Revision fa1437f8365ecb1162c09e446c1f9cd8fff45262 authored by Cedric Nugteren on 25 February 2015, 15:12:46 UTC, committed by Cedric Nugteren on 25 February 2015, 15:12:46 UTC
Added generalised constraints and further use of C++11 features
2 parent s 4b7a00a + 14da696
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Tip revision: fa1437f8365ecb1162c09e446c1f9cd8fff45262 authored by Cedric Nugteren on 25 February 2015, 15:12:46 UTC
Merge pull request #2 from CNugteren/develop
Tip revision: fa1437f

CLTune: An automatic OpenCL kernel tuner

CLTune is a C++ library which can be used to automatically tune your OpenCL kernels. How does this
work? The only thing you'll need to provide is a tuneable kernel and a list of allowed parameters
and values.

For example, if you would perform loop unrolling or local memory tiling through a pre-
processor define, just remove the define from your kernel code, pass the kernel to CLTune and tell
it what the name of your parameter(s) are and what values you want to try. CLTune will take care of
the rest: it will iterate over all possible permutations, test them, and report the best


CLTune can be compiled as a shared library using CMake. The pre-requisites are:

* CMake version 2.8 or higher
* A C++11 compiler [_tested with icc, gcc, and clang_]
* An OpenCL library [_tested with the Apple OpenCL framework, the NVIDIA CUDA SDK, and the AMD APP

An example of an out-of-source build follows (starting from the root of the cltune folder):

    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..

You can then link your own programs against the CLTune library. An example for a Linux-system

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/
    g++ -o example -L/path/to/ -lcltune -lOpenCL

Example of using the tuner

Before we start using the tuner, we'll have to create one. The constructor takes two arguments:
the first specifying the OpenCL platform number, and the second the device ID on that platform:

    cltune::Tuner my_tuner(0, 1); // Tuner on device 1 of OpenCL platform 0

Now that we have a tuner, we can add a tuning kernel. This is done by providing the path to an
OpenCL kernel (first argument), the name of the kernel (second argument), a list of global thread
dimensions (third argument), and a list of local thread or workgroup dimensions (fourth argument).
Here is an example:

    auto id = my_tuner.AddKernel("path/to/kernel.opencl", "my_kernel", {1024,512}, {16,8});

Notice that the AddKernel function returns an integer: it is the ID of the added kernel. We'll need
this ID when we want to add tuning parameters to this kernel. Let's say that our kernel has two
pre-processor parameters named `PARAM_1` and `PARAM_2`:

    my_tuner.AddParameter(id, "PARAM_1", {16, 24});
    my_tuner.AddParameter(id, "PARAM_2", {0, 1, 2, 3, 4});

Now that we've added a kernel and its parameters, we can add another one if we wish. When we're
done, there are a couple of things left to be done. Let's start with adding an reference kernel.
This reference kernel can provide the tuner with the ground-truth and is optional - only when it is
provided will the tuner perform verification checks to ensure correctness.

    my_tuner.SetReference("path/to/reference.opencl", "my_reference", {8192}, {128});

The tuner also needs to know which arguments the kernels take. Scalar arguments can be provided
as-is and are passed-by-value, whereas arrays have to be provided as C++ `std::vector`s. That's
right, we won't have to create OpenCL buffers, CLTune will handle that for us! Here is an example:

    auto my_variable = 900;
    std::vector<float> input_vector(8192);
    std::vector<float> output_vector(8192);

Now that we've configured the tuner, it is time to start it and ask it to report the results:

    my_tuner.Tune(); // Starts the tuner
    my_tuner.PrintToScreen(); // Prints the results

Other examples

Two examples are included as part of the CLTune distribution. They illustrate some more advanced
features, such as modifying the thread dimensions based on the parameters and adding user-defined
parameter constraints. The examples are compiled when providing `-ENABLE_SAMPLES=ON` to CMake
(default option). The two included examples are:

* `` providing a basic example of matrix-vector multiplication
* `` providing a more advanced and heavily tuned implementation of matrix-matrix
  multiplication or SGEMM

Development and tests

The CLTune project follows the Google C++ styleguide (with some exceptions) and uses a tab-size of
two spaces and a max-width of 100 characters per line. It is furthermore based on practises from the
third edition of Effective C++ and the first edition of Effective Modern C++. The project is
licensed under the MIT license by SURFsara, (c) 2014. The contributing authors so far are:

* Cedric Nugteren

CLTune is packaged with Google Test 1.7.0 and a custom test suite. The tests will be compiled when
providing the `-DENABLE_TESTS=ON` option to CMake. Running the tests goes as follows:


Other useful tests are the provided examples, since they include a verification kernel.

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