Revision e684772be39114648d7c0033fc6253ac64e267fc authored by Simon O'Meara on 02 March 2023, 17:31:36 UTC, committed by Simon O'Meara on 02 March 2023, 17:31:36 UTC
readme improved for the indoor air quality modelling section
1 parent afc6428
Raw File
Tip revision: e684772be39114648d7c0033fc6253ac64e267fc authored by Simon O'Meara on 02 March 2023, 17:31:36 UTC
readme improved
Tip revision: e684772
name: PyCHAM
  - openbabel
  - numba
  - conda-forge
  - anaconda
  - defaults
  - _libgcc_mutex
  - backcall
  - bzip2
  - ca-certificates
  - cairo
  - certifi
  - cycler
  - dbus
  - decorator
  - expat
  - fontconfig
  - freetype
  - gettext
  - git
  - gitdb2
  - gitpython
  - glib
  - gst-plugins-base
  - gstreamer
  - icu
  - ipdb
  - ipython
  - ipython_genutils
  - jedi
  - jpeg
  - kiwisolver
  - krb5
  - libblas
  - libcblas
  - libcurl
  - libedit
  - libffi
  - libgcc
  - libgcc-ng
  - libgfortran-ng
  - libiconv
  - liblapack
  - libopenblas
  - libpng
  - libssh2
  - libstdcxx-ng
  - libuuid
  - libxcb
  - libxml2
  - matplotlib
  - metis
  - ncurses
  - netcdf4
  - numba
  - numpy
  - openbabel
  - openpyxl
  - openssl
  - pandas
  - parso
  - pcre
  - perl
  - pexpect
  - pickleshare
  - pip
  - pixman
  - prompt_toolkit
  - pthread-stubs
  - ptyprocess
  - pygments
  - pyparsing
  - pyqt
  - python
  - python-dateutil
  - pytz
  - qt
  - readline
  - requests
  - scipy
  - setuptools
  - sip
  - six
  - smmap2
  - sqlite
  - suitesparse
  - tbb
  - tk
  - tornado
  - traitlets
  - wcwidth
  - wheel
  - xmltodict
  - xorg-libxau
  - xorg-libxdmcp
  - xz
  - zlib
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