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Tip revision: 7b2778b4ea77eab24528cc59cedaba09e3460fa7 authored by Doug Nychka on 22 April 2008, 00:00:00 UTC
version 4.3
Tip revision: 7b2778b
% fields, Tools for spatial data
% Copyright 2004-2007, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences
% University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
% Licensed under the GPL --

\name{Covariance functions} 
  Exponential  family, radial basis 
functions, compactly  supported Wendland family and 
stationary covariances. }
Given two sets of locations computes the cross covariance matrix for
some covariance families. In addition these functions can take advantage 
of spareness and implement more efficient multiplcation of the 
cross covariance by a vector or matrix.  

Note: These functions have been been renamed from the previous fields functions
using 'Exp' in place of 'exp' to avoid conflict with the generic exponential 
function (\code{exp(...)})in R. 
Exp.cov(x1, x2, theta = rep(1, ncol(x1)), p = 1, C = NA, marginal=FALSE)

Exp.simple.cov(x1, x2, theta =1, C=NA,marginal=FALSE)

Rad.cov(x1, x2, p = 1, with.log = TRUE, with.constant = TRUE, 

Rad.simple.cov(x1, x2, p=1, with.log = TRUE, with.constant = TRUE, 
               C = NA, marginal=FALSE)

stationary.cov(x1, x2, Covariance="Exponential", Distance="rdist",
               Dist.args=NULL, theta=1.0,C=NA, marginal=FALSE,...)

stationary.taper.cov(x1, x2, Covariance="Exponential", 
           Dist.args=NULL, Taper.args=NULL, 
           theta=1.0, C=NA, marginal=FALSE,
           max.points=NULL, mean.neighbor = 50, spam.format=TRUE,...)

wendland.cov(x1, x2, theta = rep(1, ncol(x1)), k = 2, C = NA, 
             marginal =FALSE, max.points = NULL, mean.neighbor = 50, 
             spam.format = TRUE, derivative = 0)

Matrix of first set of locations where each row gives the coordinates of a

Matrix of second set of locations where each row gives the coordinates of
a particular point. If this is missing x1 is used. 

Range (or scale) parameter. This can be a scalar, vector or matrix.
If a scalar or vector these are expanded to be the diagonal elements of 
a linear transformation of the coordinates. In R code the transformation 
applied before distances are found is:  \code{x1 \%*\% t(solve(theta))} or 
if theta is a scalar: \code{x1/theta}.
Default is theta=1. See Details below. 
A vector with the same length as the number of rows of x2. 
If specified the covariance matrix will be multiplied by this vector.

\item{marginal}{If TRUE returns just the diagonal elements of the 
covariance matrix using the \code{x1} locations. In this case this is
just 1.0. The marginal argument will trivial for this function is a 
required argument and capability for all covariance functions used with 

Exponent in the exponential form. p=1 gives an exponential and p=2 gives a
Gaussian. Default is the exponential form.

For the radial basis  function this is the exponent for the distance 
between locations. 

 If TRUE includes complicated constant for radial basis functions. 
See the function \code{radbad.constant} for more details. The
default is TRUE include the constant. Without the usual constant
the lambda used here will differ by a constant from estimators ( e.g.
cubic smoothing splines) that use the constant. Also a negative value
for the constant may be necessary to make the radial basis positive
definite as opposed to negative definite. }

\item{with.log}{ If TRUE include a log term for even dimensions. 
This is needed to be a thin plate spline of integer order. }

\item{Covariance} { Character string that is the name of the covariance 
shape function for the distance between 
locations. Choices in fields are \code{Exponential}, \code{Matern}}

\item{Distance}{Character string that is the name of the distance 
function to use. Choices in fields are \code{rdist}, \code{}}

\item{Taper}{Character string that is the name of the taper 
function to use. Choices in fields are listed in help(taper).}

