Revision de4f1f26b0a3217f7caf842c50857b1ac90d9b7d authored by Ben Boeckel on 02 July 2021, 13:54:38 UTC, committed by Ben Boeckel on 09 July 2021, 12:45:18 UTC
This property allows projects to modify environment variables at test
time rather than trying to guess what the state should be based on what
is present at configure time. Of particular interest is the ability to
use a `PATH` present at test time while adding entries known to be
necessary for the test itself.

There are multiple operations provided to modify variables, including:

  - setting and unsetting
  - appending and prepending as:
    - strings
    - path lists
    - CMake lists

Additionally, a `reset` action is provided to cancel any prior
modifications to that particular variable in the case of incremental
additions to the test property.
1 parent 4c757fa
Raw File
Tip revision: de4f1f26b0a3217f7caf842c50857b1ac90d9b7d authored by Ben Boeckel on 02 July 2021, 13:54:38 UTC
Tip revision: de4f1f2
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  - Regex:           '^[<"]cmSTL\.hxx'
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    Priority:        1
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    Priority:        11
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