Raw File
Tip revision: 9298a5792ec3101f8d2a98edeb37d86b7263e34e authored by Martin Schlather on 24 July 2015, 00:00:00 UTC
version 3.1.0
Tip revision: 9298a57
//#define DEBUG 1

 Martin Schlather, schlather@math.uni-mannheim.de

 Collection of auxiliary functions

 Copyright (C) 2001 -- 2015 Martin Schlather, 

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "auxiliary.h"
//#include <curses.h>
#include "RandomFields.h"
#include <R_ext/Lapack.h>
#include <R_ext/Linpack.h>
#include "RF.h"
#include <Rdefines.h>
//#include <curses.h>

// important check !!

double intpow(double x, int p) {
  double res = 1.0;
  if (p < 0) {
    p = -p;
    x = 1.0 / x;
  while (p != 0) {
    if (p % 2 == 1) res *= x;
    x *= x;
    p /= 2;
  return res;

void AxResType(double *A, double *x, int nrow, int ncol, double *y) {
  int i,j,k;
  for (i=0; i<nrow; i++) y[i]=0.0;
  for (k=i=0; i<ncol; i++) { 
    for (j=0; j<nrow; j++) {
      y[j] += A[k++] * x[i];

double getMinimalAbsEigenValue(double *Aniso, int dim) {
  double dummy, 
    min = RF_INF, 
    *SICH = NULL, 
    *D = NULL, 
    *work = NULL;
  int dd, Err,
    err = NOERROR,
    *iwork = NULL,
     dimSq = dim * dim,
    optim_work = 12 * dim;

  if ((D =(double *) MALLOC(sizeof(double) * dim))==NULL ||
      (work = (double *) MALLOC(sizeof(double) * optim_work))==NULL ||
      (iwork = (int *) MALLOC(sizeof(int) * 8 * dim))==NULL ||
      (SICH =(double *) MALLOC(sizeof(double) * dimSq))==NULL) {
    err=ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; goto ErrorHandling;
  MEMCOPY(SICH, Aniso, sizeof(double) * dimSq);
  F77_CALL(dgesdd)("N", &dim, &dim, SICH, &dim, D, NULL, &dim, NULL,
		   &dim, work, &optim_work, iwork, &Err);
  if (Err != 0) GERR("SVD for anisotropy matrix failed.");
  for (dd = 0; dd < dim; dd++) {
    dummy = fabs(D[dd]);
    if (dummy < min) min = dummy;

  if (err != NOERROR) XERR(err);

  return min;

double getDet(double *Aniso, int dim) {
    det = 1.0, 
    *SICH = NULL, 
    *D = NULL, 
    *work = NULL;
  int dd, Err,
    err = NOERROR,
    *iwork = NULL,
     dimSq = dim * dim,
    optim_work = 12 * dim;

  if ((D =(double *) MALLOC(sizeof(double) * dim))==NULL ||
      (work = (double *) MALLOC(sizeof(double) * optim_work))==NULL ||
      (iwork = (int *) MALLOC(sizeof(int) * 8 * dim))==NULL ||
      (SICH =(double *) MALLOC(sizeof(double) * dimSq))==NULL) {
    err=ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; goto ErrorHandling;
  MEMCOPY(SICH, Aniso, sizeof(double) * dimSq);
  F77_CALL(dgesdd)("N", &dim, &dim, SICH, &dim, D, NULL, &dim, NULL,
		   &dim, work, &optim_work, iwork, &Err);
  if (Err != 0) GERR("SVD for anisotropy matrix failed.");
  for (dd = 0; dd < dim; det *= D[dd++]);

  if (err != NOERROR) XERR(err);

  return det;

double detU(double *C, int dim) {
  /* ACHTUNG!! detU zerstoert !!! */
  int i, info, 
//    job = 10,
    dimP1 = dim + 1,
    dimsq = dim * dim;
  double det = 1.0;

  F77_CALL(dpofa)(C, &dim, &dim, &info); // C i s now cholesky
  if (info != 0) {
    ERR("detU: matrix does not seem to be strictly positive definite");
  for (i=0; i<dimsq; i+=dimP1) det *= C[i];
  return det * det;

void det_UpperInv(double *C, double *det, int dim) {
  int i, info, 
    job = 01,
    dimP1 = dim + 1,
    dimsq = dim * dim;
  F77_CALL(dpofa)(C, &dim, &dim, &info); // C i s now cholesky
  if (info != 0) {
    ERR("det_UpperInv: dpofa failed -- is matrix positive definite?");

  double Det = 1.0;
  for (i=0; i<dimsq; i+=dimP1) Det *= C[i];
  *det = Det * Det;