\item{Dist.args}{ A list of optional arguments to pass to the Distance 

\item{Taper.args}{ A list of optional arguments to pass to the Taper 
function. \code{theta} should always be the name for the range (or scale)

\item{max.points}{ The maximum number of nonzero elements in the tapered
form of the covariance. This is a detailed argument that makes a work
array large enough for finding the nearest neighbor points (see
field.rdist.near). The default, set within field.rdist.near is
\code{ nrow( x1)* mean.neighbor}. }

\item{mean.neighbor}{ Average number of neighbors expected for each
location in sparse covariance matrix. This argument controls the temp
space for finding neighbors of location within a specified distance
(e.g. theta of taper) and will depend on the particular configuration of
points. The default value is 50.} 

\item{spam.format}{If TRUE returns matrix in sparse matrix format implemented in the
spam package. If FALSE just returns a full matrix. }

\item{k}{The order of the Wendland covariance function.
 See help on Wendland.}

\item{derivative}{ If nonzero evaluates the partials of the covariance
function at locations x1. This must be used with "C" option and is mainly 
called from within a predict function. 

\item{\dots}{ Any other arguments that will be passed to the 
covariance function. e.g. \code{smoothness} for the Matern.}


\value{ If the argument C is NULL the cross covariance matrix is returned. 
In general if nrow(x1)=m and nrow(x2)=n then the returned
matrix will be mXn. 
if x1 is equal to x2 then this is the covariance matrix for this set of

If C is a vector of length n,  
then returned value is the multiplication of the cross covariance matrix
with this vector. 

 For purposes of illustration, the function \code{Exp.cov.simple} is
provided as a simple example and implements the R code discussed below.
It can also serve as a template for creating new covariance functions for the
\code{Krig} and \code{mKrig} functions. Also see the higher level function 
\code{stationary.cov} to mix and match different covariance shapes and 
distance functions. 

 Functional Form: If x1 and x2 are matrices where nrow(x1)=m and
nrow(x2)=n then this function will return a mXn matrix where the (i,j)
element is the covariance between the locations x1[i,] and x2[j,]. The
covariance is found as exp( -(D.ij **p)) where D.ij is the Euclidean
distance between x1[i,] and x2[j,] but having first been scaled by theta. 

 Specifically if \code{theta} is a matrix to represent a linear 
transformation of the coordinates, then let 
u= x1\%*\% t(solve( theta)) and v= x2\%*\% t(solve(theta)).
Form the mXn distance matrix with elements:

D[i,j] = sqrt(  sum( ( u[i,] - v[j,])**2 )  ).

and the cross covariance matrix is found by \code{exp(-D)}.
The tapered form (ignoring scaling parameters) is a matrix with i,j entry 
exp(-D[i,j])*T(D[i,j]). With T being a positive definite tapering function that is also 
assumed to be zero beyond 1. 

Note that if theta is a scalar then this defines an isotropic covariance
function and the functional form is essentially \code{exp(-D/theta)}.

The function \code{r.dist} is a useful FIELDS function that finds
the cross Euclidean distance matrix (D defined above) for two sets of 
locations. Thus in compact R code we have  

  exp(-rdist(u, v)**p)

Note that this function must also support two other kinds of calls:

If marginal is TRUE then just the diagonal elements are returned
(in R code \code{diag( exp(-rdist(u,u)**p) )}). 

If C is passed then the returned value is 

\code{ exp(-rdist(u, v)**p) \%*\% C} 

Radial basis functions \code{Rad.cov}: The functional form is 
Constant* rdist(u, v)**p for odd dimensions 
and Constant* rdist(u,v)**p * log( rdist(u,v)
For an m th order thin plate spline in d dimensions p= 2*m-d and must 
be positive. The constant, depending on m and d, is coded in the fields 
function \code{radbas.constant}. This form is only a generalized 
covariance function -- it is only positive definite when restricted to
linear subspace.  See \code{Rad.simple.cov} for a coding of the radial 
basis functions in R code. 

