Raw File
Tip revision: dad09d7ce72b65a2e2ea218d430d7d718bc7115d authored by Roger Koenker on 09 January 2015, 00:00:00 UTC
version 5.08
Tip revision: dad09d7
Package: quantreg
Title: Quantile Regression
Description: Quantile regression and related methods.
Version: 5.08
Authors@R: c(person("Roger", "Koenker",  role = c("cre","aut"), email =  "rkoenker@illinois.edu"),
    person("Stephen", "Portnoy",  role = c("ctb"), 
	comment = "Contributions to Censored QR code", email =  "sportnoy@illinois.edu"),
    person(c("Pin", "Tian"), "Ng",  role = c("ctb"), 
	comment = "Contributions to Sparse QR code", email =  "pin.ng@nau.edu"),
    person("Achim", "Zeileis",  role = c("ctb"), 
	comment = "Contributions to dynrq code essentially identical to his dynlm code", 
	email =  "Achim.Zeileis@uibk.ac.at"),
    person("Philip", "Grosjean",  role = c("ctb"), 
	comment = "Contributions to nlrq code", email =  "phgrosjean@sciviews.org"),
    person(c("Brian", "D"), "Ripley",  role = c("trl","ctb"), 
	comment = "Initial (2001) R port from S (to my everlasting shame -- how could I have been so
	slow to adopt R!) and for numerous other suggestions and useful advice", email =  
Author: Roger Koenker with contributions from Stephen Portnoy, Pin Ng, Achim Zeileis, Philip Grosjean and Brian Ripley
Maintainer: Roger Koenker <rkoenker@illinois.edu>
Depends: R (>= 2.6), stats, SparseM
Suggests: tripack, akima, MASS, survival, rgl, logspline, nor1mix,
        MatrixModels, Matrix, Formula, zoo, dynlm
License: GPL (>= 2)
URL: http://www.r-project.org
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2015-01-10 04:39:35
Packaged: 2015-01-09 22:09:32 UTC; roger
NeedsCompilation: yes
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