Revision b915ae662b2e4bcaaeb6da62eb964356d0a978b4 authored by jsmall-nvidia on 05 May 2022, 19:53:29 UTC, committed by GitHub on 05 May 2022, 19:53:29 UTC
* #include an absolute path didn't work - because paths were taken to always be relative.

* Add support for HLSL `export`.

* Test for using `export` keyword.
1 parent 3088d90
Raw File
//TEST:COMPARE_HLSL: -profile ps_5_0 -entry main

// Make sure we don't crash when desugaring resource in structs,
// when the user also declares multiple variables with a
// single declaration.

#ifdef __SLANG__

cbuffer C
    Texture2D t0, t1;
    SamplerState s;
    float2 uv;

float4 main() : SV_Target
    return t0.Sample(s, uv)
         + t1.Sample(s, uv);


struct SLANG_ParameterGroup_C_0
    float2 uv_0;

cbuffer C_0 : register(b0)
    SLANG_ParameterGroup_C_0 C_0;

Texture2D C_t0_0 : register(t0);
Texture2D C_t1_0 : register(t1);
SamplerState C_s_0 : register(s0);

float4 main() : SV_TARGET
    return C_t0_0.Sample(C_s_0, C_0.uv_0)
         + C_t1_0.Sample(C_s_0, C_0.uv_0);


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