
sort by:
Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
7585325 Fix `catch` clause not catching the right exception [fix #17187]: anomaly when invalid memory is referenced 22 March 2015, 15:07:25 UTC
41f0016 New SMT tactic. This commit brings a new `smt` tactic that can be called via `smt:lazy`. This tactic relies on a lazy translation of operators/lemmas and is currently missing: - a proper selection of lemmas to sent - the translation of body of fixpoints - a set of flags to better control the translation (including the use of the already existing hints databases) The default `smt` version to be called can be controlled via the `Smt:lazy` option. By default, the legacy version is used. If changed to the new one, the old one can be locally called via the `smt:full` variant of `smt`. This commit also bring a `time` meta command that can be used to time any vernacular command by simply executing: `time thecommand.` 20 March 2015, 15:44:19 UTC
39d4a0b Add a report URL. [fix #17185] 18 March 2015, 23:16:01 UTC
2fbf6c7 Doc: adding 'have', some minor things in other tactics. 16 March 2015, 13:43:38 UTC
4797bab Folding array notations into NewList.Array. 16 March 2015, 12:06:37 UTC
48d7d3d Reorg NewFMap: now operator-complete (modulo unary versions of find and map). 16 March 2015, 11:26:27 UTC
4125d5b NewFMap: new pass over proofs, changes to eq_except. eq_except now takes a set of keys on which maps may disagree; this should allow lemmas relating join, filter and eq_except. 12 March 2015, 15:04:32 UTC
b541d6a NewFMap: pass over proofs. 12 March 2015, 11:56:01 UTC
4be0508 NewFMap: filter and map definitions and core lemmas. 12 March 2015, 10:30:30 UTC
a574f39 Hops. 10 March 2015, 11:52:47 UTC
261f326 More comp -> \o 09 March 2015, 16:32:34 UTC
e3d8167 A push on arrays. Realization: arrays do not need to exist. At all. All we need is set and mapi operators on lists. Everything else is notation. 09 March 2015, 14:57:19 UTC
d5af99d comp -> \o 09 March 2015, 12:12:58 UTC
5e94343 In `clone`, `proof *` does not catch axioms in abstract theories anymore. 07 March 2015, 22:17:24 UTC
9745703 Progressing on algebraic hierarchy. 06 March 2015, 16:06:03 UTC
8680abb When reducing a beta-redex, also reduce created beta-redexes. [fix #17091] 06 March 2015, 14:32:59 UTC
ed135cc Change operators selection When there is an ambiguity, give precedence to operators that have been defined in the currently defined theory. 06 March 2015, 14:32:59 UTC
2e03fe2 Don't introduce implicit arguments when no explicit ones are given. 06 March 2015, 14:32:59 UTC
c9a31a1 NewArray: redefining set (as a fixpoint). Better start. 05 March 2015, 16:06:34 UTC
644aa5b Fixing yet another copy-paste... *shakes fist at PY* 05 March 2015, 13:12:58 UTC
97ca7d6 NewFMap: eq_except starts. 05 March 2015, 10:09:17 UTC
755567f Fixing smt failures in Ring.ec. 04 March 2015, 15:56:47 UTC
8f2e25e Flatten algebraic hierarchy using `clone include`. 04 March 2015, 14:13:11 UTC
b87eecb Fix (weak) issues in stdlib (but in encryption/) 04 March 2015, 14:04:43 UTC
66d26c3 Makefile: new target (weak-check) for fast checking standard library. 04 March 2015, 14:00:01 UTC
3082bcf `clone include` `clone include` allows to include the body of a cloned theory into the current defined one. The main purpose is to avoid long names while chaining clonings. E.g.: {{{ abstract theory ZModule. type t. op zero : t. op add: t -> t -> t. op opp: t -> t. axiom addr0 (x : t): add x zero = x. end ZModule. abstract theory Ring. clone include ZModule. op one : t. op mul : t -> t -> t. ... end Ring. clone Ring as IntRing with type t <- int, ... }}} In that version, `addr0` (of IntRing) fullname is `IntRing.addr0`, not `IntRing.ZModule.addr0`. 04 March 2015, 13:51:41 UTC