Stationary covariance \code{stationary.cov}: 
Here the computation is to apply the function
 Covariance to the distances found by the Distance function. 
For example 

\code{Exp.cov(x1,x2, theta=MyTheta)} 


\code{stationary.cov( x1,x2, theta=MyTheta, Distance= "rdist", 

are the same. This also the same as 

\code{stationary.cov( x1,x2, theta=MyTheta, Distance= "rdist", 

Stationary tapered covariance \code{stationary.taper.cov}: The resulting
cross covariance is the direct or Shure product of the tapering function
and the covariance. In R code given location matrices, \code{x1} and
\code{x2} and using Euclidean distance. 
\code{Covariance(rdist( x1, x2))*Taper( rdist( x1, x2))}

By convention, the \code{Taper} function is assumed to be identically
zero outside the interval [0,1]. Some efficiency is introduced within
the function to search for pairs of locations that are nonzero with
respect to the Taper. This search may find more nonzero pairs than
dimensioned by \code{max.points}. Given this error just pass a larger
for \code{max.points} explicitly. For spam.format TRUE the
multiplication with the \code{C} argument is done with the spam sparse
multiplication routines through the "overloading" of the \code{\%*\%}
operator.  Currently this function only supports the Euclidean distance

About the FORTRAN: The actual function \code{Exp.cov} and 
\code{Rad.cov} calls FORTRAN to 
make the evaluation more efficient this is especially important when the 
C argument is supplied. So unfortunately the actual production code in 
Exp.cov is not as crisp as the R code sketched above. See  
\code{Rad.simple.cov} for a R coding of the radial basis functions.  

 Krig, rdist,, gauss.cov, Exp.image.cov, Exponential, Matern, 
Wendland.cov, mKrig} 

# exponential covariance matrix ( marginal variance =1) for the ozone
out<- Exp.cov( ozone$x, theta=100)

# out is a 20X20 matrix

out2<- Exp.cov( ozone$x[6:20,],ozone$x[1:2,], theta=100)
# out2 is 15X2 matrix 

# Kriging fit where the nugget variance is found by GCV 
# Matern covariance shape with range of 100.

fit<- Krig( ozone$x, ozone$y, Covariance="Matern", theta=100,smoothness=2)

data( ozone2)
x<- ozone2$
y<- ozone2$y[16,]

# example of calling the taper version directly 
# Note that default covariance is exponential and default taper is 
# Wendland (k=2).

stationary.taper.cov( x,x, theta=1.5, Taper.args= list(k=2, theta=2.0),
                           mean.neighbor= 200 )-> temp
# temp is a tapered covariance matrix in sparse format. 

 is.spam( temp)  # evaluates to TRUE

 temp<-  spam2full(temp) # should be identical to
 temp2<- Exp.cov( x,x, theta=1.5) * wendland.cov(x,x, 
                      theta= 2.0*1.5,spam.format=FALSE) temp, temp2)

# Here is an example of how the cross covariance multiply works
# and lots of options on the arguments

 Ctest<- rnorm(10)
 temp<- stationary.cov( x,x[1:10,], C= Ctest, 
        Covariance= "Wendland", 
            k=2, dimension=2, theta=1.5 )

# do multiply explicitly

 temp2<- stationary.cov( x,x[1:10,],
        Covariance= "Wendland",
            k=2, dimension=2, theta=1.5 )\%*\% Ctest temp, temp2)

# use the tapered stationary version 
# cov.args is part of the argument list passed to stationary.taper.cov
# within Krig. 
# This example needs the spam package.


Krig(x,y, cov.function = "stationary.taper.cov", theta=1.5,
      cov.args= list( Taper.args= list(k=2, theta=2.0) )
           ) -> out2 

# BTW  this is very similar to 
 Krig(x,y, theta= 1.5)-> out

% docclass is function

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