Raw File
Tip revision: 5f204ee8c4dad745b7490c371e530df4ebea6f98 authored by Julien Herzen on 16 October 2021, 07:44:24 UTC
resolved issues in concatenate()
Tip revision: 5f204ee

# Changelog

Darts is still in an early development phase and we cannot always guarantee backwards compatibility. Changes that may **break code which uses a previous release of Darts** are marked with a "🔴".

## [Unreleased](
[Full Changelog](

## [0.12.0]( (2021-09-25)
### For users of the library:

- Improved probabilistic forecasting with neural networks
  - Now all neural networks based forecasting models (except `NBEATSModel`) support probabilistic forecasting,
    by providing the `likelihood` parameter to the model's constructor method.
  - `darts.utils.likelihood_models` now contains many more distributions. The complete list of likelihoods
    available to train neural networks based models is 
    available here:
  - Many of the available likelihood models now offer the possibility to specify "priors" on the distribution's
    parameters. Specifying such priors will regularize the training loss to make the output distribution
    more like the one specified by the prior parameters values.  
- Performance improvements on `TimeSeries` creation. creating `TimeSeries` is now be significantly faster,
  especially for large series, and filling missing dates has also been significantly sped up.
- New rho-risk metric for probabilistic forecasts.
- New method `darts.utils.statistics.plot_hist()` to plot histograms of time series data (e.g. backtest errors).
- New argument `fillna_value` to `TimeSeries` factory methods, allowing to specify a value to fill missing dates
(instead of `np.nan`).
- Synthetic `TimeSeries` generated with `darts.utils.timeseries_generation` methods can now be integer-index
(just pass an integer instead of a timestamp for the `start` argument).
- Removed some deprecation warnings
- Updated conda installation instructions

- Removed [extra 1x1 convolutions]( in TCN Model.
- Fixed an issue with linewidth parameter when plotting `TimeSeries`.
- Fixed a column name issue in datetime attribute time series.

### For developers of the library:
- We have removed the `develop` branch.
- We force sklearn<1.0 has we have observed issues with pmdarima and sklearn==1.0

## [0.11.0]( (2021-09-04)
### For users of the library:

- New model: `LightGBMModel` is a new regression model. Regression models allow to predict future values
of the target, given arbitrary lags of the target as well as past and/or future covariates. `RegressionModel`
already works with any scikit-learn regression model, and now `LightGBMModel` does the same with LightGBM.
If you want to activate LightGBM support in Darts, please read the detailed install notes on 
the [README]( carefully.
- Added stride support to gridsearch

- A bug which was causing issues when training on a GPU with a validation set
- Some issues with custom-provided RNN modules in `RNNModel`.
- Properly handle `kwargs` in the `fit` function of `RegressionModel`s.
- Fixed an issue which was causing problems with latest versions of Matplotlib.
- An issue causing errors in the FFT notebook

## [0.10.1]( (2021-08-19)
### For users of the library:

- A bug with memory pinning that was causing issues with training models on GPUs.

- Clarified conda support on the README

## [0.10.0]( (2021-08-13)
### For users of the library:

- &#x1F534; Improvement of the covariates support. Before, some models were accepting a `covariates` (or `exog`) 
argument, but it wasn't always clear whether this represented "past-observed" or "future-known" covariates. 
We have made this clearer. Now all covariate-aware models support `past_covariates` and/or `future_covariates` argument 
in their `fit()` and `predict()` methods, which makes it clear what series is used as a past or future covariate.
We recommend [this article](
for more information and examples.

- &#x1F534; Significant improvement of `RegressionModel` (incl. `LinearRegressionModel` and `RandomForest`).
These models now support training on multiple (possibly multivariate) time series. They also support both
`past_covariates` and `future_covariates`. It makes it easier than ever to fit arbitrary regression models (e.g. from
scikit-learn) on multiple series, to predict the future of a target series based on arbitrary lags of the target and 
the past/future covariates. The signature of these models changed: It's not using "`exog`" keyword arguments, but
`past_covariates` and `future_covariates` instead.

- Dynamic Time Warping. There is a brand new `darts.dataprocessing.dtw` submodule that
implements Dynamic Time Warping between two `TimeSeries`. It's also coming with a new `dtw`
metric in `darts.metrics`. We recommend going over the 
[new DTW example notebook]( 
for a good overview of the new functionalities

- Conda forge installation support (fully supported with Python 3.7 only for now). You can now
`conda install u8darts-all`.

