Revision 834ed79b351ed88fcbc51bba3977bf347227f7ec authored by James Hensman on 24 March 2020, 18:09:29 UTC, committed by GitHub on 24 March 2020, 18:09:29 UTC
This gives GPflow likelihoods a stronger contract re what input shapes are expected and what shapes are returned. In particular, we should obey something akin to tensorflow_probability’s event-shape/batch-shape/sample-shape. Very little changes for most users, except that some shapes will be asserted. Advanced users will benefit from more shape checks and better defined return shapes for methods attached to likelihoods.

Likelihoods now need to define:
 - self.observation_dim: what is the last dimension of Y supposed to be?
 - self.latent_dim: what is the last dimension of F, F_mu and F_var expected to be?
We’ll check that the dimensions of tensors passed in match up.
Return shapes for all methods will be the broadcast-shape of the tensors passed in, with the last dimension removed.
Example: likelihood.variational_expectations(F_mu, F_var, Y) might take tensors of dimensions [..., 2], [..., 2], [..., 2] and return a tensor of shape [...]

The shape checks are handled by the public methods log_prob, predict_mean_and_var, predict_log_density, and variational_expectations; new likelihoods should implement the corresponding private methods with leading underscore.

## Standard likelihoods
Most likelihoods in GPflow are univariate, and treat columns of Y and F as independent variables. For these observation_dim and latent_dim are None, and we shape-check F and Y on-the-fly for matching last-column dimensions. Note that the return shape contract changes as per that above, and the likelihood methods return the sum over observation dimensions.

## Fancy likelihoods
Likelihoods that depart from the univariate standard include:
SwitchedLikelihood [we’ll check that latent_dim = observation_dim - 1]
MultiClass/Softmax [observation_dim = 1, latent_dim = number of classes (e.g. 10 for MNIST)]
HeteroskedasticGaussian e.g. see GPflow notebook [observation_dim = 1, latent_dim = 2]

Note that this change deprecates Likelihood.predict_density in favour of Likelihood.predict_log_density.
1 parent 0919a92
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Tip revision: 834ed79b351ed88fcbc51bba3977bf347227f7ec authored by James Hensman on 24 March 2020, 18:09:29 UTC
improve shape robustness in likelihoods (#1334)
Tip revision: 834ed79
## Glossary

GPflow does not always follow standard Python naming conventions,
and instead tries to apply the notation in the relevant GP papers.\
The following is the convention we aim to use in the code.


  <dd>Gaussian process regression</dd>

  <dd>stochastic variational inference for Gaussian process models</dd>

  <dt>Shape constructions [..., A, B]</dt>
  <dd>the way of describing tensor shapes in docstrings and comments. Example: <i>[..., N, D, D]</i>, this is a tensor with an arbitrary number of leading dimensions indicated using the ellipsis sign, and the last two dimensions are equal</dd>

  <dd>(and variations like Xnew) refers to input points; always of rank 2, e.g. shape <i>[N, D]</i>, even when <i>D=1</i></dd>

  <dd>(and variations like Ynew) refers to observed output values, potentially with multiple output dimensions; always of rank 2, e.g. shape <i>[N, P]</i>, even when <i>P=1</i></dd>

  <dd>refers to inducing points</dd>

  <dd>stands for the number of inducing features (e.g. length of Z)</dd>

  <dd>stands for the number of data or minibatch size in docstrings and shape constructions</dd>

  <dd>stands for the number of output dimensions in docstrings and shape constructions</dd>

  <dd>stands for the number of input dimensions in docstrings and shape constructions</dd>
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