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Tip revision: cc10386c5d2bfd989142867f56def914745c9a62 authored by LeoTafti on 28 October 2020, 07:29:44 UTC
Release 0.4.0
Tip revision: cc10386
# Changelog

Darts is still in an early development phase and we cannot always guarantee backwards compatibility. Changes that may **break code which uses a previous release of Darts** are marked with a "🔴".

## [Unreleased](

[Full Changelog](

## [0.4.0]( (2020-10-28)

[Full Changelog](

### For users of the library:
- Data (pre) processing abilities using `DataTransformer`, `Pipeline`:
  - `DataTransformer` provide a unified interface to apply transformations on `TimeSeries`, using their `transform()` method
  - `Pipeline`:
    - allow chaining of `DataTransformers`
    - provide `fit()`, `transform()`, `fit_transform()` and `inverse_transform()` methods.
  - Implementing your own data transformers:
    - Data transformers which need to be fitted first should derive from the `FittableDataTransformer` base class and implement a `fit()` method. Fittable transformers also provide a `fit_transform()` method, which fits the transformer and then transforms the data with a single call.
    - Data transformers which perform an invertible transformation should derive from the `InvertibleDataTransformer` base class and implement a `inverse_transform()` method.
    - Data transformers wich are neither fittable nor invertible should derive from the `BaseDataTransformer` base class
    - All data transformers must implement a `transform()` method.
- Concrete `DataTransformer` implementations:
  - `MissingValuesFiller` wraps around `fill_missing_value()` and allows to fill missing values using either a constant value or the `pd.interpolate()` method.
  - `Mapper` and `InvertibleMapper` allow to easily perform the equivalent of a `map()` function on a TimeSeries, and can be made part of a `Pipeline`
  - `BoxCox` allows to apply a BoxCox transformation to the data
- Extended `map()` on `TimeSeries` to accept functions which use both a value and its timestamp to compute a new value e.g.`f(timestamp, datapoint) = new_datapoint`
- Two new forecasting models:
  - `TransformerModel`, an implementation based on the architecture described in [Attention Is All You Need]( by Vaswani et al. (2017)
  - `NBEATSModel`, an implementation based on the N-BEATS architecture described in [N-BEATS: Neural basis expansion analysis for interpretable time series forecasting]( by Boris N. Oreshkin et al. (2019)

- 🔴 Removed `cols` parameter from `map()`. Using indexing on `TimeSeries` is preferred.
  # Assuming a multivariate TimeSeries named series with 3 columns or variables.
  # To apply fn to columns with names '0' and '2':

  #old syntax, cols=['0', '2']) # returned a time series with 3 columns
  #new syntax
  series[['0', '2']].map(fn) # returns a time series with only 2 columns
- 🔴 Renamed `ScalerWrapper` into `Scaler`
- 🔴 Renamed the `preprocessing` module into `dataprocessing`
- 🔴 Unified `auto_fillna()` and `fillna()` into a single `fill_missing_value()` function
  #old syntax
  fillna(series, fill=0)

  #new syntax
  fill_missing_values(series, fill=0)

  #old syntax
  auto_fillna(series, **interpolate_kwargs)

  #new syntax
  fill_missing_values(series, fill='auto', **interpolate_kwargs)
  fill_missing_values(series, **interpolate_kwargs) # fill='auto' by default

### For developers of the library
### Changed
- GitHub release workflow is now triggered manually from the GitHub "Actions" tab in the repository, providing a `#major`, `#minor`, or `#patch` argument. [\#211](
- (A limited number of) notebook examples are now run as part of the GitHub develop workflow.

## [0.3.0]( (2020-10-05)

[Full Changelog](

### For users of the library:

- Better indexing on TimeSeries (support for column/component indexing) [\#150](
- New `FourTheta` forecasting model [\#123](, [\#156](
- `map()` method for TimeSeries [\#121](, [\#166](
- Further improved the backtesting functions [\#111](
  - Added support for multivariate TimeSeries and models
  - Added `retrain` and `stride` parameters
- Custom style for matplotlib plots [\#191](
- sMAPE metric [\#129](
- Option to specify a `random_state` at model creation using the `@random_method` decorator on models using neural networks to allow reproducibility of results [\#118](


- 🔴 **Refactored backtesting** [\#184](
  - Moved backtesting functionalities inside `ForecastingModel` and `RegressionModel`
    # old syntax:
    backtest_forecasting(forecasting_model, *args, **kwargs)

    # new syntax:
    forecasting_model.backtest(*args, **kwargs)

    # old syntax:
    backtest_regression(regression_model, *args, **kwargs)

    # new syntax:
    regression_model.backtest(*args, **kwargs)
  - Consequently removed the `backtesting` module
- 🔴 `ForecastingModel` `fit()` **method syntax** using TimeSeries indexing instead of additional parameters [\#161](
  # old syntax:, target_indices=[0, 1])

  # new syntax:, multivariate_series[["0", "1"]])

  # old syntax:, component_index=2)

  # new syntax:["2"])

- Solved issue of TorchForecastingModel.predict(n) throwing an error at n=1. [\#108](
- Fixed MASE metrics [\#129](
- \[BUG\] ForecastingModel.backtest: Can bypass sanity checks [\#188](
- ForecastingModel.backtest\(\) fails if forecast\_horizon isn't provided [\#186](

### For developers of the library

- Gradle to build docs, docker image, run tests, … [\#112](, [\#127](, [\#159](
- M4 competition benchmark and notebook to the examples [\#138](
- Check of test coverage [\#141](

- Dependencies' versions are now fixed [\#173](
- Workflow: tests trigger on Pull Request [\#165](

- Passed the `freq` parameter to the `TimeSeries` constructor in all TimeSeries generating functions [\#157](

## Older releases

[Full Changelog](
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