Revision b51fb7a6a918dcc92fdbbbd75b8c5f971b58dc67 authored by Martin Schlather on 26 March 2004, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 26 March 2004, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent da8174e
Raw File
Tip revision: b51fb7a6a918dcc92fdbbbd75b8c5f971b58dc67 authored by Martin Schlather on 26 March 2004, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.1.11
Tip revision: b51fb7a
#ifndef RFsimu_H
#define RFsimu_H 1

#include "auxiliary.h"
#include "RandomFields.h"
#include <string.h>

// global definitions used:

#ifdef RF_FLOAT
// we use Real instead of double or float, to get
// flexibility (double->precision, float:reduced memory allocation)
// R needs compilation with Real==double
// tolerances are defined correpondingly
#define EPSILON    0.0000001
#define EPSILON1000    0.0000001

#define EPSILON     0.00000000001
#define EPSILON1000 0.000000001

#define DISTRNR 3
#define METHODMAXCHAR 31 /* max number of character to describe a Method (including \0)*/
#define COVMAXCHAR 14 /* max number of characters for covariance name*/
#define MAXCOV 10     /* max number of covariance functions for a random 
			 field -- NEVER MORE THAN 255 */
#define MAXDIM 4          
#define ZWEIHOCHMAXDIM 16 /* 2^MAXDIM */
/* if explicite simulation method is not given by
   user, the programme will first try a methods 
   according to "first"; 
   then it tries the other methods according to
   a default list: (CircEmbed only if the simulation is on a grid)
   1 dim: CircEmbed, Direct
   2 dim: CircEmbed, TBM2, spectralTBM, TBM3, 
   AdditiveMpp, Direct
   3 dim: CircEmbed, TBM3, Direct
   the method actually used is stored in actually_used. 
#define MAXKEYS 10
#define GetNotPrint 1 /* if parameters are questionned, then also printed if =0 */

#define INVSQRTTWO 0.70710678118654752440084436210
#define INVSQRTTWOPI 0.39894228040143270286
#define SQRTTWOPI 2.5066282746310002416
#define INVLOG2 1.442695040888963

//#define TWOSQRTPI 3.5449077018110317638
// Error codes & messages
// positive values are error codes
// negative values are messages
#define USEOLDINIT -1            /* not an error, just a message !*/
#define NOERROR 0                 
#define ERRORNOTDEFINED 1        /* the specification for the  covariance and 
				    method is not given/known, e.g. TBM2 for 
				    many covariance functions  */
#define ERRORMETHODNOTALLOWED 2  /* wrong method for the specified covariance 
				    function or grid */
#define ERRORCOVNOTALLOWED 4     /* wrong dimension for the specified covariance 
				    function */
#define ERRORFAILED 5            /* method didn't work for the specified 
				    parameters */
#define ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION 6  /* malloc returned NULL pointer */
#define ERRORNOTINITIALIZED 7    /* in DoSimulateRF; is only 
				    checked there !!! */
#define ERRORKEYNROUTOFRANGE 8   /* wrong keynr */
#define ERRORDECOMPOSITION 9     /* direct simulation; matrix inversion failed */
#define ERRORPRECISION 10        /* direct simulation; matrix inversion didn't 
				    reach the desired presicion */
#define ERRORRESCALING 11        /* attempt to rescale where not possible */
#define ERRORVARIOGRAMONLY 12    /* attempt to get the covariance whereas only 
				    the variogram is defined */
#define ERRORFOURIER 13          /* specific error in Fourier transformation */
#define ERRORCOVFAILED 14        /* covariance model not defined for specified 
				    parameters */
#define ERRORREGISTER 15         /* wrong register number */
#define ERRORCOORDINATES 16      /* coordinates are not given or invalid grid 
				    specification */
#define ERRORDIM 19              /* dim<1 or dim>MAXDIM */
#define ERRORWAVING 21           /* numerical determination of practical range
				    fails */
#define ERRORWRONGINIT 22        /* dosimulate and initsimulate do not match */
#define ERRORNN 23               /* nn in TBM too large */
#define ERRORANISOTROPIC 24      /* trying to call anisotropic fct with 
				    isotropic parameters */
#define ERRORMETHODMIX 25        /* diff. methods for multiplication 
				    covariance */
#define ERRORTIMENOTANISO 26      /* if time is used then, anisotropic must
				    be true */
#define ERRORNOMULTIPLICATION 27 /* method not allowed for multiplicative 
				    covariance functions*/
#define ERRORANISOMIX 28         /* diff. anisotropies for multiplication 
				    covariance and tbm */
#define ERRORISOTROPICMETHOD 29  /* TBM might be called only by isotropic
                                    functions */
#define ERRORTIMESEPARATE 30     /* last line of of matrix 

