Revision c27c7164b00b949f947d5f0129903a294b5ddba7 authored by Michael Gurnis on 29 January 2007, 20:51:24 UTC, committed by Michael Gurnis on 29 January 2007, 20:51:24 UTC
1 parent a60c042
Raw File
Tip revision: c27c7164b00b949f947d5f0129903a294b5ddba7 authored by Michael Gurnis on 29 January 2007, 20:51:24 UTC
The functionality of this routine is now expanded so that for evey time step the element materials are read in. The code for determining the material file names and opening the file name and then reading in the element files is placed in the same code that the age grids and velocity files are processed. Obviously, reading in materials currently only works for Full; fill be working on Regional next.
Tip revision: c27c716
#!/usr/bin/env python
# by Luis Armendariz
# Copyright (C) 2002-2005, California Institute of Technology.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

This script estimates the size of the output from CitcomS,
assuming binary floating point data.

Options are: [ --help | -h ]
                     [ --steps <number> | -t <number> ]
                     [ --nodex <number> | -x <number> ]
                     [ --nodey <number> | -y <number> ]
                     [ --nodez <number> | -z <number> ]
                     [ --caps  <number> | -c <number> | --full | --regional ]
                     [ --all | -a ]
                     [ --connectivity ]
                     [ --stress ]
                     [ --pressure ]
                     [ --surf ]
                     [ --botm ]
                     [ --horiz_avg ]


    python --all
    python --full --all --steps=100 --nodex=33 --nodey=33 -z65
    python --regional --surf --botm --pressure
    python --regional --pressure --stress -x55 -y55 -z43
    python --caps=12 --steps 100 -x 33 -y 33 -z 33 --stress
    python -c12 -t100 -x33 -y33 -z33 -a
    python --help

def TiB(x):
    """Convert from bytes to terabytes"""
    return x / 1024.0 ** 4

def GiB(x):
    """Convert from bytes to gigabytes"""
    return x / 1024.0 ** 3

def MiB(x):
    """Convert from bytes to megabytes"""
    return x / 1024.0 ** 2

def KiB(x):
    """Convert from bytes to kilobytes"""
    return x / 1024.0

def ps(x):
    """print size"""
    if x < 1024:
        return '%g bytes' % x
    elif x < 1024**2:
        return '%g KiB' % KiB(x)
    elif x < 1024**3:
        return '%g MiB' % MiB(x)
    elif x < 1024**4:
        return '%g GiB' % GiB(x)
        return '%g TiB' % TiB(x)

def pc(x,total):
    """print percentage"""
    return '%2.3f%%' % ((100*x)/float(total))

def main():

    import sys
    import getopt

    out = {
        'connectivity': False,
        'stress': False,
        'pressure': False,
        'surf': False,
        'botm': False,
        'horiz_avg': False,
    caps = None
    steps = None
    nodex = None
    nodey = None
    nodez = None

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hac:t:x:y:z:",

    for opt,arg in opts:

        if opt in ('-h','--help'):
            print __doc__

        if opt == '--regional':
            caps = 1
        if opt == '--full':
            caps = 12
        if opt in ('-c','--caps'):
            caps = int(arg)

        if opt in ('-t','--steps'):
            steps = int(arg)
        if opt in ('-x','--nodex'):
            nodex = int(arg)
        if opt in ('-y','--nodey'):
            nodey = int(arg)
        if opt in ('-z','--nodez'):
            nodez = int(arg)

        if opt in ('-a','--all'):
            for k in out:
                out[k] = True
        if opt == '--connectivity':
            out['connectivity'] = True
        if opt == '--stress':
            out['stress'] = True
        if opt == '--pressure':
            out['pressure'] = True
        if opt == '--surf':
            out['surf'] = True
        if opt == '--botm':
            out['botm'] = True
        if opt == '--horiz_avg':
            out['horiz_avg'] = True

    if not caps or not steps or not nodex or not nodey or not nodez:
        print "Enter the following quantities:\n"

    if not caps:
        caps  = int(raw_input('\tcaps  = '))

    if not steps:
        steps = int(raw_input('\tsteps = '))

    if not nodex:
        nodex = int(raw_input('\tnodex = '))

    if not nodey:
        nodey = int(raw_input('\tnodey = '))

    if not nodez:
        nodez = int(raw_input('\tnodez = '))

    nno = nodex * nodey * nodez
    nsf = nodex * nodey

    elx = nodex - 1
    ely = nodey - 1
    elz = nodez - 1
    nel = elx * ely * elz

