
sort by:
Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
3bd7a0e Added a mention of http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry to the CH chapter as part of the changes arising out of ticket #3304622. 08 December 2011, 22:25:34 UTC
962fa89 Many changes relating to language codes. I've fixed erroneous codes, such as "kr" instead of "ko" for Korean; I've upper-cased two-letter region or country codes forming the second part of a language code (so "zh-cn" becomes "zh-CN"); I've replaced the non-conformant "zh-archaic" with "och" (Old Chinese); and otherwise brought language code usage into compliance with BCP 47 and our own instructions in the CH chapter. This is for ticket 3304622. 08 December 2011, 22:16:37 UTC
916ab5c Fixing more three-letter language codes. 08 December 2011, 21:22:55 UTC
2456704 an example of RDF-like relation 08 December 2011, 19:55:54 UTC
903ef87 clarified use of one or mutiple catRef 08 December 2011, 17:56:30 UTC
bceca6d removed <remark> (no longer relevant) 08 December 2011, 16:45:41 UTC
ff69d3c add bibliog entry for CholNup 08 December 2011, 14:44:21 UTC
723ae67 add example of using <label> outside gloss list, per bugs/3400295 08 December 2011, 14:24:00 UTC
2ea03ab Changing "unk" to "und" (language is undetermined, not Enawene-Nawe). 08 December 2011, 13:51:42 UTC
147caf5 Fixing three-letter language codes for @xml:lang. 2-letter codes are preferred where they exist. 08 December 2011, 13:41:16 UTC
00df231 Typo-killer (Qu'est-ce que c'est? "white space" instead of "whitespace", a missing closing parenthesis, and confusing use of "X/HTML"). 08 December 2011, 04:58:41 UTC
23b88ff Typo-hunter strikes again: "atttribute". 08 December 2011, 03:20:49 UTC
71fb70c finishing off textLang changes, I think 07 December 2011, 23:16:38 UTC
abd7917 more for http://purl.org/tei/fr/3275613 06 December 2011, 09:54:18 UTC
f33d969 adding textLang to analytic/monogr/series 06 December 2011, 09:50:26 UTC
3a37be3 First stab at implementing http://purl.org/tei/fr/3275613 05 December 2011, 17:06:36 UTC
1c7fc7b finishing off http://purl.org/tei/fr/3156049 05 December 2011, 15:45:49 UTC
26df1d0 deprecated use of gram outside of gramGrp in an example 05 December 2011, 14:53:56 UTC
4b181d5 deprecate in prose use of gram elements as children of <form> 05 December 2011, 14:43:28 UTC
3dfd031 correct URI 05 December 2011, 12:26:11 UTC
76a4808 moved and slightly revised discussion of egXML in TD 05 December 2011, 11:41:57 UTC
199a1ee add section on naming conventions to AB 05 December 2011, 11:23:05 UTC
9c88f2d rebuild changelog 04 December 2011, 22:58:16 UTC
64b8905 correct typo 04 December 2011, 22:48:54 UTC
0f042d2 move titlePage and titlePage to inclusion from textstructure, not core 04 December 2011, 22:05:14 UTC
73ec25e correcting typo, forgot xml:lang 04 December 2011, 21:24:30 UTC
b10ef4a providing changes for http://purl.org/tei/fr/3156049 04 December 2011, 20:54:24 UTC
bdbbd11 no special path for utility 04 December 2011, 18:54:28 UTC
967e167 suggest release date of 7th December 04 December 2011, 18:33:46 UTC
8842ef0 add epub creation to build for lite and tite 04 December 2011, 18:28:46 UTC
2baa784 Removed the word "Doing" from the heading "Doing Standoff Markup" at Syd's excellent suggestion. 03 December 2011, 16:30:50 UTC
d41cfb1 sigh... remove duplicate chinese xml:ids 02 December 2011, 17:50:05 UTC
f7bce0b remove duplicate xml:id sigh 02 December 2011, 17:36:40 UTC
0318a5c add listForest per 3448423 02 December 2011, 16:45:42 UTC
a329dbc add listRelation as substitute for (now deprecated) relationGrp per sf bug 3448423 02 December 2011, 16:34:09 UTC
5e655b6 dtd 02 December 2011, 16:28:48 UTC
1cad30d add cardinality test to suote 02 December 2011, 15:42:24 UTC
4a06c78 test cardinality 02 December 2011, 15:41:32 UTC
de4d609 give geogName same attributes as placeName, per sf bug 3216049 02 December 2011, 15:24:10 UTC
cddecca revision of dosicussion of distinction between floatingText and quote, as per FR#3106829 02 December 2011, 15:21:27 UTC
b75d6c0 reduce size of graphix 02 December 2011, 13:36:08 UTC
7b08ac6 correct bib citation from hilde boe; add proust example; move gb to core 02 December 2011, 11:49:20 UTC
862400e testing cardinality 02 December 2011, 09:28:27 UTC
07261f0 implement TEI SF feature request 3290834, allow @max and @min on <memberOf> to specify cardinality of elements in uses of this model class. 01 December 2011, 23:55:28 UTC
98423bd lrx not urx, plz 01 December 2011, 21:48:50 UTC
480831e Removing "non-rectangular" from the description of @points as per http://purl.org/TEI/FR/3311604. 01 December 2011, 21:45:22 UTC
6f4bfe1 get attribute names right 01 December 2011, 21:45:19 UTC
272a7c2 Minor changes to desc and remarks for <ident> and <idno>, per my part in http://purl.org/TEI/FR/3188679 (I think more work is needed here, though). 01 December 2011, 21:33:34 UTC
5a8201e tidying up more for http://purl.org/TEI/FR/3423687 01 December 2011, 20:05:09 UTC