  F77_CALL(dpodi)(C, &dim, &dim, det, &job); // C is now Cinv

void InvChol(double *C, int dim) {
  int i, info, ii, endfor,
    job = 01,
    dimP1 = dim + 1,
    dimsq = dim * dim;
  long ve, ho;
  double Det = 1.0;
  F77_CALL(dpofa)(C, &dim, &dim, &info); // C is now cholesky
  if (info != 0) ERR("InvChol: Inversion failed, bad functions\n");
  for (i=0; i<dimsq; i+=dimP1) Det *= C[i];
  Det = Det * Det;
  F77_CALL(dpodi)(C, &dim, &dim, &Det, &job); // C is now Cinv
  for (ii=dim, i=0; ii>0; i+=dimP1, ii--) {  // filling lower half
      endfor = i + ii;
      for (ve = i + 1, ho = i + dim; ve < endfor;
	   ve++, ho += dim) {
	C[ve] = C[ho];

void memory_copy(void *dest, void *src, int bytes) {
  int i, 
    len = bytes / sizeof(int),
    *d = (int*) dest,
    *s = (int *) src;
  if ((len * (int) sizeof(int)) != bytes) {
    ERR("size not a multiple of int");
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) d[i] = s[i];

SEXP distInt(SEXP XX, SEXP N, SEXP Genes) {
  int i,j, k, di, diff, *x, *y, ve, ho, endfor,
    *X = INTEGER(XX),
    n = INTEGER(N)[0],
    nP1 = n + 1,
    genes = INTEGER(Genes)[0];
  SEXP Dist;
  PROTECT(Dist = allocMatrix(REALSXP, n, n));
  double *dist = REAL(Dist);

  x = y = X;
  for (j=0, i=0;  j<n;  i += nP1, j++, y += genes) {
    dist[i] = 0.0;
    endfor = i + (n - j);
    for (ve = i + 1, ho = i + n, x = y + genes; 
         ve < endfor; 
	 ve++, ho += n) {
      for (di=0.0, k=0; k<genes; k++, x++) {
	diff = *x - y[k];
	di += diff * diff;
      dist[ve] = dist[ho] = sqrt((double) di);
  return Dist;


SEXP GetChar(SEXP N, SEXP Choice, SEXP Shorter, SEXP Beep, SEXP Show) {  
    int i, j, 
      start = NA_INTEGER,
      milli = 500,
      len = length(Choice), 
      n = INTEGER(N)[0],
      nline = 100;
  bool shorter = LOGICAL(Shorter)[0],
      piep = LOGICAL(Beep)[0],
      show = LOGICAL(Show)[0];
  char choice[256], *zk,
      backspace = 127,
      eof = 'e'; // crl-D, ^D
  SEXP Zk;
  zk = (char*) MALLOC(sizeof(char) * (n+1));
  if (len > 256) len = 256;  
  for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
      choice[i] = CHAR(STRING_ELT(Choice, i))[0];
  system("/bin/stty cbreak -echo iuclc"); // or "stty raw" 
  for (j=0; j<n; ) {
   if (j % nline == 0) {
       start = j;
       if (show) {
	   if (j != 0) PRINTF("\n");
	   int m = n-j;
	   if (m > nline) m = nline;
	   for (i=0; i<m; i++) if (i % 20 == 19) PRINTF(":"); else PRINTF(".");
	   for (i=0; i<m; i++) PRINTF("\b");

    zk[j] = getchar();
    if (zk[j] == eof && shorter) break;
    if (zk[j] == backspace && j>start) {
      PRINTF("\b \b");
    for (i=0; i<len; i++)
      if (zk[j] == choice[i]) break;
    if (i < len) {
	if (show) PRINTF("%c", zk[j], n-1-j);
    } else {
	if (piep) PRINTF("beep does not work.\n"); // beep();
//  beep();
  if (show) {
  system("/bin/stty -cbreak echo -iuclc");
  zk[j] = '\0';
  PROTECT(Zk = allocVector(STRSXP, 1));
  SET_STRING_ELT(Zk, 0, mkChar(zk));
  return Zk;


void strcopyN(char *dest, const char *src, int n) {
  if (n > 1) {
    strncpy(dest, src, n);
  dest[n] = '\0';

