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    <title>How to digitize AGC program listings</title>
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      <li><a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></li>
      <li><a href="#A_Note_on_File_Formats">A Note on File Formats ...
          If You Care</a><br>
      <li><a href="#My_Current_Recommendation">My Current Scanner
          Old Recommendation:&nbsp; Digitizing
          a Fanfold Computer Printout</a></li>
      <li><a href="#Digitizing_a_Normal_Document">My Old
          Recommendation:&nbsp; Digitizing a Normal
        <li><a href="#The_Convenient_Way">The Convenient Way</a></li>
        <li><a href="#The_Safest_Way">The Safest Way</a></li>
        <li><a href="#A_Re-Imagining">A Re-Imagining</a><br>
      <li><a href="#Getting_the_Digitized_Documents_To_Us">Getting
          the Digitized Documents To Us</a><br>
      <li><a href="#Getting_Us_To_Do_It_For_You">Getting Us To Do It
          For You</a><br>
    <h2><a name="Introduction" id="Introduction"></a>Introduction</h2>
    Okay, so let's say that you
    have some Apollo Program documents in your possession, or
    even—wonder of wonders!—an AGC program listing.&nbsp; You've read
    the Virtual Apollo website and seen the plea that you donate
    digital images to the project.&nbsp; You're that rarest of
    people, who actually look ahead to future generations and think
    this would be a valuable thing to do.<br>
    But ... how do you do it?<br>
    Well, if the document you're working with is small—say, 150 U.S.
    letter-sized pages—most of you won't really need much advice from
    me.&nbsp; Even the cheapest scanner or digital camera will do the
    trick.&nbsp; (It may be slow and painful, but that will just help
    to give you a sense of accomplishment!)&nbsp; The advice I'd give
    in that case is simply this:<br>
      <li>Check carefully before doing anything that your document
        isn't already online somewhere.&nbsp; While I'm an assiduous
        collector of this info, I'm not necessarily able to tell you
        accurately what's available and what's not.&nbsp; Of course, if
        you have a different <span style="font-style: italic;">version</span>
        of something that's
        already available, or if you can make it more legible or better
        in some other way, go ahead and digitize it anyway!<br>
      <li>The document usually will have a binding on it, and you may
        be tempted to scan it with the binding in place.&nbsp; You can
        certainly do that.&nbsp; However, the document will suffer
        excessive wear, the scans will be relatively poor, and it will
        be a lot more effort for you.&nbsp; In almost all cases it's
        easy to remove the binding before making the copies, and to put
        the binding back afterward.<br>
      <li>Don't worry too much about getting the scans into the same
        form we use to publish them online ... PDF, JPG, TIFF,
        etc.&nbsp; Whatever you send us, we'll preserve the raw images
        as-is and turn it into an appropriate format for
      <li>Don't worry too much about things like color vs.
        black&amp;white, dots per inch, etc.&nbsp; Worry about
        legibility.&nbsp; Make sure that in whatever images you create,
        the text and diagrams are readable, even if you need to zoom in
        when viewing them to do so.&nbsp; If you need to use higher dpi
        in pages that are diagrams than you do on text pages, then
        please do so.</li>
      <li>Don't worry about foldouts that are too big to fit on your
        scanner.&nbsp; Simply scan them in several passes and provide
        several JPGs or TIFFs for them, and we'll digitally recombine
        them in a complete foldout.</li>
      <li>Do not skip blank pages.&nbsp; We have know way to know
        that they're supposed to be blank, and will think that a page
        is missing.&nbsp; Always double-check to make sure that every
        page is present.</li>
      <li>If you are providing PDF, do <span style="font-style:
          italic;">not</span> apply optical character
        recognition to it (PDF).&nbsp; Let me worry about that
      <li>Simply email me (Ron Burkey &lt;info@sandroid.org&gt;) the
        finished PDF or a zipfile of the JPGs or TIFFs ... or send them
        as a tarball or a rar archive, or using whatever archiving
        method pleases you.<br>
    <a href="FredsDocs.jpg"><img alt="" title="Click to enlarge"
        src="FredsDocs-small.jpg" style="border: 2px solid ; width:
        432px; height: 323px;" width="432" height="323" align="right"></a>On
    the other hand, let's suppose
    that you're lucky enough to have a <span style="font-style:
      italic;">lot</span> of Apollo materials, and you
    recognize that the simplistic scheme mentioned above is going to
    take <span style="font-style: italic;">forever</span> to
    accomplish.&nbsp; In that case, you need to put a little more
    thought ... and possibly money ... into the digitization.&nbsp;
    If money is the obstacle, contact me and I can probably defray
    In the photo at right, which you can click to enlarge if you'd
    like to admire it, is a stack of documents sent to me by original
    AGC developer Fred Martin.&nbsp; The large pale-green document in
    front is the AGC program listing of Apollo 8; it's about 1600
    pages of 11"×15" fanfold paper.&nbsp; Behind it, the brown
    document in two volumes is the Command Module AGC program listing
    of Apollo 9; it's about 1700 8"×10.5" double-sided pages,&nbsp;
    with an easy-to remove binder.&nbsp; Next to that is a collection
    of miscellaneous documents—the top document being a portion of
    the Apollo 10 GSOP—perhaps another 1500 pages of 8.5"×11"
    double-sized pages, with either easy-to-remove bindings or
    staples.&nbsp; That's a stack of documents that you'd be lucky to
    have, but which would certainly be far beyond the capabilities
    that most people have at their disposal for digitization of
    documents or images in any reasonable amount of time and
    In a case like this, I'd usually just recommend <a
      href="#Getting_Us_To_Do_It_For_You">letting us do the digitization
      you</a>, and of course that's exactly what Fred did.&nbsp; But
    perhaps you've got more time at your disposal and are keener to
    volunteer the time and energy to do the digitizations as a
    do-it-yourself project?&nbsp; What then?&nbsp; (By the way, Fred
    helped write the software and then preserved it for 40 years, so
    that's enough expenditure of time and energy as far as I'm
    concerned.&nbsp; Thanks, Fred!)&nbsp; I don't know that I can
    really give any definitive advice, but I can show you what I did,
    and that may at least serve as a guide to whether you want to do
    it or not.<br>
    <h2><a name="A_Note_on_File_Formats"></a>A Note on File Formats ...
