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Tip revision: 532d2199f056d70ec695498b26d577e901bc7734 authored by Toni Giorgino on 01 September 2019, 05:50:02 UTC
version 1.21-3
Tip revision: 532d219
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/plot.dtw.R
\title{Plotting of dynamic time warp results: pointwise comparison}
dtwPlotTwoWay(d, xts = NULL, yts = NULL, offset = 0, ts.type = "l",
  pch = 21, match.indices = NULL, match.col = "gray70",
  match.lty = 3, xlab = "Index", ylab = "Query value", ...)
\item{d}{an alignment result, object of class \code{dtw}}

\item{xts}{query vector}

\item{yts}{reference vector}

\item{offset}{displacement between the timeseries, summed to reference}

\item{ts.type, pch}{graphical parameters for timeseries plotting, passed to

\item{match.indices}{indices for which to draw a visual guide}

\item{match.col, match.lty}{color and line type of the match guide lines}

\item{xlab, ylab}{axis labels}

\item{...}{additional arguments, passed to \code{matplot}}
Display the query and reference time series and their alignment, arranged
for visual inspection.
The two vectors are displayed via the \code{\link[=matplot]{matplot()}} functions; their
appearance can be customized via the \code{type} and \code{pch} arguments
(constants or vectors of two elements).  If \code{offset} is set, the
reference is shifted vertically by the given amount; this will be reflected
by the \emph{right-hand} axis.

Argument \code{match.indices} is used to draw a visual guide to matches; if
a vector is given, guides are drawn for the corresponding indices in the
warping curve (match lines). If integer, it is used as the number of guides
to be plotted. The corresponding style is customized via the
\code{match.col} and \code{match.lty} arguments.

If \code{xts} and \code{yts} are not supplied, they will be recovered from
\code{d}, as long as it was created with the two-argument call of
\code{\link[=dtw]{dtw()}} with \code{keep.internals=TRUE}.  Only single-variate time
series can be plotted this way.
When \code{offset} is set values on the left axis only apply to the
 The function is incompatible with mechanisms for arranging
plots on a device: \code{par(mfrow)}, \code{layout} and \code{split.screen}.


## A noisy sine wave as query
## A cosine is for reference; sin and cos are offset by 25 samples


## Equivalent to plot(alignment,type="two");

## Highlight matches of chosen QUERY indices. We will do some index
## arithmetics to recover the corresponding indices along the warping
## curve

hq <- (0:8)/8              
hq <- round(hq*100)      #  indices in query for  pi/4 .. 7/4 pi

hw <- (alignment$index1 \%in\% hq)   # where are they on the w. curve?
hi <- (1:length(alignment$index1))[hw];   # get the indices of TRUE elems

## Beware of the reference's y axis, may be confusing
plot(alignment,offset=-2,type="two", lwd=3, match.col="grey50",
     match.indices=hi,main="Match lines shown every pi/4 on query");

legend("topright",c("Query","Reference (rt. axis)"), pch=21, col=1:6)

\code{\link[=dtwPlot]{dtwPlot()}} for other dtw plotting functions,
\code{\link[=matplot]{matplot()}} for graphical parameters.

Other plot: \code{\link{dtwPlotDensity}},
  \code{\link{dtwPlotThreeWay}}, \code{\link{dtwPlot}}
Toni Giorgino
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