Raw File
Tip revision: 124ee9cdee13d10670c44fcd46a4d9d3f528de4a authored by John Davis on 02 April 2024, 19:01:43 UTC
Update version to 24.0.
Tip revision: 124ee9c
.. figure:: https://galaxyproject.org/images/galaxy-logos/galaxy_project_logo.jpg
   :alt: Galaxy Logo

The latest information about Galaxy can be found on the `Galaxy Community Hub <https://galaxyproject.org/>`__.

Community support is available at `Galaxy Help <https://help.galaxyproject.org/>`__.

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-gitter-blue.svg
    :target: https://gitter.im/galaxyproject/Lobby
    :alt: Chat on gitter

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/chat-irc.freenode.net%23galaxyproject-blue.svg
    :target: https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=galaxyproject
    :alt: Chat on irc

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/release-documentation-blue.svg
    :target: https://docs.galaxyproject.org/en/master/
    :alt: Release Documentation

.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/galaxyproject/galaxy.svg?branch=dev
    :target: https://travis-ci.org/galaxyproject/galaxy
    :alt: Inspect the test results

Galaxy Quickstart

Galaxy requires Python 3.8 . To check your Python version, run:

.. code:: console

    $ python -V
    Python 3.8.18

Start Galaxy:

.. code:: console

    $ sh run.sh

Once Galaxy completes startup, you should be able to view Galaxy in your
browser at: http://localhost:8080

For more installation details please see: https://getgalaxy.org/

Documentation is available at: https://docs.galaxyproject.org/

Tutorials on how to use Galaxy, perform scientific analyses with it, develop Galaxy and its tools, and admin a Galaxy server are at: https://training.galaxyproject.org/


Tools can be either installed from the Tool Shed or added manually.
For details please see the `tutorial <https://galaxyproject.org/admin/tools/add-tool-from-toolshed-tutorial/>`__.
Note that not all dependencies for the tools provided in the
``tool_conf.xml.sample`` are included. To install them please visit
"Manage dependencies" in the admin interface.

Issues and Galaxy Development

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