#define ERRORWITHOUTTIME 32     /* spatially isotropic covariance functions
				   must always be called with a time 
				   component */
#define ERRORCOVNROUTOFRANGE 33 /* not allowed covariance number */
#define ERRORWRONGDIM 34        /* (tbm) dimension couldn't be reduced to be 
                                   appropriate for the respective method */
#define ERRORNOTANISO 35        /* make sure that SPACEISOTROPIC and ANISOTROPIC
                                   covariance function are called by anisotropy
				   definition */
#define ERRORDIMMISMATCH 36     /* logical dim does not match physical dim in the
                                   covariance function call */
#define ERRORTOOMANYPOINTS 37   /* two many points to determine smallest 
				   distance between within TBM! */
#define ERRORTIMENOTALLOWED 38  /* time component not allowed for the specified 
                                   method */

#define ERRORDUMMY 99            /* no error, only for tracing purposes */

#define ERRORSILLNULL 101        /* extremes : sill must be positive */
#define ERRORVARMEAN 201         /* Poisson distr.: mean<>variance */
#define ERRORPOKETBMdim 300     /* mixing of two initialisations for TBM not 
				    allowed: dimensions differ */
#define ERRORPOKETBMmeth 301     /* methods differ */
#define ERRORPOKETBMparam 302     /* model parameters differ -- 
				     not extensively tested */

/* do not use numbers 800 -- 900 : reserved to MPP package */

#define ERRORTRIVIAL 998        /* tbm does not allow that the matrix `a' of 
                                   a product matrix are all zero
/* parameters: */
#define VARIANCE   0   /* without NUGGET */
#define KAPPA      1   /* Kappas should be always the last ones of transferred 
			  parameters */ 
#define KAPPAI     KAPPA
#define KAPPAII    2  
#define KAPPAIII   3
#define KAPPAIV    4
#define KAPPAV     5
#define KAPPAVI    6
#define KAPPAVII   7
#define SCALE      8
#define INVSCALE   9 /* always SCALE + 1 */
#define ANISO      8
#define TIMEINVSCALE 8 /* used in tbm3, where invscale and timeinvscale 
			  are used */
    check CheckCovariance, InitSimulateRF (both C & R), 
    and, hyperbolic, TBM3hyperbolic, twodimfractalbrownian 
    R if changed! */

#define XSTART 0
#define XEND   1
#define XSTEP  2


extern int currentNrCov;
typedef struct cov_fct;
extern cov_fct *CovList;

typedef enum InversionMethod { Cholesky, SVD, NoFurtherInversionMethod } 

typedef Real param_type[MAXCOV][TOTAL_PARAM];

#define SimulationTypeLength 12
typedef enum SimulationType {
  /* never change the ordering -- at least check with "compatible" */
  CircEmbed,     /* Circulant embedding */
  CircEmbedLocal,/* Circulant embedding on an enlarged grid; (fract. Brown.), 
		    not implemented yet */
  TBM2, TBM3,    /* Turning Bands, performed in 2 or 3 dimensions */
  SpectralTBM,   /* Spectral turning bands, only 2 dimensional */
  Direct,        /* directly, by matrix inversion */
  Nugget,        /* just simulate independent variables */
  AdditiveMpp,   /* "additive MPP (random coins)", will be only in the plane*/
  Hyperplane,    /* by superposition of Poisson hyperplane tessellations;
		    only in the plane! Not implemented yet*/
  Special,       /* left open */
  Nothing,       /* must always be the last of the list of methods for
		    simulation Gaussian random fields
  Forbidden      /* must always be the last one */
} SimulationType; 

typedef enum action_type{Store,Storing,UseOldOne,NoAction} action_type;

