Revision c2f55e039614aeb336d818fea7dc944cd5abf655 authored by Garrett 'Karto' Keating on 01 June 2022, 14:38:53 UTC, committed by kartographer on 01 June 2022, 23:42:51 UTC
1 parent 9df9e65
Raw File
Tip revision: c2f55e039614aeb336d818fea7dc944cd5abf655 authored by Garrett 'Karto' Keating on 01 June 2022, 14:38:53 UTC
Removing requirement to spoof from `write_uvfits`. Removing antenna_positions from uvfits_extra_params since it is now a required parameter for UVData objects.
Tip revision: c2f55e0
name: pyuvdata
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
  - astropy>=5.0.4
  - astropy-healpix
  - astroquery>=0.4.4
  - coverage
  - cython>=0.23
  - h5py>=3.0
  - numpy>=1.18
  - pip
  - pre-commit
  - pyerfa>=2.0
  - pypandoc
  - pytest>=6.2.0
  - pytest-cases>=3.6.9
  - pytest-cov
  - pytest-xdist
  - python-casacore>=3.1.0
  - pyyaml
  - scipy
  - setuptools_scm
  - sphinx
  - pip:
      - novas
      - novas_de405
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