f656161 last batch of typos from martin 01 December 2011, 18:28:57 UTC
4b761f5 add ref to PH-change; change <add><del> into <del><add> 01 December 2011, 17:32:20 UTC
7f0c83c Changes as per http://purl.org/tei/fr/3423687 revising prose of trait/state and merging classes. [Still needs checking] 01 December 2011, 16:41:25 UTC
6382f52 correct id 01 December 2011, 09:47:28 UTC
8929adc add correct bib details for ibsen mss 01 December 2011, 09:37:48 UTC
af4072f revised to correspond to actual content models of form and gramGrp 30 November 2011, 22:59:16 UTC
7cdd8b6 recommended use of sense for entries with a single sense; other minor cleanup 30 November 2011, 03:58:14 UTC
a7a42ab more typos from Martin 29 November 2011, 13:36:09 UTC
ae651ed more typos etc from martin 29 November 2011, 11:15:18 UTC
9ab1d93 make zone member of model.linePart 28 November 2011, 16:15:56 UTC
67da585 correct mistagged example (no <ex> inside <line>) 28 November 2011, 16:13:59 UTC
1a330e8 change content model to permit zones within lines 28 November 2011, 16:00:19 UTC
9a0f335 add discussion of "opening" vs "page" as surface; extend initial example to show embedded transcription; add graphic for euery person example 28 November 2011, 15:59:36 UTC
136dd17 allow model.graphicLike+ per FR 3305016 27 November 2011, 02:25:15 UTC
6f0e704 use of typologies for @type on <rs> and in att.typed 27 November 2011, 01:56:37 UTC
8d3859b add 2 new images from martin 26 November 2011, 22:53:40 UTC
1133c30 reorganize structure a bit, simplify first examples, give all figures heads 26 November 2011, 21:58:56 UTC
bcf6a04 <author> to be used for a single entity (FR 2493417) 26 November 2011, 21:55:51 UTC
5db2641 Change to allow <idno type="DOI"> instead of "doi". 26 November 2011, 21:14:20 UTC
caf2370 Added <listRef> pointing to the appropriate section of Chapter 22 in the Guidelines. 26 November 2011, 19:22:55 UTC
eaf5d3f Changed all DOI references in <idno> to be consistently in one format, <idno type="DOI">http://dx.doi.org/....</idno>, following discussions on the Council mailing list. 26 November 2011, 19:07:34 UTC
8973c9e insert a closing </div> before PHZLAB to make it valid, as per previous version 26 November 2011, 18:25:55 UTC
f6336fc figure caption placement 26 November 2011, 18:15:12 UTC
c164563 some typos from Piotr and Martin 26 November 2011, 14:57:19 UTC
8077359 Changing <idno type="ota"> to <idno type="OTA"> for consistency. 25 November 2011, 17:25:39 UTC
ac18210 fixed references to @calendar and @period in guidelines (en) 25 November 2011, 12:32:16 UTC
299a4fe created @datingPoint and @datingMethod; moved @calendar from date to att.datable, and @period from att.datable.w3c to att.datable 25 November 2011, 12:16:14 UTC
8c58c91 Corrected <hi rend="upper case"> to <hi rend="uppercase">. Whatever we believe about suggested values for @rend, a single property containing a space is clearly not ideal, so the CSS "uppercase" is surely better. 24 November 2011, 17:08:51 UTC
62f0edd Removing empty "template" elements from example. 23 November 2011, 13:39:37 UTC
17e6c5a Normalized biblScope/@type value from pages to pp to conform with standard suggested values. 23 November 2011, 05:11:52 UTC
2b68934 Fixed typo <geo>geo</geo>, which should have been <gi>geo</gi>. 22 November 2011, 03:51:51 UTC
1002cf5 Removed space from content of <idno>. 22 November 2011, 03:47:08 UTC
b6f253f Fix for a typo (trailing quote in content of <ident>). 22 November 2011, 03:31:49 UTC
71e0bfa correct bib pointer, add @points example 20 November 2011, 21:00:21 UTC
65a89f5 correct typo, missing #, in link 20 November 2011, 20:55:49 UTC
066615c moved refernces to correct section 20 November 2011, 20:47:47 UTC
de93602 revised and added references to bibliographic standards 20 November 2011, 19:38:25 UTC
9b773b1 improve bib ref for some whitman examples. 20 November 2011, 17:34:01 UTC
fdedfc7 more edits 20 November 2011, 16:55:58 UTC
bddb7a8 remove duplicate xml:id s 20 November 2011, 16:00:50 UTC
a889592 set so that Subversion updates fields on checkin 20 November 2011, 15:49:48 UTC
7e50901 and add the class definition too, why not 20 November 2011, 15:44:15 UTC
4bd1b6a introduce model.linePart class; add line to it; move @coords out of att.coordinated 20 November 2011, 15:37:01 UTC
7253ea7 add a new picture 20 November 2011, 00:56:46 UTC
467ef05 add prelim version of spGrp 19 November 2011, 12:57:21 UTC
c35c2ee put model.inter into content model of head to restore previous wide range of stuff allowed 18 November 2011, 19:38:48 UTC
2e80d57 allow qLike inside <head>, and correct error in <lg> which stopped <stage> child working 18 November 2011, 17:14:52 UTC
ab22161 add an example of head/q 18 November 2011, 17:13:23 UTC
ac7ab86 make figure content not mandatory; add new ECCO test 18 November 2011, 15:41:55 UTC
2201eca make figure content not mandatory; add new ECCO test 18 November 2011, 15:41:40 UTC
ac8501b needs transcr module for ecco 18 November 2011, 13:05:21 UTC
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