SEXP vectordist(SEXP V, SEXP DIAG){
  bool notdiag = !LOGICAL(DIAG)[0];
    d, dr, 
    rows = nrows(V), 
    cols = ncols(V),
    rescols = (int) (cols * (cols - 1 + 2 * (int) !notdiag) / 2);
  double *v1, *v2, *end, *Dist,
    *v = REAL(V);
  end = v + cols * rows; 
  PROTECT(DIST = allocMatrix(REALSXP, rows, rescols));
  Dist = REAL(DIST);

  for (dr=0, v1=v; v1<end; v1+=rows) { // loop is one to large??
    v2 = v1;
    if (notdiag) {
       v2 += rows;
    for (; v2<end; ) {
      for (d=0; d<rows; v2++) {
	Dist[dr++] = v1[d++] - *v2;
  return DIST;

static int ORDERDIM;
static double *ORDERD;
static int *ORDERDINT;

typedef bool (*vergleich)(int, int);

bool smaller(int i, int j)
  double *x, *y;
  int d;
  x = ORDERD + i * ORDERDIM;
  y = ORDERD + j * ORDERDIM;
  for(d=0; d<ORDERDIM; d++)
     if (x[d] != y[d]) return x[d] < y[d];
  return false;

bool greater(int i, int j)
  double *x, *y;
  int d;
  x = ORDERD + i * ORDERDIM;
  y = ORDERD + j * ORDERDIM;
  for(d=0; d<ORDERDIM; d++)
    if (x[d] != y[d]) return x[d] > y[d];
  return false;

bool smallerInt(int i, int j)
  int *x, *y;
  int d;
  for(d=0; d<ORDERDIM; d++) {
    if (x[d] != y[d]) {
     return x[d] < y[d];
  return false;

bool greaterInt(int i, int j)
  int *x, *y;
  int d;
  for(d=0; d<ORDERDIM; d++)
    if (x[d] != y[d]) return x[d] > y[d];
  return false;

int is_positive_definite(double *C, int dim) {
    int err,
	bytes = sizeof(double) * dim * dim;
  double *test;
  test = (double*) MALLOC(bytes);
  MEMCOPY(test, C, bytes);
  F77_CALL(dpofa)(test, &dim, &dim, &err); 
  return(err == 0);

void order(int *pos, int start, int end) {
  int randpos, pivot, left, right, pivotpos, swap;
  if( start < end ) {   
    //Get RNGstate();randpos = start + (int) (UNIFORM_RANDOM * (end-start+1)); PutRNGstate(); // use Get/Put RNGstate with great care !!
    randpos = (int) (0.5 * (start + end));
    pivot = pos[randpos];
    pos[randpos] = pos[start];
    pos[start] = pivot;
    left = start;
    while (left < right) {      
      //printf("order > %ld start=%d %d left=%d %d %d pivot=%d\n", pos, start, end, left, right, pos[left], pivot);
      while (++left < right && SMALLER(pos[left], pivot)) {
      while (--right > left && GREATER(pos[right], pivot));      
      if (left < right) {
	swap=pos[left]; pos[left]=pos[right]; pos[right]=swap;
    pos[start] = pos[pivotpos];
    pos[pivotpos] = pivot;
    order(pos, start, pivotpos-1 );
    order(pos, pivotpos + 1, end );

void ordering(double *d, int len, int dim, int *pos) 
  /* quicksort algorithm, slightly modified:
     does not sort the data, but d[pos] will be ordered 
     NOTE: pos must have the values 0,1,2,...,start-end !
     (orderdouble is a kind of sorting pos according to
     the variable d)
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<len;i++) pos[i]=i;
  ORDERD = d;
  ORDERDIM = dim;
  SMALLER = smaller;
  GREATER = greater;
  order(pos, 0, len-1);

void Ordering(double *d, int *len, int *dim, int *pos) 
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<*len; i++) pos[i]=i;
  ORDERD = d;
  ORDERDIM = *dim;
  SMALLER = smaller;
  GREATER = greater;
  order(pos, 0, *len-1 );

void orderingInt(int *d, int len, int dim, int *pos) 
  /* quicksort algorithm, slightly modified:
     does not sort the data, but d[pos] will be ordered 
     NOTE: pos must have the values 0,1,2,...,start-end !
     (orderdouble is a kind of sorting pos according to
     the variable d)
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<len;i++) pos[i]=i;
  ORDERDIM = dim;
  SMALLER = smallerInt;
  GREATER = greaterInt; 
  order(pos, 0, len-1);

int xMatch(char *name, char **list, unsigned int llen)  {
  unsigned int ln, nr;
  // == -1 if no matching function is found
  // == -2 if multiple matching fctns are found, without one matching exactly
  // if more than one match exactly, the last one is taken (enables overwriting 
  // standard functions)
  // see also GetModelNr !