      If You Care<br>
    <p>I've gotten some flack for suggesting in some of my
      recommendations below that JPG is a good file format for
      preserving the scanned images of these documents.&nbsp; The
      complaint is that JPG is a "lossy" storage format, while some
      other file formats like PNG or TIFF are "lossless".&nbsp; For a
      digital camera, an image in RAW format is even better than PNG or
      TIFF, since in addition to being lossless it facilitates certain
      types of image post-processing that PNG or TIFF do not.<br>
    <p>What that means is that while PNG doesn't degrade the imagery,
      JPG does degrade them ... but probably not in any way that is
      perceptible.&nbsp; In other words, lossless is GOOD, and lossy is
      BAD, but not <i>terribly</i> bad.<br>
    <p>The problem is that the lossless PNGs may in some cases be
      incredibly larger than JPGs of the same source material.&nbsp; For
      example, consider <a
        AGC program listing of the SOLARIUM program</a>, used on the
      unmanned Apollo 4 and Apollo 6 missions.&nbsp; JPGs of the
      individual pages of this program listing are around 6 MB each,
      while PNGs and TIFFs of the same pages are around 45 MB and 50 MB
      each.&nbsp; And while the JPGs are (in a theoretical sense)
      certainly degraded, you can display the JPG right next to the PNG
      and zoom in to any magnification you care to use, and will never
      be able to <i>see</i> that degradation with the naked eye.&nbsp;
      On the other hand, if the document you want to scan is very
      clearly sharp black print on clean white paper, then there won't
      be too much size penalty in using PNG rather than JPG.&nbsp;
      Indeed, the PNGs may even be <i>smaller</i> than the JPGs. <br>
    <p>So my general recommendation is that <i>if you have the option
        of choosing the storage format of your images</i>, and <i>if
        PNG images aren't too much bigger than JPG</i>, then by all
      means use PNG.&nbsp; Otherwise use JPG.&nbsp; (And if your
      equipment produces JPGs, <i>leave them as JPGs</i>; converting a
      JPG to PNG after it has been created is of no use at all, since
      any data loss will already have occurred at the time the images
      were created.)</p>
    <h2><a name="My_Current_Recommendation"></a>My Current Scanner
    <img src="overheadScanner.jpg" alt="" width="249" height="247"
      align="left">If money is no object, the best current solution is
    to use what's known as an "overhead scanner" or "book
    scanner".&nbsp; That's a device that allows the document or printout
    to lay flat on a desk or table-top, with the built-in camera
    pointing straight down at it.<br>
    When I say "money is no object", I don't mean that these devices are
    necessary terribly expensive — though "expense" is obviously
    subjective — but merely that not everyone has one sitting around the
    house already.&nbsp; And not everyone feels like spending money to
    make scans for somebody else!<br>
    At any rate, if you have one of these, or access to one, it's the
    best way to go.&nbsp; If, for example, you pay to have the Internet
    Archive scan material for you, this is the kind of device they use,
    albeit a much fancier and more-expensive one than the kind somebody
    like me uses (as seen in the photo at left).&nbsp; Book scanners
    have the great advantage of being very fast and simple to use, being
    absolutely non-destructive to the material being scanned, and
    typically come with software that "flattens" the imagery so that you
    don't have to take a lot of pains to squash the material flat.&nbsp;
    All of the document digitization I've done in the last couple of
    years has been done with a device of this type.<br>
    <a href="LVDC.html#Evolution_of_the_Flight_Software">The last Apollo
      fanfold program listing I scanned</a> was also done with a book
    scanner, though admittedly when scanning a fanfold listing it helps
    to augment the setup with a bit of extra do-it-yourself
    rigging.&nbsp; For example, I threw together a stand to support the
    scanner a little above the top of the desk, so that I could feed the
    pages through, onto the black pad, <i>underneath</i> the
    scanner.&nbsp; If anyone's interested in the details of that, drop
    me a line and I'll write up a more-detailed description, with some
    But as I say, most people are not in the position to use this
    recommendation, since they may have a digital camera or a cheap
    flatbed scanner sitting around, but don't have a book scanner.&nbsp;
    If so, the following sections have my older recommendations on the
    subject.&nbsp; There are really two different cases, and they need
    to be handled
    completely differently.&nbsp; The methods used for one aren't
    suitable for the other, or at least not without some
    re-imaginings ... which is to say, not without some ideas that
    have occurred to me but which I haven't actually tried
    myself.&nbsp; The two different cases are:<br>
      <li><a href="#Digitizing_a_Fanfold_Computer_Printout">Fanfold
          computer printouts</a>, generally (but not always) software
      <li><a href="#Digitizing_a_Normal_Document">"Normal"
          documents</a> consisting of stacks of separate pages.</li>
    <h2><a name="Digitizing_a_Fanfold_Computer_Printout"
        id="Digitizing_a_Fanfold_Computer_Printout"></a>My Old
      Recommendation:&nbsp; Digitizing a Fanfold
      Computer Printout</h2>
    A computer printout of an AGC program
    listing will typically be on oversized (11"×15") fanfold