7cc0638 Hybrid argument: all adapted except for bigop-related argument in Hybrid.ec 04 March 2015, 11:50:01 UTC
2fff1fc ExtEq: rename [eq_refl], [eq_symm] and [eq_tran] to avoid clashes. 04 March 2015, 11:32:01 UTC
5ffedd8 printf removed. 03 March 2015, 16:03:22 UTC
759043e More progress on maps: removing admits. One unstable smt call. 03 March 2015, 13:39:03 UTC
03c51dd Fix in NewList. Some progress in NewFMap. 03 March 2015, 13:39:02 UTC
310697b Refactoring of subst + refresh introduced locals when elim. a existential. [fix #17180] 03 March 2015, 11:54:05 UTC
da5f2b8 Starting to expand: just lemmas (some proofs missing). 02 March 2015, 17:37:32 UTC
4f48ab4 Finishing with the consequences of reduction changes. All failures left are either wanted (NewList), due to the switch to IntExtra (Ring), or of unknown status (encryption/*). 02 March 2015, 14:54:26 UTC
95d755e Starting a pass after changes in reduction. 02 March 2015, 12:02:03 UTC
b150a61 Revert "temporary hack to have from_int from `Real` and `NewReal`." This reverts commit 001b85cd74c722c3e2870f079e2cc77ad3ff2227. 27 February 2015, 22:23:10 UTC
f392969 Numerical series convergence (def) 27 February 2015, 20:59:44 UTC
ff3872e Basic integral domain number theory for reals. 27 February 2015, 20:55:02 UTC
001b85c temporary hack to have from_int from `Real` and `NewReal`. 27 February 2015, 20:54:41 UTC
5d8f2d4 In `Ring`, tags all axioms with `nosmt` 27 February 2015, 20:42:50 UTC
c8c17db `import / export` now takes a list of theory names. 27 February 2015, 20:42:26 UTC
d6ff406 NewList: head/ohead operators + theory. 27 February 2015, 12:52:39 UTC
3664f9b NewFMap: rm and some more lemmas. 26 February 2015, 10:14:10 UTC
d820bdc Generalize assoc_filter. 26 February 2015, 09:53:20 UTC
6f03862 NewArray: a first attempt that directly uses lists. Not sure where this is going to fail. 25 February 2015, 17:31:54 UTC
65cfde9 FMap: remove staled comments. 24 February 2015, 16:43:06 UTC
0853ab0 Inductive: in scheme generation, fix bug related to constructors attached types. 24 February 2015, 16:42:30 UTC
7866976 CoreFol: misc Mainly, when calling `f_app` with no arguments, do use the given result type insteadm of ignoring it. 24 February 2015, 16:42:30 UTC
2647e48 FMap: core lemmas 24 February 2015, 16:25:45 UTC
ad88212 FMap: join / induction principle + nits. 24 February 2015, 14:27:55 UTC
a9e1de4 NewFMap: fix all admits (w.r.t reduce) + extension to NewList (rev) 24 February 2015, 11:38:54 UTC
0962c9e NewFMap: piggy back to raw association lists. 24 February 2015, 00:47:10 UTC
f841eae Clean NewFMap, pusing generic facts (about assoc) to NewList. 23 February 2015, 20:01:09 UTC
4e941db Logic: misc. (a big revamp is still needed) 23 February 2015, 20:00:54 UTC
4219b47 Int: basic facts that arises when doing nat-o-int induction. 23 February 2015, 20:00:37 UTC
b7c2bca Extend reduction If `C` is a constructor, `C x1 ... xn = C y1 ... yn` reduces to `(x1 = y1 /\ ... /\ xn = yn)`. This reduction was already active for nullary constructors and tuples. 23 February 2015, 20:00:10 UTC
05ee246 Progress on lists + fmaps (partial) cleanup. 23 February 2015, 13:30:04 UTC
7ec25c2 New reduction: `!a <=> !b` reduces to `a <=> b`. 23 February 2015, 13:29:49 UTC
8275603 Fix stdlib + refactor a bit NewFMap. 23 February 2015, 10:35:40 UTC
d3e2b6b Override List.sum / List.sumf. BatList.{sum,sumf} are raising an exception on empty lists, instead of returning 0. This behaviour is now overriden. 23 February 2015, 09:38:25 UTC
1630263 Makefile: fix purge target. 21 February 2015, 14:33:58 UTC
8cfb892 Makefile: install PG files. 21 February 2015, 14:31:49 UTC
