Revision bcf06ab870d4cfd4a7c8594146ed51e41b23d5f9 authored by Eh Tan on 09 August 2007, 22:57:28 UTC, committed by Eh Tan on 09 August 2007, 22:57:28 UTC
Two non-dimensional parameters are added: "dissipation_number" and "gruneisen"
under the Solver component. One can use the original incompressible solver by
setting "gruneisen=0". The code will treat this as "gruneisen=infinity". 
Setting non-zero value to "gruneisen" will switch to compressible solver.

One can use the TALA solver for incompressible case by setting "gruneisen" to
a non-zero value while setting "dissipation_number=0". This is useful when
debugging the compressible solver.

Two implementations are available: one by Wei Leng (U. Colorado) and one by
Eh Tan (CIG). Leng's version uses the original conjugate gradient method for
the Uzawa iteration and moves the contribution of compressibility to the RHS,
similar to the method of Ita and King, JGR, 1994. Tan's version uses the
bi-conjugate gradient stablized method for the Uzawa iteration, similar to the
method of Tan and Gurnis, JGR, 2007. Both versions agree very well. In the
benchmark case, 33x33x33 nodes per cap, Di/gamma=1.0, Ra=1.0, delta function
of load at the mid mantle, the peak velocity differs by only 0.007%. Leng's
version is enabled by default. Edit function solve_Ahat_p_fhat() in
lib/Stokes_flow_Incomp.c to switch to Tan's version.

1 parent 91bcb85
Raw File
Tip revision: bcf06ab870d4cfd4a7c8594146ed51e41b23d5f9 authored by Eh Tan on 09 August 2007, 22:57:28 UTC
Finished the compressible Stokes solver for TALA.
Tip revision: bcf06ab
 * CitcomS by Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan,
 * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi.
 * Copyright (C) 1994-2005, California Institute of Technology.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
#if !defined(CitcomS_global_defs_h)
#define CitcomS_global_defs_h

This file contains the definitions of variables which are passed as arguments
to functions across the whole filespace of CITCOM.
#include this file everywhere !

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mpi.h"

#ifdef USE_HDF5
#include "hdf5.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus

extern "C" {


/* Macros */
#define max(A,B) (((A) > (B)) ? (A) : (B))
#define min(A,B) (((A) < (B)) ? (A) : (B))
#define SWAP(a,b) {temp=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=temp;}


#define LIDN 0x1
#define VBX 0x2
#define VBZ 0x4
#define VBY 0x8
#define TBX 0x10
#define TBZ 0x20
#define TBY 0x40
#define TZEDGE 0x80
#define TXEDGE 0x100
#define TYEDGE 0x200
#define VXEDGE 0x400
#define VZEDGE 0x800
#define VYEDGE 0x1000
#define INTX 0x2000
#define INTZ 0x4000
#define INTY 0x8000
#define SBX 0x10000
#define SBZ 0x20000
#define SBY 0x40000
#define FBX 0x80000
#define FBZ 0x100000
#define FBY 0x200000

#define OFFSIDE 0x400000
#define PMARGINS 0x800000
#define SSLAB 0x400000

#define SKIP 0x1000000
#define SKIPS 0x2000000
#define SKIPID 0x4000000
#define ZEROID 0x8000000

#define COMPRESS_BINARY "/usr/bin/compress"

#define MAX_LEVELS 12   /* max. number of multigrid levels */
#define NCS      14   /* max. number of sphere caps */

typedef float higher_precision;  /* matrix coeffs etc */
typedef double higher_precision1; /* intermediate calculations for finding above coeffs */