    paper.&nbsp; In most cases, it will be on extraordinarily thin,
    floppy white paper with black lines, although in some cases the
    computer paper has green and orange bands on it.&nbsp; All of
    these points make such a listing difficult to deal with.<br>
    First, as a theoretical proposition, it might be possible to scan
    such a document using a tabloid-sized (11"×17") flatbed scanner,
    and very carefully (so as not to tear the pages apart) slide the
    pages across the scanner one at a time.&nbsp; If you did so, I
    dare say the results would be exceptional, and would be far
    better than the method I'm actually going to recommend
    using.&nbsp; I have such a scanner myself, but the scanner itself
    is so poor and so slow that it would be unthinkable to actually
    use it.&nbsp; Aside from price, the problem is <span
      style="font-style: italic;">speed</span>.&nbsp; So if you were to
    purchase such a scanner, you find that it was unusable if it took
    (say) 1 minute to scan each page.&nbsp; Most scanner models do
    not give you a specification for the scanning speed, and that
    usually means slow ... slow ... slow.&nbsp; If you have occasion
    to try this approach let me know the details (including the
    scanner model) and how well it worked out.&nbsp; At the present
    time, not having tried this approach myself, I'd probably
    recommend the Epson GT-20000 ($1500) scanner.<br>
    But putting talk of scanners aside, the method <span
      style="font-style: italic;">we</span> have used at Virtual AGC
    friends is a digital camera.&nbsp; A digital-camera setup was
    used for obtaining images of AGC software for <a
      4</a>, <a href="ScansForConversion/Colossus237/">Apollo
      8</a>, <a href="ScansForConversion/Comanche055/">Apollo
      11 CM</a>, <a href="ScansForConversion/Luminary099/">Apollo
      11 LM</a>, and <a href="ScansForConversion/Artemis072/">Apollo
      15-17 CM</a>.&nbsp; If you actually look at the images so
    achieved, you may not be impressed with the quality.&nbsp;
    Indeed, those images are not even the raw images from the
    cameras, but were post-processed to make them look better!&nbsp;
    But realize that the goal was not be able to make an image that
    you could print out that would be indistinguishable from the
    original hardcopy.&nbsp; Rather, the goal was to achieve
    <span style="font-style: italic;">legible text</span>, with
    <span style="font-style: italic;">minimal document wear</span>,
    and a <span style="font-style: italic;">reasonable expenditure of
      time</span>.&nbsp; And I think a reasonable compromise has been
    achieved between those goals.&nbsp; If your goal is to make
    something indistinguishable from the original, go back to the
    last paragraph and think about scanners again.<br>
    One great advantage of the digital camera approach is that the
    equipment cost is very cheap, since most people have an
    acceptable camera already, or else can purchase one for a very
    modest cost.&nbsp; How good a camera is needed?&nbsp; As you'll
    discern from the following table, the "features" that most people
    would choose a camera for are not necessarily good for
    <span style="font-style: italic;">our</span> purposes.&nbsp; The
    best camera for the job may well be the one in which you can turn
    off the most "features".&nbsp; Fancy optics and what-not?&nbsp;
    Forget them, as they'll not help you one bit for the
    <table summary="" style="text-align: left; width: 100%;"
      cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="1">
          <th style="vertical-align: top; font-weight: bold;">The
            Ideal Camera<br>
          <th style="vertical-align: top; font-weight: bold;">
            Minimally Acceptable Camera<br>
          <td style="vertical-align: top;">
              <li>5 megapixels or greater</li>
              <li>AC adapter to run from 120V rather than from
              <li>Manual mode in which auto-focus can be turned
                <span style="font-style: italic;">off</span></li>
              <li>Means of setting the white-balance as desired</li>
              <li>Means of setting the exposure as desired</li>
              <li>2-3 exposures per second.<br>
              <li>16 GB or greater storage—for example, 16 GB SDHC
                card—accessible without unmounting the camera from the
              <li>USB 2.0 interface, accessible without unmounting
                the camera from the tripod.<br>
              <li>Remote control</li>
          <td style="vertical-align: top;">
              <li>4 megapixels or greater</li>
            Examples:&nbsp; practically any new camera in the
            $100-200 range.<br>
    Most of the criteria listed for the "ideal camera" are really
    productivity features that allow you to attain a better rate of
    speed in the photography.&nbsp; The best sustained rate it is
    possible to achieve using the method I'll describe is around 8-10
    seconds per page, allowing an entire AGC listing to be
    photographed in about 5 hours.&nbsp; Any productivity feature
    that is lacking makes the process take longer, although there are
    tradeoffs between some of the features so that if you have one of
    the features you might not need some of the others.&nbsp; The
    remaining criteria are for the purpose of maintaining
    shot-to-shot consistency, but obviously the importance of that is
    The cheapest known example of a camera having all of the features
    (at least as options) listed above is the Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1,