593c49f Major progres on FMap: realizing that complexity is evil. 20 February 2015, 23:28:11 UTC
9089c0e Some facts about zmod-morphism / ring-morphism. These theories are hardly usable with type classes. Type-classes is now high-priority. 20 February 2015, 23:19:55 UTC
e0b6d30 axiomatized by now generate an extentional equality scheme. 20 February 2015, 23:18:58 UTC
ecc941f Use natind in NewList when possible. 20 February 2015, 16:17:45 UTC
2accade New libraries progress (lists / bigops). 20 February 2015, 15:51:19 UTC
a0a3192 Update internal copyright. 20 February 2015, 14:30:23 UTC
f3b47f9 Improving new theories (lists / bigops) 20 February 2015, 14:29:45 UTC
42dd869 Register `move` as a "non-case" tactic. Fix bug introduced by having `move` not backing anymore to `generalize` 20 February 2015, 13:10:41 UTC
dfe82eb Fix admits in bigops. 20 February 2015, 12:05:11 UTC
aa4ad9d Progress on new stdlib (lists / bigops) 20 February 2015, 11:33:53 UTC
4cedcb1 Basic extra lemmas about integers (comm-assoc, inversion) 20 February 2015, 11:33:39 UTC
83976d2 Add `have` as an alias to `cut`. 20 February 2015, 11:33:19 UTC
1d4260c Syntax change for tactics doing an implicit generalization The generalization patterns can now be prefixed by a colon (:) E.g., `case ptn` can be rewritten as `case:ptn`. 20 February 2015, 08:59:52 UTC
4111987 `move` can now takes postfixed views. Syntax if `move/view1/view2...`, and is identical to `move=> /view1 /view2 ...` Views are applied after any generalization. 20 February 2015, 08:56:50 UTC
6413482 NewList: element removal by index. 19 February 2015, 21:16:19 UTC
ab12470 word on iota 19 February 2015, 19:02:37 UTC
a274763 Using reduce to fit with the expected representation of maps as association lists. 19 February 2015, 17:35:31 UTC
2220a40 Fix trash in NewList.ec 19 February 2015, 17:04:47 UTC
d8ddcc6 View mechanism supports deconstructing <=>. 19 February 2015, 17:04:39 UTC
0b9a554 Bigop: refactoring, using new view mechanism. 19 February 2015, 16:01:47 UTC
7c619ff Fix bugs in intro view application + enchancement When applying a quantifed view, re-generalize uninstanciated parameters in the top assumption. 19 February 2015, 16:01:32 UTC
f7601bd runtest: backport to python2 19 February 2015, 14:00:07 UTC
533151b add nosmt. 19 February 2015, 13:36:51 UTC
6a3bbfd Fix NewList compilation. 19 February 2015, 13:21:14 UTC
d427269 Generalizing some of the lemmas to avoid duplicating too much effort. 18 February 2015, 19:58:10 UTC
dcfa94b NewList / NewBigop 18 February 2015, 19:52:08 UTC
f751db0 Fix stdlib 18 February 2015, 16:48:09 UTC
935e36c List: perm_eq_map 18 February 2015, 16:46:11 UTC
fd32076 More bigop results. 18 February 2015, 14:38:11 UTC
cd9d326 Support for implicits in `rewrite` 18 February 2015, 14:06:16 UTC
d4269d6 Though on reducing association list in NewFMap. 18 February 2015, 12:01:54 UTC
4dea02e Seq: left folding. 18 February 2015, 12:01:41 UTC
09b0e75 Accept the syntax `fun x => e` for lambda abs. 18 February 2015, 12:01:33 UTC
2e767f9 Proper definition of big ops (no theory) 18 February 2015, 11:28:21 UTC
6745b0c dom and rng abstractions ready to go (modulo unicity of keys). 18 February 2015, 10:38:46 UTC
944ad05 Factor out and clean up comoid theory. 18 February 2015, 10:12:17 UTC
06c11be Factor out operator iteration from Ring to new theory IntExtra. 18 February 2015, 10:12:17 UTC
baec8aa Induction/case analysis for natural numbers. - first version works in the case where the intended behaviour on negative numbers is identical to the one of 0. - second version is similar to the first one, but distinguishes the cases <0 and =0. 18 February 2015, 10:12:17 UTC
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