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Tip revision: 505b5ef808e2d357b192a6ec1c4d5b4c45606cc9 authored by Jyh-Miin Lin on 14 February 2020, 19:27:23 UTC
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Tip revision: 505b5ef
Metaprogramming subroutines (using reikna, pyopencl, pycuda)

from __future__ import absolute_import # Python2 compatibility
# from . import cSelect

def create_kernel_sets(API):
    Create the kernel from the kernel sets.
    kernel_sets = ( cMultiplyScalar() + 
                        cCopy() + 
                        cTensorCopy() +
                        cTensorMultiply() + 
                        cMultiplyVec() +
                        cHypot() +  
                        cAddScalar() + 
                        cSelect() + 
#                         cMultiplyConjVec() + 
                        cAddVec() +  
                        cMultiplyVecInplace() + 
                        cMultiplyConjVecInplace() +
                        cMultiplyRealInplace() + 
                        cMultiplyConjVec() + 
                        cDiff() + 
                        cSqrt() + 
                        cAnisoShrink() +  
                        cSpmv() + 
                        cSpmvh() + 
#     if 'cuda' is API:
#         print('Select cuda interface')
#         kernel_sets =  atomic_add.cuda_add + kernel_sets
#     elif 'ocl' is API:
#         print("Selecting opencl interface")
#         kernel_sets =  atomic_add.ocl_add + kernel_sets
    kernel_sets = atomic_add(API) + kernel_sets
    return kernel_sets

def cMultiplyScalar():
    Return the kernel source for cMultiplyScalar.
    code_text ="""
        KERNEL void cMultiplyScalar(
                     const float2 CA,
                GLOBAL_MEM float2 *CX)
        // Scale CX by CA: CX=CA*CX
        //  CA: scaling factor(float2)
        //*CX: input, output array(float2)
        int gid = get_global_id(0);  
    return code_text

def cCopy():
    Return the kernel source for cCopy
    code_text = """
    KERNEL void cCopy( 
             GLOBAL_MEM  const float2 *CX,
             GLOBAL_MEM             float2 *CY)
    // Copy x to y: y = x;
    //CX: input array (float2)
    // CY output array (float2)
    int gid=get_global_id(0);  
    return code_text

def cTensorCopy():
    Return the kernel source for cTensorCopy.
    code_text = """
    KERNEL void cTensorCopy(
        const unsigned int batch, 
        const unsigned int dim,
        GLOBAL_MEM const  unsigned int *Nd_elements,
        GLOBAL_MEM const  unsigned int *Kd_elements,
        GLOBAL_MEM const  float *invNd,
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *indata,
        GLOBAL_MEM       float2 *outdata,
        const int direction)
    const unsigned int gid=get_global_id(0); 
    unsigned int curr_res = gid;
    unsigned int new_idx = 0;
    unsigned int group;
    for (unsigned int dimid =0; dimid < dim; dimid ++){
        group = (float)curr_res*invNd[dimid];
        new_idx += group * Kd_elements[dimid];
        curr_res = curr_res - group * Nd_elements[dimid];
    if (direction == 1) {
        for (unsigned int bat=0; bat < batch; bat ++ )
            outdata[new_idx*batch+bat]= indata[gid*batch+bat];
    if (direction == -1) {
        for (unsigned int bat=0; bat < batch; bat ++ )
            outdata[gid*batch+bat]= indata[new_idx*batch+bat];
    return code_text  

def cTensorMultiply():
    Return the kernel source for cTensorMultiply
    code_text = """
        KERNEL void cTensorMultiply(
            const unsigned int batch, // batch 
            const unsigned int dim, // dimensions
            GLOBAL_MEM const  unsigned int *Nd, // In batch mode, Nd*batch but is calculated outside the kernel
            GLOBAL_MEM const  unsigned int *Nd_elements, // Number of elements to move along the dimension = strides / itemsize
            GLOBAL_MEM const  float *invNd_elements,   //  float: inverse of the Nd_elements, which aims for fast division // batch mode: Nd_elements / batch
            GLOBAL_MEM const float *vec, // Real, vector, length sum Nd[dimid]
            GLOBAL_MEM       float2 *outdata, 
            const unsigned int div) 
        const unsigned int gid=get_global_id(0); 
        const unsigned int pid = (float)gid / (float)batch;
        // const unsigned int bat = gid - pid * batch;
        unsigned int group;
        unsigned int Nd_indx_shift = 0;
        float mul = 1.0; 
        unsigned int res = pid; 
        for (unsigned int dimid = 0; dimid < dim; dimid ++){
            group = (float)res * invNd_elements[dimid]; // The index along the axis
            res = res - group * Nd_elements[dimid];
            const unsigned int N = Nd[dimid]; 
            mul = mul * vec[group + Nd_indx_shift];
            Nd_indx_shift = Nd_indx_shift + N;
        if (div == 1){
            // for (unsigned int bat = 0; bat < batch; bat ++ )
            // {
            float2 tmp = outdata[gid];
            tmp.x = tmp.x /  mul;
            tmp.y = tmp.y / mul;
            outdata[gid] = tmp;
            // };
        if (div == 0){
           // for (unsigned int bat = 0; bat < batch; bat ++ )
            // {
            float2 tmp = outdata[gid];
            tmp.x = tmp.x *  mul;
            tmp.y = tmp.y * mul;
            outdata[gid] = tmp;
            // };
    return code_text