  ln=(unsigned int) strlen(name);
  while ((nr < llen) && strncmp(name, list[nr], ln)) {
  if (nr < llen) { 
    // a matching method is found. Are there other methods that match?
    unsigned int j; 
    if (ln == (unsigned int) strlen(list[nr])) return nr; // exact matching
    j = nr + 1; // if two or more methods have the same name the last one is
    //          taken; stupid here, but nice in GetCovNr
    while (j < llen && strncmp(name, list[j], ln)) j++;
    if (j < llen) {
      if (ln == (unsigned int) strlen(list[j])) return j; //exact matching 
      else return -2; // multiple matching
    return nr;
  } else return -1; // unmatched

int CeilIndex(double x, double *cum, int size) {  
   // der kleinste index i so das cum[i] >= x --- sollte das gleiche sein
  // wie searchFirstGreater

  int mitte,
    min = 0,
    max = size - 1;
  while (min < max) {
    mitte = 0.5 * (min + max);
    if (cum[mitte] >= x) max = mitte;
    else min = mitte + 1;
  //  printf("%f < %f <= %f\n", cum[min-1], x, cum[min]);
  assert((min==0) || x > cum[min-1]);
  assert(x <= cum[min] && (min==0 || x > cum[min-1]));

  return min;

int searchFirstGreater(double *v, int len, double z) {
  // assumes the list has non decreasing values
    firsti = 0,
    lasti = len - 1,
    i = len / 2;
  if (z > v[lasti]) {
  if (z <= v[firsti]) return firsti;
  while (firsti < lasti) {
    if (v[i] < z) {
      firsti = i + 1;
      i = i + (int) ((lasti - i + 1) / 2);
    } else { // v[i] <= z
      lasti = i;
      i = i - (int) ((i - firsti + 1) / 2);
  assert((i==0) || z > v[i-1]);
  assert(z <= v[i]);

  //  printf("%f < %f <= %f\n", v[i-1], z, v[i]);//

double searchInverse(isofct fct, double start, double *value,
		     double releps) {	       
  while (fct(start, cov) > value) start *= 2.0;    
  while (fct(start, cov) < value) start *= 0.5;
  double x = start,
    step = start;
  releps *= start;
  while (step > releps) {
    step *= 0.5;
    if (fct(step, cov) < value) x -= step; else x += step;

double searchInverse(covfct fct, cov_model *cov, 
		     double start, double value, double releps) {
  double v;
  fct(&start, cov, &v);
  while (v > value) {start *= 2.0; fct(&start, cov, &v);}
  while (v < value) {start *= 0.5; fct(&start, cov, &v);}
  double x = start,
    step = start;
  releps *= step;
  while (step > releps) {
    step *= 0.5;
    fct(&step, cov, &v);
    if (v < value) x -= step; else x += step;
  return x;

double searchInverse(covfct fct, cov_model *cov, 
		     double start, double min, double value, double releps) {
  double v;
  assert(start > min);
  fct(&start, cov, &v);
  while (v > value) {start = 2.0 * (start - min) + min; fct(&start, cov, &v);}
  while (v < value) {start = 0.5 * (start - min) + min; fct(&start, cov, &v);}
  double x = start,
    step = start - min;
  releps *= step;
  while (step > releps) {
    step *= 0.5;
    fct(&step, cov, &v);
    if (v < value) x -= step; else x += step;
  return x;

//double gamma(double x) { BUG; } // use gammafn instead

double incomplete_gamma(double start, double end, double s) {
  // int_start^end t^{s-1} e^{-t} \D t

