Raw File
Tip revision: e2b8e35a0baa0a1e0ee401508b4ac9c0a889453e authored by Christopher Schwan on 22 June 2022, 07:00:38 UTC
Release v0.5.3
Tip revision: e2b8e35
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# Introduction

This repository contains tools, libraries and interfaces to read and write
`PineAPPL` interpolation grids, which store theoretical predictions for
[high-energy collisions] independently from their [PDFs].

Similar projects are:

- [APPLgrid] and
- [fastNLO].

This repository hosts four main crates:

- [`pineappl`] is the crate containing the main functionality,
- [`pineappl_capi`] installs a library and a C header, to use PineAPPL from
  your C, C++ or Fortran programs,
- [`pineappl_cli`] installs the program `pineappl` to use PineAPPL from the
  command line and
- [`pineappl_py`] is the Python interface.

[APPLgrid]: https://applgrid.hepforge.org/
[fastNLO]: https://fastnlo.hepforge.org/
[high-energy collisions]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle_physics
[PDFs]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parton_(particle_physics)#Parton_distribution_functions
[`pineappl`]: https://crates.io/crates/pineappl/
[`pineappl_capi`]: https://crates.io/crates/pineappl_capi/
[`pineappl_cli`]: https://crates.io/crates/pineappl_cli/
[`pineappl_py`]: https://pypi.org/project/pineappl/

# Documentation

Documentation is available [here](docs/README.md).

# Installation

Installation instructions are [here](docs/installation.md).

# Contributions

Before submitting a pull request please read the
[contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md).

# Citation


If you use PineAPPL, please cite

1. the zenodo DOI above and
2. the following reference:

       author = "Carrazza, S. and Nocera, E. R. and Schwan, C. and Zaro, M.",
       title = "{PineAPPL: combining EW and QCD corrections for fast evaluation of LHC processes}",
       eprint = "2008.12789",
       archivePrefix = "arXiv",
       primaryClass = "hep-ph",
       doi = "10.1007/JHEP12(2020)108",
       journal = "JHEP",
       volume = "12",
       pages = "108",
       year = "2020"
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