- `TimeSeries.from_csv()` allows to obtain a `TimeSeries` from a CSV file directly.

- Optional cyclic encoding of the datetime attributes future covariates; for instance it's now possible to call 
`my_series.add_datetime_attribute('weekday', cyclic=True)`, which will add two columns containing a sin/cos 
encoding of the weekday.

- Default seasonality inference in `ExponentialSmoothing`. If left to `None`, the `seasonal_periods` is inferred
from the `freq` of the provided series.  

- Various documentation improvements.

- Now transformations and forecasting maintain the columns' names of the `TimeSeries`.
The generation module `darts.utils.timeseries_generation` also comes with better default columns names.
- Some issues with our Docker build process
- A bug with GPU usage

- For probabilistic PyTorch based models, the generation of multiple samples (and series) at prediction time is now
vectorized, which improves inference performance.

## [0.9.1]( (2021-07-17)
### For users of the library:

- Improved `GaussianProcessFilter`, now handling missing values, and better handling
time series indexed by datetimes.
- Improved Gaussian Process notebook.

- `TimeSeries` now supports indexing using `pandas.Int64Index` and not just `pandas.RangeIndex`,
which solves some indexing issues.
- We have changed all factory methods of `TimeSeries` to have `fill_missing_dates=False` by
default. This is because in some cases inferring the frequency for missing dates and
resampling the series is causing significant performance overhead.
- Fixed backtesting to make it work with integer-indexed series.
- Fixed a bug that was causing inference to crash on GPUs for some models.
- Fixed the default folder name, which was causing issues on Windows systems.
- We have slightly improved the documentation rendering and fixed the titles 
of the documentation pages for `RNNModel` and `BlockRNNModel` to distinguish them.

- The dependencies are not pinned to some exact versions anymore.

### For developers of the library:
- We have fixed the building process.

## [0.9.0]( (2021-07-09)
### For users of the library:

- Multiple forecasting models can now produce probabilistic forecasts by specifying a `num_samples` parameter when calling `predict()`. Stochastic forecasts are stored by utilizing the new `samples` dimension in the refactored `TimeSeries` class (see 'Changed' section). Models supporting probabilistic predictions so far are `ARIMA`, `ExponentialSmoothing`, `RNNModel` and `TCNModel`.
- Introduced `LikelihoodModel` class which is used by probabilistic `TorchForecastingModel` classes in order to make predictions in the form of parametrized distributions of different types.
- Added new abstract class `TorchParametricProbabilisticForecastingModel` to serve as parent class for probabilistic models.
- Introduced new `FilteringModel` abstract class alongside `MovingAverage`, `KalmanFilter` and `GaussianProcessFilter` as concrete implementations.
- Future covariates are now utilized by `TorchForecastingModels` when the forecasting horizon exceeds the `output_chunk_length` of the model. Before, `TorchForecastingModel` instances could only predict beyond their `output_chunk_length` if they were not trained on covariates, i.e. if they predicted all the data they need as input. This restriction has now been lifted by letting a model not only consume its own output when producing long predictions, but also utilizing the covariates known in the future, if available.
- Added a new `RNNModel` class which utilizes and rnn module as both encoder and decoder. This new class natively supports the use of the most recent future covariates when making a forecast. See documentation for more details.
- Introduced optional `epochs` parameter to the `TorchForecastingModel.predict()` method which, if provided, overrides the `n_epochs` attribute in that particular model instance and training session.
- Added support for `TimeSeries` with a `pandas.RangeIndex` instead of just allowing `pandas.DatetimeIndex`.
- `ForecastingModel.gridsearch` now makes use of parallel computation.
- Introduced a new `force_reset` parameter to `TorchForecastingModel.__init__()` which, if left to False, will prevent the user from overriding model data with the same name and directory.

- Solved bug occurring when training `NBEATSModel` on a GPU.
- Fixed crash when running `NBEATSModel` with `log_tensorboard=True`
- Solved bug occurring when training a `TorchForecastingModel` instance with a `batch_size` bigger than the available number of training samples.
- Some fixes in the documentation, including adding more details
- Other minor bug fixes

- &#x1F534; The `TimeSeries` class has been refactored to support stochastic time series representation by adding an additional dimension to a time series, namely `samples`. A time series is now based on a 3-dimensional `xarray.DataArray` with shape `(n_timesteps, n_components, n_samples)`. This overhaul also includes a change of the constructor which is incompatible with the old one. However, factory methods have been added to create a `TimeSeries` instance from a variety of data types, including `pd.DataFrame`. Please refer to the documentation of `TimeSeries` for more information.
- &#x1F534; The old version of `RNNModel` has been renamed to `BlockRNNModel`.
- The `historical_forecast()` and `backtest()` methods of `ForecastingModel` have been reorganized a bit by making use of new wrapper methods to fit and predict models.
- Updated `` to reflect the new additions to the library.