    which presently (8/2009) costs around $800.&nbsp; I have also
    used the Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ5, which is an older, now
    obsoleted, less expensive ($350) camera that lacks several of the
    productivity features mentioned above.&nbsp; Both were very
    acceptable.&nbsp; The better camera produced better results, but
    that may be because of improvement in my understanding of white
    balance more than any other factor.&nbsp; However, working
    without the productivity features made the work go much more
    slowly with the older camera, particularly in so far as
    extracting the photos from the camera was concerned.<br>
    Let's go through the criteria one-by-one to understand whether or
    not they'll be important to you:<br>
      <li>5 megapixels or greater—You may think that the more pixels
        the better.&nbsp; Well, yes, that's obviously true.&nbsp; The
        higher the resolution you want to use, the happier we'll be to
        get them.&nbsp; But the images are presently crunched down to
        about 1400×1000 pixels for publication online, so most of the
        pixels from even a 4 megapixel image are going to be thrown
        away.&nbsp; The advantage of using 5 megapixels as opposed to
        (say) 3 megapixels is that you don't have to worry as much
        about getting an optimal zoom-in when you're setting up for the
        shoot.&nbsp; We'll crop off anything we don't like before we
        publish the images anyway, so you might as well leave a little
        margin around the page when you take the photographs.</li>
      <li>Tripod-mountable—Self-explanatory, I think.</li>
      <li>AC adapter rather than batteries—You're going to take about
        3500 shots for a typical AGC program listing.&nbsp; A typical
        camera's batteries may give you 200-500 shots.&nbsp; Obviously
        you can recharge batteries and change them periodically.&nbsp;
        This requires a lot of extra time, but more importantly it
        requires you to remove the camera from the tripod and to lose
        any setups such as zooms you've made.&nbsp; The re-setup after
        the battery has been replaced takes time, and you won't be able
        to do it exactly the same every time, so different blocks of
        pages will be inconsistent in size, lighting, angle, etc., with
        each other.</li>
      <li>Auto-focus off—Auto-focus takes extra time on every shot,
        but it also means that each shot will be different in
        appearance, since the focus will be done a little
        differently.&nbsp; With a cheap camera, most shots will be
        in-focus, but some of them will be out of focus, and you won't
        know that until you review the images later.&nbsp; It's better
        to set up the focus once and to keep using it that
      <li>White-balance—Setting the white balance allows you to
        compensate for the color of the lighting used, such as natural
        light vs. incandescent lights.&nbsp; You may think that this
        doesn't matter—I know that <span style="font-style: italic;">I</span>
        did—but it affects the color of
        the page background, and that in turn affects the ability to
        post-process it easily, which in turn affects the final
        contrast of the posted images.&nbsp; So if the white-balance
        isn't compensated properly, the background will be darker than
        it needs to be and the text will be lighter than it needs to
      <li>Exposure—Same problem as with auto-focus, except that it
        usually expresses itself in an inconsistency in brightness from
        page to page.&nbsp; Often the even pages will be at a different
        brightness than odd pages.</li>
      <li>2-3 exposures per second—In the method I'll suggest using,
        most of <span style="font-style: italic;">your</span> time is
        spent in manually changing from one page to the next.&nbsp;
        Taking 2 or 3 shots of each page takes little more time than
        taking a single shot, but greatly lowers the odds that you'll
        have to go back later (after reviewing the images) and reshoot
        any of the pages.</li>
      <li>16 GB or greater storage—For an AGC listing, the
        recommended method will require just over 8 GB if two shots are
        made of every page, and just under 16 GB if three shots are
        made.&nbsp; If the camera has a great enough capacity to store
        the entire shoot, it saves the time of stopping in the middle
        of a shoot to download images and/or to re-setup after changing
        SD cards.</li>
      <li>USB 2.0—Actually, the 16 GB criterion and the USB 2.0
        criterion are really mutually exclusive, in that you don't have
        as much need for the one if you have the other.&nbsp; The point
        of the USB 2.0 interface is that if you don't have big enough
        internal storage in the camera to hold the entire shoot, you
        can download whenever the camera fills up without having to
        take the camera off of the tripod and do a re-setup
        afterward.&nbsp; USB 1.0 is workable, but (for example) takes
        about 40 minutes to download from a 2 GB SD card, so it adds
        something like 50% to the total photography time just for the
        downloads.&nbsp; In contrast, the download time using USB 2.0
        is negligible.&nbsp; Similarly, if the SD cards can be removed
        without having to remove the camera from the tripod, then USB
        might not be needed at all.<br>
      <li>Remote control—This is really just a nice-to-have.&nbsp;
        With the method we're going to recommend it's not really