  // print("incomplete IN s=%f e=%f s=%f\n", start, end, s);

    v = 0.0, 
    w = 0.0;

  if (s <= 1.0) {
    if (start == 0.0) return RF_NA;
    e_start = exp(-start),
    e_end = exp(-end),
    power_start = pow(start, s),      
    power_end = end < RF_INF ? pow(end, s) : 0,
    factor = 1.0; 
  while (s < 0.0) {
    factor /= s;    
    v +=  factor * (power_end * e_end - power_start * e_start);
    power_start *= start;
    if (end < RF_INF) power_end *= end;
    s += 1.0;
  w = pgamma(start, s, 1.0, false, false);  // q, shape, scale, lower, log
  if (R_FINITE(end)) w -= pgamma(end, s, 1.0, false, false);

  //  print("incomplete s=%f e=%f s=%f v=%f g=%f w=%f\n", start, end, s, v, gammafn(s), w);

  return v + gammafn(s) * w * factor;

int addressbits(void VARIABLE_IS_NOT_USED *addr) {
  return -1;
  double x = (intptr_t) addr,
    cut = 1e9;
  x = x - trunc(x / cut) * cut;
  return (int) x;


int Match(char *name, name_type List, int n) {
  // == -1 if no matching name is found
  // == -2 if multiple matching fctns are found, without one matching exactly
  unsigned int ln;
  int Nr;
  //  print("Match %d %d %s %s %d\n", Nr, n, name, List[Nr], ln);

  while ( Nr < n  && strncmp(name, List[Nr], ln)) {
  if (Nr < n) { 
    if (ln==strlen(List[Nr])) // exactmatching -- take first -- changed 1/7/07
      return Nr;
    // a matching function is found. Are there other functions that match?
    int j; 
    bool multiplematching=false;
    j=Nr+1; // if two or more covariance functions have the same name 
    //            the last one is taken 
    while (j<n) {
      while ( (j<n) && strncmp(name, List[j], ln)) {j++;}
      if (j<n) {
	if (ln==strlen(List[j])) { // exactmatching -- take first 
	  return j;
	else {multiplematching=true;}
    if (multiplematching) {return MULTIPLEMATCHING;}
  } else return NOMATCHING;
  return Nr;

int Match(char *name, const char * List[], int n) {
   // == -1 if no matching name is found
  // == -2 if multiple matching fctns are found, without one matching exactly
  unsigned int ln;
  int Nr;
  //    print("Matchx %d %d %s %s %d\n", Nr, n, name, List[Nr], ln);

  while ( Nr < n  && strncmp(name, List[Nr], ln)) {
    // print("       %d %d %s %s %d\n", Nr, n, name, List[Nr], ln);
    //   printf("%s\n", List[Nr]);
  if (Nr < n) { 
    if (ln==strlen(List[Nr])) {// exactmatching -- take first -- changed 1/7/07
      //      print(" found  X    %d %d %s %s %d\n", Nr, n, name, List[Nr], ln);
      return Nr;
    // a matching function is found. Are there other functions that match?
    int j; 
    bool multiplematching=false;
    j=Nr+1; // if two or more covariance functions have the same name 
    //            the last one is taken 
    while (j<n) {
      while ( (j<n) && strncmp(name, List[j], ln)) {j++;}
      if (j<n) {
	if (ln==strlen(List[j])) { // exactmatching -- take first 
	  return j;
	else {multiplematching=true;}
    if (multiplematching) {return MULTIPLEMATCHING;}
  } else return NOMATCHING;

  //  print(" found      %d %d %s %s %d\n", Nr, n, name, List[Nr], ln);
  return Nr;

//static int ZZ = 0;
double Real(SEXP p, char *name, int idx) {
  char msg[200];
  // if(++ZZ==65724){printf("type=%d %d '%s'\n",ZZ,TYPEOF(p), CHAR(STRING_ELT(p,0)));cov_model *cov;crash(cov);}
  if (p != R_NilValue) {
    assert(idx < length(p));
    switch (TYPEOF(p)) {
    case REALSXP :  return REAL(p)[idx];
    case INTSXP : return INTEGER(p)[idx]==NA_INTEGER  
	? RF_NA : (double) INTEGER(p)[idx];
    case LGLSXP : return LOGICAL(p)[idx]==NA_LOGICAL ? RF_NA 
	: (double) LOGICAL(p)[idx];
    default : {}
  // MEMCOPY(msg, p, 300); print("%s\n", msg);
  sprintf(msg, "'%s' cannot be transformed to double! (type=%d)\n",
	  name, TYPEOF(p));  
  //printf("\n>>>> '%s'\n", CHAR(STRING_ELT(p, 0)));
  return RF_NA;  // to avoid warning from compiler

