Raw File
Tip revision: cea3a499efa992dbc8e457fcf98ebbb64c277589 authored by R. Kyle Bocinsky on 24 January 2018, 16:52:40 UTC
version 2.5.1
Tip revision: cea3a49
#' Download and crop the National Land Cover Database.
#' \code{get_nlcd} returns a \code{RasterLayer} of NLCD data cropped to a given
#' template study area.
#' @param template A Raster* or Spatial* object to serve 
#' as a template for cropping.
#' @param label A character string naming the study area.
#' @param year An integer representing the year of desired NLCD product.
#' Acceptable values are 2011 (default), 2006, and 2001.
#' @param dataset A character string representing type of the NLCD product.
#' Acceptable values are landcover' (default), 'impervious', and 'canopy'.
#' @param raw.dir A character string indicating where raw downloaded files should be put.
#' The directory will be created if missing. Defaults to './RAW/NLCD/'.
#' @param extraction.dir A character string indicating where the extracted and cropped DEM should be put.
#' The directory will be created if missing. Defaults to './EXTRACTIONS/NLCD/'.
#' @param raster.options a vector of options for raster::writeRaster. 
#' @param force.redo If an extraction for this template and label already exists, should a new one be created?
#' @return A \code{RasterLayer} DEM cropped to the extent of the template.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom foreach foreach %do%
#' @importFrom readr write_lines
#' @importFrom stringr str_c
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Extract data for the Village Ecodynamics Project 'VEPIIN' study area:
#' #
#' vepPolygon <- polygon_from_extent(raster::extent(672800,740000,4102000,4170000), 
#'      proj4string='+proj=utm +datum=NAD83 +zone=12')
#' # Get the NLCD (USA ONLY)
#' # Returns a raster
#' NLCD <- get_nlcd(template=vepPolygon, label='VEPIIN')
#' # Plot with raster::plot
#' plot(NLCD)
#' }
get_nlcd <- function(template,
                    year = 2011,
                    dataset = "landcover",
                    raw.dir = "./RAW/NLCD",
                    extraction.dir = paste0("./EXTRACTIONS/", label, "/NLCD"),
                    raster.options = c("COMPRESS=DEFLATE",
                    force.redo = F) {
  raw.dir <- normalizePath(paste0(raw.dir,"/."), mustWork = FALSE)  
  extraction.dir <- normalizePath(paste0(extraction.dir,"/."), mustWork = FALSE)  
  dir.create(raw.dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  dir.create(extraction.dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  if (file.exists(paste0(extraction.dir, "/", label, "_NLCD_", year,"_",dataset, ".tif")) & !force.redo) {
    return(raster::raster(paste0(extraction.dir, "/", label, "_NLCD_", year,"_",dataset, ".tif")))
  template <- template %<>%
  # data(nlcd_tiles, package = "FedData")
  nlcd_tiles <- FedData::nlcd_tiles
  template.latlon <- template %>%
  tile.ids <- nlcd_tiles$Name[! %over% template.latlon))]
  tile.ids <- tile.ids[!]
  tile.ids <- unique(tile.ids)
  message("Area of interest includes ", length(tile.ids), " NLCD tile(s).")
  # Download and crop tiles
  tiles <- lapply(tile.ids, function(tile) {
    return(get_nlcd_tile(template = template,
                         year = year,
                         dataset = dataset,
                         tileName = tile,
                         raw.dir = raw.dir))
  names(tiles) <- tile.ids
  if(all(sapply(tiles, is.null))){
    stop("No NLCD tiles are available for your study area. Please check your input data and internet connection.")
  tiles <- tiles[which(!sapply(tiles, is.null))] 
  atts <- tiles[[1]]@data@attributes
  leg <- tiles[[1]]@legend
  # Mosaic all tiles
  if (length(tiles) > 1) {
    message("Mosaicking NLCD tiles.")
    # tiles$fun <- mean
    names(tiles)[1:2] <- c("x", "y")
    tiles <-, tiles)
    tiles %<>%
   tiles@data@attributes <- atts
   tiles@legend <- leg
  } else {
    tiles <- tiles[[1]]
  tiles <- tryCatch(tiles %>% raster::crop(y = template %>% sp::spTransform(CRSobj = tiles %>% raster::projection()), snap = "out"), 
                    error = function(e) {
                      tiles %>% raster::crop(y = template %>% sp::spTransform(CRSobj = tiles %>% raster::projection()))
                      paste0(extraction.dir, "/", label, "_NLCD_", year,"_",dataset, ".tif"),
                      datatype = "INT1U",
                      options = raster.options,
                      overwrite = T,
                      setStatistics = FALSE)
  # Save the PAM attributes file
  if(dataset == "landcover"){
    # data(nlcd_landcover_pam, package = "FedData")
    nlcd_landcover_pam <- FedData::nlcd_landcover_pam
                       paste0(extraction.dir, "/", label, "_NLCD_", year,"_",dataset, ".tif.aux.xml"))
  }else if(dataset == "canopy"){
    # data(nlcd_canopy_pam, package = "FedData")
    nlcd_canopy_pam <- FedData::nlcd_canopy_pam
                       paste0(extraction.dir, "/", label, "_NLCD_", year,"_",dataset, ".tif.aux.xml"))
  }else if(dataset == "impervious"){
    # data(nlcd_impervious_pam, package = "FedData")
    nlcd_impervious_pam <- FedData::nlcd_impervious_pam
                       paste0(extraction.dir, "/", label, "_NLCD_", year,"_",dataset, ".tif.aux.xml"))