        needed, it's very nice to have.&nbsp; It allows you to work
        without touching the camera, which means that a much
        lighter-weight tripod can be used (good for the pocket-book and
        very good if you have to carry it around) and that you don't
        have to worry so much about bumping the camera as you move
    Now, what will you need in order take the pictures?<br>
      <li>The camera, of course.</li>
      <li>A tripod—by which I mean a regular tripod, not a table
        tripod.&nbsp; A heavier, sturdier tripod is better, but on my
        last shoot I used a sleazy tripod that Circuit City gave me for
        free with my camcorder.&nbsp; And if you have a remote control,
        the quality of the tripod doesn't matter at all.<br>
      <li>A table.</li>
      <li>2-3 60W lamps ... maybe.&nbsp; Depending on the ambient
        lighting and how well you are able to configure you camera, you
        may not even want to use any extra lighting at all.<br>
      <li>A few pages of white paper.</li>
      <li>Some scotch tape.<br>
      <li>Some books.</li>
      <li>A moving box.</li>
    What?&nbsp; Some books?&nbsp; A moving box?&nbsp; You'll
    understand in a moment.<br>
    First, let me show you the setup I actually use, which will be a
    little different than yours (no moving box!), because a friend
    has been kind enough to create a special-purpose copy-stand for
    me.&nbsp; What you see in the photos below, which you can click
    to enlarge if you like, is a table with my laptop computer and
    the white custom-built copy-stand I mentioned on it.&nbsp;
    Perhaps 6 feet in front of the table—the exact distance isn't
    critical—is a tripod with the camera on top of it and two lamps
    clipped to the sides of it.&nbsp; Because it happens to be a very
    light-weight tripod, and it is atop carpeting, some books have
    been placed underneath the legs of the tripod to hopfully reduce
    settling and vibration.&nbsp; The various cables you see are the
    power cords of the computer, the camera, and the lights, and the
    USB cable (going through several extensions) from the camera to
    the laptop computer.&nbsp; The fanfold printout, for what it's
    worth, is the Apollo 8 AGC program listing.&nbsp; At the
    beginning of the photo shoot, it was completely on the floor, but
    at this point I've already advanced one page at a time through
    perhaps 1200 pages, and the pages that have already been
    photographed are stacked up behind the page being
    <table summary="" style="text-align: left; width: 100%;"
      cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0">
          <td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"><a
              href="CameraSetup.jpg"><img alt="" title="Click to
                enlarge" src="CameraSetup-small.jpg" style="border: 0px
                solid ; width: 520px; height: 338px;" width="520"
          <td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"><a
              href="CameraSetup2.jpg"><img alt="" title="Click to
                enlarge" src="CameraSetup2-small.jpg" style="border: 2px
                solid ; width: 204px; height: 338px;" width="204"
          <td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: center;"><a
              href="CameraSetup3.jpg"><img alt="" title="Click to
                enlarge" src="CameraSetup3-small.jpg" style="border: 2px
                solid ; width: 288px; height: 338px;" width="288"
    There are a few of important points to note that may not be clear
    from the photographs:<br>
      <li>The binder holding the program listing had to be removed
        for this process to work.&nbsp; It was put back on
        afterward.&nbsp; The program listing suffers no damage whatever
        from either the binder removal or from the photography if
        you're careful.<br>
      <li>The lamps clamped to the camera tripod are simply normal
        lamps—not special photographic equipment—that just happen to
        have clamps rather than supporting bases.&nbsp; I rely on
        ambient lighting along with these lamps.&nbsp; The lamps cost
        me $10 apiece at Target.&nbsp; Floor-standing lamps would work
        also, but note that we're trying to get the lighting as even as
        possible across the page being photographed, and the more
        oblique the light the less even it will be.&nbsp; Also, as
        you'll see in a moment, you may have to be careful with
        floor-standing models to keep from knocking them over.&nbsp; I
        happen to be using 60W-equivalent compact flourescent bulbs
        rather than actual 60W incandescent bulbs, simply because it's
        not as hot that way.&nbsp; As I mentioned above, you may not
        even want the extra lighting at all, and in my most-recent
        shoot (<a href="ScansForConversion/Colossus237">Colossus
          237</a>) I did not use them.&nbsp; <span style="font-style:
          italic;">Don't</span> be fooled into thinking that
        because the page background is gray rather than white you need
        more lights!&nbsp;<br>
      <li>The copy-stand is at a slight angle from vertical, and the
        camera is actually angled downward a little to be at
        right-angles to the copy-stand.&nbsp; This angling
        unfortunately limits the distance between the copy-stand and
        the camera—in other words, you can't get the camera very far
        away—but it has the important purpose of helping the printout
        to lay flat against the copy stand.&nbsp; If the copy-stand
        were vertical, the paper would have a tendency to waft around