void Real(SEXP el,  char *name, double *vec, int maxn) {
  char msg[200];
   int i, j, n;
  if (el == R_NilValue) {
    sprintf(msg,"'%s' cannot be transformed to double.\n", name);
  n = length(el);
  for (j=i=0; i<maxn; i++) {
    vec[i] = Real(el, name, j);
    if (++j >= n) j=0;

int Integer(SEXP p, char *name, int idx, bool nulltoNA) {

  //  printf("integer!\n");
  //  if (TYPEOF(p) == REALSXP) for (int y=0; y<length(p); printf("%f ", REAL(p)[y++]));
  //  if (TYPEOF(p) == INTSXP) for (int y=0; y<length(p); printf("%d ", INTEGER(p)[y++]));
  //  printf("\n");

  char msg[200];
  if (p != R_NilValue) {
    assert(idx < length(p));
    switch(TYPEOF(p)) {
    case INTSXP : 
      return INTEGER(p)[idx]; 
    case REALSXP : 
      double value;
      value = REAL(p)[idx];      
      if (ISNAN(value)) {
	return NA_INTEGER;
	//sprintf(msg, "%s: NAs not allowed for integer valued parameters", name);
	//	ERR(msg);
      if (value == trunc(value)) return (int) value; 
      else {
	//	printf("%s: integer value expected. Got %e.", name, value);
	//	crash();
	ERR2("%s: integer value expected. Got %e.", name, value);
    case LGLSXP :
      return  LOGICAL(p)[idx]==NA_LOGICAL ? NA_INTEGER : (int) LOGICAL(p)[idx];
    default : {}
  } else if (nulltoNA) return NA_INTEGER;
  sprintf(msg, "%s: unmatched type of parameter [type=%d]", name, TYPEOF(p));
  return NA_INTEGER; // compiler warning vermeiden

int Integer(SEXP p, char *name, int idx) {
  return Integer(p, name, idx, false);

void Integer(SEXP el, char *name, int *vec, int maxn) {
  char msg[200];
  int i, j, n;
  if (el == R_NilValue) {
    sprintf(msg, "'%s' cannot be transformed to integer.\n",name);
  n = length(el);
  for (j=i=0; i<maxn; i++) {
    vec[i] = Integer(el, name, j);
    if (++j >= n) j=0;

void Integer2(SEXP el, char *name, int *vec) {
  char msg[200];
  int n;
  if (el == R_NilValue || (n = length(el))==0) {
    sprintf(msg, "'%s' cannot be transformed to integer.\n",name);
  vec[0] = Integer(el, name, 0);
  if (n==1) vec[1] = vec[0];
  else {
    vec[1] = Integer(el, name, n-1);
    if (n > 2) {
      int i, 
	v = vec[0] + 1;
      for (i = 1; i<n; i++, v++)
	if (Integer(el, name, i) != v) ERR("not a sequence of numbers"); 

bool Logical(SEXP p, char *name, int idx) {
  char msg[200];
  if (p != R_NilValue)
    assert(idx < length(p));
    switch (TYPEOF(p)) {
    case REALSXP: return ISNAN(REAL(p)[idx]) ? NA_LOGICAL : (bool) REAL(p)[idx];
    case INTSXP :
      return INTEGER(p)[idx]==NA_INTEGER ? NA_LOGICAL : (bool) INTEGER(p)[idx];
    case LGLSXP : return LOGICAL(p)[idx];
    default : {}
  sprintf(msg, "'%s' cannot be transformed to logical.\n", name);  
  return NA_LOGICAL;  // to avoid warning from compiler

char Char(SEXP el, char *name) {
  char msg[200];
  SEXPTYPE type;
  if (el == R_NilValue) goto ErrorHandling;
  type = TYPEOF(el);
  if (type == CHARSXP) return CHAR(el)[0];
  if (type == STRSXP) {
    if (length(el)==1) {
      if (strlen(CHAR(STRING_ELT(el,0))) == 1)
	return (CHAR(STRING_ELT(el,0)))[0];
      else if (strlen(CHAR(STRING_ELT(el,0))) == 0)
	return '\0';
  sprintf(msg, "'%s' cannot be transformed to character.\n",  name);  
  return 0; // to avoid warning from compiler