def atomic_add(API):
    Return the atomic_add for the given API. 
    Overcome the missing atomic_add_float for OpenCL-1.2. 
    ocl_add = """
    // #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_int64_base_atomics : enable
    KERNEL void atomic_add_float( 
            GLOBAL_MEM float *ptr, 
            const float temp) 
    // The work-around of AtomicAdd for float
    // lockless add *source += operand 
    // Caution!!!!!!! Use with care! You have been warned!
    // http://simpleopencl.blogspot.com/2013/05/atomic-operations-and-floats-in-opencl.html
    // Source: https://github.com/clMathLibraries/clSPARSE/blob/master/src/library/kernels/csrmv_adaptive.cl
        union {
            unsigned int intVal;
            float floatVal;
        } newVal;
        union {
            unsigned int intVal;
            float floatVal;
        } prevVal;
        do {
            prevVal.floatVal = *ptr;
            newVal.floatVal = prevVal.floatVal + temp;
        } while (atomic_cmpxchg((volatile GLOBAL_MEM unsigned int *)ptr, prevVal.intVal, newVal.intVal) != prevVal.intVal);
    cuda_add = """
    __device__ void atomic_add_float( 
            GLOBAL_MEM float *ptr, 
            const float temp) 
    { // Wrapper around CUDA atomicAdd();
    atomicAdd(ptr, temp); 
    if API == 'cuda':
        code_text = cuda_add
    elif API == 'ocl':
        code_text = ocl_add
    return code_text
def cMultiplyVec():
    Return the kernel source of cMultiplyVec
        KERNEL void cMultiplyVec( GLOBAL_MEM float2 *a,
                                            GLOBAL_MEM float2 *b,
                                            GLOBAL_MEM float2 *dest)
        {    const unsigned int i = get_global_id(0);
            dest[i].x = a[i].x*b[i].x-a[i].y*b[i].y;
            dest[i].y = a[i].x*b[i].y+a[i].y*b[i].x;
    return code_text

def cAddScalar():
    Return the kernel source for cAddScalar.
    code_text ="""
        KERNEL void cAddScalar(const float2 CA,
                                            GLOBAL_MEM float2 *CX)
        // (single complex) scale x by a: x = x + ca;
        // CA: add factor 
        // CX: input and output array (float2)
        int gid = get_global_id(0);  
        CX[gid].x += CA.x;
        CX[gid].y += CA.y;
    return code_text