        in every little breeze, not only causing the pages to be in
        motion, but also for there to be a shadow-casting gap between
        the paper and the copy-stand.</li>
      <li>The perforated edge between printout pages is placed
        exactly at the top of the copy-stand, which is something that
        can be done very quickly and accurately when advancing the
      <li>There is a small mark drawn on the copy-stand to show where
        the edge of the paper is supposed to go, and it's very easy to
        align the paper with this mark.<br>
      <li><span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">But
          most important of all</span>, to take a picture you have to
        press the camera button <span style="font-style: italic;">downward</span>,
        which is the direction
        in which the tripod support provides the greatest stability, so
        there is very little camera motion when you press the
        button.&nbsp; That means that while a remote control would be
        nice, it is not <span style="font-style: italic;">needed</span>.&nbsp;
        When people talk
        about using a digital camera to photograph documents, they
        normally think of the document as laying flat on a table and
        the camera looking down from above.&nbsp; This has many
        disadvantages compared to the scheme I'm advocating, but the
        principal disadvantage is that the camera would be at right
        angles to the tripod, which is a very unstable setup, prone to
        a lot of camera movement, when the camera button is
        pressed.&nbsp; If you have a remote control for the camera,
        this factor isn't important at all, but the vertical
        arrangement of the paper still allows easier paper movement
        than a horizontal arrangement.<br>
    Even though I don't appear in the pictures at all, the
    technique is very simple:&nbsp; I step forward and move the paper
    up by one page, aligning it properly, then I step back out of the
    light and press the camera button.&nbsp; Then repeat.&nbsp; I
    suggest taking 2-3 pictures for each page, since it takes 6-7
    seconds to advance the paper and only a second to take the
    picture, so (timewise) extra pictures are essentially free.&nbsp;
    I'd also suggest doing a test run of 50 pages or so to make sure
    you're doing it right before photographing 1700 pages!<br>
    For the camera setup:<br>
      <li>If you have a choice of file formats (TIFF, JPG, etc.), I'd
        recommend using JPG.</li>
      <li>If you have a choice of image quality, choose whatever
        format gives you JPG images that are roughly in the range of
        1.5-2.5 megabytes.&nbsp; This doesn't have to be very
      <li>If you have a choice of turning auto-focus OFF, do
        so.&nbsp; Focus the camera once, at the beginning of the shoot,
        an let it focussed the same way throughout.</li>
      <li>If you have a choice of white-balance and exposure,
        experiment a little until you get some test shots that look
        good to you.</li>
      <li>Turn off the flash.</li>
      <li>... and if you know anything about photography—I sure
        don't!—you'll undoubtedly figure out some other
        improvements.&nbsp; Just remember, though, if you spend 20
        hours experimenting for a 5-hour shoot, and you don't have more
        of the same kind of thing to photograph in the future, you may
        be overthinking it!<br>
    Now of course, you probably don't have a custom-built copy
    stand.&nbsp; The custom-built copy-stand is great for me because
    it folds up and is light-weight, and I usually have to travel to
    take these photos, but you can get results of just as high
    quality without it.&nbsp; What you do is to take a sturdy
    cardboard box, and place it where the copy-stand would have been,
    at the edge of the table.&nbsp; Put a book under the front edge
    of the box to tilt it a little.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Fill the box
    with books or other weights so that it won't move around.&nbsp;
    Tape some white paper at the front to make the front surface of
    the box white.&nbsp; Make a mark on the white paper to show where
    the edge of the printout is supposed to go.&nbsp; Voila!&nbsp;
    Instant, cheap copy-stand!&nbsp; I have taken hundreds of photos
    using this exact moving box :), and believe me that the quality
    of the photos is identical to what they are with the fancy
    <div style="text-align: center;"><img style="width: 600px; height:
        449px;" alt="" src="VoilaMovingBox.jpg" width="600" height="449"></div>
    When you're all done photographing—or before, if you're insecure
    :)—pull the photos from the camera into your computer, and step
    through them to see that you have at least one legible picture
    from every page, then <a
      href="#Getting_the_Digitized_Documents_To_Us">send them to me</a>.<br>
    <h2><a name="Digitizing_a_Normal_Document"
        id="Digitizing_a_Normal_Document"></a>My Old
      Recommendation:&nbsp; Digitizing a Normal
    A "normal" document that is just a stack of pages in
    a binder requires a very different technique than a fanfold
    document such as a program listing, and depending on the
    equipment at your disposal may be very much faster to digitize or
    very much slower.&nbsp; Several digitizing methods are discussed
    below.&nbsp; Understand that no matter what method you use to
    digitize the document, you are going to be better off removing
    its binder and restoring it afterward than trying to digitize
    with the binder in place.&nbsp; In the three sub-sections below,
