Revision f4b94e8a6f90413abd0bf7ef62285855cd459df0 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 16 December 2015, 18:06:01 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 16 December 2015, 18:07:43 UTC
 - `move=> _` does a late clear
 - `move=> ?` does an anonymous (_) intro

This is currently not enabled by default. The option `oldip` has
first to be cleared (`pragma -oldip`)
1 parent 65269da
Raw File
Tip revision: f4b94e8a6f90413abd0bf7ef62285855cd459df0 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 16 December 2015, 18:06:01 UTC
Implement ssr compatible naming for i-p.
Tip revision: f4b94e8
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2015 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2015 - Inria
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils
open EcMaps
open EcSymbols
open EcIdent

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type path = {
  p_node : path_node;
  p_tag  : int

and path_node =
| Psymbol of symbol
| Pqname  of path * symbol

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let p_equal   = ((==) : path -> path -> bool)
let p_hash    = fun p -> p.p_tag
let p_compare = fun p1 p2 -> p_hash p1 - p_hash p2

module Hspath = Why3.Hashcons.Make (struct 
  type t = path

  let equal_node p1 p2 = 
    match p1, p2 with
    | Psymbol id1, Psymbol id2 ->
        sym_equal id1 id2
    | Pqname (p1, id1), Pqname(p2, id2) -> 
        sym_equal id1 id2 && p_equal p1 p2
    | _ -> false

  let equal p1 p2 = equal_node p1.p_node p2.p_node

  let hash p = 
    match p.p_node with
    | Psymbol id    -> Hashtbl.hash id
    | Pqname (p,id) -> Why3.Hashcons.combine p.p_tag (Hashtbl.hash id)
  let tag n p = { p with p_tag = n }

module Path = MakeMSH (struct
  type t  = path
  let tag = p_hash

module Sp = Path.S
module Mp = Path.M
module Hp = Path.H

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let mk_path node =
  Hspath.hashcons { p_node = node; p_tag = -1; }

let psymbol id   = mk_path (Psymbol id)
let pqname  p id = mk_path (Pqname(p,id))

let rec pappend p1 p2 = 
  match p2.p_node with
  | Psymbol id -> pqname p1 id
  | Pqname(p2,id) -> pqname (pappend p1 p2) id

let pqoname p id =
  match p with
  | None   -> psymbol id
  | Some p -> pqname p id

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec tostring p =
  match p.p_node with
  | Psymbol x    -> x
  | Pqname (p,x) -> Printf.sprintf "%s.%s" (tostring p) x

let tolist =
  let rec aux l p = 
    match p.p_node with 
    | Psymbol x     -> x :: l
    | Pqname (p, x) -> aux (x :: l) p in
  aux []

let toqsymbol (p : path) =
  match p.p_node with
  | Psymbol x     -> ([], x)
  | Pqname (p, x) -> (tolist p, x)

let fromqsymbol ((nm, x) : qsymbol) =
       (fun p x -> Some (pqoname p x)) None nm)

let basename p = 
  match p.p_node with 
  | Psymbol x     -> x
  | Pqname (_, x) -> x

let extend p s =
  List.fold_left pqname p s

let prefix p =
  match p.p_node with 
  | Psymbol _ -> None
  | Pqname (p, _) -> Some p

let rec getprefix_r acc p q =
  match p_equal p q with
  | true  -> Some acc
  | false ->
      match q.p_node with
      | Psymbol _     -> None
      | Pqname (q, x) -> getprefix_r (x::acc) p q

let getprefix p q = getprefix_r [] p q

let isprefix p q =
  match getprefix p q with
  | None   -> false
  | Some _ -> true

let rec rootname p = 
  match p.p_node with 
  | Psymbol x     -> x
  | Pqname (p, _) -> rootname p

let rec p_size p =
  match p.p_node with
  | Psymbol _     -> 1
  | Pqname (p, _) -> 1 + (p_size p)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type mpath = {
  m_top  : mpath_top;
  m_args : mpath list;
  m_tag  : int;

and mpath_top =
[ | `Local of ident
  | `Concrete of path * path option ]

let m_equal   = ((==) : mpath -> mpath -> bool)

let mt_equal mt1 mt2 = 
  match mt1, mt2 with
  | `Local id1, `Local id2 -> EcIdent.id_equal id1 id2
  | `Concrete(p1, o1), `Concrete(p2, o2) ->
    p_equal p1 p2 && oall2 p_equal o1 o2
  | _, _ -> false 

let m_hash    = fun p -> p.m_tag
let m_compare = fun p1 p2 -> m_hash p1 - m_hash p2

module Hsmpath = Why3.Hashcons.Make (struct 
  type t = mpath

  let equal m1 m2 = 
    mt_equal m1.m_top m2.m_top  && List.all2 m_equal m1.m_args m2.m_args

  let hash m = 
    let hash = 
      match m.m_top with
      | `Local id -> EcIdent.id_hash id
      | `Concrete(p, o) -> 
        o |> ofold
              (fun s h -> Why3.Hashcons.combine h (p_hash s))
              (p_hash p)
    Why3.Hashcons.combine_list m_hash hash m.m_args
  let tag n p = { p with m_tag = n }

module MPath = MakeMSH (struct
  type t  = mpath
  let tag = m_hash

module Sm = MPath.S
module Mm = MPath.M
module Hm = MPath.H

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let mpath p args =
  Hsmpath.hashcons { m_top = p; m_args = args; m_tag = -1; }

let mpath_abs id args = mpath (`Local id) args
let mident id = mpath_abs id []