/* Common structures */

struct Bdry {
  int nel;
  int *element[NCS];
  int *normal[NCS][4];
  double *det[NCS][7][5];

struct SBC {
  /* stress (traction) boundary conditions */
  int *node[NCS];
  double *SB[NCS][7][4];

struct Shape_function_dA  {
  double vpt[8+1];
  double ppt[1+1]; };

struct Shape_function1_dA  {
  double vpt[6*4];
  double ppt[6*1]; };

struct Shape_function_side_dA  {
  double vpt[4];
  double ppt[1]; };

struct Shape_function1 	{
    double vpt[4*4];  /* node & gauss pt */
    double ppt[4*1];  };

struct Shape_function 	{
    double vpt[8*8];  /* node & gauss pt */
    double ppt[8*1];  };

struct Shape_function_dx 	{
    double vpt[3*8*8]; /* dirn & node & gauss pt */
    double ppt[3*8*1];  };

struct Shape_function1_dx 	{
    double vpt[2*4*4]; /* dirn & node & gauss pt */
    double ppt[2*4*1];  };

struct CC 	{
    double vpt[3*3*8*8];
    double ppt[3*3*8*1]; }; /* dirn & node & gauss pt */

struct CCX 	{
    double vpt[3*3*2*8*8];
    double ppt[3*3*2*8*1]; }; /* dirn & node & gauss pt */

struct EG {
    higher_precision g[24][1]; };

struct EC {
    higher_precision c[24][1]; };

struct EK {
    double k[24*24]; };

struct COORD {
    float centre[4];
    float size[4];
    float area;   } ;

struct SUBEL {
    int sub[9];   };

struct ID  {
    int doff[4];	}; /* can  be 1 or 2 or 3 */

struct IEN {
    int node[9];	};

struct FNODE {
    float node[9];	};

struct SIEN {
    int node[5];	};

struct BOUND  {
    int bound[8];	};

struct PASS  {
    int pass[27];	};

struct Parallel {
    MPI_Comm world;
    MPI_Comm horizontal_comm;
    MPI_Comm vertical_comm;

    int me;
    int nproc;
    int nprocx;
    int nprocz;
    int nprocy;
    int nprocxy;
    int nproczy;
    int nprocxz;

    int total_surf_proc;
    int ****loc2proc_map;

    int redundant[MAX_LEVELS];
    int idb;
    int me_loc[4];
    int num_b;
    int Skip_neq[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];
    int *Skip_id[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];




struct CAP    {
    double theta[5];
    double fi   [5];
    float *TB[4];
    float *VB[4];
    float *V[4];
    float *Vprev[4];

struct SPHERE   {
  int caps;
  int caps_per_proc;
  int capid[NCS];
  int max_connections;
  int *hindex[100];
  int hindice;
  float *harm_geoid[2];
  float *harm_geoid_from_bncy[2];
  float *harm_geoid_from_tpgt[2];
  float *harm_geoid_from_tpgb[2];

  double **tablenplm;
  double **tablencosf;
  double **tablensinf;

  double **tablesplm[NCS];
  double **tablescosf[NCS];
  double **tablessinf[NCS];

  double area[NCS];
  double angle[NCS][5];
  double *area1[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];
  double *angle1[MAX_LEVELS][NCS][5];

  double dircos[4][4];
  double *R[MAX_LEVELS];
  double ro,ri;
  struct CAP cap[NCS];


struct MESH_DATA {/* general information concerning the fe mesh */
    int nsd;        /* Spatial extent 1,2,3d*/
    int dof;        /* degrees of freedom per node */
    int levmax;
    int levmin;
    int gridmax;
    int gridmin;
    int levels;
    int mgunitx;
    int mgunitz;
    int mgunity;
    int NEQ[MAX_LEVELS];
    int NNO[MAX_LEVELS];
    int NEL[MAX_LEVELS];
    int NOX[MAX_LEVELS];
    int NOZ[MAX_LEVELS];
    int NOY[MAX_LEVELS];
    int ELX[MAX_LEVELS];
    int ELZ[MAX_LEVELS];
    int ELY[MAX_LEVELS];
    int neq;
    int nno;
    int nnov;
    int npno;
    int nel;
    int snel;
    int elx;
    int elz;
    int ely;
    int nox;
    int noz;
    int noy;
    int exs;
    int ezs;
    int eys;
    int nxs;
    int nzs;
    int nys;
    int EXS[MAX_LEVELS];
    int EYS[MAX_LEVELS];
    int EZS[MAX_LEVELS];
    int NXS[MAX_LEVELS];
    int NYS[MAX_LEVELS];
    int NZS[MAX_LEVELS];
    int nsf; /* nodes for surface observables */
    int toptbc;
    int bottbc;
    int topvbc;
    int botvbc;
    int sidevbc;

