Raw File
Tip revision: a79f9aeb6de046ca12210d26317fab59c175d0dd authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 08 July 2014, 09:43:21 UTC
Fix bug w.r.t. _tools presence detection.
Tip revision: a79f9ae
(* Copyright (c) - 2012-2014 - IMDEA Software Institute and INRIA
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcSymbols
open EcPath
open EcTypes

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* LvMap (op, m, x, ty)
 * - op is the map-set operator
 * - m  is the map to be updated
 * - x  is the index to update
 * - ty is the type of the value [m] *)
type lvalue =
  | LvVar   of (EcTypes.prog_var * EcTypes.ty)
  | LvTuple of (EcTypes.prog_var * EcTypes.ty) list
  | LvMap   of (EcPath.path * EcTypes.ty list) *
                  EcTypes.prog_var * EcTypes.expr * EcTypes.ty

val lv_equal : lvalue -> lvalue -> bool
val symbol_of_lv : lvalue -> symbol
val ty_of_lv : lvalue -> EcTypes.ty

(* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type instr = private {
  i_node : instr_node;
  i_fv   : int EcIdent.Mid.t;
  i_tag  : int;

and instr_node =
  | Sasgn     of lvalue * EcTypes.expr
  | Srnd      of lvalue * EcTypes.expr
  | Scall     of lvalue option * EcPath.xpath * EcTypes.expr list
  | Sif       of EcTypes.expr * stmt * stmt
  | Swhile    of EcTypes.expr * stmt
  | Sassert   of EcTypes.expr
  | Sabstract of EcIdent.t

and stmt = private {
  s_node : instr list;
  s_fv   : int EcIdent.Mid.t;
  s_tag  : int;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val i_equal   : instr -> instr -> bool
val i_compare : instr -> instr -> int
val i_hash    : instr -> int
val i_fv      : instr -> int EcIdent.Mid.t
val i_node    : instr -> instr_node

val s_equal   : stmt -> stmt -> bool
val s_compare : stmt -> stmt -> int
val s_hash    : stmt -> int
val s_fv      : stmt -> int EcIdent.Mid.t
val s_subst   : e_subst -> stmt -> stmt

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val i_asgn    : lvalue * expr -> instr
val i_rnd     : lvalue * expr -> instr
val i_call    : lvalue option * xpath * expr list -> instr
val i_if      : expr * stmt * stmt -> instr
val i_while   : expr * stmt -> instr
val i_assert  : expr -> instr
val i_abstract : EcIdent.t -> instr

val s_seq     : stmt -> stmt -> stmt

val stmt : instr list -> stmt
(* [rstmt l] is stmt (List.rev l) *)
val rstmt : instr list -> stmt

val s_split : int -> stmt -> instr list * instr list

(* the following functions raise Not_found if the argument does not match *)
val destr_asgn   : instr -> lvalue * expr
val destr_rnd    : instr -> lvalue * expr
val destr_call   : instr -> lvalue option * xpath * expr list
val destr_if     : instr -> expr * stmt * stmt
val destr_while  : instr -> expr * stmt
val destr_assert : instr -> expr

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type variable = {
  v_name : symbol;
  v_type : EcTypes.ty;

type funsig = {
  fs_name   : symbol;
  fs_arg    : EcTypes.ty;
  fs_anames : variable list option;
  fs_ret    : EcTypes.ty;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* An oracle in a function provided by a module parameter of a functor *)

type module_type = {                   (* Always in eta-normal form *)
  mt_params : (EcIdent.t * module_type) list;
  mt_name   : EcPath.path;
  mt_args   : EcPath.mpath list;

(* [oi_calls]: The list of oracle that can be called
 * [oi_in]: true if equality of globals is required to ensure
 * equality of result and globals
type oracle_info = {
  oi_calls : xpath list;
  oi_in    : bool;

type module_sig_body_item =
(* oracle_info contain only function provided by the module parameters *)
| Tys_function of funsig * oracle_info

type module_sig_body = module_sig_body_item list

type module_sig = {
  mis_params : (EcIdent.t * module_type) list;
  mis_body   : module_sig_body;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type uses = private {
  us_calls  : xpath list;
  us_reads  : Sx.t;
  us_writes : Sx.t;

val mk_uses : xpath list -> Sx.t -> Sx.t -> uses

type function_def = {
  f_locals : variable list;
  f_body   : stmt;
  f_ret    : EcTypes.expr option;
  f_uses   : uses;

type function_body =
  | FBdef   of function_def
  | FBalias of xpath
  | FBabs   of oracle_info

type function_ = {
  f_name   : symbol;
  f_sig    : funsig;
  f_def    : function_body;

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

type mod_restr = EcPath.Sx.t * EcPath.Sm.t

val mr_equal : mod_restr -> mod_restr -> bool

type module_expr = {
  me_name  : symbol;
  me_body  : module_body;
  me_comps : module_comps;
  me_sig   : module_sig;

and module_body =
  | ME_Alias       of int * EcPath.mpath
                      (* The int represent the number of argument *)
  | ME_Structure   of module_structure
  | ME_Decl        of module_type * mod_restr

(* [ms_vars]: the set of global variables declared by the module and
 * all it submodules.
 * [ms_uses]: the set of external top-level modules used by the module
 * We ensure that these paths lead to defined modules (i.e having
 * ME_structure as body)
and module_structure = {
  ms_body : module_item list;

and module_item =
| MI_Module   of module_expr
| MI_Variable of variable
| MI_Function of function_

and module_comps = module_comps_item list

and module_comps_item = module_item

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val fd_equal : function_def -> function_def -> bool
val fd_hash  : function_def -> int

val mty_subst : (path -> path) -> (mpath -> mpath) -> module_type -> module_type

val mty_equal : module_type -> module_type -> bool
val mty_hash  : module_type -> int
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