// in the following structure, user specifications and the intermediate results 
// by the specific init_procedures is stored

typedef void (*destructor)(void **);
typedef struct key_type {
  storing, /* value of GENERAL_STORING at initialisation time */
    grid,  /* simulation on a grid ? */
    active,   /* has the init_procedure been called successfully? */
    anisotropy; /* is it an isotropic covariance function ? */
  //    nuggetincluded; /* is the method (see below) able to simulate an additive 
  //		       nugget effect? */
  SimulationType method[MAXCOV], 
                         /* the current method (out of SimulationsType) which 
			    is tried at the moment or which has been 
			    successfully initialized */
    tbm_method;  /* if method==tbm2/3, then the method for the line is 
			    specified, this method can only be chosen by the 
			    programmer of the covariance functions, not by the 
			    user (except by global settings)!
			    maybe, a search algorithm among all 1-dim 
			    simulation methods should be implemented, in case 
			    the programmers specification fails
  Real *x[MAXDIM];       /* the coordinates */
  param_type param;      /* parameters */
  int totalparam;
  void *S[MAXCOV];       /* pointer to intermediate results;
			    delicate : either ==NULL or should be a genuine 
			               pointer !
			    no hanging pointers allowed!
  destructor destruct[MAXCOV];  
                        /* function called to delete intermediate results */
  void *SX;             /* pointer to intermediate results, second type,
			   like extremes -- not used yet */
  destructor destructX;  
  int op[MAXCOV],
    covnr[MAXCOV],     /* number of the covariance function in CovList; 
			    obtained by function GetCovFunction */
    lx,                  /* number of elements in *x[0][] */
    length[MAXDIM], /* only if grid==true: number of pixels of each 
				direction */
    spatialdim;                 /* spatial dimension of RF */
  long spatialtotalpoints,
    totalpoints;      /* number of pixels in total;
			    == lx if grid==false
			    == lengthx * lengthy * lengthz if grid==true
  //  int naturalscaling;
  int distribution,
    ncov,             /* number of covariance function actually used */
    timespacedim;      /* total dimension, including time and space */
  bool Time,             /* is a time component given ? */
    left[MAXCOV];        /* left to be considered in the simulation
			    initialisations ! */
  Real T[3];             /* gridtriple definition for the time components */
  // int timelength;        /* number of points in the time direction */
  bool traditional, // determines the strategy of finding suitable simu methods  
    compatible;     // determines whether simulation result must be stored
  //                   in an intermediate storage since partial results cannot
  //                   be added directly
  SimulationType unimeth[MAXCOV];
  bool unimeth_used[MAXCOV];
  unsigned char n_unimeth;
  Real mean;
  Real *LinearTrend; // only used for storing -- used in R
  int lLinTrend;              
  char *TrendFunction;      // only used for storing -- used in R
  int lTrendFct;
  int TrendModus;            // dito
} key_type;

// how a covariance function, a spectral measure, a function specifying the
// additive MPP model  should look like
typedef SimulationType (*methodfct)(int, bool); /* dim, grid -- 
TODO: maybe more information needed, e.g. number of points, ranges, etc. */
typedef void (*rangefct)(int, int *, Real*);
/* DO NOT change Real to anything else since memcpy  fcts are used
   dim, class parameter like in nsst, 
   return 2 x length(param) x {theor, pract }*/
typedef Real (*covfct)(Real *, Real* , int); /* h,parameters */
typedef Real (*isofct)(Real*, Real*, int); /* h,parameters */
typedef Real (*scalefct)(Real *); /* parameters, Brownian motion  */
typedef Real (*natscalefct)(Real *, int); /* parameters, ; natural scaling */
typedef int (*checkfct)(Real*, int, SimulationType); /* h,parameters; covariance fct, nr. */
typedef int (*initfct)(key_type*, int); /* h,parameters */
typedef Real (*CovFctType)(Real*, int, int*, int*, param_type, int, bool);
typedef void (*do_comp_fct)(key_type*, bool, int, Real*); /* h,parameters */
typedef void (*do_incomp_fct)(key_type*, int, Real*); /* h,parameters */
typedef Real (*randommeasure)(Real *);     /* parameters, RANDOM */

typedef Real (*mppmodel)(Real *); /* point of random field */
/* integral, integralOFsq, effectiveRadius */
typedef struct mpp_storage;
typedef void (*MPPRandom)(mpp_storage *s,
			  int v,
			  Real *min, Real *max,
			  mppmodel*  /* the random function/model,
					returned */
typedef void (*initmppfct)(mpp_storage*, int v); /* h,parameters */
// how any simulation method should look like, they return the error value