def cHadamard():
    Return the Hardamard operations related kernel sources.
        KERNEL void cSelect2(
        const unsigned int Reps, 
        GLOBAL_MEM const  unsigned int *order1,
        GLOBAL_MEM const  unsigned int *order2,
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *indata,
        GLOBAL_MEM       float2 *outdata)
        const unsigned int gid=get_global_id(0); 
        const unsigned int t = ((float)gid / (float)Reps); // indptr 
        const unsigned int r = gid - t*Reps; // residue
        const unsigned int index2 = order2[t]*Reps + r;
        const unsigned int index1 = order1[t]*Reps + r;
        KERNEL void cDistribute(    
        const    unsigned int    Reps,
        const    unsigned int    prodNd, 
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *arr_large, // sensitivity and scaling array, prodNd*Reps
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *arr_image, // image array, prodNd
        GLOBAL_MEM float2 *arr_out // output array, prodNd * Reps
        const unsigned int t = get_global_id(0);
        //const unsigned int nd = t/Reps;
        const unsigned int nd = ((float)t / (float)Reps);
        if (nd < prodNd){
        const float2 u = arr_large[t]; 
        const float2 v = arr_image[nd];
        float2 w; 
        w.x = u.x * v.x - u.y * v.y; 
        w.y = u.x * v.y + u.y * v.x; 
        arr_out[t] = w;
        };  // End of cDistribute
        KERNEL void cMerge(
        const    unsigned int    Reps,
        const    unsigned int    prodNd, 
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *arr_large, // sensitivity and scaling array, prodNd*Reps
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *arr_image, // image array, prodNd*Reps
        GLOBAL_MEM float2 *arr_out // reduced output array, prodNd 
        const unsigned int t = get_local_id(0);
        //const float float_reps = (float)Reps;
        const unsigned int vecWidth=${LL};
        // Thread ID within wavefront
        const unsigned int id = t & (vecWidth-1);
        // One row per wavefront
        unsigned int vecsPerBlock=get_local_size(0)/vecWidth;
        unsigned int myRow=(get_group_id(0)*vecsPerBlock) + (t/ vecWidth);
        LOCAL_MEM float2 partialSums[${LL}];
        float2 zero;
        zero.x = 0.0;
        zero.y = 0.0;
        partialSums[t] = zero;
        // float2  y= zero;
        if (myRow < prodNd)
        const unsigned int vecStart = myRow * Reps;
        const unsigned int vecEnd = vecStart + Reps;            
        for (unsigned int j = vecStart+id;  j<vecEnd; j += vecWidth)
              const float2 u = arr_large[j]; // sensitivities and scaling, complex 
              const float2 v = arr_image[j];  
              float2 w; 
              w.x = u.x * v.x + u.y * v.y; // conjugate of u 
              w.y = u.x * v.y - u.y * v.x; 
              w.x = w.x/(float)Reps;
              w.y = w.y/(float)Reps;
            partialSums[t] = w;        //partialSums[t] + y;
        // Reduce partial sums
        unsigned int bar = vecWidth / 2;
        while(bar > 0)
             if (id < bar)
            partialSums[t] = partialSums[t] + partialSums[t+bar];
             bar = bar / 2;
        // Write result 
        if (id == 0)
        };    // End of cMerge
        KERNEL void cAggregate(
        const    unsigned int    Reps,
        const    unsigned int    prodNd, 
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *arr_image, // image array, prodNd*Reps
        GLOBAL_MEM float2 *arr_out // reduced output array, prodNd 
        const unsigned int t = get_local_id(0);
        //const float float_reps = (float)Reps;
        const unsigned int vecWidth=${LL};
        // Thread ID within wavefront
        const unsigned int id = t & (vecWidth-1);
        // One row per wavefront
        unsigned int vecsPerBlock=get_local_size(0)/vecWidth;
        unsigned int myRow=(get_group_id(0)*vecsPerBlock) + (t/ vecWidth);
        LOCAL_MEM float2 partialSums[${LL}];
        float2 zero;
        zero.x = 0.0;
        zero.y = 0.0;
        partialSums[t] = zero;
        // float2  y= zero;
        if (myRow < prodNd)
        const unsigned int vecStart = myRow * Reps;
        const unsigned int vecEnd = vecStart + Reps;            