    # conversion factor (double = 8 bytes, float = 4 bytes, int = 4 bytes)
    f = 4

    # fields
    tensor3d = f * nno * 6
    vector3d = f * nno * 3
    scalar3d = f * nno * 1
    vector2d = f * nsf * 2
    scalar2d = f * nsf * 1
    scalar1d = f * nodez
    buffer_total = tensor3d + vector3d + scalar3d + \
                   vector2d + scalar2d + \

    connectivity = f * nel * 8
    coord        = caps * scalar3d
    velocity     = steps * caps * vector3d
    temperature  = steps * caps * scalar3d
    viscosity    = steps * caps * scalar3d
    pressure     = steps * caps * scalar3d
    stress       = steps * caps * tensor3d

    surf_velocity    = steps * caps * vector2d
    surf_temperature = steps * caps * scalar2d
    surf_heatflux    = steps * caps * scalar2d
    surf_topography  = steps * caps * scalar2d
    surf_total       = surf_velocity + surf_temperature + \
                       surf_heatflux + surf_topography

    have_temp  = steps * caps * scalar1d
    have_vxy   = steps * caps * scalar1d
    have_vz    = steps * caps * scalar1d
    have_total = have_temp + have_vxy + have_vz

    total  = coord + velocity + temperature + viscosity

    if out['connectivity']:
        total += connectivity
    if out['stress']:
        total += stress
    if out['pressure']:
        total += pressure
    if out['surf']:
        total += surf_total
    if out['botm']:
        total += surf_total
    if out['horiz_avg']:
        total += have_total

    hr = 33

    print "\n"
    print "By Type (per cap per timestep):"
    print "=" * hr
    print "3D Tensor Field: %s" % ps(tensor3d)
    print "3D Vector Field: %s" % ps(vector3d)
    print "3D Scalar Field: %s" % ps(scalar3d)
    print "2D Vector Field: %s" % ps(vector2d)
    print "2D Scalar Field: %s" % ps(scalar2d)
    print "1D Scalar Field: %s" % ps(scalar1d)
    print "-" * hr
    print "total            %s" % ps(buffer_total)

    print "\n"
    print "By Dataset:"
    print "=" * hr
    if out['connectivity']:
        print "connectivity         %s" % ps(connectivity)
    if True:
        print "coord                %s" % ps(coord)
        print "velocity             %s" % ps(velocity)
        print "temperature          %s" % ps(temperature)
        print "viscosity            %s" % ps(viscosity)
    if out['pressure']:
        print "pressure             %s" % ps(pressure)
    if out['stress']:
        print "stress               %s" % ps(stress)
    if out['surf']:
        print "surf/velocity        %s" % ps(surf_velocity)
        print "surf/heatflux        %s" % ps(surf_heatflux)
        print "surf/topography      %s" % ps(surf_topography)
    if out['botm']:
        print "botm/velocity        %s" % ps(surf_velocity)
        print "botm/heatflux        %s" % ps(surf_heatflux)
        print "botm/topography      %s" % ps(surf_topography)
    if out['horiz_avg']:
        print "horiz_avg/temperature  %s" % ps(have_temp)
        print "horiz_avg/horiz_velo   %s" % ps(have_vxy)
        print "horiz_avg/vert_velo    %s" % ps(have_vz)
    if True:
        print "-" * hr
        print "total                %s" % ps(total)

    print "\n"
    print "By Percentage:"
    print "=" * hr
    if out['connectivity']:
        print "connectivity  %s" % pc(connectivity,total)
    if True:
        print "coord         %s" % pc(coord,total)
        print "velocity      %s" % pc(velocity,total)
        print "temperature   %s" % pc(temperature,total)
        print "viscosity     %s" % pc(viscosity,total)
    if out['pressure']:
        print "pressure      %s" % pc(pressure,total)
    if out['stress']:
        print "stress        %s" % pc(stress,total)
    if out['surf']:
        print "surf          %s" % pc(surf_total,total)
    if out['botm']:
        print "botm          %s" % pc(surf_total,total)
    if out['horiz_avg']:
        print "horiz_avg       %s" % pc(have_total,total)

if __name__ == '__main__':

# version
# $Id$

# End of file
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