    you should be able to determine relatively quickly if you can use
    that method or not, therefore quickly move to the next section if
    need be.<br>
    <h3><a name="The_Convenient_Way" id="The_Convenient_Way"></a>The
      Convenient Way</h3>
    The most convenient way to digitize a normal
    document, if you have the equipment at your disposal to do so, is
    to use a scanner with an automatic document feeder (ADF).&nbsp;
    It's also the priciest method if you have to purchase the
    equipment yourself, but many workplaces have suitable equipment
    available if they will allow you to use it.&nbsp; If the
    documents you are digitizing don't belong to you, you may not be
    <span style="font-style: italic;">allowed</span> to use a
    document feeder.&nbsp; For example, the National Archives was
    fine with me wanting to scan documents on a flatbed scanner, but
    had rules against automatic document feeders.&nbsp; At any rate,
    if you don't have access to such a scanner, or wouldn't be
    allowed to use it, advance to the next section.<br>
    I do enough document scans that I actually thought it was worth
    my while to purchase a fairly high-end scanner, an Epson
    WorkForce Pro GT-S80.&nbsp; This gadget has a 75-page feeder, can
    pull through 40 pages per minute, and can scan both sides of the
    page at once (so that it effectively scans 80 pages per
    minute).&nbsp; It's not cheap.&nbsp; On the other hand, I also
    have an HP R60 multi-function device (printer/scanner/fax) with a
    25-page feeder, that can probably pull and scan 1-2 pages per
    minute.&nbsp; It wasn't cheap, either.&nbsp; So there's a very
    wide range of performance, and none of it is cheap.&nbsp; But of
    course, if there's a document feeder the digitization process can
    run unattended and it doesn't really use up any of your time,
    regardless of the speed.<br>
    Most scanners do not specify a scanning speed, and with good
    reason ... they're very, very slow.&nbsp; The reason for this is
    that scanners for personal use are basically optimized for
    scanning a small number of photographs at very high quality, as
    opposed to a very high volume of documents at fairly low
    quality.&nbsp; Scanners which are optimized for the latter are
    identified by the buzzword "document scanner" as opposed simply
    to "scanner".&nbsp; Document scanners are optimized for 200 dpi
    black&amp;white scanning, and the speed specification relates to
    a 200 dpi b&amp;w configuration.&nbsp; That's the setting I
    typically use myself, except in rare cases of very small
    Other than the price, the only real drawback of the scanner with
    ADF is that there is a very small chance of a paper jam that
    could conceivably damage your document.&nbsp; (That was the
    reason for the National Archives' rule against ADF.)&nbsp; Having
    scanned many thousands of pages using ADFs, I don't believe
    that's something to worry about, but it's something you might
    want to test out by scanning dummy documents before scanning real
    documents.&nbsp; A lesser drawback with a very fast machine (such
    as my scanner) is that it scans the pages so fast that there can
    be a pretty big variation in the alignment of the pages.&nbsp;
    <h3><a name="The_Safest_Way" id="The_Safest_Way"></a>The Safest
    If a scanner with ADF can't be used, a flatbed scanner
    may be the next-best option.&nbsp; I call it the "safest way",
    but I don't really believe it's any safer than ADF since humans
    are no more perfect at handling paper than machines are.&nbsp;
    The principal difficulty with a flatbed scanner is, as described
    in some detail in the prior section, that they are typically
    very, very slow.&nbsp; For example, scanning a single page might
    take 45 seconds.&nbsp; Without an ADF, that 45 seconds, times
    however many pages there are, comes right out of your lifespan
    and probably won't be replaced, karma notwithstanding.<br>
    The irony is that old scanners which provided a mere 150-600 dpi
    rather than the modern photographic thousands of dpi were often
    much faster.&nbsp; With my old HP ScanJet 2C that's over ten
    years old, I can sustain a throughput of about 10 seconds per
    scan at 200 dpi b&amp;w.&nbsp; I used this method for scanning
    many thousands of pages at the National Archives.<br>
    At any rate, you can figure it out for yourself whether the
    flatbed will work for you.&nbsp; Scan a few pages, time it,
    extrapolate to see how long it will take to do the entire job,
    and then decide if that fits into a reasonable budget.<br>
    <h3><a name="A_Re-Imagining" id="A_Re-Imagining"></a>A
    One thing I <span style="font-style: italic;">haven't</span> tried,
    but which may be
    worth considering is to use a variation of the <a
      href="#Digitizing_a_Fanfold_Computer_Printout">digital camera
      methodology</a> described earlier for fanfold printouts.&nbsp; If
    the same method was used, except that a lip or clip or magnets or
    some other trick was added to added to allow the copy-stand to
    hold a single page at a time, you could probably digitize
    documents at a rate of about 10 seconds per page.&nbsp; But as I
    say, it has never been tried, that I know of.<br>
    <h2><a name="Getting_the_Digitized_Documents_To_Us"
        id="Getting_the_Digitized_Documents_To_Us"></a>Getting the
      Documents To Us<br>
    The size, in bytes, of document scans or
    photographs is typically quite large.&nbsp; If you can package
    your scans in small chunks—say, 10-20 megabyte zipfiles—you may
