Revision c27018b9e09d17578bec7c18520250ef98e278eb authored by Nikola Milosavljevic on 06 February 2018, 10:56:01 UTC, committed by Nikola Milosavljevic on 06 February 2018, 11:07:08 UTC
When saving a legacy model, the set of output nodes in the saved
model is currently always empty, so information about network
outputs is lost. After this change the set of output nodes will be
equal to outputs of the root function.
1 parent d615602
Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env python

# This script takes a list of dictionary files and a plain text utf-8 file and converts this text input file to CNTK text format.
# The input text file must contain N streams per line (N TAB-separated "columns") and should be accompanied by N dictionary files.
# The input text file must be in the following form:
#    text1 TAB text2 TAB ... TAB textN
#    .....
# where each line represents one sequence across all N input streams.
# Each text consists of one or more space-separated word tokens (samples).
# Dictionary files are text files that are required to be specified for all streams,
# so the #dictionaries = #columns in the input file.
# A dictionary contains a single token per line. The zero-based line number becomes the numeric index
# of the token in the output CNTK text format file.

# Example usage (i.e. for PennTreebank files):
# 1)
#    sed -e 's/^<\/s> //' -e 's/ <\/s>$//' < en.txt > en.txt1
#    sed -e 's/^<\/s> //' -e 's/ <\/s>$//' < fr.txt > fr.txt1
#    paste en.txt1 fr.txt1 | --map en.dict fr.dict > en-fr.ctf
# 2) (assuming that the current dir is [cntk root]/Examples/SequenceToSequence/CMUDict/Data/)
# sed -e 's/<s\/>/<\/s>\t<s>/' < cmudict-0.7b.train-dev-1-21.txt `#this will replace every '<s/>' with '</s>[tab]<s>'` |\
# python ../../../../Scripts/ --map cmudict-0.7b.mapping cmudict-0.7b.mapping > cmudict-0.7b.train-dev-1-21.ctf

import sys
import argparse
import re

def convert(dictionaryStreams, inputs, output, unk, annotated):
    # create in memory dictionaries
    dictionaries = [{ line.rstrip('\r\n').strip():index for index, line in enumerate(dic) } for dic in dictionaryStreams]

    # convert inputs
    for input in inputs:
        sequenceId = 0
        for index, line in enumerate(input):
            line = line.rstrip('\r\n')
            columns = line.split("\t")
            if len(columns) != len(dictionaries):
                raise Exception("Number of dictionaries {0} does not correspond to the number of streams in line {1}:'{2}'"
                    .format(len(dictionaries), index, line))
            _convertSequence(dictionaries, columns, sequenceId, output, unk, annotated)
            sequenceId += 1

def _convertSequence(dictionaries, streams, sequenceId, output, unk, annotated):
    tokensPerStream = [[t for t in s.strip(' ').split(' ') if t != ""] for s in streams]
    maxLen = max(len(tokens) for tokens in tokensPerStream)

    # writing to the output file
    for sampleIndex in range(maxLen):
        for streamIndex in range(len(tokensPerStream)):
            if len(tokensPerStream[streamIndex]) <= sampleIndex:
            token = tokensPerStream[streamIndex][sampleIndex]
            if unk is not None and token not in dictionaries[streamIndex]: # try unk symbol if specified
                token = unk
            if token not in dictionaries[streamIndex]:
                raise Exception("Token '{0}' cannot be found in the dictionary for stream {1}".format(token, streamIndex))
            value = dictionaries[streamIndex][token]
            output.write("\t|S" + str(streamIndex) + " "+ str(value) + ":1")
            if annotated:
                output.write(" |# " + re.sub(r'(\|(?!#))|(\|$)', r'|#', token))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Transforms text file given dictionaries into CNTK text format.")
    parser.add_argument('--map', help='List of dictionaries, given in the same order as streams in the input files',
        nargs="+", required=True)
    parser.add_argument('--annotated', help='Whether to annotate indices with tokens. Default is false',
        choices=["True", "False"], default="False", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--output', help='Name of the output file, stdout if not given', default="", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--input', help='Name of the inputs files, stdin if not given', default="", nargs="*", required=False)
    parser.add_argument('--unk', help='Name fallback symbol for tokens not in dictionary (same for all columns)', default=None, required=False)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # creating inputs
    inputs = [sys.stdin]
    if len(args.input) != 0:
        inputs = [open(i, encoding="utf-8") for i in args.input]

    # creating output
    output = sys.stdout
    if args.output != "":
        output = open(args.output, "w")

    convert([open(d, encoding="utf-8") for d in], inputs, output, args.unk, args.annotated == "True")
    if (output != sys.stdout):

# Tests
    import StringIO
    stringio = StringIO.StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO
    stringio = StringIO
    import pytest
except ImportError:

def test_simpleSanityCheck():
    dictionary1 = stringio("hello\nmy\nworld\nof\nnothing\n")
    dictionary2 = stringio("let\nme\nbe\nclear\nabout\nit\n")
    input = stringio("hello my\tclear about\nworld of\tit let clear\n")
    output = stringio()

    convert([dictionary1, dictionary2], [input], output, None, False)

    expectedOutput = stringio()
    expectedOutput.write("0\t|S0 0:1\t|S1 3:1\n")
    expectedOutput.write("0\t|S0 1:1\t|S1 4:1\n")
    expectedOutput.write("1\t|S0 2:1\t|S1 5:1\n")
    expectedOutput.write("1\t|S0 3:1\t|S1 0:1\n")
    expectedOutput.write("1\t\t|S1 3:1\n")

    assert expectedOutput.getvalue() == output.getvalue()

def test_thatPipeSymbolIsEscaped():
    dictionary1 = stringio("|hello\nm|y\nworl|d\nof\nnothing|\n")
    dictionary2 = stringio("let|\nm|e\nb|#e\nclear\n||about\ni||#t\n")
    input = stringio("|hello m|y\tclear ||about\nworl|d of\ti||#t let| clear\n")
    output = stringio()

    convert([dictionary1, dictionary2], [input], output, None, True)

    expectedOutput = stringio()
    expectedOutput.write("0\t|S0 0:1 |# |#hello\t|S1 3:1 |# clear\n")
    expectedOutput.write("0\t|S0 1:1 |# m|#y\t|S1 4:1 |# |#|#about\n")
    expectedOutput.write("1\t|S0 2:1 |# worl|#d\t|S1 5:1 |# i|#|#t\n")
    expectedOutput.write("1\t|S0 3:1 |# of\t|S1 0:1 |# let|#\n")
    expectedOutput.write("1\t\t|S1 3:1 |# clear\n")
    for x in zip(output.getvalue().split('\n'), expectedOutput.getvalue().split('\n')):
        assert x[0] == x[1]

def test_nonExistingWord():
    dictionary1 = stringio("hello\nmy\nworld\nof\nnothing\n")
    input = stringio("hello my\nworld of nonexistent\n")
    output = stringio()

    with pytest.raises(Exception) as info:
        convert([dictionary1], [input], output, None, False)
    assert str(info.value) == "Token 'nonexistent' cannot be found in the dictionary for stream 0"
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