## [0.8.1]( (2021-05-22)
- Some fixes in the documentation

- The way to instantiate Dataset classes; datasets should now be used like this
from darts.datasets import AirPassengers
ts: TimeSeries = AirPassengers().load()

## [0.8.0]( (2021-05-21)

### For users of the library:
- `RandomForest` algorithm implemented. Uses the scikit-learn `RandomForestRegressor` to predict future values from (lagged) exogenous
variables and lagged values of the target.
- `darts.datasets` is a new submodule allowing to easily download, cache and import some commonly used time series.
- Better support for processing sequences of `TimeSeries`. 
  * The Transformers, Pipelines and metrics have been adapted to be used on sequences of `TimeSeries` 
  (rather than isolated series).
  * The inference of neural networks on sequences of series has been improved
- There is a new utils function `darts.utils.model_selection.train_test_split` which allows to split a `TimeSeries`
or a sequence of `TimeSeries` into train and test sets; either along the sample axis or along the time axis.
It also optionally allows to do "model-aware" splitting, where the split reclaims as much data as possible for the
training set.
- Our implementation of N-BEATS, `NBEATSModel`, now supports multivariate time series, as well as covariates.

- `RegressionModel` is now a user exposed class. It acts as a wrapper around any regression model with a `fit()` and `predict()`
method. It enables the flexible usage of lagged values of the target variable as well as lagged values of multiple exogenous
variables. Allowed values for the `lags` argument are positive integers or a list of positive integers indicating which lags
should be used during training and prediction, e.g. `lags=12` translates to training with the last 12 lagged values of the target variable. 
`lags=[1, 4, 8, 12]` translates to training with the previous value, the value at lag 4, lag 8 and lag 12.
- &#x1F534; `StandardRegressionModel` is now called `LinearRegressionModel`. It implements a linear regression model 
from `sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression`. Users who still need to use the former `StandardRegressionModel` with
another sklearn model should use the `RegressionModel` now.

- We have fixed a bug arising when multiple scalers were used.
- We have fixed a small issue in the TCN architecture, which makes our implementation follow the original paper
more closely.

### For developers of the library:
- We have added some [contribution guidelines](

## [0.7.0]( (2021-04-14)

[Full Changelog](
### For users of the library:

- `darts` Pypi package. It is now possible to `pip install darts`. The older name `u8darts` is still maintained
and provides the different flavours for lighter installs.
- New forecasting model available: VARIMA (Vector Autoregressive moving average).
- Support for exogeneous variables in ARIMA, AutoARIMA and VARIMA (optional `exog` parameter in `fit()` and `predict()`
- New argument `dummy_index` for `TimeSeries` creation. If a series is just composed of a sequence of numbers
without timestamps, setting this flag will allow to create a `TimeSeries` which uses a "dummy time index" behind the
scenes. This simplifies the creation of `TimeSeries` in such cases, and makes it possible to use all forecasting models,
except those that explicitly rely on dates.
- New method `TimeSeries.diff()` returning differenced `TimeSeries`.
- Added an example of `RegressionEnsembleModel` in intro notebook.

- Improved N-BEATS example notebook.
- Methods `TimeSeries.split_before()` and `split_after()` now also accept integer or float arguments (in addition to
timestamp) for the breaking point (e.g. specify 0.8 in order to obtain a 80%/20% split).
- Argument `value_cols` no longer has to be provided if not necessary when creating a `TimeSeries` from a `DataFrame`.
- Update of dependency requirements to more recent versions.

- Fix issue with MAX_TORCH_SEED_VALUE on 32-bit architectures (
- Corrected a bug in TCN inference, which should improve accuracy.
- Fix historical forecasts not returning last point.
- Fixed bug when calling the `TimeSeries.gaps()` function for non-regular time frequencies.
- Many small bug fixes.