let mpath_crt p args sp = mpath (`Concrete(p,sp)) args

let mqname mp x = 
  match mp.m_top with
  | `Concrete(top,None) -> mpath_crt top mp.m_args (Some (psymbol x))
  | `Concrete(top,Some sub) -> mpath_crt top mp.m_args (Some (pqname sub x))
  | _ -> assert false
let mastrip mp = { mp with m_args = [] }

let m_apply mp args = 
  let args' = mp.m_args in
  mpath mp.m_top (args'@args) 
(* PY check that it is safe. previous code *)
(* if args' = [] then mpath mp.m_top args 
  else (assert (args = []); mp) *)

let m_functor mp = 
  let top = 
    match mp.m_top with
    | `Concrete(p,Some _) -> `Concrete(p,None)
    | t -> t in
  mpath top []

let mget_ident mp = 
  match mp.m_top with
  | `Local id -> id
  | _ -> assert false

let rec m_fv fv mp = 
  let fv = 
    match mp.m_top with 
    | `Local id -> EcIdent.fv_add id fv 
    | `Concrete _  -> fv in
  List.fold_left m_fv fv mp.m_args 

let rec pp_list sep pp fmt xs =
  let pp_list = pp_list sep pp in
    match xs with
    | []      -> ()
    | [x]     -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a" pp x
    | x :: xs -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a%(%)%a" pp x sep pp_list xs

let rec pp_m fmt mp = 
  let pp_args fmt args = 
    if args <> [] then
      Format.fprintf fmt "@[(%a)@]" (pp_list "," pp_m) args in
  match mp.m_top with
  | `Local id -> 
    Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a" (EcIdent.tostring id) pp_args mp.m_args
  | `Concrete(p,None) ->
    Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a" (tostring p) pp_args mp.m_args
  | `Concrete(p,Some sub) ->
    Format.fprintf fmt "%s%a.%s" (tostring p) pp_args mp.m_args (tostring sub)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type xpath = {
  x_top : mpath;
  x_sub : path;
  x_tag : int;

let x_equal   = ((==) : xpath -> xpath -> bool)
let x_hash    = fun p -> p.x_tag
let x_compare = fun p1 p2 -> x_hash p1 - x_hash p2

let x_equal_na x1 x2 = 
     mt_equal x1.x_top.m_top x2.x_top.m_top
  && p_equal x1.x_sub x2.x_sub

let x_compare_na x1 x2 =
  x_compare x1 x2 (* FIXME: doc says something about x_top being normalized *)

module Hsxpath = Why3.Hashcons.Make (struct 
  type t = xpath

  let equal m1 m2 = 
    m_equal m1.x_top m2.x_top && p_equal m1.x_sub m2.x_sub

  let hash m = 
    Why3.Hashcons.combine (m_hash m.x_top) (p_hash m.x_sub)

  let tag n p = { p with x_tag = n }

module XPath = MakeMSH (struct
  type t  = xpath
  let tag = x_hash

module Sx = XPath.S
module Mx = XPath.M
module Hx = XPath.H

let xpath top sub =
  Hsxpath.hashcons { x_top = top; x_sub = sub; x_tag = -1; }

let x_fv fv xp = m_fv fv xp.x_top 

let xpath_fun mp f = xpath mp (psymbol f)
let xqname x s = xpath x.x_top (pqname x.x_sub s)
let xastrip x = { x with x_top = mastrip x.x_top }
let xbasename xp = basename xp.x_sub

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec m_tostring (m : mpath) = 
  let top, sub = 
    match m.m_top with
    | `Local id -> (EcIdent.tostring id, "")

    | `Concrete (p, sub) ->
      let strsub = 
        sub |> ofold (fun p _ -> Format.sprintf ".%s" (tostring p)) ""
        (tostring p, strsub)

  let args = 
    let a = m.m_args in
      match a with
      | [] -> ""
      | _  -> 
        let stra = m_tostring a in
          Printf.sprintf "(%s)" (String.concat ", " stra)
    Printf.sprintf "%s%s%s" top args sub

let x_tostring x = 
  Printf.sprintf "%s./%s" 
    (m_tostring x.x_top) (tostring x.x_sub)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let p_subst (s : path Mp.t) =
  if Mp.is_empty s then identity
    let p_subst aux p =
      try  Mp.find p s
      with Not_found ->
        match p.p_node with
        | Psymbol _ -> p
        | Pqname(p1, id) -> 
          let p1' = aux p1 in
          if p1 == p1' then p else pqname p1' id in
    Hp.memo_rec 107 p_subst

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let rec m_subst (sp : path -> path) (sm : mpath EcIdent.Mid.t) m =
  let args = (m_subst sp sm) m.m_args in
  match m.m_top with
  | `Concrete(p,sub) -> 
    let p' = sp p in
    let top = if p == p' then m.m_top else `Concrete(p',sub) in
    if m.m_top == top && m.m_args == args then m else 
      mpath top args 
  | `Local id ->
      let m' = EcIdent.Mid.find id sm in
      m_apply m' args 
    with Not_found -> 
      if m.m_args == args then m else
        mpath m.m_top args 
let m_subst (sp : path -> path) (sm : mpath EcIdent.Mid.t) =
  if sp == identity && EcIdent.Mid.is_empty sm then identity
  else m_subst sp sm

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let x_subst (sm : mpath -> mpath) = 
  if sm == identity then identity 
  else fun x -> 
    let top = sm x.x_top in
    if x.x_top == top then x 
    else xpath top x.x_sub

let x_substm sp sm = 
  x_subst (m_subst sp sm)
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