_daily(
  template = FedData::meve,
  label = "meve",
  elements = c("tmin", "tmax"),
  years = 1980:1985,
  standardize = TRUE
#> Warning: `arrange_()` was deprecated in dplyr 0.7.0.
#> ℹ Please use `arrange()` instead.
#> ℹ See vignette('programming') for more help
#> ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the dplyr package.
#>   Please report the issue at <]8;;]8;;>.
# Plot the NED again
# Plot the spatial locations
  add = TRUE,
  pch = 1
  pch = 1,
  legend = "GHCN Temperature Records"

<img src="man/figures/README-GHCN-temperature-1.png" width="100%" />

#### Get and plot the National Hydrography Dataset for the study area

``` r
# Get the NHD (USA ONLY)
  template = FedData::meve,
  label = "meve"
) %>%
  plot_nhd(template = FedData::meve)

<img src="man/figures/README-NHD-1.png" width="100%" />

#### Get and plot the NRCS SSURGO data for the study area

``` r
# Get the NRCS SSURGO data (USA ONLY)
SSURGO.MEVE <- get_ssurgo(
  template = FedData::meve,
  label = "meve"
# Plot the NED again
# Plot the SSURGO mapunit polygons
  lwd = 0.1,
  add = TRUE

<img src="man/figures/README-SSURGO-1.png" width="100%" />

#### Get and plot the NRCS SSURGO data for particular soil survey areas

``` r
# Or, download by Soil Survey Area names
SSURGO.areas <- get_ssurgo(
  template = c("CO670", "CO075"),
  label = "CO_TEST"

# Let's just look at spatial data for CO675
SSURGO.areas.CO675 <-
  SSURGO.areas$spatial %>%
  dplyr::filter(AREASYMBOL == "CO075")

# And get the NED data under them for pretty plotting
NED.CO675 <- get_ned(
  template = SSURGO.areas.CO675,
  label = "SSURGO_CO675"

# Plot the SSURGO mapunit polygons, but only for CO675
  lwd = 0.1,
  add = TRUE

<img src="man/figures/README-SSURGO-area-1.png" width="100%" />

#### Get and plot the ITRDB chronology locations in the study area

``` r
# Get the ITRDB records
# Buffer MEVE, because there aren't any chronologies in the Park
ITRDB <- get_itrdb(
  template = FedData::meve %>%
  label = "meve",
  measurement.type = "Ring Width",
  chronology.type = "Standard"
#> Warning in eval(jsub, SDenv, parent.frame()): NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant throughout all
#> geometries

# Plot the MEVE buffer
  FedData::meve %>%
    sf::st_buffer(50000) %>%
# Map the locations of the tree ring chronologies
  pch = 1,
  add = TRUE
  pch = 1,
  legend = "ITRDB chronologies"

<img src="man/figures/README-ITRDB-1.png" width="100%" />

#### Get and plot the National Land Cover Dataset for the study area

``` r
# Get the NLCD (USA ONLY)
# Returns a raster
NLCD <- get_nlcd(
  template = FedData::meve,
  year = 2011,
  label = "meve"

# Plot with raster::plot

<img src="man/figures/README-NLCD-1.png" width="100%" />

#### Get and plot the NASS Cropland Data Layer for the study area

``` r
# Get the NASS (USA ONLY)
# Returns a raster
NASS_CDL <- get_nass_cdl(
  template = FedData::meve,
  year = 2016,
  label = "meve"
# Plot with raster::plot

<img src="man/figures/README-NASS-CDL-1.png" width="100%" />

``` r

# Get the NASS CDL classification table

# Also, a convenience function loading the NASS CDL categories and hex colors
#> # A tibble: 256 × 3
#>       ID `Land Cover` Color    
#>    <int> <fct>        <chr>    
#>  1     0 Background   #00000000
#>  2     1 Corn         #FFD300FF
#>  3     2 Cotton       #FF2626FF
#>  4     3 Rice         #00A8E4FF
#>  5     4 Sorghum      #FF9E0BFF
#>  6     5 Soybeans     #267000FF
#>  7     6 Sunflower    #FFFF00FF
#>  8     7 <NA>         #000000FF
#>  9     8 <NA>         #000000FF
#> 10     9 <NA>         #000000FF
#> # … with 246 more rows


### Acknowledgements

This package is a product of SKOPE ([Synthesizing Knowledge of Past
Environments]( and the [Village Ecodynamics
Project]( through grants
awarded to the [Crow Canyon Archaeological
Center]( and Washington State University by
the National Science Foundation. This software is licensed under the
[MIT license]( Continuing
development is supported by the [Montana Climate

FedData was reviewed for [rOpenSci]( by
[@jooolia](, and was greatly improved as a
result. [rOpenSci]( on-boarding was coordinated by

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