## [0.6.0]( (2021-02-02)

[Full Changelog](
### For users of the library:
- `Pipeline.invertible()` a getter which returns whether the pipeline is invertible or not.
- `TimeSeries.to_json()` and `TimeSeries.from_json()` methods to convert `TimeSeries` to/from a `JSON` string.
- New base class `GlobalForecastingModel` for all models supporting training on multiple time series, as well
as covariates. All PyTorch models are now `GlobalForecastingModel`s.
- As a consequence of the above, the `fit()` function of PyTorch models (all neural networks) can optionally be called
with a sequence of time series (instead of a single time series).
- Similarly, the `predict()` function of these models also accepts a specification of which series should be forecasted
- A new `TrainingDataset` base class.
- Some implementations of `TrainingDataset` containing some slicing logic for the training of neural networks on
several time series.
- A new `TimeSeriesInferenceDataset` base class.
- An implementation `SimpleInferenceDataset` of `TimeSeriesInferenceDataset`.
- All PyTorch models have a new `fit_from_dataset()` method which allows to directly fit the model from a specified
`TrainingDataset` instance (instead of using a default instance when going via the `fit()` method).
- A new explanatory notebooks for global models:

- &#x1F534; removed the arguments `training_series` and `target_series` in `ForecastingModel`s. Please consult
the API documentation of forecasting models to see the new signatures.
- &#x1F534; removed `UnivariateForecastingModel` and `MultivariateForecastingModel` base classes. This distinction does
not exist anymore. Instead, now some models are "global" (can be trained on multiple series) or "local" (they cannot).
All implementations of `GlobalForecastingModel`s support multivariate time series out of the box, except N-BEATS.
- Improved the documentation and README.
- Re-ordered the example notebooks to improve the flow of examples.

- Many small bug fixes.
- Unit test speedup by about 15x.

## [0.5.0]( (2020-11-09)

[Full Changelog](
### For users of the library:
- Ensemble models, a new kind of `ForecastingModel` which allows to ensemble multiple models to make predictions:
  - `EnsembleModel` is the abstract base class for ensemble models. Classes deriving from `EnsembleModel` must implement the `ensemble()` method, which takes in a `List[TimeSeries]` of predictions from the constituent models, and returns the ensembled prediction (a single `TimeSeries` object)
  - `RegressionEnsembleModel`, a concrete implementation of `EnsembleModel `which allows to specify any regression model (providing `fit()` and `predict()` methods) to use to ensemble the constituent models' predictions.
- A new method to `TorchForecastingModel`: `untrained_model()` returns the model as it was initially created, allowing to retrain the exact same model from scratch. Works both when specifying a `random_state` or not.
- New `ForecastingModel.backtest()` and `RegressionModel.backtest()` functions which by default compute a single error score from the historical forecasts the model would have produced.
  - A new `reduction` parameter allows to specify whether to compute the mean/median/… of errors or (when `reduction` is set to `None`) to return a list of historical errors.
  - The previous `backtest()` functionality still exists but has been renamed `historical_forecasts()`
- Added a new `last_points_only` parameter to `historical_forecasts()`, `backtest()` and `gridsearch()`

- &#x1F534; Renamed `backtest()` into `historical_forecasts()`
- `fill_missing_values()` and `MissingValuesFiller` used to remove the variable names when used with `fill='auto'` – not anymore.
- Modified the default plotting style to increase contrast and make plots lighter.

- Small mistake in the `NaiveDrift` model implementation which caused the first predicted value to repeat the last training value.

### For developers of the library:
- `@random_method` decorator now always assigns a `_random_instance` field to decorated methods (seeded with a random seed). This doesn't change the observed behavior, but allows to deterministically "reset" `TorchForecastingModel` by saving `_random_instance` along with the other parameters of the model upon creation.