        for (unsigned int j = vecStart+id;  j<vecEnd; j += vecWidth)
          float2 v = arr_image[j];
          v.x = v.x/(float)Reps;
          v.y = v.y/(float)Reps;
          partialSums[t] =partialSums[t] + v;        //partialSums[t] + y;
        // Reduce partial sums
        unsigned int bar = vecWidth / 2;
        while(bar > 0)
             if (id < bar)
            partialSums[t] = partialSums[t] + partialSums[t+bar];
             bar = bar / 2;
        // Write result 
        if (id == 0)
        };    // End of cAggregate
        KERNEL void cPopulate(    
        const    unsigned int    Reps,
        const    unsigned int   prodNd, 
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *arr_image, // image array, prodNd
        GLOBAL_MEM float2 *arr_out // output array, prodNd * Reps
        const unsigned int t = get_global_id(0);
        //const unsigned int nd = t/Reps;
        const unsigned int nd = ((float)t / (float)Reps);
        if (nd < prodNd){
        const float2 v = arr_image[nd];
        arr_out[t] = v;
        };  // End of cPopulate    
    return R
def cSpmvh():
    Return the cSpmvh related kernel source. Only pELL_spmvh_mCoil is provided for Spmvh.
        KERNEL void pELL_spmvh_mCoil(
        const    unsigned int    Reps,             // number of coils
        const    unsigned int    nRow,        // number of rows
        const    unsigned int    prodJd,     // product of Jd
        const    unsigned int    sumJd,     // sum of Jd
        const    unsigned int    dim,           // dimensionality
        GLOBAL_MEM const unsigned int *Jd,    // Jd
        // GLOBAL_MEM const unsigned int *curr_sumJd,    // 
        GLOBAL_MEM const unsigned int *meshindex,    // meshindex, prodJd * dim
        GLOBAL_MEM const unsigned int *kindx,    // unmixed column indexes of all dimensions
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *udata,    // interpolation data before Kronecker product
        GLOBAL_MEM    float    *kx, 
        GLOBAL_MEM    float    *ky,
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *input)   // y
        const unsigned int t = get_local_id(0);
        const unsigned int d = get_local_size(0);
        const unsigned int g = get_group_id(0);
        const unsigned int a = g/prodJd;
        const unsigned int b = g - (prodJd*a);
        const unsigned int myRow = a*d + t;
        const unsigned int j = b;
        unsigned int m = myRow / Reps;
        unsigned int nc = myRow - m * Reps;
        // unsigned int myRow= get_global_id(0);
        float2 zero;
        zero.x = 0.0;
        zero.y = 0.0;
        if (m< nRow)
        {    if (nc < Reps)
        float2 u = zero;
        //  for (unsigned int j = 0;  j  <  prodJd; j ++)
        if (j<prodJd)
        // now doing the first dimension
        unsigned int index_shift = m * sumJd;
        // unsigned int tmp_sumJd = 0;
        unsigned int J = Jd[0];
        unsigned int index =    index_shift +  meshindex[dim*j + 0];
        unsigned int col = kindx[index] ;
        float2 spdata = udata[index];
        index_shift += J; 
        for (unsigned int dimid = 1; dimid < dim; dimid ++ )
        J = Jd[dimid];
        index =   index_shift + meshindex[dim*j + dimid];   // the index of the partial ELL arrays *kindx and *udata
        col += kindx[index] + 1  ;                                            // the column index of the current j
        float tmp_x = spdata.x;
        float2 tmp_udata = udata[index];
        spdata.x = spdata.x * tmp_udata.x - spdata.y * tmp_udata.y;                            // the spdata of the current j
        spdata.y = tmp_x * tmp_udata.y + spdata.y * tmp_udata.x; 
        index_shift  += J;
        }; // Iterate over dimensions 1 -> Nd - 1
        float2 ydata=input[myRow]; // kout[col];
        u.x =  spdata.x*ydata.x + spdata.y*ydata.y;
        u.y =  - spdata.y*ydata.x + spdata.x*ydata.y;
        atomic_add_float(kx + col*Reps + nc, u.x);
        atomic_add_float(ky + col*Reps + nc, u.y);
        }; // Iterate for (unsigned int j = 0;  j  <  prodJd; j ++)
        }; // if (nc < Reps)
        };  // if (m < nRow)
        };    // End of pELL_spmv_mCoil  
    return R