typedef struct mpp_storage{
  // avoid the same names as in addBool_storage, RFbool.h
  Real integral[MAXCOV], integralsq[MAXCOV], integralpos[MAXCOV],
    effectiveRadius[MAXCOV], effectivearea[MAXCOV], 
  Real min[MAXDIM], length[MAXDIM],
    c[MAXCOV][6]; /* local memory for diverse constants,
	      depending on the specific model */
  param_type param;
  MPPRandom MppFct[MAXCOV];
  int actcov,simuspatialdim, timespacedim;
  bool grid;
  Real *x;
} mpp_storage;

typedef struct ce_param{
  bool force, userfft;
  char strategy;
  Real tol_re, tol_im;
  int trials,mmin[MAXDIM];
} ce_param;

typedef int (*generalSimuInit)(key_type*);   
typedef void (*generalSimuMethod)(key_type*,Real* ); /* key, RF, 
								    RANDOM */
// specification for simulation method on line for TBM2/3:
typedef void (*simu1dim)(key_type*, int m, Real* ); /* h,parameters */

// here all the different method for simulating a RF of a specified covariance
// function are stored
typedef struct cov_fct {  
  char name[COVMAXCHAR];
  covfct cov;                             /* CircEmbed, direct */
  natscalefct naturalscale;
  /* CircEmbedLocal, Brownian motion!: cov_loc : local covariance function
     Real extension_factor(Real *p, Real x, Real *newp): 
             returns the range of the local covariance 
             function (if true one has range one)
             furthermore, it returns a new parameter set, 
	     that is adapted to the local simulation
	     x is usually the largest distance to be simulated
	     square_factor    : see Stein, p.3 (1), parameter $c_2$.
  covfct cov_loc; scalefct square_factor;  
  isofct cov_tbm2,cov_tbm3, ableitung; SimulationType tbm_method;
  randommeasure spectral;       /* spectral tbm */
  initmppfct add_mpp_scl;
  MPPRandom add_mpp_rnd; 
  void *hyperplane;             /* not programmed yet */
  generalSimuInit initother;    /* any other exotic way */
  generalSimuMethod other;      /* which may be given by a programmer */
  methodfct method;
  /// SimulationType first[MAXDIM]; 
  /* OBSOLETE -- replaced by method
     the preferred method for a  specific dimension 
     no distinction between grid/no grid -- lack! 
  rangefct range;
  int kappas; /* number of parameters additional to the standard ones, 
  checkfct check;
  char isotropic;
  bool variogram, even, odd[MAXDIM];
} cov_fct;

void printkey(key_type *key);

extern int IncludeModel(char *name, int kappas, checkfct check,
			int isotropic, bool variogram, methodfct method,
			rangefct range);	
extern void addSimu(int nr, 
		    SimulationType r1,SimulationType r2,SimulationType r3);
extern void addCov(int nr, covfct cov, natscalefct naturalscale, 
		   covfct cov_loc, scalefct square_factor);
extern void addTBM(int nr, isofct cov_tbm2, isofct cov_tbm3,
		   isofct ableitung, SimulationType tbm_method,
		   randommeasure spectral);
extern void addOther(int nr, initmppfct add_mpp_scl, MPPRandom add_mpp_rnd, 
		     generalSimuInit initother, generalSimuMethod other);
extern void addodd(int nr, int dim); 
/* function necessary to set CircEmbed correctly if the function is not 
   even in some coordinates! 

Real nugget(Real *x, Real *p, int dim);
Real Scalenugget(Real *p, int scaling);
void rangenugget(int dim, int *index, Real* range);

void ErrorMessage(SimulationType m, int error);
extern void InitModelList();   
/* absolutely necessary to call this function at the very beginning !
   but done automatically if SimulateRF, etc. is called for the first time
   (direct call necessary if further covariance functions ate to be added by user!)
   initiating CovList with a dozen standard covariance models

// the following function enables the programmer to get a new covariance 
// function stored