## [0.4.0]( (2020-10-28)

[Full Changelog](

### For users of the library:
- Data (pre) processing abilities using `DataTransformer`, `Pipeline`:
  - `DataTransformer` provide a unified interface to apply transformations on `TimeSeries`, using their `transform()` method
  - `Pipeline`:
    - allow chaining of `DataTransformers`
    - provide `fit()`, `transform()`, `fit_transform()` and `inverse_transform()` methods.
  - Implementing your own data transformers:
    - Data transformers which need to be fitted first should derive from the `FittableDataTransformer` base class and implement a `fit()` method. Fittable transformers also provide a `fit_transform()` method, which fits the transformer and then transforms the data with a single call.
    - Data transformers which perform an invertible transformation should derive from the `InvertibleDataTransformer` base class and implement a `inverse_transform()` method.
    - Data transformers which are neither fittable nor invertible should derive from the `BaseDataTransformer` base class
    - All data transformers must implement a `transform()` method.
- Concrete `DataTransformer` implementations:
  - `MissingValuesFiller` wraps around `fill_missing_value()` and allows to fill missing values using either a constant value or the `pd.interpolate()` method.
  - `Mapper` and `InvertibleMapper` allow to easily perform the equivalent of a `map()` function on a TimeSeries, and can be made part of a `Pipeline`
  - `BoxCox` allows to apply a BoxCox transformation to the data
- Extended `map()` on `TimeSeries` to accept functions which use both a value and its timestamp to compute a new value e.g.`f(timestamp, datapoint) = new_datapoint`
- Two new forecasting models:
  - `TransformerModel`, an implementation based on the architecture described in [Attention Is All You Need]( by Vaswani et al. (2017)
  - `NBEATSModel`, an implementation based on the N-BEATS architecture described in [N-BEATS: Neural basis expansion analysis for interpretable time series forecasting]( by Boris N. Oreshkin et al. (2019)

- &#x1F534; Removed `cols` parameter from `map()`. Using indexing on `TimeSeries` is preferred.
  # Assuming a multivariate TimeSeries named series with 3 columns or variables.
  # To apply fn to columns with names '0' and '2':

  #old syntax, cols=['0', '2']) # returned a time series with 3 columns
  #new syntax
  series[['0', '2']].map(fn) # returns a time series with only 2 columns
- &#x1F534; Renamed `ScalerWrapper` into `Scaler`
- &#x1F534; Renamed the `preprocessing` module into `dataprocessing`
- &#x1F534; Unified `auto_fillna()` and `fillna()` into a single `fill_missing_value()` function
  #old syntax
  fillna(series, fill=0)

  #new syntax
  fill_missing_values(series, fill=0)

  #old syntax
  auto_fillna(series, **interpolate_kwargs)

  #new syntax
  fill_missing_values(series, fill='auto', **interpolate_kwargs)
  fill_missing_values(series, **interpolate_kwargs) # fill='auto' by default

### For developers of the library
- GitHub release workflow is now triggered manually from the GitHub "Actions" tab in the repository, providing a `#major`, `#minor`, or `#patch` argument. [\#211](
- (A limited number of) notebook examples are now run as part of the GitHub PR workflow.

## [0.3.0]( (2020-10-05)

[Full Changelog](

### For users of the library:

- Better indexing on TimeSeries (support for column/component indexing) [\#150](
- New `FourTheta` forecasting model [\#123](, [\#156](
- `map()` method for TimeSeries [\#121](, [\#166](
- Further improved the backtesting functions [\#111](
  - Added support for multivariate TimeSeries and models
  - Added `retrain` and `stride` parameters
- Custom style for matplotlib plots [\#191](
- sMAPE metric [\#129](
- Option to specify a `random_state` at model creation using the `@random_method` decorator on models using neural networks to allow reproducibility of results [\#118](


- &#x1F534; **Refactored backtesting** [\#184](
  - Moved backtesting functionalities inside `ForecastingModel` and `RegressionModel`
    # old syntax:
    backtest_forecasting(forecasting_model, *args, **kwargs)

    # new syntax:
    forecasting_model.backtest(*args, **kwargs)

    # old syntax:
    backtest_regression(regression_model, *args, **kwargs)

    # new syntax:
    regression_model.backtest(*args, **kwargs)
  - Consequently removed the `backtesting` module
- &#x1F534; `ForecastingModel` `fit()` **method syntax** using TimeSeries indexing instead of additional parameters [\#161](
  # old syntax:, target_indices=[0, 1])

  # new syntax:, multivariate_series[["0", "1"]])

  # old syntax:, component_index=2)

  # new syntax:["2"])

- Solved issue of TorchForecastingModel.predict(n) throwing an error at n=1. [\#108](
- Fixed MASE metrics [\#129](
- \[BUG\] ForecastingModel.backtest: Can bypass sanity checks [\#188](
- ForecastingModel.backtest\(\) fails if forecast\_horizon isn't provided [\#186](

### For developers of the library

- Gradle to build docs, docker image, run tests, … [\#112](, [\#127](, [\#159](
- M4 competition benchmark and notebook to the examples [\#138](
- Check of test coverage [\#141](

- Dependencies' versions are now fixed [\#173](
- Workflow: tests trigger on Pull Request [\#165](

- Passed the `freq` parameter to the `TimeSeries` constructor in all TimeSeries generating functions [\#157](

## Older releases

[Full Changelog](
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