    int periodic_x;
    int periodic_y;
    float layer[4];			/* dimensionless dimensions */
    double volume;
    int matrix_size[MAX_LEVELS];

} ;

struct HAVE {    /* horizontal averages */
    float *T;
    float *Vi;
    float *Rho;
    float *f;
    float *F;
    float *vrms;
    float *V[4];

struct SLICE {    /* horizontally sliced data, including topography */
    float *tpg[NCS];
    float *tpgb[NCS];
    float *shflux[NCS];
    float *bhflux[NCS];
    float *divg[NCS];
    float *vort[NCS];
    float *freesurf[NCS];

struct MONITOR {
    int solution_cycles;
    int solution_cycles_init;

    int stop_topo_loop;
    int topo_loop;

    float  elapsed_time;
    float  incompressibility;
    float  vdotv;
    double cpu_time_at_start;
    double cpu_time_at_last_cycle;

    float  T_interior;
    float  T_maxvaried;


struct CONTROL {
    int PID;

    char output_written_external_command[500];   /* a unix command to run when output files have been created */

    int ORTHO,ORTHOZ;   /* indicates levels of mesh symmetry */

    char data_prefix[50];
    char data_prefix_old[50];

    char data_dir[150];
    char data_dir_old[150];

    char data_file[200];
    char old_P_file[200];

    char PROBLEM_TYPE[20]; /* one of ... */
    int stokes;
    int restart;
    int post_p;
    int post_topo;

    char GEOMETRY[20]; /* one of ... */
    int CART2D;
    int CART2pt5D;
    int CART3D;
    int AXI;

    char SOLVER_TYPE[20]; /* one of ... */
    int DIRECT;
    int CONJ_GRAD;
    int DIRECTII;

    char NODE_SPACING[20]; /* turns into ... */
    int GRID_TYPE;
    int COMPRESS;
    int AVS;
    int CONMAN;

    int pseudo_free_surf;

    int tracer;

    double theta_min, theta_max, fi_min, fi_max;
    float start_age;
    int reset_startage;
    int zero_elapsed_time;

    float Ra_670,clapeyron670,transT670,width670;
    float Ra_410,clapeyron410,transT410,width410;
    float Ra_cmb,clapeyroncmb,transTcmb,widthcmb;

    int dfact;
    double penalty;
    int augmented_Lagr;
    double augmented;
    int NASSEMBLE;

    float tole_comp;

    float sob_tolerance;

    /* Rayleigh # */
    float Atemp;

    /* Dissipation # */
    float disptn_number;

    /* inverse of Gruneisen parameter */
    float inv_gruneisen;

    float relative_err_accuracy;

    int compress_iter_maxstep;

    float inputdiff;
    float VBXtopval;
    float VBXbotval;
    float VBYtopval;
    float VBYbotval;

    int coor;
    char coor_file[100];

    int lith_age;
    int lith_age_time;
    int lith_age_old_cycles;
    float lith_age_depth;
    float lith_age_mantle_temp;

    int filter_temperature;
    int temperature_bound_adj;
    float depth_bound_adj;
    float width_bound_adj;

    float TBCtopval;
    float TBCbotval;

    float Q0;

    int precondition;
    int keep_going;
    int v_steps_low;
    int v_steps_high;
    int v_steps_upper;
    int p_iterations;
    int mg_cycle;
    int down_heavy;
    int up_heavy;
    int verbose;