Real CovFct(Real *x, int dim, int *covnr, int *op, param_type param, 
	    int ncov, bool anisotropy);
Real LocalCovFct(Real *x, int dim, int *covnr, int *op, param_type param, 
		 int ncov, bool anisotropy);
void GetTrueDim(bool anisotropy, int timespacedim, Real* param, 
	        int *TrueDim, bool *no_last_comp,
		int *start_param, int *index_dim);
int Transform2NoGrid(key_type *key, Real* param,  int TrueDim, 
		     int *start_param, Real **xx);
void GetCornersOfGrid(key_type  *key, int Stimespacedim, int* start_param, 
		      Real* param, Real *sxx);
void GetCornersOfElement(key_type  *key, int Stimespacedim, int* start_param, 
		      Real* param, Real *sxx);
void GetRangeCornerDistances(key_type *key, Real *sxx, int Stimespacedim,
			  int Ssimuspatialdim, Real *min, Real *max);
extern int eigenvalues(Real *C, int dim, double *ev);
// all simulation methods have the following structure
// int init_foo(key_type *key): 
//      returns errorcode
//      This function does the most initialization settings,
//      often time consuming and errors may occur
//      intermediate results are stored by means the pointer key->S
//      the function expects that key->S NULL when called
//      the function is expected to return  key->S on error
// void do_foo(key_type *key, Real *res ) 
//      returns the simulation result in res ;
//      only basics checks like assert(RANDOM!=NULL);
//      any other error may not occur, as this should be put into init_foo
//      key_active is set to GENERAL_STORING; key->S is freed and set to NULL 
//      if !key_active

// see			   
int init_simulatespectral(key_type *key, int m);
void do_simulatespectral(key_type *key, int m, Real *res );

// see
typedef struct direct_storage {
  InversionMethod method;
  double *U,*G;
} direct_storage;

int init_directGauss(key_type *key, int m);
int internal_init_directGauss(direct_storage **S, bool grid,
			      int spatialdim, bool Time, double** x, int* length,
			      int totalpoints, double *T, CovFctType CovFct,
			      int *covnr, int *op, param_type param,
			      int actcov, bool anisotropy);
void do_directGauss(key_type *key,  bool add, int m, Real *res);
void internal_do_directGauss(direct_storage *S, bool add, long totpnts,
			     double *res);
void direct_destruct(void ** S);

// see
typedef struct FFT_storage { double* work; int *iwork, nseg; } FFT_storage;
unsigned long NiceFFTNumber(unsigned long nn);
int fastfourier(double *data, int *m, int dim, bool first, FFT_storage *S);
int fastfourier(double *data, int *m, int dim, bool first, bool inverse,
		FFT_storage *S);
void FFT_destruct(FFT_storage *S);
void FFT_NULL(FFT_storage *S);
void SetParamCE( int *action, int *force, Real *tolRe, Real *tolIm,
		 int *trials, 
		 int *mmin, /* vector of length MAXDIM */
		 int *userfft, int *strategy,
		 ce_param *CE, char *name);
int internal_init_circ_embed(Real *steps, bool anisotropy, 
			     int *covnr, int *op,
			     param_type param, 
			     int *nn, int *m, int *cumm, int *halfm, 
			     int dim, int actcov,
			     CovFctType CovFct,
			     ce_param *cepar,
			     FFT_storage *FFT,
			     long *twoRealmtot,
			     double **cc); //!
void internal_do_circ_embed(int *nn, int *m, int *cumm, int *halfm,
			    double *c, double *d, int Ntot, int dim,
			    FFT_storage *FFT_heap, bool add,  Real *res );
int init_circ_embed(key_type * key, int m);
void do_circ_embed(key_type *key, bool add, int m, Real *res );
int init_circ_embed_local(key_type * key, int m);
void do_circ_embed_local(key_type *key, bool add, int m, Real *res );

// see			  
int init_turningbands2(key_type *key, int m);
int init_turningbands3(key_type *key, int m);
void do_turningbands(key_type *key, int m, Real *res );
extern SimulationType TBM_METHOD;

// see		
int init_mpp(key_type * key, int m);
void do_addmpp(key_type *key, int m, Real *res );

// dummy version, hyperplane
int init_hyperplane(key_type *key, int m);
void do_hyperplane(key_type *key, int m, Real *res );

// dummy version, Special Fcts
int init_special(key_type *key, int m); 
void do_special(key_type *key, int m, Real *res );

// nugget
int init_nugget(key_type * key, int m);
void do_nugget(key_type *key, bool add, int m, Real *res );

extern char GENERAL_PCH[2]; 

extern key_type KEY[MAXKEYS]; 
extern Real ZERO[MAXDIM];
extern Real UNIT[MAXDIM];
extern initfct init_method[SimulationTypeLength];
extern do_comp_fct do_compatiblemethod[SimulationTypeLength];
extern do_incomp_fct  do_incompatiblemethod[SimulationTypeLength];



