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Tip revision: 5ad24cff87e41a020a678cf6e742678aa2ee9dce authored by Roger Koenker on 29 May 2018, 10:33:02 UTC
version 5.36
Tip revision: 5ad24cf
\title{ Tests of Location and Location Scale Shift Hypotheses for Linear Models}
\description{Tests of the hypothesis that a linear model specification
is of the location shift or location-scale shift form.  The tests are based 
on the Doob-Meyer Martingale transformation approach proposed by Khmaladze(1981)
for general goodness of fit problems, and adapted to quantile regression by 
Koenker and Xiao (2002).}

KhmaladzeTest(formula, data = NULL, taus = -1, nullH = "location" ,  
	trim = c(0.05, 0.95), ...) 
\item{formula}{a formula specifying the model to fit by \code{\link{rqProcess}}}
\item{data}{a data frame within which to interpret the formula}
\item{taus}{An equally spaced grid of points on which to evaluate the 
quantile regression process, if any taus fall outside (0,1) then the full
process is computed.}
\item{nullH}{a character vector indicating whether the "location" shift hypothesis
(default) or the "location-scale" shift hypothesis  should be tested.  }
\item{trim}{ a vector indicating the lower and upper bound of the quantiles to
included in the computation of the test statistics (only, not
estimates).  }
\item{...}{other arguments to be passed to \code{\link{summary.rq}.}}
an object of class KhmaladzeTest  is returned containing:

\item{nullH}{ The form of the null hypothesis.}

Joint test statistic of the hypothesis that all the slope
parameters of the model satisfy the hypothesis.
Vector of test statistics testing whether individual slope
parameters satisfy the null hypothesis.

KhmaladzeTest( y.net ~ lgdp2 + fse2 + gedy2 + Iy2 + gcony2, 
		data = barro, taus = seq(.05,.95,by = .01))
Khmaladze, E. (1981) ``Martingale Approach in the Theory of
Goodness-of-fit Tests,'' \emph{Theory of Prob. and its Apps}, 26,

Koenker, Roger and Zhijie Xiao (2002), ``Inference on the Quantile
Regression Process'',  \emph{Econometrica},  81, 1583--1612.
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