    int side_sbcs;
    int vbcs_file;
    int mat_control;
    double accuracy;
    double vaccuracy;
    char velocity_boundary_file[1000];
    char mat_file[1000];
    char lith_age_file[1000];

    int total_iteration_cycles;
    int total_v_solver_calls;

    int checkpoint_frequency;
    int record_every;
    int record_all_until;

    int print_convergence;
    int sdepv_print_convergence;


struct REF_STATE {
    double *rho;
    double *expansivity;
    double *capacity;
    double *conductivity;
    double *gravity;
    double *Tadi;

struct DATA {
    float  layer_km;
    float  radius_km;
    float   grav_acc;
    float   therm_exp;
    float   Cp;
    float  therm_diff;
    float  therm_cond;
    float   density;
    float  res_density;
    float  res_density_X;
    float   melt_density;
    float   density_above;
    float   density_below;
    float   gas_const;
    float   surf_heat_flux;
    float  ref_viscosity;
    float   melt_viscosity;
    float   permeability;
    float   grav_const;
    float  surf_temp;
    float   youngs_mod;
    float   Te;
    float   ref_temperature;
    float   Tsurf;
    float   T_sol0;
    float   delta_S;
    float   dTsol_dz;
    float   dTsol_dF;
    float   dT_dz;
    float   scalet;
    float   scalev;
    float   timedir;

struct Output {
    char format[20];  /* ascii or hdf5 */
    char optional[1000]; /* comma-delimited list of objects to output */

    int llmax;  /* max degree of spherical harmonics output */

    /* size of collective buffer used by MPI-IO */
    int cb_block_size;
    int cb_buffer_size;

    /* size of data sieve buffer used by HDF5 */
    int sieve_buf_size;

    /* memory alignment used by HDF5 */
    int alignment;
    int alignment_threshold;

    /* cache for chunked dataset used by HDF5 */
    int cache_mdc_nelmts;
    int cache_rdcc_nelmts;
    int cache_rdcc_nbytes;

    int connectivity; /* whether to output connectivity */
    int stress;       /* whether to output stress */
    int pressure;     /* whether to output pressure */
    int surf;         /* whether to output surface data */
    int botm;         /* whether to output bottom data */
    int geoid;        /* whether to output geoid/topo spherial harmonics */
    int horiz_avg;    /* whether to output horizontal averaged profile */
    int tracer;       /* whether to output tracer coordinate */
    int comp_el;      /* whether to output composition at elements */
    int comp_nd;      /* whether to output composition at nodes */



    int ichemical_buoyancy;
    int icompositional_rheology;

    /* if any of the above flags is true, turn this flag on */
    int on;

    int ibuoy_type;
    int ncomp;
    double *buoyancy_ratio;

    double **comp_el[13];
    double **comp_node[13];

    double *initial_bulk_composition;
    double *bulk_composition;
    double *error_fraction;

    double compositional_rheology_prefactor;

#ifdef USE_HDF5
#include "hdf5_related.h"
#include "tracer_defs.h"

struct All_variables {

#include "solver.h"
#include "convection_variables.h"
#include "viscosity_descriptions.h"
#include "advection.h"

    FILE *fp;
    FILE *fptime;
    FILE *fp_out;

#ifdef USE_HDF5
    struct HDF5_INFO hdf5;
    struct HAVE Have;
    struct MESH_DATA mesh;
    struct MESH_DATA lmesh;
    struct CONTROL control;
    struct MONITOR monitor;
    struct DATA data;
    struct SLICE slice;
    struct Parallel parallel;
    struct SPHERE sphere;
    struct Bdry boundary;
    struct SBC sbc;
    struct Output output;

    struct TRACE trace;