#define SET_DESTRUCT(A)\
  assert((key->S[m]==NULL) && (key->destruct[m]==NULL));\
  key->destruct[m] = A;

  { int v;\
  for (v=0; v<key->ncov; v++) {\
    if ((key->method[v]==METHOD) && (key->left[v])) {\
/* Variance==0 is not eliminated anymore !!! -- maybe this could be improved */\
/*	&& (key->param[v][VARIANCE]>0)) {   */\
      /* do not remove the parenths around METHOD!*/\
      key->left[v] = false;\
      assert((key->covnr[v] >= 0) && (key->covnr[v] < currentNrCov));\
      assert(key->param[v][VARIANCE] >= 0.0);\
      covnr[actcov] = key->covnr[v];\
      if (CovList[covnr[actcov]].FCT==NULL)\
        {Xerror=ERRORNOTDEFINED; goto ErrorHandling;}\
      memcpy(PARAM[actcov], key->param[v], sizeof(Real) * key->totalparam);\
      if (actcov>0) { /* actcov>0 not v>0 since next line actcov-1 -- check not for all v*/\
	if ((multiply[actcov-1] = key->op[v-1]) && key->method[v-1] != METHOD){\
          if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>0) \
             PRINTF("severe error - contact author. %d %d %d %d (%s) %d (%s)\n",\
		    v, key->op[v-1], key->ncov, key->method[v-1],\
          Xerror=ERRORMETHODMIX; goto ErrorHandling;\

#define FC2\
  if (actcov==0) { /* no covariance for the considered method found */\
    if (key->traditional) Xerror=ERRORNOTINITIALIZED;\
    else Xerror=NOERROR_ENDOFLIST;\
    goto ErrorHandling;\

  unsigned short int actcov;\
  int multiply[MAXCOV];\
  int covnr[MAXCOV];\
  if (!key->anisotropy)\
    assert(fabs(key->param[v][SCALE] * key->param[v][INVSCALE]-1.0) < EPSILON);\

  Real store_param[TOTAL_PARAM];\
  long bytes;\
  /* if (key->Time) bytes = key->timespacedim * (key->timespacedim-1); */\
  /* else */\
  bytes = sizeof(Real) * key->timespacedim * key->timespacedim;\
  if (key->anisotropy) {\
    bool equal;\
    int w, endfor;\
    endfor = key->totalparam;\
    if (key->Time && TIMEEXCEPTION) endfor -= key->timespacedim;\
    Real f_epsilon = 1e-15;\
    if (actcov>0) {\
      /* check whether the multiplicative construction are consistent, */\
      /* i.e. that the SPATIAL part of the anisotropy matrices are */\
      /* multiplicatives of each other (more precisely, the remaining ones*/\
      /* are multiplicatives of the first.) */\
      /* The time part of the matrix must be of the form (0,..,0,*).*/\
      /* A further goal of this part is the collection of additive blocks */\
      /* that have the same anisotropy matrix structure, in order to minimise */\
      /* the simulation time */\
      quotient[actcov] = PARAM[actcov][nonzero_pos] / store_param[nonzero_pos];\
      equal = true;\
      for (w=ANISO; w<endfor; w++) {\
	 equal &= fabs(store_param[w] * quotient[actcov]\
		      - PARAM[actcov][w]) <\
              (fabs(PARAM[actcov][w]) + 1.0*(PARAM[actcov][w]==0.0)) *f_epsilon;\
      if (!equal) { /* even not equal up to a multiplicative constant */\
	if (multiply[actcov-1]) { Xerror=ERRORANISOMIX; goto ErrorHandling; }\
        else { /* ???? nur additive ********* */\
    } else {\
     memcpy(&(store_param[ANISO]), &(PARAM[actcov][ANISO]), bytes);\
     quotient[0] = 1.0;\
     while ((nonzero_pos<endfor) && (PARAM[actcov][nonzero_pos]==0))\
     if (nonzero_pos>=endfor) { Xerror=ERRORTRIVIAL; goto ErrorHandling; }\
  } else {\
    assert(fabs(key->param[v][SCALE] * key->param[v][INVSCALE]-1.0)\
	   < EPSILON);\
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