void Abbreviate(char *Old, char *abbr) {
  char *old = Old;
  if (old[0] == '.') old++;
    len = GLOBAL.fit.lengthshortname / 3,
    nold = strlen(old),
    nabbr = len - 1;

  if (nold <= len) {
    abbr[len] = '\0';
    strcpy(abbr, old);
    //  printf(">%s**%s<\n", Old, abbr);
  abbr[0] = old[0];
  abbr[len] = '\0';
  while (nabbr >= 1 && nabbr < nold) { 
    char b = old[nold];
    if (b=='a' || b=='A' || b=='e' || b=='E' || b=='i' || b=='I' ||
        b =='o' || b=='O' || b=='u' || b=='U') nold--;
    else abbr[nabbr--] = old[nold--];
  if (nabbr > 1) {
    assert(nabbr==0 || nold == nabbr);
    for (int i=2; i<=nold; i++) abbr[i] = old[i];
  //printf(">%s--%s<\n", Old, abbr);


void String(SEXP el, char *name, char names[MAXUNITS][MAXCHAR]) {
  int i,
    l = length(el);
  char msg[200];
  SEXPTYPE type;  
  if (el == R_NilValue) goto ErrorHandling;
  if (l > MAXUNITS)  {
    ERR1("number of variable names exceeds %d. Take abbreviations?",
  type = TYPEOF(el);
  //  printf("type=%d %d %d %d\n", TYPEOF(el), INTSXP, REALSXP, LGLSXP);
  if (type == CHARSXP) {
    for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
      names[i][0] = CHAR(el)[i];
      names[i][1] = '\0';
  } else if (type == STRSXP) {
    for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
      //print("%d %d\n", i, l);
      strcopyN(names[i], CHAR(STRING_ELT(el, i)), MAXCHAR);
  } else goto ErrorHandling;
  sprintf(msg, "'%s' cannot be transformed to character.\n",  name);  

double NonNegInteger(SEXP el, char *name) {
  int num;

  num = INT;
  if (num<0) {
    char msg[200];
    sprintf(msg,"'%s' which has been negative is set 0.\n",name);
  return num;

double NonNegReal(SEXP el, char *name) {
  double num;
  num = NUM;
  if (num<0.0) {
    char msg[200];
    sprintf(msg,"%s which has been negative is set 0.\n",name);
  return num;

double NonPosReal(SEXP el, char *name) {
  double num;
  num = NUM;
  if (num>0.0) {
    char msg[200];
    sprintf(msg,"%s which has been positive is set 0.\n",name);
  return num;

double PositiveInteger(SEXP el, char *name) {
  int num;
  num = INT;
  if (num<=0) {
    char msg[200];
    sprintf(msg,"'%s' which has been negative is set 0.\n",name);
  return num;

double PositiveReal(SEXP el, char *name) {
  double num;
  num = NUM;
  if (num<=0.0) {
    char msg[200];
    sprintf(msg,"%s which has been negative is set 0.\n",name);
  return num;

int GetName(SEXP el, char *name, const char * List[], int n,
	    int defaultvalue) {
  char msg[1000], dummy[1000];
  int i,
    nM1 = n - 1;

  if (TYPEOF(el) == NILSXP) goto ErrorHandling;

  if (TYPEOF(el) == STRSXP) {
    int m = Match((char*) CHAR(STRING_ELT(el, 0)), List, n);

    if (m >= 0) return m; else {
      if (strcmp((char*) CHAR(STRING_ELT(el, 0)), " ") == 0 ||
	  strcmp((char*) CHAR(STRING_ELT(el, 0)), "") == 0) {
	goto ErrorHandling;
  sprintf(dummy, "'%s': unknown value '%s'. Possible values are:", 
	  name, CHAR(STRING_ELT(el, 0)));
  for (i=0; i<nM1; i++) {
    sprintf(msg, "%s '%s',", dummy, List[i]);    
    strcpy(dummy, msg);
  sprintf(msg,"%s '%s'.", dummy, List[i]);  
  if (defaultvalue >= 0) return defaultvalue;
  sprintf(msg, "'%s': no value given.", name);

  return 999;// to avoid warning from compiler

int GetName(SEXP el, char *name, const char * List[], int n) {
 return GetName(el, name, List, n, -1);

bool LOCAL_DEBUG = false;
void start_debug() { LOCAL_DEBUG = true; }
void end_debug() { LOCAL_DEBUG = false; }
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