Revision db383233eaf595a04b4eafc9872845e66ba54634 authored by Mark van der Wilk on 23 November 2016, 18:31:25 UTC, committed by James Hensman on 23 November 2016, 18:31:25 UTC
This squash-commit contains a large volume of work by @markvdw and @alexisboukouvalas. I'm keeping all of the commit history here for posterity. Interested viewers can see some discussion on github, under pull request #195.

* Initial code for new kernel expectations.
- RBF done.
- Added another transformation in

* first step to merge gplvm and kernexp approaches

* Added kernel expectations of linear, and eKxz for RBF.
- NB: Linear still need to be tested better.
- Todo: exKxz for linear.

* Added multidimensional quadrature in `Kern` base class for kernel expectations.
- Replaced monte carlo tests with more reliable quadrature tests.
- Added exKxz for `Linear` kernel

* testing new ekernels code, starting on active dimensions, further testing needed as well as modifying Bayesian GPLVM code

* Linear and Polynomial kernels did not respect active_dims properly in Kdiag.
- Added slice call to Linear.Kdiag
- Fixed TestSlice to test more kernels.
- Fxied TestSlice to have the correct inputdim.

* Begin work on sum kernel, smoothing out active_dims for ekernels.

* Fixed `input_dim` in ``. Added assertion.

* kernexp quadrature now works with `active_dims`.
- exKzx which doesn't work now raises an error from TensorFlow.
- Various other assertions.

* Better deduction of `input_dim` for `kernels.Combination`.

* Small fix of test.

* Fixed issue of KzxKxz in Add kernel. Solution checks for diagonal q(X) and performs quadrature on the covariance of KzxKxz if not diagonal.

* GPLVM now works with new kernel expectation code.
- Added a new DiagMatrix transform.
- Removed legacy code.
- Modified GPLVM to accept full covariance matrices.

* Fixing a small error in DiagMatrix transform.

* Added warnings.

* Removed etransforms code. BlockTriDiagonalTransform is now only used in tests.

* Prevent `TridiagonalBlockRep` from being tested as a `Transform`.

* improvements to DiagonalMatrix transform

* improved testing of kernel slice

* update test to use kernels

* `ekernels.RBF` ARD bug fixed.

* Increased test coverage.

* Increased test coverage.

* docstring for gplvm, removed unused variable in ekernels

* testing composite kernels in gplvm

* Added Prod to ``.

* Fixed usage of `tf.gather_nd`, which does not have a gradient in `_slice_cov()`.

* add GPLVM notebook, increase testing to include Prod kernels, add documentation stub, fix bibliography

* improve GPLVM notebook with working example

* Fixed bug that `X_var` in `BayesianGPLVM` gets slightly different values.

* Quadrature can be switched off, plus the appropriate checks.

* Kernel expectations now accept 2D variances.

* Fix to test.

* Reworked quadrature code in Add in anticipation of adding exact expectations for certain pairs of kernels.

* Added Linear + Add cross terms for overlapping active_dims.

* Initial try for extra test for `ekernels.Add` cross terms.

* `_slice_cov` now again compatible with numpy arrays.

* Requested code reviews.
1 parent 419c43b
Raw File
Tip revision: db383233eaf595a04b4eafc9872845e66ba54634 authored by Mark van der Wilk on 23 November 2016, 18:31:25 UTC
Kernel expectations (#195)
Tip revision: db38323
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
from setuptools import setup
import re
import os
import sys
import tensorflow as tf

# load version form
verstrline = open(VERSIONFILE, "rt").read()
VSRE = r"^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]"
mo =, verstrline, re.M)
if mo:
    verstr =
    raise RuntimeError("Unable to find version string in %s." % (VERSIONFILE,))

# Compile the bespoke TensorFlow ops in-place. Not sure how this would work if this script wasn't executed as `develop`.
tf_include = tf.sysconfig.get_include()
compile_command = "g++ -std=c++11 -shared ./GPflow/tfops/ " \
                  "GPflow/tfops/ -o GPflow/tfops/ " \
                  "-fPIC -I {}".format(tf_include)
if sys.platform == "darwin":
    # Additional command for Macs, as instructed by the TensorFlow docs
    compile_command += " -undefined dynamic_lookup"
elif sys.platform.startswith("linux"):
    gcc_version = int('\d+.', os.popen("gcc --version").read()).group()[0])
    if gcc_version > 4:
        compile_command += " -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0"

      author="James Hensman, Alex Matthews",
      description=("Gaussian process methods in tensorflow"),
      license="BSD 3-clause",
      keywords="machine-learning gaussian-processes kernels tensorflow",
      package_data={'GPflow': ['GPflow/tfops/*.so', 'GPflow/gpflowrc']},
      package_dir={'GPflow': 'GPflow'},
      install_requires=['numpy>=1.9', 'scipy>=0.16', 'tensorflow>=0.11.0rc1', 'pandas>=0.18.1'],
      classifiers=['License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
                   'Natural Language :: English',
                   'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X',
                   'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
                   'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux',
                   'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
                   'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence']
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