    /* for chemical convection & composition rheology */
    struct COMPOSITION composition;

    struct COORD *eco[NCS];
    struct IEN *ien[NCS];  /* global */
    struct SIEN *sien[NCS];
    struct ID *id[NCS];
    struct IEN *IEN[MAX_LEVELS][NCS]; /* global at each level */
    struct FNODE *TWW[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];	/* for nodal averages */
    struct ID *ID[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];
    struct SUBEL *EL[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];
    struct EG *elt_del[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];
    struct EC *elt_c[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];
    struct EK *elt_k[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];
    struct CC *cc[NCS];
    struct CCX *ccx[NCS];
    struct CC *CC[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];
    struct CCX *CCX[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];

    struct CC element_Cc;
    struct CCX element_Ccx;

    struct REF_STATE refstate;

    higher_precision *Eqn_k1[MAX_LEVELS][NCS],*Eqn_k2[MAX_LEVELS][NCS],*Eqn_k3[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];
    int *Node_map [MAX_LEVELS][NCS];
    int *Node_eqn [MAX_LEVELS][NCS];
    int *Node_k_id[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];


    double *rho;
    double *heating_adi[NCS];
    double *heating_visc[NCS];
    double *heating_latent[NCS];

    double *P[NCS],*F[NCS],*H[NCS],*S[NCS],*U[NCS];
    double *T[NCS],*Tdot[NCS],*buoyancy[NCS];
    double *u1[NCS];
    double *temp[NCS],*temp1[NCS];
    float *NP[NCS],*edot[NCS],*Mass[NCS];
    float *MASS[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];
    double *TMass[NCS];
    double *SX[MAX_LEVELS][NCS][4],*X[MAX_LEVELS][NCS][4];
    double *sx[NCS][4],*x[NCS][4];
    double *surf_det[NCS][5];
    double *SinCos[MAX_LEVELS][NCS][4];
    float *V[NCS][4],*GV[NCS][4],*GV1[NCS][4];

    float *stress[NCS];
    float *gstress[NCS];
    float *Fas670[NCS],*Fas410[NCS],*Fas670_b[NCS],*Fas410_b[NCS];
    float *Fascmb[NCS],*Fascmb_b[NCS];

    float *Vi[NCS],*EVi[NCS];

    int num_zero_resid[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];
    int *zero_resid[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];
    int *surf_element[NCS],*surf_node[NCS];
    int *mat[NCS];
    float *VIP[NCS];
    unsigned int *element[NCS],*node[NCS];
    unsigned int *eqn[NCS],*EQN[MAX_LEVELS][NCS];

    float *age[NCS];	/* nodal weightings */
    float *age_t;

    struct Shape_function1 M; /* master-element shape funtions */
    struct Shape_function1_dx Mx;
    struct Shape_function N;
    struct Shape_function NM;
    struct Shape_function_dx Nx;
    struct Shape_function1 L; /* master-element shape funtions */
    struct Shape_function1_dx Lx;
    struct Shape_function_dx NMx;

    void (* build_forcing_term)(void*);
    void (* iterative_solver)(void*);
    void (* next_buoyancy_field)(void*);
    void (* next_buoyancy_field_init)(void*);
    void (* obtain_gravity)(void*);
    void (* problem_settings)(void*);
    void (* problem_derived_values)(void*);
    void (* problem_allocate_vars)(void*);
    void (* problem_boundary_conds)(void*);
    void (* problem_update_node_positions)(void*);
    void (* problem_initial_fields)(void*);
    void (* problem_tracer_setup)(void*);
    void (* problem_tracer_output)(void*, int);
    void (* problem_update_bcs)(void*);
    void (* special_process_new_velocity)(void*);
    void (* special_process_new_buoyancy)(void*);
    void (* solve_stokes_problem)(void*);
    void (* solver_allocate_vars)(void*);
    void (* transform)(void*);

    float (* node_space_function[3])(void*);

    /* function pointer for choosing between various output routines */
    void (* problem_output)(struct All_variables *, int);

  /* the following function pointers are for exchanger */
  void (* exchange_node_d)(struct All_variables *, double**, int);
  void (* exchange_node_f)(struct All_variables *, float**, int);
  void (* temperatures_conform_bcs)(void*);


#ifdef __cplusplus

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