Raw File
Tip revision: b2f6358d2679f8a415bd4f01a706fc38b04bc0c5 authored by Martin Schlather on 26 April 2005, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.2.9
Tip revision: b2f6358
#include <math.h>  
#include <stdio.h>  
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "RFsimu.h"
#include "RFCovFcts.h"
#include "MPPFcts.h"
#include <unistd.h>

#include "addownfctns.h"

/* In the following an example is given for an extension of 
   a current implementation of a covariance function.
   If stablelocal and stableS are coded correctly, then
   a stable random field can be generated by Stein's 
   (2002) local circulant embedding method using

   GaussRF(...., model="stable", method="local")

   Probably, newcheckstable should also be changed.


double XXstablelocal(double *x, double *p, int effectivdim) {
  // cf. Stein (2002), "K(r)"
  // and twodimfractalBrownianlocal in RFCovFcts.cc

  assert(false); // to be replaced by the true code

double XXstableS(double *p) {
  // cf. Stein (2002), "c_2"
  // and twodimfractalBrownianS in RFCovFcts.cc

  assert(false);  // to be replaced by the true code


void SetMinDiam(double *x) { 
// to be used for experimental purposes in R by
// .C("SetMinDiam", as.double( *** ))
// if the value is less than or equal to zero, CIRCEMBED_MINDIAMETER 
// will be ignored, see below. Note, that here we have interactions
// between fields size, scale parameter and CIRCEMBED_MINDIAMETER
double stableGetTheta(double *p){
  double theta;
  theta = p[DIAMETER]; //p[DIAMETER] ist der Durchmesser des zu simulierenden
  //                  Feldes in Einheiten des Scalenparameters von 
  //                  GaussRF(..., param(*,*,*,scale))
  } else { 
    if (p[KAPPA]<1.5) {
      if (theta<1.0) theta=1.0; // derzeitige Mindestanforderung, wird man
    //                           vermutlich abmildern koennen
    } else if (p[KAPPA] <= 1.99) {
      if (theta<4.0) theta=4.0;
    } else assert(false); // noch keine Daten vorhanden,
    // diese Weiche ist in newcheckstable abzufangen!
  return theta;

double stablelocal(double *x, double *p, int effectivdim) {
  double tha, theta, y;
  theta = stableGetTheta(p);
  tha = pow(theta, p[KAPPA]);
  y = fabs(*x);
  return (y <= theta) ? 
    (tha * p[KAPPA] * (y * y / theta / theta - 1.0) - 2.0) / (2.0*exp(tha))
    + exp(-pow(y, p[KAPPA])) 
    : 0.0; // irgendwie so aehnlich, bitte ueberpruefen
  // da ich in der Theorie nicht so weit drin bin:
  // stellt die obige Definition die Varianz 1 des Feldes sicher?
  //    wenn nein, muss entsprechende korrigiert werden

double stableS(double *p) {
  double tha;
  // cf. Stein (2002), "c_2"
  // and twodimfractalBrownianS in RFCovFcts.cc
  tha = pow(stableGetTheta(p), p[KAPPA]);
  return p[KAPPA] * tha / (2.0 * exp(tha));

int newcheckstable(double *param, int timespacedim, SimulationType method){
  if ((param[KAPPA]<=0) || (param[KAPPA]>2.0)) {
 if (method==CircEmbedIntrinsic && param[KAPPA]>1.1) {
    strcpy(ERRORSTRING_OK,"0<=kappa<=1.1 if method=local CE");
    sprintf(ERRORSTRING_WRONG,"%f", param[KAPPA]);
  return 0;  

void addownfunctions() {
/* compare with InitModelList() in RFinitNerror.cc!
   actually the definition of "stable" in InitModelList is overwritten,
   cf. GetModelNr(char **name, int *n, int *nr) in RFgetNset.cc

   Note that models with overwritten names may be called only by *full* name.
   If unhappy, choose any new name instead of overwritting an old one!

   See RFgetNset.cc or RFsimu.h for the definition of IncludeModel, addCov,
   addTBM, etc.
  int nr;
  //  NEW !!!  the following line make the call of PrintModelList()
  // unnecessary, so 
  //         library(RandomFields); .C("addownfunctions")
  // is sufficient.
  if (currentNrCov==-1) InitModelList(); 

  // new stable
  nr=IncludeModel("stable", // name that can also be chosen freely
		  newcheckstable, // NEW
		  FULLISOTROPIC, false, 
		  infostable, rangestable);
  addCov(nr,stable, Dstable, Scalestable);
  // addLocal(...);
  addTBM(nr, NULL,TBM3stable, CircEmbed, NULL);

  int nr, i=1;
  char stable[]="stable";

  // new stable
  GetModelNr(&stable, &i, &nr); // implicit call of InitModelList
  ModifyModel(nr, newcheckstable, // NEW
              infostable, rangestable);
	 stablelocal, // NEW
	 stableS // NEW


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