    be able to email them to me one at a time.&nbsp;<br>
    Another very good option is to use an online storage space such as <a
      href="https://drive.google.com">Google Drive</a> or <a
      href="https://www.dropbox.com">Dropbox</a> to store the images,
    and then just send me a link to them.<br>
    You can also physically mail me DVDs or USB keys with
    the data on them.&nbsp; Inquire by email for a physical shipping
    address.&nbsp; Make sure you have backups of any data you send,
    in case the ones being shipped are lost in transit!&nbsp; I'd
    prefer not returning the DVDs or USB keys to you.&nbsp; If you
    need shipping expenses or the cost of DVD-R or USB keys to be
    defrayed, let me know the total amount and the method by which
    you'd like the money sent to you.<br>
    <h2><a name="Getting_Us_To_Do_It_For_You"
        id="Getting_Us_To_Do_It_For_You"></a>Getting Us To Do It For
    There are two basic possibilities for getting me to
    do the digitizing for you, as follows:<br>
      <li><a href="http://www.wingsmuseum.org/"><img alt=""
            src="WingsOverTheRockies.gif" style="border: 2px solid ;
            width: 134px; height: 309px;" width="134" height="309"
            align="right"></a>If you ship documents or
        AGC program listings to me, I will digitize any that aren't
        already online, and then return the originals to you—or to a
        museum, if you would prefer.&nbsp; Inquire by email about a
        physical shipping address.&nbsp; I can defray the shipping
        cost, if requested.</li>
      <li>I can come to your location to perform the
        digitization.&nbsp; However, I am only willing to do this if
        the benefit is very great, and if you are willing for me to use
        the digitization methods I've outlined on this web-page.&nbsp;
        As far as I know, the only cases in which <span
          style="font-style: italic;">I</span> would consider the
        benefit very
        great are:&nbsp; you have previously-unavailable program
        listings for AGC, AGS, or LVDC; or, you have a <span
          style="font-style: italic;">large quantity</span> (thousands
        pages) of previously unavailable documents.&nbsp; This is not
        to say that I think small documents aren't valuable, just that
        my time, safety, and convenience have value as well.&nbsp;
        Besides, if I came to your location it would have to be
        something that was scheduled months in advance.<br>
    <div style="text-align: center;">
      <div style="text-align: left;">
        As far as the notion of donating to a museum is concerned, if
        you were interested I'm presently recommending the Research
        Library of the Wings Over the Rockies Air &amp; Space Museum
        in Denver.&nbsp; In general a research library is probably
        preferable to a museum as such, since documents have very
        little sex appeal when considered as display items, but may
        be profitably viewed for research if properly
        supervised.&nbsp; The Virtual AGC project has no affiliation
        with the museum, but has received very significant help from
        the Research Library in the past, and that is the basis for
        my recommendation.&nbsp; Obviously, there are many other fine
        institutions which deserve consideration as well, if you have
        some personal preferences in that regard.<br>
        Sadly, an important point to consider about shipping
        documents, is that there is a non-zero probability that they
        will be lost in transit, even if they are shipped by the
        safest feasible means.&nbsp; The most popular methods of
        shipping in the U.S.—namely FedEx, UPS, and the USPS—do not
        publish their shipping-loss rates.&nbsp; If you google this
        question, you'll find any number of meaningless personal
        rants about lost packages, demonstrating that one or more of
        these shippers are terrible.&nbsp; However, somebody got the
        bright idea of looking at the insurance rates being charged,
        and estimating the loss rates from the insurance
        charges.&nbsp; On this basis, one can conclude that FedEx and
        UPS are roughly equivalent to each other, and that either of
        them is perhaps twice as good as the USPS.&nbsp; Alarmingly,
        though, the package-loss rate would appear to be on the order
        of 1%.&nbsp; By "on the order of", I don't mean exactly 1%;
        perhaps it is 2% or 0.5%.&nbsp; But it is probably less than
        10% and greater than 0.1%.&nbsp; (Figure it out for
        yourself:&nbsp; FedEx and UPS charge something like $0.32 per
        each $100 of insurance.&nbsp; So they must expect something
        like a 0.3% loss.)<br>
        Now, when you're shipping a commercial item the loss rate
        doesn't really matter, because if you insured the object
        properly then in the worst case all you have to do is to
        order another one.&nbsp; But when you're shipping a
        one-of-a-kind object, you can't just order up a new
        one.&nbsp; No amount of insurance can compensate for the
        loss.&nbsp; So that's something you'll want to consider if
        you decide to ship your documents to me.<br>
        And speaking of insurance, how much is reasonable?&nbsp;
        Well, recent activity on eBay suggests that a typical Apollo
        Program document may be worth about $300, so that's the
        number I'll arbitrarily use when shipping items back to you
        unless instructed otherwise.<br>
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