#' Download a zipped tile from the National Land Cover Database.
#' Tiles are 3x3 degree.
#' Tiles are downloaded in zipped geotiff format. \code{download_nlcd_tile} returns the path to the downloaded zip file.
#' @param year An integer representing the year of desired NLCD product. Acceptable values are 2011 (default), 2006, and 2001.
#' @param dataset A character string representing type of the NLCD product. Acceptable values are landcover' (default), 'impervious', and 'canopy'.
#' @param tileName An character string representing tile to be downloaded. Will be of the form 'NxxWxxx', with the 'x' values as numbers.
#' @param raw.dir A character string indicating where raw downloaded files should be put.
#' The directory will be created if missing. Defaults to './RAW/NLCD/'.
#' @return A character string representing the full local path of the downloaded directory.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
download_nlcd_tile <- function(year = 2011,
                               dataset = "landcover",
                               raw.dir) {
  if(dataset == "landcover"){
    dataset_abbr <- "LC"
  }else if(dataset == "impervious"){
    dataset_abbr <- "IMP"
  }else if(dataset == "canopy"){
    dataset_abbr <- "CAN"
    stop("Parameter 'dataset' must be one of 'landcover', 'impervious', or 'canopy'.")
  destdir <- raw.dir
  dir.create(destdir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  url <- paste0("",
                year, "/",
                year, "_",
                dataset_abbr, "_",
  download_data(url = url, destdir = destdir)
  return(normalizePath(paste0(destdir,"/", basename(url))))

#' Download and crop a tile from the National Land Cover Database.
#' \code{get_nlcd_tile} returns a \code{RasterLayer} cropped within the specified \code{template}.
#' If template is not provided, returns the entire NLCD tile.
#' @param template A \code{Raster*} or \code{Spatial*} object to serve 
#' as a template for cropping. If missing, entire tile is returned.
#' @param year An integer representing the year of desired NLCD product. Acceptable values are 2011 (default), 2006, and 2001.
#' @param dataset A character string representing type of the NLCD product. Acceptable values are landcover' (default), 'impervious', and 'canopy'.
#' @param tileName An character string representing tile to be downloaded. Will be of the form 'NxxWxxx', with the 'x' values as numbers.
#' @param raw.dir A character string indicating where raw downloaded files should be put.
#' The directory will be created by \code{download_nlcd_tile} if missing. Defaults to './RAW/NLCD/'.
#' @return A \code{RasterLayer} cropped within the specified \code{template}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @keywords internal
get_nlcd_tile <- function(template = NULL,
                          year = 2011,
                          dataset = "landcover",
                          raw.dir) {
  if(dataset == "landcover"){
    dataset_abbr <- "LC"
  }else if(dataset == "impervious"){
    dataset_abbr <- "IMP"
  }else if(dataset == "canopy"){
    dataset_abbr <- "CAN"
    stop("Parameter 'dataset' must be one of 'landcover', 'impervious', or 'canopy'.")
  tmpdir <- tempfile()
  if (!dir.create(tmpdir)) 
    stop("failed to create my temporary directory")
  message("(Down)Loading NLCD tile: ", tileName)
  file <- download_nlcd_tile(year = year,
                             dataset = dataset,
                             tileName = tileName,
                             raw.dir = raw.dir)
  tryCatch(utils::unzip(file, exdir = tmpdir),
           warning = function(w){
             if(grepl("extracting from zip file",w$message) & !grepl("error -1 in extracting from zip file",w$message)){
               stop("nlcd file ",file," corrupt or incomplete. Please delete the file and try again.")
  tile <- stringr::str_c(tmpdir,"/NLCD",
                         year, "_",
                         dataset_abbr, "_",
                         ".tif") %>%
  if (!is.null(template)) {
    tile <- tryCatch(tile %>% raster::crop(y = template %>% sp::spTransform(CRSobj = tile %>% raster::projection()), snap = "out"), 
                     error = function(e) {
                       tile %>% raster::crop(y = template %>% sp::spTransform(CRSobj = tile %>% raster::projection()))
  # tile <- tile * 1
  unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)

#' The NLCD tiles SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.
#' A dataset containing the NLCD tiles.
#' @format A SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with 203 features and 1 variable:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Name}{the name of the tile}
#' }

#' The NLCD landcover PAM attributes.
#' A dataset containing the PAM attributes.

#' The NLCD canopy PAM attributes.
#' A dataset containing the PAM attributes.

#' The NLCD impervious PAM attributes.
#' A dataset containing the PAM attributes.
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