Revision deb4508578f7223fa1ad5e3b6458626c4b41ef09 authored by Eric Hammy on 17 October 2019, 14:46:42 UTC, committed by GitHub on 17 October 2019, 14:46:42 UTC
1. Fix hidden bug in SGPR
2. Add the  sgpr.compute_qu method from gpflow1

1. [Bug]. SGPR likelihoods were previously using full rank matrices instead of
diagonal ones in both upper bound and likelihood calculation. Ie `Kdiag`
was not "diag". 

This error was being masked by the intentional deactivation of tests
comparing to the SGPR to the GPR, and what appears to be a hack to make
tests working on the upper bound case.

2. [Migration]. Fixing the above broke another test, originally used for
 sgpr.compute_qu.  The method sgpr.compute_qu had not been migrated 
from gpflow1, and a test that was meant to check it had been patched up to pass,

After speaking to @markvdw, concluded this method is useful, in
particular to compare to SVGP model. The test has been patched up and
the method ported to gpflow2.
1 parent 3b2a2ee
Raw File
Tip revision: deb4508578f7223fa1ad5e3b6458626c4b41ef09 authored by Eric Hammy on 17 October 2019, 14:46:42 UTC
Fix hidden bug in SGPR (#1106)
Tip revision: deb4508
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# pylint: skip-file

import os
from pathlib import Path

from pkg_resources import parse_version
from setuptools import find_packages, setup

# Dependencies of GPflow
requirements = [

min_tf_version = '2.0.0'
tf_cpu = 'tensorflow'
tf_gpu = 'tensorflow-gpu'

# Only detect TF if not installed or outdated. If not, do not do not list as
# requirement to avoid installing over e.g. tensorflow-gpu
# To avoid this, rely on importing rather than the package name (like pip).

    # If tf not installed, import raises ImportError
    import tensorflow as tf
    if parse_version(tf.__version__) < parse_version(min_tf_version):
        # TF pre-installed, but below the minimum required version
        raise DeprecationWarning("TensorFlow version below minimum requirement")
except (ImportError, DeprecationWarning):
    # Add TensorFlow to dependencies to trigger installation/update

with open(str(Path(".", "VERSION").absolute())) as version_file:
    version =

packages = find_packages('.', exclude=["tests"])

      author="James Hensman, Alex Matthews",
      description="Gaussian process methods in TensorFlow",
      license="Apache License 2.0",
      keywords="machine-learning gaussian-processes kernels tensorflow",
      extras_require={'Tensorflow with GPU': [tf_gpu]},
          'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License',
          'Natural Language :: English',
          'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X',
          'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows',
          'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux',
          'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
          'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence'
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