def cHypot():
    Return the kernel code for hypot, which computes the sqrt(x*x + y*y) without intermediate overflow.
    KERNEL void cHypot(GLOBAL_MEM float2 *x,
                                    GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *y)
    const unsigned int gid =  get_global_id(0); 
    float2 tmp_x;
    float2 tmp_y;
    tmp_x = x[gid];
    tmp_y = y[gid];
    tmp_x.x = hypot( tmp_x.x, tmp_x.y); // sqrt( tmp_x.x*tmp_x.x + tmp_x.y*tmp_x.y);
    tmp_y.x = hypot( tmp_y.x, tmp_y.y); // sqrt( tmp_y.x*tmp_y.x + tmp_y.y*tmp_y.y);
    x[gid].x = hypot(tmp_x.x, tmp_y.x);
    x[gid].y = 0.0;
    return R

def cSpmv():
    Return the kernel sources for cSpmv related operations.
    Providing cCSR_spmv_vector and cpELL_spmv_mCoil.
    R = """
        KERNEL void cCSR_spmv_vector(    
        const    unsigned int    numRow,
        GLOBAL_MEM const unsigned int *rowDelimiters, 
        GLOBAL_MEM const unsigned int *cols,
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *val,
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *vec, 
        GLOBAL_MEM float2 *out)
        const unsigned int t = get_local_id(0);
        const unsigned int vecWidth=${LL};
        // Thread ID within wavefront
        const unsigned int id = t & (vecWidth-1);
        // One row per wavefront
        unsigned int vecsPerBlock=get_local_size(0)/vecWidth;
        unsigned int myRow=(get_group_id(0)*vecsPerBlock) + (t/ vecWidth);
        LOCAL_MEM float2 partialSums[${LL}];
        float2 zero;
        zero.x = 0.0;
        zero.y = 0.0;
        partialSums[t] = zero;
        float2  y= zero;
        if (myRow < numRow)
        const unsigned int vecStart = rowDelimiters[myRow];
        const unsigned int vecEnd = rowDelimiters[myRow+1];            
        for (unsigned int j = vecStart+id;  j<vecEnd; j += vecWidth)
        const unsigned int col = cols[j];
        const float2 spdata=val[j];
        const float2 vecdata=vec[col];                        
        y.x=spdata.x*vecdata.x - spdata.y*vecdata.y;
        y.y=spdata.y*vecdata.x + spdata.x*vecdata.y;
        partialSums[t] = partialSums[t] + y;
        // Reduce partial sums
        unsigned int bar = vecWidth / 2;
        while(bar > 0)
        if (id < bar)
        partialSums[t] = partialSums[t] + partialSums[t+bar];
        bar = bar / 2;
        // Write result 
        if (id == 0)
        };    // End of cCSR_spmv_vector
        KERNEL void pELL_spmv_mCoil(    
        const     unsigned int   Reps,            // Number of coils
        const    unsigned int    nRow,        // number of rows
        const    unsigned int    prodJd,     // product of Jd
        const    unsigned int    sumJd,     // sum of Jd
        const    unsigned int    dim,           // dimensionality
        GLOBAL_MEM const unsigned int *Jd,            // Jd, length = dim
        //GLOBAL_MEM const unsigned int *curr_sumJd,            // summation of Jd[0:dimid] 
        GLOBAL_MEM const unsigned int *meshindex,            // meshindex, prodJd * dim
        GLOBAL_MEM const unsigned int *kindx,    // unmixed column indexes of all dimensions
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *udata,// interpolation data before Kronecker product
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *vec,     // multi-channel kspace data, prodKd * Reps
        GLOBAL_MEM float2 *out)   // multi-channel output, nRow * Reps
        const unsigned int t = get_local_id(0);
        const unsigned int vecWidth=${LL};
        // Thread ID within wavefront
        const unsigned int id = t & (vecWidth-1);
        // One row per wavefront
        unsigned int vecsPerBlock=get_local_size(0)/vecWidth;
        unsigned int myRow=(get_group_id(0)*vecsPerBlock) + (t/ vecWidth); // the myRow-th non-Cartesian sample
        unsigned int m = myRow / Reps;
        unsigned int nc = myRow - m * Reps;
        LOCAL_MEM float2 partialSums[${LL}];
        float2 zero;
        zero.x = 0.0;
        zero.y = 0.0;
        partialSums[t] = zero;
        if (myRow < nRow * Reps)
        const unsigned int vecStart = 0; 
        const unsigned int vecEnd =prodJd;             
        float2  y;//=zero;
        for (unsigned int j = vecStart+id;  j<vecEnd; j += vecWidth)
        {    // now doing the first dimension
        unsigned int J = Jd[0];
        unsigned int index_shift = m * sumJd ;
        unsigned int index =    index_shift +  meshindex[dim*j + 0];
        unsigned int col = kindx[index] ;
        float2 spdata = udata[index];
        index_shift += J; 
        for (unsigned int dimid = 1; dimid < dim; dimid ++ )
        unsigned int J = Jd[dimid];
        unsigned int index =  index_shift + meshindex[dim*j + dimid];   // the index of the partial ELL arrays *kindx and *udata
        col += kindx[index] + 1;                                            // the column index of the current j
        float tmp_x= spdata.x;
        float2 tmp_udata = udata[index];
        spdata.x = spdata.x * tmp_udata.x - spdata.y * tmp_udata.y;                            // the spdata of the current j
        spdata.y = tmp_x * tmp_udata.y + spdata.y * tmp_udata.x; 
        index_shift  += J;
        float2 vecdata=vec[col * Reps + nc];
        y.x =  spdata.x*vecdata.x - spdata.y*vecdata.y;
        y.y =  spdata.y*vecdata.x + spdata.x*vecdata.y;
        partialSums[t] = y + partialSums[t];
        // Reduce partial sums
        unsigned int bar = vecWidth / 2;
        while(bar > 0)
        if (id < bar)
        partialSums[t]= partialSums[t]+partialSums[t+bar];
        bar = bar / 2;
        // Write result 
        if (id == 0)
        };  // End of pELL_spmv_mCoil
    return R

