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Tip revision: 07d049ef5ebff855bc484ae955aa3c3bbe878417 authored by CircleCI on 18 February 2018, 19:10:22 UTC
Generated site on Sun Feb 18 19:10:21 UTC 2018 [ci skip]
Tip revision: 07d049e
author = "LuisGC"
title = "About the author"
date = "2003-10-07"
type = "page"
status = "published"

I'm a **Software Engineer**, **FOSS Advocate** and **Agile Evangelist** habituated to lead and coordinate development teams for various environments.

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I'm an active fellow of several national and international associations: [**ARP-SAPC**](http://www.escepticos.es/) and [**Círculo Escéptico**](http://circuloesceptico.org/) (promoting critical thinking, in the former one as part of the Board since 2012); [**STE**](http://sociedadtolkien.org/) and [**AEFCFT**](http://www.aefcft.com/) (Literature and Arts); and [**AECC**](http://www.aecomunicacioncientifica.org/) (about scientific communication and outreach).

I'm also Member of [**Free Software Foundation Europe**](http://fsfe.org/), [**OpenStreetMap Foundation**](http://osmfoundation.org/), [**Spanish Red Cross**](http://www.cruzroja.es/), [**Doctors Without Borders**](https://www.msf.es/), [**Amnesty International**](https://www.amnesty.org/es/) and [**UNHCR**](http://www.acnur.org/).

I love hiking, cycling (cycle tourism specially) and traditional archery to the point that I'm federated in [**RFETA** (Spanish Federation of Archery)](https://www.federarco.es/) and [**AAL-IFAA** (International Field Archery Association)](http://ifaa-spain.es/) and I've co-founded with other friends our own traditional archery club: [the **Archers of Ithilien**](http://ithilien.es/).
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