Revision a53065a09c3fce65a63e137deb5bccb6162e6cff authored by Matthias Templ on 18 November 2020, 20:10:02 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 18 November 2020, 20:10:02 UTC
1 parent 9ae1e67
Raw File
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/clustCoDa.R
\title{Cluster analysis for compositional data}
  k = NULL,
  method = "Mclust",
  scale = "robust",
  transformation = "pivotCoord",
  distMethod = NULL,
  iter.max = 100,
  vals = TRUE,
  alt = NULL,
  bic = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE

  normalized = FALSE,
  which.plot = "clusterMeans",
  measure = "silwidths"
\item{x}{compositional data represented as a data.frame}

\item{k}{number of clusters}

\item{method}{clustering method. One of Mclust, cmeans, kmeansHartigan,
cmeansUfcl, pam, clara, fanny, ward.D2, single, hclustComplete, 
average, mcquitty, median, centroid}

\item{scale}{if orthonormal coordinates should be normalized.}

\item{transformation}{default are the isometric logratio coordinates. Can only used when distMethod 
is not Aitchison.}

\item{distMethod}{Distance measure to be used. If \dQuote{Aitchison}, then transformation should be \dQuote{identity}.}

\item{iter.max}{parameter if kmeans is chosen. The maximum number of iterations allowed}

\item{vals}{if cluster validity measures should be calculated}

\item{alt}{a known partitioning can be provided (for special cluster validity measures)}

\item{bic}{if TRUE then the BIC criteria is evaluated for each single cluster as validity measure}

\item{verbose}{if TRUE additional print output is provided}

\item{y}{the y coordinates of points in the plot, optional if x is an appropriate structure.}

\item{...}{additional parameters for print method passed through}

\item{normalized}{results gets normalized before plotting. Normalization is done by z-transformation 
applied on each variable.}

\item{which.plot}{currently the only plot. Plot of cluster centers.}

\item{measure}{cluster validity measure to be considered for which.plot equals \dQuote{partMeans}}
all relevant information such as cluster centers, cluster memberships, and
cluster statistics.
Clustering in orthonormal coordinates or by using the Aitchison distance
The compositional data set is either internally represented by orthonormal coordiantes
before a cluster algorithm is applied, or - depending on the 
choice of parameters -  the Aitchison distance is used.
x <- expenditures
rr <- clustCoDa(x, k=6, scale = "robust", transformation = "pivotCoord")
rr2 <- clustCoDa(x, k=6, distMethod = "Aitchison", scale = "none", 
                 transformation = "identity")
rr3 <- clustCoDa(x, k=6, distMethod = "Aitchison", method = "single",
                 transformation = "identity", scale = "none")
plot(rr, normalized = TRUE)
plot(rr, normalized = TRUE, which.plot = "partMeans")
M. Templ, P. Filzmoser, C. Reimann.
Cluster analysis applied to regional geochemical data: Problems and possibilities. 
\emph{Applied Geochemistry}, \strong{23} (8), 2198--2213, 2008

Templ, M., Filzmoser, P., Reimann, C. (2008) 
\emph{Cluster analysis applied to regional geochemical data: Problems and possibilities}, 
Applied Geochemistry, 23 (2008), pages 2198 - 2213.
Matthias Templ (accessing the basic features of hclust, Mclust, kmeans, etc. that 
are all written by others)
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