def cMultiplyConjVecInplace():
    Return the kernel source of cMultiplyConjVecInplace
        KERNEL void cMultiplyConjVecInplace(
        const unsigned int batch, 
        GLOBAL_MEM float2 *a,
        GLOBAL_MEM float2 *outb)
        const unsigned int gid = get_global_id(0);
        const unsigned int voxel_id = (float)gid / (float)batch;
        float2 mul = a[voxel_id]; //  taking the conjugate
        float2 orig = outb[gid];
        float2 tmp;
        tmp.x = orig.x * mul.x + orig.y * mul.y;
        tmp.y = - orig.x * mul.y + orig.y * mul.x; 
        outb[gid] = tmp;
    return R
def cMultiplyConjVec():
    Return the kernel source of cMultiplyConjVec.
        KERNEL void cMultiplyConjVec( 
        GLOBAL_MEM float2 *a,
        GLOBAL_MEM float2 *b,
        GLOBAL_MEM float2 *dest)
        {// dest[i]=conj(a[i]) * b[i] 
        const unsigned int i=get_global_id(0);
    return R
def cMultiplyRealInplace():
    Return the kernel source of cMultiplyRealInplace. 
    KERNEL void cMultiplyRealInplace( 
    const unsigned int batch, 
    GLOBAL_MEM const float *a,
    GLOBAL_MEM float2 *outb)
    const unsigned int gid = get_global_id(0);
    // const unsigned int voxel_id = gid / batch;
    const unsigned int voxel_id = (float)gid / (float)batch;
    float mul = a[voxel_id];
    float2 orig = outb[gid];
    return R

def cMultiplyVecInplace():
    Return the kernel source of cMultiplyVecInplace.
        KERNEL void cMultiplyVecInplace( 
                const unsigned int batch, 
                GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *a,
                GLOBAL_MEM float2 *outb)
        const unsigned int gid = get_global_id(0);
        // const unsigned int voxel_id = gid / batch;
        const unsigned int voxel_id = (float)gid / (float)batch;
        float2 mul = a[voxel_id];
        float2 orig = outb[gid];
        float2 tmp;
    return R
def cAddVec():
    Return the kernel source for cAddVec. 
        KERNEL void cAddVec( 
        GLOBAL_MEM float2 *a,
        GLOBAL_MEM float2 *b,
        GLOBAL_MEM float2 *dest)
        {const int i = get_global_id(0);
        dest[i]= a[i]+b[i];
    return R

def cDiff():
    Return the kernel source of cDiff.
        KERNEL void cDiff(  GLOBAL_MEM    const    int            *order2,
                                               GLOBAL_MEM     const   float2     *indata,
                                               GLOBAL_MEM                  float2     *outdata)
        const unsigned int gid =  get_global_id(0); 
        const unsigned int ind = order2[gid];
        outdata[gid]=indata[ind]- indata[gid];
    return R
def cAnisoShrink():
    Return the kernel source of cAnisoShrink
    KERNEL void cAnisoShrink(const  float2 threshold,
                                    GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *indata,
                                    GLOBAL_MEM  float2 *outdata)
    const unsigned int gid =  get_global_id(0); 
    float2 tmp; // temporay register
    tmp = indata[gid];
    //float zero = 0.0;
    //tmp.x=sign(tmp.x)*max(fabs(tmp.x)-threshold.x, zero); 
    //tmp.y=sign(tmp.y)*max(fabs(tmp.y)-threshold.y, zero); 
    tmp.x =  (tmp.x > threshold.x)*(tmp.x - threshold.x) ;//+ (tmp.x < - threshold.x)*(tmp.x + threshold.x);
    tmp.y =  (tmp.y > threshold.x)*(tmp.y - threshold.x) ;//+ (tmp.y < - threshold.x)*(tmp.y + threshold.x);
    return R

def cSqrt():
    Return the kernel source of cSqrt.
        KERNEL void cSqrt( 
        GLOBAL_MEM  float2 *CX)
        // Copy x to y: y = x;
        //CX: input output array (float2)
        int gid=get_global_id(0);  
    return R

def cSelect():
    Return the kernel source of cSelect. 
        KERNEL void cSelect(
        GLOBAL_MEM const  int *order1,
        GLOBAL_MEM const  int *order2,
        GLOBAL_MEM const float2 *indata,
        GLOBAL_MEM       float2 *outdata)
        const unsigned int gid=get_global_id(0); 
    return R
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