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Tip revision: beb6c9118b4f355fc630943f00274a7df8714fe1 authored by Doug Nychka on 26 April 2007, 00:00:00 UTC
version 3.5
Tip revision: beb6c91
\name{Exponential covariances, radial basis functions and stationary 
  Exponential covariance family, radial basis 
functions and a general function for stationary covariances. }
Given two sets of locations computes the cross covariance matrix for
covariances among all pairings. 

Note: These functions have been been renamed from the previous fields functions
using 'Exp' in place of 'exp' to avoid conflict with the generic exponential 
function (\code{exp(...)})in R. 
Exp.cov(x1, x2, theta = rep(1, ncol(x1)), p = 1, C = NA, marginal=FALSE)

Exp.simple.cov(x1, x2, theta =1, C=NA,marginal=FALSE)

Rad.cov(x1, x2, p = 1, with.log = TRUE, with.constant = TRUE, 

Rad.simple.cov(x1, x2, p=1, with.log = TRUE, with.constant = TRUE, 
               C = NA, marginal=FALSE)

stationary.cov(x1, x2, Covariance="Exponential", Distance="rdist",
               Dist.args=NULL, theta=1.0,C=NA, marginal=FALSE,...)


Matrix of first set of locations where each row gives the coordinates of a

Matrix of second set of locations where each row gives the coordinates of
a particular point. If this is missing x1 is used. 

Range (or scale) parameter. This can be a scalar, vector or matrix.
If a scalar or vector these are expanded to be the diagonal elements of 
a linear transformation of the coordinates. In R code the transformation 
applied before distances are found is:  \code{x1 \%*\% t(solve(theta))} or 
if theta is a scalar: \code{x1/theta}.
Default is theta=1. See Details below. 
A vector with the same length as the number of rows of x2. 
If specified the covariance matrix will be multiplied by this vector.

\item{marginal}{If TRUE returns just the diagonal elements of the 
covariance matrix using the \code{x1} locations. In this case this is
just 1.0. The marginal argument will trivial for this function is a 
required argument and capability for all covariance functions used with 

Exponent in the exponential form. p=1 gives an exponential and p=2 gives a
Gaussian. Default is the exponential form.

For the radial basis  function this is the exponent for the distance 
between locations. 

\item{ with.constant}{ 
 If TRUE includes complicated constant for radial basis functions. 
See the function \code{radbad.constant} for more details. The
default is TRUE include the constant. Without the usual constant
the lambda used here will differ by a constant from estimators ( e.g.
cubic smoothing splines) that use the constant. Also a negative value
for the constant may be necessary to make the radial basis positive
definite as opposed to negative definite. }

\item{with.log} { If TRUE include a log term for even dimensions. 
This is needed to be a thin plate spline of integer order. }

\item{ Covariance} { Character string that is the name of the covariance 
shape function for the distance between 
locations. Choices in fields are \code{Exponential}, \code{Matern}}

\item{Distance}{Character string that is the name of the distance 
function to use. Choices in fields are \code{rdist}, \code{}}

\item{Dist.args}{ A list of optional arguments to pass to the Distance 

\item{\dots}{ Any other arguments that will be passed to the 
covariance function. e.g. \code{smoothness} for the Matern.}


If the argument C is NULL the cross covariance matrix. Moreover if x1 is
equal to x2 then this is the covariance matrix for this set of locations. 
In general if nrow(x1)=m and nrow(
x2)=n then the returned matrix, Sigma will be mXn. 

If C is a vector of length n,  
then returned value is the multiplication of the cross covariance matrix
with this vector:  Sigma\%*\%C 

 For purposes of illustration, the function \code{Exp.cov.simple} is
provided as a simple example and implements the R code discussed below.
It can also serve as a template for creating new covariance functions for the
\code{Krig} function. Also see the higher level function 
\code{stationary.cov} to mix and match different covariance shapes and 
distance functions. 

 Functional Form: If x1 and x2 are matrices where nrow(x1)=m and
nrow(x2)=n then this function will return a mXn matrix where the (i,j)
element is the covariance between the locations x1[i,] and x2[j,]. The
covariance is found as exp( -(D.ij **p)) where D.ij is the Euclidean
distance between x1[i,] and x2[j,] but having first been scaled by theta. 

 Specifically if \code{theta} is a matrix to represent a linear 
transformation of the coordinates, then let 
u= x1\%*\% t(solve( theta)) and v= x2\%*\% t(solve(theta)).
Form the mXn distance matrix with elements:

D[i,j] = sqrt(  sum( ( u[i,] - v[j,])**2 )  ).

and the cross covariance matrix is found by \code{exp(-D)}.

Note that if theta is a scalar then this defines an isotropic covariance
function and the functional form is essentially \code{exp(-D/theta)}.

The function \code{r.dist} is a useful FIELDS function that finds
the cross Euclidean distance matrix (D defined above) for two sets of 
locations. Thus in compact R code we have  

  exp(-rdist(u, v)**p)

Note that this function must also support two other kinds of calls:

If marginal is TRUE then just the diagonal elements are returned
(in R code \code{diag( exp(-rdist(u,u)**p) )}). 

If C is passed then the returned value is 
\code{ exp(-rdist(u, v)**p) \%*\% C} 

Radial basis functions: The functional form is 
Constant* rdist(u, v)**p for odd dimensions 
and Constant* rdist(u,v)**p * log( rdist(u,v)
For an m th order thin plate spline in d dimensions p= 2*m-d and must 
be positive. The constant, depending on m and d, is coded in the fields 
function \code{radbas.constant}. This form is only a generalized 
covariance function -- it is only positive definite when restricted to
linear subspace.  See \code{Rad.simple.cov} for a coding of the radial 
basis functions in R code. 

Stationary covariance: Here the computation is apply the function
 Covariance to the distances found by the Distance function. 
For example \code{Exp.cov(x1,x2, theta=MyTheta)} and 
\code{stationary.cov( x1,x2, theta=MyTheta, Distance= "rdist", 
are the same. This also the same as 
\code{stationary.cov( x1,x2, theta=MyTheta, Distance= "rdist", 

About the FORTRAN: The actual function \code{Exp.cov} and 
\code{Rad.cov} calls FORTRAN to 
make the evaluation more efficient this is especially important when the 
C argument is supplied. So unfortunately the actual production code in 
Exp.cov is not as crisp as the R code sketched above. See  
\code{Rad.simple.cov} for a R coding of the radial basis functions.  

 Krig, rdist,, gauss.cov, Exp.image.cov, Exponential, Matern 
# exponential covariance matrix ( marginal variance =1) for the ozone
out<- Exp.cov( ozone$x, theta=100)

# out is a 20X20 matrix
out2<- Exp.cov( ozone$x[6:20,],ozone$x[1:2,], theta=100)
# out2 is 15X2 matrix 

# Kriging fit where the nugget variance is found by GCV 
fit<- Krig( ozone$x, ozone$y, cov.function="Exp.cov", theta=100)

% docclass is function

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